Type Set of cruises
Chief scientist(s) JADAUD Angélique ORCID, CERTAIN Grégoire
Project manager JADAUD Angélique ORCID
DOI 10.18142/7

The objective is to have resource abundance estimators that are comparable between the different zones, with the standardization of observation methods allowing the reproduction, under similar conditions, of abundance indices for the different species over time. Standardized observation protocols relating in particular to the location of sampling stations, the characteristics and methods of use of the capture gear, biological observations, computer file formats, have thus been defined jointly between the various partner countries and are applied by all teams participating in the MEDITS programme.

Thus five depth strata have been defined for all sectors: 10-50 m, 50-100 m, 100-200 m, 200-500 m and 500-800 m. The basic principle is that of a distribution of the stations in proportion to the surface of the strata, with random selection of the stations in each stratum. Biological observations are carried out according to the protocol described in the latest version of "Instruction manual MEDITS" (version 9, 2017). All the species collected, including the mégabenthos, are sorted, weighed and counted. For 84 species, measurements are also carried out and on 41 of these species (32 selachians, 5 bony fish, 4 crustaceans, 2 cephalopods) all the individual parameters are collected (weight, sex, maturity, size, otoliths for the two mullets and hake and illicii for both monkfish) and stomach contents of hake. The partners include in the program the systematic collection of basic indicators on environmental conditions (temperature/depth). The campaigns are organized as a priority to carry out the surveys provided for in this program (any additional request for samples must be addressed to the head of mission and be the subject of a prior agreement). However, the partners reserve the possibility of enhancing the time spent at sea by vessels by collecting information (climatology, environment, other biological parameters required by the DCF, anthropogenic macro-waste, etc.).

The French MEDITS surveys only integrated in 2015, sampling protocols of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), within the limits of feasibility and ensuring compliance with the collection of basic data required for the MEDITS campaign of origin. These collections mainly concern the taking of samples, the analyzes of which relate to and gelatinous and marine macro-litter. Furthermore, hydrological information is also collected, namely by using the Pocket Ferry Box (PFB); Fluorescence / turbidity / oxygen / Temperature / Salinity / pH / Dissolved and colored organic matter (CDOM) and 4 spectral groups with the PFB Algual Analyzer.

Scientific context

Main results

Data acquired and analyses carried out at sea and on shore

Published data

Certain Gregoire, Jadaud Angelique, Vaz Sandrine, Metral Luisa, Cheret Isabelle, Billet Norbert, Schull Quentin, Tessier Emmanuel, Cornou Anne Sophie, Souplet Arnauld (2024). MEDITS catch data: Bentho-demersal assemblages of the Gulf of Lion and eastern Corsica (North-western Mediterranean) from 2016 to present.

Andrialovanirina Nicolas, Poloni Lauriane, Laffont Rémi, Poisson Caillault Emilie, Couette Sébastien, Mahé Kelig (2024). 3D otolith mesh dataset of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) in the Mediterranean Sea.



Bensebaini Meriem, Certain Gregoire, Gourguet SophieORCID, Thébaud OlivierORCID, Hattab Tarek, Billet Norbert, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Fromentin Jean-MarcORCID (2025). Identifying statistical interaction networks in marine communities using multivariate time series analysis: An application in the Gulf of Lions. Fisheries Research, 281, 107177 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Millot Jade, Georges Vincent, Lauria Valentina, Hattab Tarek, Dominguez-Carrió Carlos, Gerovasileiou Vasilis, Smith Christopher J., Mytilineou Chryssi, Teresa Farriols M., Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Carbonara Pierluigi, Massi Daniela, Rinelli Paola, Profeta Adriana, Chimienti Giovanni, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Thasitis Ioannis, Camilleri Kelly, Mifsud Jurgen, Vaz SandrineORCID (2024). Habitat shifts of the vulnerable crinoid Leptometra phalangium under climate change scenarios. Progress In Oceanography, 229, 103355 (16p.).

Vanalderweireldt Lucie, Albouy CamilleORCID, Le Loch Francois, Libralato Simone, Millot Rémi, Garcia Jessica, Santoni Marie-Catherine, Culioli Jean-Michel, de Bettignies Thibaut, Durieux Éric D.H. (2024). Bonifacio strait natural reserve (BSNR): Investigating ecosystem functioning through comparative modelling of marine protected areas. Ocean & Coastal Management, 256, 107263 (14p.).

Receveur Aurore, Leprieur Fabien, Ellingsen Kari E., Keith David, Kleisner Kristin M., McLean Matthew, Mérigot Bastien, Mills Katherine E., Mouillot David, Rufino MartaORCID, Trindade‐santos Isaac, Van Hoey Gert, Albouy CamilleORCID, Auber ArnaudORCID (2024). Long‐term changes in taxonomic and functional composition of European marine fish communities. Ecography, 2024(9), e07234 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Andrialovanirina Nicolas, Poloni Lauriane, Laffont Rémi, Poisson-Caillault Emilie, Couette Sébastien, Mahe KeligORCID (2024). 3D meshes dataset of sagittal otoliths from red mullet in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientific Data, 11(1), 813 (7p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Hopkins Stephanie, Lehuta SigridORCID, Mahevas StephanieORCID, Vaz SandrineORCID (2024). Trade-offs between spatial temporal closures and effort reduction measures to ensure fisheries sustainability. Fisheries Research, 274, 106998 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

de Bettignies Thibaut, Van Den Beld Inge, Janson Anne-Laure, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Menot LenaickORCID, Lartaud Franck, Le Bris Nadine, Paquignon Guillaume, Robert Alexandre, Boyé AurélienORCID (2024). Bilan des connaissances sur les récifs du bathyal et évaluation de l’état de conservation de l’habitat d’intérêt communautaire Récifs dans les eaux françaises hexagonales. Naturae, 2024(8), 143-177. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Veloy Carlos, Coll Marta, Pennino Maria Grazia, Garcia Encarnación, Esteban Antonio, Ruiz Cristina García-, Certain Gregoire, Vaz SandrineORCID, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, González María, Hidalgo Manuel (2024). Understanding the response of the Western Mediterranean cephalopods to environment and fishing in a context of alleged winners of change. Marine Environmental Research, 197, 106478 (13p.).

Chust Guillem, Villarino Ernesto, McLean Matthew, Mieszkowska Nova, Benedetti-Cecchi Lisandro, Bulleri Fabio, Ravaglioli Chiara, Borja Angel, Muxika Iñigo, Fernandes-Salvador José A., Ibaibarriaga Leire, Uriarte Ainhize, Revilla Marta, Villate Fernando, Iriarte Arantza, Uriarte Ibon, Zervoudaki Soultana, Carstensen Jacob, Somerfield Paul J., Queirós Ana M., McEvoy Andrea J., Auber ArnaudORCID, Hidalgo Manuel, Coll Marta, Garrabou Joaquim, Gómez-Gras Daniel, Linares Cristina, Ramírez Francisco, Margarit Núria, Lepage Mario, Dambrine Chloé, Lobry Jérémy, Peck Myron A., de La Barra Paula, Van Leeuwen Anieke, Rilov Gil, Yeruham Erez, Brind'Amour AnikORCID, Lindegren Martin (2024). Cross-basin and cross-taxa patterns of marine community tropicalization and deborealization in warming European seas. Nature Communications, 15(1), 2126 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Kerametsidis Georgios, Thorson James T, Rossi Vincent, Álvarez-Berastegui Diego, Barnes Cheryl, Certain Gregoire, Esteban Antonio, García Encarnacion, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Piñeiro Safo, Vivas Miguel, Hidalgo Manuel (2024). Cross-scale environmental impacts across persistent and dynamic aggregations within a complex population: implications for fisheries management. Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences, 81(3), 268-284. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cau Alessandro, Sbrana Alice, Franceschini Simone, Fiorentino Fabio, Follesa Maria Cristina, Galgani FrancoisORCID, Garofalo Germana, Gerigny Olivia, Profeta Adriana, Rinelli Paola, Sbrana Mario, Russo Tommaso (2024). What, where, and when: Spatial-temporal distribution of macro-litter on the seafloor of the western and central Mediterranean sea. Environmental Pollution, 342, 123028 (14p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Dimarchopoulou Donna, Keramidas Ioannis, Tsagarakis Konstantinos, Markantonatou Vasiliki, Halouani GhassenORCID, Tsikliras Athanassios C. (2024). Spatiotemporal fishing effort simulations and restriction scenarios in Thermaikos Gulf, Greece (northeastern Mediterranean Sea). Ocean & Coastal Management, 247, 106914 (14p.).

ICES (2024). Working Group on Fisheries Benthic Impact and Trade-offs (WGFBIT; outputs from 2023 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM, 6(35), 156pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bousquet Caroline, Mourier Johann, Giovos Ioannis, Meyers Eva K., Dijoux Jessica, Durieux Eric D.H.. Local Ecological Knowledge and Fishery Data Provides Important Information on the Distribution and Seasonal Dynamic of Critically Endangered Angel Sharks in Corsica (Mediterranean Sea, France). Preprint IN PRESS. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Isbert Wolf, Dallarés Sara, Grau Amalia, Petrou Antonis, García-Ruiz Cristina, Guijarro Beatriz, Jung Armelle, Catanese Gaetano (2023). A molecular and epidemiological study of Grillotia (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) larval infection in Etmopterus spinax (Elasmobranchii: Squaliformes) in the Mediterranean Sea and Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 199, 104102 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Grøsvik Bjørn Einar, Buhl-Mortensen Lene, Bergmann Melanie, Booth Andy M., Gomiero Alessio, Galgani FrancoisORCID (2023). Status and future recommendations for recording and monitoring litter on the Arctic seafloor. Arctic Science, 9(2), 345-355. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Seyer Thomas, Bănaru Daniela, Vaz SandrineORCID, Hattab Tarek, Labrune Céline, Booth Shawn, Charmasson Sabine (2023). Ecosystem modelling in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Structure and functioning of a complex system. Journal Of Marine Systems, 240, 103877 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Andrialovanirina Nicolas, Poisson Caillault Emilie, Couette Sébastien, Laffont Rémi, Poloni Lauriane, Lutet-Toti Camille, Mahe KeligORCID (2023). Asymmetry of Sagittal Otolith Shape Based on Inner Ear Side Tested on Mediterranean Red Mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758): Comparative Analysis of 2D and 3D Otolith Shape Data. Symmetry-basel, 15(5), 1067 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Antoniou Aglaia, Manousaki Tereza, Ramírez Francisco, Cariani Alessia, Cannas Rita, Kasapidis Panagiotis, Magoulas Antonios, Albo‐puigserver Marta, Lloret‐lloret Elena, Bellido Jose Maria, Pennino Maria Grazia, Follesa Maria Cristina, Esteban Antonio, Saraux Claire, Sbrana Mario, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Coll Marta, Tsigenopoulos Costas S. (2023). Sardines at a junction: seascape genomics reveals ecological and oceanographic drivers of variation in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Molecular Ecology, 32(7), 1608-1628. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

de Cubber Lola, Trenkel VerenaORCID, Diez Guzman, Gil-Herrera Juan, Novoa Pabon Ana Maria, Eme David, Lorance PascalORCID (2023). Robust identification of potential habitats of a rare demersal species (blackspot seabream) in the Northeast Atlantic. Ecological Modelling, 477, 110255 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mauffret AourellORCID, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Wessel NathalieORCID, Cresson PierreORCID, Banaru Daniela, Baudrier JeromeORCID, Bustamante Paco, Chekri Rachida, Jitaru Petru, Le Loch Francois, Mialet Benoit, Vaccher Vincent, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille (2023). Trace elements, dioxins and PCBs in different fish species and marine regions: Importance of the taxon and regional features. Environmental Research, 216(Part.3), 114624 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Falco Francesca, Bono Gioacchino, Cammarata Matteo, Cavalca Jessica, Vazzana Irene, Dara Mariano, Scannella Danilo, Guicciardi Stefano, Faggio Caterina, Ragonese Sergio (2023). Stress related blood values in Scyliorhinus canicula as live-indicators of physiological status after bottom trawling capture activity. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B-biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 263, 110802 (9p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

ICES (2023). Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP; outputs from 2022 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM, 5(76), 365pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

ICES (2023). Working Group on Fisheries Benthic Impact and Trade-offs (WGFBIT; outputs from 2022 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM, 5(16), 106pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Vanalderweireldt L., Albouy CamilleORCID, Le Loch Francois, Millot R., Blestel C., Patrissi M., Marengo M., Garcia Jessica, Bousquet C., Barrier C., Lefur M., Bisgambiglia P.-A., Donnay A., Ternengo S., Aiello A., Lejeune P., Durieux E.D.H. (2022). Ecosystem modelling of the Eastern Corsican Coast (ECC): Case study of one of the least trawled shelves of the Mediterranean Sea. Journal Of Marine Systems, 235, 103798 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Morales-Nin Beatriz, Pérez-Mayol Sílvia, Mackenzie KirsteenORCID, Catalán Ignacio A., Palmer Miquel, Kersaudy Thibaut, Mahé KeligORCID (2022). European hake (Merluccius merluccius) stock structure in the Mediterranean as assessed by otolith shape and microchemistry. Fisheries Research, 254, 106419 (10p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jac CyrielleORCID, Desroy NicolasORCID, Foveau AurélieORCID, Vaz SandrineORCID (2022). Disentangling trawling impact from natural variability on benthic communities. Continental Shelf Research, 247, 104828 (17p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Besnard Lucien, Duchatelet Laurent, Bird Christopher S., Le Croizier Gaël, Michel LoicORCID, Pinte Nicolas, Lepoint Gilles, Schaal Gauthier, Vieira Rui P., Gonçalves Jorge M.S., Martin Ulrich, Mallefet Jérôme (2022). Diet consistency but large-scale isotopic variations in a deep-sea shark: The case of the velvet belly lantern shark, Etmopterus spinax, in the northeastern Atlantic region and Mediterranean Sea. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 182, 103708 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Veloy Carlos, Hidalgo Manuel, Pennino Maria Grazia, Garcia Encarnación, Esteban Antonio, García-Ruiz Cristina, Certain Gregoire, Vaz SandrineORCID, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Coll Marta (2022). Spatial-temporal variation of the Western Mediterranean Sea biodiversity along a latitudinal gradient. Ecological Indicators, 136, 108674 (14p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

ICES (2022). Working Group on Fisheries Benthic Impact and Trade-offs (WGFBIT; outputs from 2021 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM, 4(9), 133p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Druon Jean‐noël, Gascuel Didier, Gibin Maurizio, Zanzi Antonella, Fromentin Jean-MarcORCID, Colloca Francesco, Hélaouët Pierre, Coll Marta, Mannini Alessandro, Bluemel Joanna K, Piroddi Chiara, Bastardie Francois, Macias‐moy Diego, Vasilakopoulos Paraskevas, Winker Henning, Serpetti Natalia, Guillen Jordi, Palialexis Andreas, Gras Michaël, Hekim Zeynep, Dubroca LaurentORCID, Pinto Cecilia, Steenbeek Jeroen, Martinsohn Jann (2021). Mesoscale productivity fronts and local fishing opportunities in the European Seas. Fish And Fisheries, 22(6), 1227-1247. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Iglesias Samuel, Bariche Michel, Beau Florent, Berenger Lucas, Beucher Renaud, Chabrolle Antoine, Cottalorda Jean-Michel, Cousin Bertrand, Curd AmeliaORCID, Danet Valentin, Duhamel ErwanORCID, Duval Audrey, Farque Pierre-Andre, Goascoz Nicolas, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Larnaud Pascal, Le Bouter Mathieu, Le Bras Yvan, Le Bris Sylvain, Lombard Laurent, Louisy Patrick, Mandine Main, Mas Lise, Menut Thomas, Metral LuisaORCID, Poussard Pierre, Quero Jean-Claude, Raybaud Virginie, Renoult Julien P., Richard Thomas, Spitz Jerome, Ternon Quentin, Thiriet Pierre, Tournier-Broer Ruben (2021). Signalements ichtyologiques français pour 2019 / French ichthyological records for 2019. Cybium, 45(3), 169-188. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jac CyrielleORCID, Desroy NicolasORCID, Duchêne Jean-Claude, Foveau AurelieORCID, Labrune Céline, Lescure Lyvia, Vaz SandrineORCID (2021). Assessing the impact of trawling on benthic megafauna: comparative study of video surveys vs. scientific trawling. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 78(5), 1636-1649. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

von Schuckmann Karina, Le Traon Pierre-YvesORCID, Smith Neville, Pascual Ananda, Djavidnia Samuel, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Grégoire Marilaure, Aaboe Signe, Alari Victor, Alexander Brittany E., Alonso-Martirena Andrés, Aydogdu Ali, Azzopardi Joel, Bajo Marco, Barbariol Francesco, Batistić Mirna, Behrens Arno, Ismail Sana Ben, Benetazzo Alvise, Bitetto Isabella, Borghini Mireno, Bray Laura, Capet Arthur, Carlucci Roberto, Chatterjee Sourav, Chiggiato Jacopo, Ciliberti Stefania, Cipriano Giulia, Clementi Emanuela, Cochrane Paul, Cossarini Gianpiero, D'Andrea Lorenzo, Davison Silvio, Down Emily, Drago Aldo, Druon Jean-Noël, Engelhard Georg, Federico Ivan, Garić Rade, Gauci Adam, Gerin Riccardo, Geyer Gerhard, Giesen Rianne, Good Simon, Graham Richard, Grégoire Marilaure, Greiner Eric, Gundersen Kjell, Hélaouët Pierre, Hendricks Stefan, Heymans Johanna J., Holt Jason, Hure Marijana, Juza Mélanie, Kassis Dimitris, Kellett Paula, Knol-Kauffman Maaike, Kountouris Panagiotis, Kõuts Marilii, Lagemaa Priidik, Lavergne Thomas, Legeais Jean Francois, Traon Pierre-Yves Le, Libralato Simone, Lien Vidar S., Lima Leonardo, Lind Sigrid, Liu Ye, Macías Diego, Maljutenko Ilja, Mangin Antoine, Männik Aarne, Marinova Veselka, Martellucci Riccardo, Masnadi Francesco, Mauri Elena, Mayer Michael, Menna Milena, Meulders Catherine, Møgster Jane S., Monier Maeva, Mork Kjell Arne, Müller Malte, Nilsen Jan Even Øie, Notarstefano Giulio, Oviedo José L., Palerme Cyril, Palialexis Andreas, Panzeri Diego, Pardo Silvia, Peneva Elisaveta, Pezzutto Paolo, Pirro Annunziata, Platt Trevor, Poulain Pierre-Marie, Prieto Laura, Querin Stefano, Rabenstein Lasse, Raj Roshin P., Raudsepp Urmas, Reale Marco, Renshaw Richard, Ricchi Antonio, Ricker Robert, Rikka Sander, Ruiz Javier, Russo Tommaso, Sanchez Jorge, Santoleri Rosalia, Sathyendranath Shubha, Scarcella Giuseppe, Schroeder Katrin, Sparnocchia Stefania, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Stanev Emil, Staneva Joanna, Stocker Alexandra, Stoffelen Ad, Teruzzi Anna, Townhill Bryony, Uiboupin Rivo, Valcheva Nadejda, Vandenbulcke Luc, Vindenes Håvard, Vrgoč Nedo, Wakelin Sarah, Zupa Walter (2021). Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 5. Journal Of Operational Oceanography, 14(suppl.1), 1-185. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lloret Josep, Serrat Alba, Þórðarson Guðmundur, Helle Kristin, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Bruno Isabel, Ordines Francesc, Sartor Paolo, Carbonara Pierluigi, Rätz Hans-Joachim (2021). The poor health of deep-water species in the context of fishing activity and a warming climate: will populations of Molva species rebuild or collapse? Journal Of Fish Biology, 98(6), 1572-1584. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Elliott Sam, Deleys NoemieORCID, Rivot E, Acou A, Réveillac E, Beaulaton L (2021). Shedding light on the river and sea lamprey in western European marine waters. Endangered Species Research, 44, 409-419. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

ICES (2021). Working Group on Fisheries Benthic Impact and Trade-offs (WGFBIT; outputs from 2020 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM, 3(70), 46pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

ICES (2021). A series of two Workshops to develop a suite of management options to reduce the impacts of bottom fishing on seabed habitats and undertake analysis of the trade-offs between overall benefit to seabed habitats and loss of fisheries revenue/contribution margin for these options (WKTRADE3). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM, 3(61), 100pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Iglésias Samuel P., Vukić Jasna, Sellos Daniel Y., Soukupová Tereza, Šanda Radek (2021). Gobius xoriguer, a new offshore Mediterranean goby (Gobiidae), and phylogenetic relationships within the genus Gobius. Ichthyological Research, 68(3), 445-459.

Mahe KeligORCID, Mackenzie KirsteenORCID, Djamila Ider, Massaro Andrea, Hamed Oussama, Jurado-Ruzafa Alba, Gonçalves Patricia, Anastasopoulou Aikaterini, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Mytilineou Chryssi, Randon Marine, Elleboode RomainORCID, Morell AlaiaORCID, Ramdane Zohir, Smith Joanne, Bekaert Karen, Amara Rachid, de Pontual HeleneORCID, Ernande BrunoORCID (2021). Directional Bilateral Asymmetry in Fish Otolith: A Potential Tool to Evaluate Stock Boundaries? Symmetry-basel, 13(6), 987 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Iglésias Sp, Bergot P, Breton P, Brunelle S, Camusat M, Causse R, Charbonnel E, Chevaldonné P, Cordier Y, Cosquer P, Cuillandre Jp, Curd AmeliaORCID, Dubas R, Duhau M, Derrien-Courtel S, Devique Gabriel, Dixneuf S, Duhamel ErwanORCID, Farque Pa, Francour P, Fontana Y, Gamon A, Gicqueau C, Goascoz Nicolas, Hassani S, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Kopp DorotheeORCID, Lamour L, Le Bris S, Leveque L, Liger P, Lorance PascalORCID, Louisy P, Maran V, Mehault SoniaORCID, Metral LuisaORCID, Morin-Repinçay A, Mouchel OlivierORCID, Pere A, Quéro Jc, Renoult Jp, Roche F, Schweyer L, Spitz J, Thiriet P, Thomas W (2020). Signalements ichtyologiques français pour 2018 / French icthyological records for 2018. Cybium, 44(4), 285-307. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bachiller Eneko, Albo-Puigserver Marta, Giménez Joan, Pennino Maria Grazia, Marí-Mena Neus, Esteban Antonio, Lloret-Lloret Elena, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Carro Belén, Bellido José María, Coll Marta (2020). A trophic latitudinal gradient revealed in anchovy and sardine from the Western Mediterranean Sea using a multi-proxy approach. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 17598 (18p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jac CyrielleORCID, Desroy NicolasORCID, Certain Gregoire, Foveau AurelieORCID, Labrune Céline, Vaz SandrineORCID (2020). Detecting adverse effect on seabed integrity. Part 1: Generic sensitivity indices to measure the effect of trawling on benthic mega-epifauna. Ecological Indicators, 117, 106631 (14p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jac CyrielleORCID, Desroy NicolasORCID, Certain Gregoire, Foveau AurelieORCID, Labrune Céline, Vaz SandrineORCID (2020). Detecting adverse effect on seabed integrity. Part 2: How much of seabed habitats are left in good environmental status by fisheries? Ecological Indicators, 117, 106617 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Pennino Maria Grazia, Bachiller Eneko, Lloret-Lloret Elena, Albo-Puigserver Marta, Esteban Antonio, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Bellido José María, Coll Marta (2020). Ingestion of microplastics and occurrence of parasite association in Mediterranean anchovy and sardine. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 158, 111399 (10p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cresson PierreORCID, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Bustamante Paco, Bănaru Daniela, Baudrier JeromeORCID, Le Loch Francois, Mauffret AourellORCID, Mialet Benoit, Spitz Jérome, Wessel NathalieORCID, Briand Marine, Denamiel Margaux, Doray MathieuORCID, Guillou Gaël, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Lazard Coline, Prieur Solène, Rouquette Manuel, Saraux Claire, Serre Sandrine, Timmerman Charles-AndreORCID, Verin Yves, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille (2020). Primary production and depth drive different trophic structure and functioning of fish assemblages in French marine ecosystems. Progress In Oceanography, 186, 102343 (14p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

D’andrea Lorenzo, Parisi Antonio, Fiorentino Fabio, Garofalo Germana, Gristina Michele, Cataudella Stefano, Russo Tommaso (2020). smartR: an R package for spatial modelling of fisheries and scenario simulation of management strategies. Methods In Ecology And Evolution, 11(7), 859-868.

Carpentieri Paolo, Bonanno Angelo, Scarcella Giuseppe (2020). Technical guidelines for scientific surveys in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Procedures and sampling for demersal (bottom and beam) trawl surveys and pelagic acoustic surveys. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, (641). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ordines Francesc, Lloret Josep, Tugores Pilar, Manfredi Chiara, Guijarro Beatriz, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Porcu Cristina, Gil De Sola Luis, Carlucci Roberto, Sartini Marina, Isajlovic Igor, Massutti Enric (2019). A new approach to recruitment overfishing diagnosis based on fish condition from survey data. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 223-233. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Hidalgo Manuel, Ligas Alessandro, Maria Bellido Jose, Bitetto Isabella, Carbonara Pierluiggi, Carlucci Roberto, Guijarro Beatriz, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Lembo Giuseppe, Manfredi Chiara, Esteban Antonio, Garofalo Germana, Ikica Zdravko, Garcia Cristina, Gil De Sola Luis, Kavadas Stefanos, Maina Irida, Sion Letizia, Vittori Stefania, Vrgoc Nedo (2019). Size-dependent survival of European hake juveniles in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 207-221. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Follesa Maria C., Marongiu Martina F., Zupa Walter, Bellodi Andrea, Cau Alessandro, Cannas Rita, Colloca Francesco, Djurovic Mirko, Isajlovic Igor, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Manfredi Chiara, Mulas Antonello, Peristeraki Panagiota, Porcu Cristina, Ramirez-Amaro Sergio, Salmeron Jimenez Francisca, Serena Fabrizio, Sion Letizia, Thasitis Ioannis, Cau Angelo, Carbonara Pierluigi (2019). Spatial variability of Chondrichthyes in the northern Mediterranean. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 81-100. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Spedicato Maria Teresa, Massuti Enric, Merigot Bastien, Tserpes George, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Relini Giulio (2019). The MEDITS trawl survey specifications in an ecosystem approach to fishery management. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 9-20. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bitetto Isabella, Romagnoni Giovanni, Adamidou Angeliki, Certain Gregoire, Di Lorenzo Manfredi, Donnaloia Marilena, Lembo Giuseppe, Maiorano Porzia, Milisenda Giacomo, Musumeci Claudia, Ordines Francesc, Pesci Paola, Peristeraki Panagiota, Pesic Ana, Sartor Paolo, Spedicato Maria Teresa (2019). Modelling spatio-temporal patterns of fish community size structure across the northern Mediterranean Sea: an analysis combining MEDITS survey data with environmental and anthropogenic drivers. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 141-151. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sioni Letizia, Zupa Walter, Calculli Crescenza, Garofalo Germana, Hidalgo Manuel, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Lefkaditou Evgenia, Ligas Alessandro, Peristeraki Panagiota, Bitetto Isabella, Capezutto Francesca, Carlucci Roberto, Esteban Antonio, Follesa Cristina, Guijarro Beatriz, Ikica Zdravko, Isajlovic Igor, Lembo Giuseppe, Manfredi Chiara, Perez Jose Luis, Porcu Cristina, Thasitis Ioannis, Tserpes George, Carbonara Pierluigi (2019). Spatial distribution pattern of European hake, Merluccius merluccius (Pisces: Merlucciidae), in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 21-32. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Carbonara Pierluigi, Zupa Walter, Anastasopoulou Aikaterini, Bellodi Andrea, Bitetto Isabella, Charilaou Charis, Chatzispyrou Archontia, Elleboode RomainORCID, Esteban Antonio, Follesa Maria Cristina, Isajlovic Igor, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Garcia-Ruiz Cristina, Giannakaki Amalia, Guijarro Beatriz, Kiparissis Sotiris Elias, Ligas Alessandro, Mahe KeligORCID, Massaro Andrea, Medvesek Damir, Mytilineou Chryssi, Ordines Francesc, Pesci Paola, Porcu Cristina, Peristeraki Panagiota, Thasitis Ioannis, Torres Pedro, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Tursi Angelo, Sion Letizia (2019). Explorative analysis on red mullet (Mullus barbatus) ageing data variability in the Mediterranean. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 271-279. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Spedicato Maria Teresa, Zupa Walter, Carbonara Pierluigi, Fiorentino Fabio, Follesca Maria Cristina, Galgani FrancoisORCID, Garcia-Ruiz Cristina, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Ioakeimidis Christos, Lazarakis Giorgios, Lembo Giuseppe, Mandic Milica, Maiorano Porzia, Sartini Marina, Serena Fabrizio, Cau Alessandro, Esteban Antonio, Isajlovic Igor, Micallef Reno, Thasitis Ioannis (2019). Spatial distribution of marine macro-litter on the seafloor in the northern Mediterranean Sea: the MEDITS initiative. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 257-270. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Barcala Helena, Bellido Jose Maria, Bellodi Andrea, Carbonara Pierluigi, Carlucci Roberto, Casciaro Loredane, Esteban Antonio, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Massaro Andrea, Peristaki Panagiota, Melendez Maria Jose, Perez Gil José Luis, Salmeron Francisca, Pennino Maria Grazia (2019). Spatio-temporal variability in the distribution pattern of anglerfish species in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 129-139. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mérigot Bastien, Gaertner Jean-Claude, Brind’amour Anik, Carbonara Pierluigi, Esteban Antonio, Garcia-Ruiz Cristina, Gristina Michele, Imzilen Taha, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Joksimovic Aleksandar, Kavadas Stefanos, Kolitari Jerina, Maina Irida, Maiorano Porzia, Manfredi Chiara, Micallef Reno, Peristeraki Panagiota, Relini Giulio, Sbrana Mario, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Thasitis Ioannis, Vittori Stefania, Vrgoc Nedo (2019). Stability of the relationships among demersal fish assemblages and environmental-trawling drivers at large spatio-temporal scales in the northern Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 153-163. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Farriols M. Teresa, Ordines Francesc, Carbonara Pierluigi, Casciaro Loredana, Di Lorenzo Manfredi, Esteban Antonio, Follesa Cristina, García-Ruiz Cristina, Isajlovic Igor, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Ligas Alessandro, Manfredi Chiara, Marceta Bojan, Peristeraki Panagiota, Vrgoc Nedo, Massutí Enric (2019). Spatio-temporal trends in diversity of demersal fish assemblages in the Mediterranean. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 189-206. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

García-Ruiz Cristina, Hidalgo Manuel, Carpentieri Paolo, Fernandez-Arcaya Ulla, Gaudio Palma, González Maria, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Mulas Antonello, Peristeraki Panagiota, Rueda José Luis, Vitale Sergio, D’onghia Gianfranco (2019). Spatio-temporal patterns of macrourid fish species in the northern Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 117-127. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Tserpes George, Massutí Enric, Fiorentino Fabio, Facchini Maria Teresa, Viva Claudio, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Joksimovic Aleksandar, Pesci Paola, Piccinetti Corrado, Sion Letizia, Thasitis Ioannis, Vrgoc Nedo (2019). Distribution and spatio-temporal biomass trends of red mullets across the Mediterranean. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 43-55. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Peristeraki Panagiota, Bitetto Isabella, Carbonara Pierluigi, Carlucci Roberto, Certain Gregoire, de Carlo Francesco, Gristina Michele, Kamidis Nikos, Pesci Paola, Stagioni Marco, Valls María, Tserpes George (2019). Investigation of spatiotemporal patterns in mean temperature and mean trophic level of MEDITS survey catches in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 165-174. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sbrana Mario, Zupa Walter, Ligas Alessandro, Capezzuto Francesca, Chatzispyrou Archontia, Follesa Maria Cristina, Gancitano Vita, Guijarro Beatriz, Isajlovic Igor, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Markovic Olivera, Micallef Reno, Peristeraki Panagiota, Piccinetti Corrado, Thasitis Ioannis, Carbonara Pierluigi (2019). Spatiotemporal abundance pattern of deep-water rose shrimp, Parapenaeus longirostris, and Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, in European Mediterranean waters. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 71-80. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Colloca Francesco, Milisenda Giacomo, Capezzuto Francesca, Cau Alessandro, Garofalo Germana, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Kiparissis Sotiris, Micallef Reno, Montanini Stefano, Thasitis Ioannis, Vallisneri Maria, Voliani Alessandro, Vrgoc Nedo, Zupa Walter, Ordines Rancesc (2019). Spatial and temporal trend in the abundance and distribution of gurnards (Pisces: Triglidae) in the northern Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 101-116. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Fernandez-Arcaya Ulla, Bitetto Isabella, Esteban Antonio, Farriols M. Teresa, García-Ruiz Cristina, Gil De Sola Luis, Guijarro Beatriz, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Kavadas Stefanos, Lembo Giuseppe, Milisenda Giacomo, Maina Irida, Petovic Slavica, Sion Letizia, Vaz SandrineORCID, Massutí Enric (2019). Large-scale distribution of a deep-sea megafauna community along Mediterranean trawlable grounds. Scientia Marina, 83(S1), 175-187. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Moullec Fabien, Velez Laure, Verley Philippe, Barrier Nicolas, Ulses Caroline, Carbonara Pierluigi, Esteban Antonio, Follesa Cristina, Gristina Michele, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Ligas Alessandro, Díaz Eduardo López, Maiorano Porzia, Peristeraki Panagiota, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Thasitis Ioannis, Valls Maria, Guilhaumon François, Shin Yunne-Jai (2019). Capturing the big picture of Mediterranean marine biodiversity with an end-to-end model of climate and fishing impacts. Progress In Oceanography, 178, 102179 (18p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Iglesias Samuel P., Bouche Ludovic, Cosquer Paul, Goascoz Nicolas, Guyader Samuel, Lazard Coline, Mas Lise, Metral LuisaORCID, Quero Jean-Claude, Spitz Jerome (2019). French ichthyological records for 2017. Cybium, 43(3), 275-283. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gerigny Olivia, Brun MelanieORCID, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Tomasino Corinne, Le Moigne Morgan, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Galgani FrancoisORCID (2019). Seafloor litter from the continental shelf and canyons in French Mediterranean Water: Distribution, typologies and trends. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146, 653-666. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bănaru Daniela, Diaz Fréderic, Verley Philippe, Campbell Rose, Navarro Jonathan, Yohia Christophe, Oliveros-Ramos Ricardo, Mellon Capucine, Shin Yunne-Jai (2019). Implementation of an end-to-end model of the Gulf of Lions ecosystem (NW Mediterranean Sea). I. Parameterization, calibration and evaluation. Ecological Modelling, 401, 1-19. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

ICES (2019). Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM, 1(61), 363p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Baudrier JeromeORCID, Lefebvre AlainORCID, Galgani FrancoisORCID, Saraux Claire, Doray MathieuORCID (2018). Optimising French fisheries surveys for marine strategy framework directive integrated ecosystem monitoring. Marine Policy, 94, 10-19.

Bird Christopher S., Verissimo Ana, Magozzi Sarah, Abrantes Katya G., Aguilar Alex, Al-Reasi Hassan, Barnett Adam, Bethea Dana M., Biais Gerard, Borrell Asuncion, Bouchoucha Marc, Boyle Mariah, Brooks Edward J., Brunnschweiler Juerg, Bustamante Paco, Carlisle Aaron, Catarino Diana, Caut Stephane, Cherel Yves, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Churchill Diana, Ciancio Javier, Claes Julien, Colaco Ana, Courtney Dean L., Cresson PierreORCID, Daly Ryan, de Necker Leigh, Endo Tetsuya, Figueiredo Ivone, Frisch Ashley J., Hansen Joan Holst, Heithaus Michael, Hussey Nigel E., Iitembu Johannes, Juanes Francis, Kinney Michael J., Kiszka Jeremy J., Klarian Sebastian A., Kopp DorotheeORCID, Leaf Robert, Li Yunkai, Lorrain Anne, Madigan Daniel J., Maljkovic Aleksandra, Malpica-Cruz Luis, Matich Philip, Meekan Mark G., Menard Frederic, Menezes Gui M., Munroe Samantha E. M., Newman Michael C., Papastamatiou Yannis P., Pethybridge Heidi, Plumlee Jeffrey D., Polo-Silva Carlos, Quaeck-Davies Katie, Raoult Vincent, Reum Jonathan, Torres-Rojas Yassir Eden, Shiffman David S., Shipley Oliver N., Speed Conrad W., Staudinger Michelle D., Teffer Amy K., Tilley Alexander, Valls Maria, Vaudo Jeremy J., Wai Tak-Cheung, Wells R. J. David, Wyatt Alex S. J., Yool Andrew, Trueman Clive N. (2018). A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(2), 299-305. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sala Antonello (2018). Influence of tow duration on catch performance of trawl survey in the Mediterranean Sea. Plos One, 13(1), e0191662 (18p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mille Tiphaine, Cresson PierreORCID, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Bustamante Paco, Brach-Papa ChristopheORCID, Bruzac Sandrine, Rozuel Emmanuelle, Bouchoucha Marc (2018). Trace metal concentrations in the muscle of seven marine species: Comparison between the Gulf of Lions (North-West Mediterranean Sea) and the Bay of Biscay (North-East Atlantic Ocean). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 135, 9-16. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Chouvelon Tiphaine, Cresson PierreORCID, Bouchoucha Marc, Brach-Papa ChristopheORCID, Bustamante Paco, Crochet Sylvette, Marco-Miralles FrancoiseORCID, Thomas Bastien, Knoery JoelORCID (2018). Oligotrophy as a major driver of mercury bioaccumulation in medium-to high-trophic level consumers: A marine ecosystem-comparative study. Environmental Pollution, 233, 844-854. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Aubert A., Antajan ElvireORCID, Lynam C., Pitois S., Pliru A., Vaz SandrineORCID, Thibault D. (2018). No more reason for ignoring gelatinous zooplankton in ecosystem assessment and marine management: Concrete cost-effective methodology during routine fishery trawl surveys. Marine Policy, 89, 100-108. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Keller Stefanie, Hidalgo Manuel, Alvarez-Berastegui Diego, Bitetto Isabella, Casciaro Loredana, Cuccu Danila, Esteban Antonio, Garofalo Germana, Gonzalez Maria, Guijarro Beatriz, Josephides Marios, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Lefkaditou Evgenia, Maiorano Porzia, Manfredi Chiara, Marceta Bojan, Micallef Reno, Peristeraki Panagiota, Relini Giulio, Sartor Paolo, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Tserpes George, Quetglas Antoni (2017). Demersal cephalopod communities in the Mediterranean: a large-scale analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 584, 105-118. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Keller Stefanie, Quetglas Antoni, Puerta Patricia, Bitetto Isabella, Casciaro Loredana, Cuccu Danila, Esteban Antonio, Garcia Cristina, Garofalo Germana, Guijarro Beatriz, Josephides Marios, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Lefkaditou Evgenia, Maiorano Porzia, Manfredi Chiara, Marceta Bojan, Micallef Reno, Peristeraki Panagiota, Relini Giulio, Sartor Paolo, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Tserpes George, Hidalgo Manuel (2017). Environmentally driven synchronies of Mediterranean cephalopod populations. Progress In Oceanography, 152, 1-14. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Brind'Amour AnikORCID, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Ordines Francesc, Hosack Geoff, Berthele Olivier, Merigot Bastien, Carbonara Pierluigi, Follesa Maria Cristina, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Lefkaditou Evgenia, Maiorano Porzia, Peristeraki Panagiota, Mannini Alessandro, Rabiller ManuellaORCID, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Tserpes George, Trenkel VerenaORCID (2016). Environmental drivers explain regional variation of changes in fish and invertebrate functional groups across the Mediterranean Sea from 1994 to 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 562, 19-35. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Morfin MarieORCID, Bez Nicolas, Fromentin Jean-MarcORCID (2016). Habitats of ten demersal species in the Gulf of Lions and potential implications for spatial management. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 547, 219-232. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Keller Stefanie, Bartolino Valerio, Hidalgo Manuel, Bitetto Isabella, Casciaro Loredana, Cuccu Danila, Esteban Antonio, Garcia Cristina, Garofalo Germana, Josephides Marios, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Lefkaditou Evgenia, Maiorano Porzia, Manfredi Chiara, Marceta Bojan, Massut Enric, Micallef Reno, Peristeraki Panagiota, Relini Giulio, Sartor Paolo, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Tserpes George, Quetglas Antoni (2016). Large-scale spatio-temporal patterns of Mediterranean cephalopod diversity. Plos One, 11(1), e0146469. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Terribile Kimberly, Evans Julian, Knittweis Leyla, Schembri Patrick J. (2016). Maximising MEDITS: Using data collected from trawl surveys to characterise the benthic and demersal assemblages of the circalittoral and deeper waters around the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean). Regional Studies In Marine Science, 3, 163-175.

Cresson PierreORCID, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Miralles Francoise MarcoORCID, Dufour Jean-Louis, Elleboode RomainORCID, Sevin Karine, Mahe KeligORCID, Bouchoucha Marc (2016). Variability of PCB burden in 5 fish and sharks species of the French Mediterranean continental slope. Environmental Pollution, 212, 374-381. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Colloca Francesco, Garofalo Germana, Bitetto Isabella, Facchini Maria Teresa, Grati Fabio, Martiradonna Angela, Mastrantonio Gianluca, Nikolioudakis Nikolaos, Ordinas Francesc, Scarcella Giuseppe, Tserpes George, Pilar Tugores M., Valavanis Vasilis, Carlucci Roberto, Fiorentino Fabio, Follesa Maria C., Iglesias Magdalena, Knittweis Leyla, Lefkaditou Eugenia, Lembo Giuseppe, Manfredi Chiara, Massuti Enric, Pace Marie Louise, Papadopoulou Nadia, Sartor Paolo, Smith Christopher J., Spedicato Maria Teresa (2015). The Seascape of Demersal Fish Nursery Areas in the North Mediterranean Sea, a First Step Towards the Implementation of Spatial Planning for Trawl Fisheries. Plos One, 10(3), e011959 (25p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Navarro Joan, Coll Marta, Cardador Laura, Fernandez Angel M., Bellido Jose M. (2015). The relative roles of the environment, human activities and spatial factors in the spatial distribution of marine biodiversity in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Progress In Oceanography, 131, 126-137.

Osio Giacomo Chato, Orio Alessandro, Millar Colin P. (2015). Assessing the vulnerability of Mediterranean demersal stocks and predicting exploitation status of un-assessed stocks. Fisheries Research, 171, 110-121.

Jemaa Sharif, Bacha Mahmoud, Khalaf Gaby, Amara Rachid (2015). Evidence for population complexity of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) along its distributional range. Fisheries Research, 168, 109-116.

Crise A., Kaberi H., Ruiz J., Zatsepin A., Arashkevich E., Giani M., Karageorgis Aristomenis, Prieto L., Pantazi M., Gonzalez-Fernandez D., D'Alcala M. Ribera, Tornero V., Vassilopoulou V., Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Guieu C., Puig P., Zenetos A., Andral Bruno, Angel D., Altukhov D., Ayata S. D., Aktan Y., Balcioglu E., Benedetti F., Bouchoucha Marc, Buia M. -C., Cadiou Jean-Francois, Canals M., Chakroun M., Christou E., Christidis M. G., Civitarese Giuseppe, Coatu V., Corsini-Foka M., Cozzi S., Deidun A., Dell'Aquila A., Dogrammatzi A., Dumitrache C., Edelist D., Ettahiri Omar, Fonda-Umani S., Gana S., Galgani FrancoisORCID, Gasparini S., Giannakourou A., Gomoiu M. -T., Gubanova A., Gucu Ali-Cemal, Gurses Ozgur, Hanke G., Hatzianestis I., Herutx B., Hone R., Huertas E., Irisson J. -O., Isinibilir M., Jimenez J. A., Kalogirou S., Kapiris K., Karamfilov Ventzi, Kavadas S., Keskin G., Kideys Ahmet, Kocak M., Kondylatos G., Kontogiannis C., Kosyan R., Koubbi Philippe, Kuspilic G., La Ferla R., Langone L., Laroche Sophie, Lazar Luminita, Lefkaditou E., Lemeshko I. E., Machias A., Malej A., Mazzocchi M. -G., Medinets Volodymyr, Mihalopoulos N., Miserocchi S., Moncheva Snejana, Mukhanov V., Oaie Gheorghe, Oros A., Ozturk A. A., Ozturk B., Panayotova M., Prospathopoulos A., Radu G., Raykov V., Regiero P., Reygondeau G., Rougeron Natacha, Salihoglu B., Sanchez-Vidal A., Sannino G., Santinelli C., Secrieru D., Shapiro G., Simboura N., Shiganova Tamara, Sprovieri M., Stefanova Kremena, Streftaris N., Tirelli V., Tom Moshe, Topaloglu B., Topcu N. E., Tsagarakis K., Tsangaris C., Tserpes G., Tugrul S., Uysal Z., Vasile Daniela, Violaki K., Xu J., Yuksek Ahsen, Papathanassiouh E. (2015). A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas: The PERSEUS experience. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 95(1), 28-39. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jemaa Sharif, Bacha Mahmoud, Khalaf Gaby, Dessailly David, Rabhi Khalef, Amara Rachid (2015). What can otolith shape analysis tell us about population structure of the European sardine, Sardina pilchardus, from Atlantic and Mediterranean waters? Journal Of Sea Research, 96, 11-17.

Druon Jean-Noel, Fiorentino Fabio, Murenu Matteo, Knittweis Leyla, Colloca Francesco, Osio Chato, Merigot Bastien, Garofalo Germana, Mannini Alessandro, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Sbrana Mario, Scarcella Giuseppe, Tserpesi George, Peristeraki Panagiota, Carlucci Roberto, Heikkonen Jukka (2015). Modelling of European hake nurseries in the Mediterranean Sea: an ecological niche approach. Progress In Oceanography, 130, 188-204. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Granger Victoria, Fromentin Jean-MarcORCID, Bez Nicolas, Relini Giulio, Meynard Christine N., Gaertner Jean-Claude, Maiorano Porzia, Garcia Ruiz Cristina, Follesa Cristina, Gristina Michele, Peristeraki Panagiota, Brind'Amour AnikORCID, Carbonara Pierluigi, Charilaou Charis, Esteban Antonio, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Joksimovic Aleksandar, Kallianiotis Argyris, Kolitari Jerina, Manfredi Chiara, Massuti Enric, Mifsud Roberta, Quetglas Antoni, Refes Wahid, Sbrana Mario, Vrgoc Nedo, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Merigot Bastien (2015). Large-scale spatio-temporal monitoring highlights hotspots of demersal fish diversity in the Mediterranean Sea. Progress In Oceanography, 130, 65-74. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Paradinas Iosu, Conesa David, Pennino M. Grazia, Munoz Facundo, Fernandez Angel M., Lopez-Quilez Antonio, Maria Bellido Jose (2015). Bayesian spatio-temporal approach to identifying fish nurseries by validating persistence areas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 528, 245-255. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Le Bourg B., Banaru Daniela, Saraux Claire, Nowaczyk A., Le Luherne E., Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Bigot Jean-Louis, Richard P. (2015). Trophic niche overlap of sprat and commercial small pelagic teleosts in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean Sea). Journal Of Sea Research, 103, 138-146. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Corrales Xavier, Coll Marta, Tecchio Samuele, Bellido Jose Maria, Fernandez Angel Mario, Palomera Isabel (2015). Ecosystem structure and fishing impacts in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea using a food web model within a comparative approach. Journal Of Marine Systems, 148, 183-199.

Granger Victoria, Bez Nicolas, Fromentin Jean-MarcORCID, Meynard Christine, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Merigot Bastien (2015). Mapping diversity indices: not a trivial issue. Methods In Ecology And Evolution, 6(6), 688-696. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mille Tiphaine, Mahe KeligORCID, Villanueva Ching-MariaORCID, de Pontual HeleneORCID, Ernande BrunoORCID (2015). Sagittal otolith morphogenesis asymmetry in marine fishes. Journal Of Fish Biology, 87(3), 646-663.

Pham Christopher K., Ramirez-Llodra Eva, Alt Claudia H. S., Amaro Teresa, Bergmann Melanie, Canals Miquel, Company Joan B., Davies Jaime, Duineveld Gerard, Galgani FrancoisORCID, Howell Kerry, Huvenne Veerle A. I., Isidro Eduardo, Jones Daniel O. B., Lastras Galderic, Morato Telmo, Gomes-Pereira Jose Nuno, Purser Autun, Stewart Heather, Tojeira Ines, Tubau Xavier, Van Rooij David, Tyler Paul A. (2014). Marine Litter Distribution and Density in European Seas, from the Shelves to Deep Basins. Plos One, 9(4), e95839. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cresson PierreORCID, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Bouchoucha Marc, Brach-Papa ChristopheORCID, Chavanon Fabienne, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Knoery JoelORCID, Marco-Miralles FrancoiseORCID, Cossa D. (2014). Mercury in organisms from the Northwestern Mediterranean slope: Importance of food sources. Science Of The Total Environment, 497, 229-238. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Pedel Laura, Beuck L., Galgani FrancoisORCID, Hebbeln D., Freiwald A. (2014). Megafauna of vulnerable marine ecosystems in French mediterranean submarine canyons: Spatial distribution and anthropogenic impacts. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 104, 184-207. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Morat Fabien, Letourneur Yves, Dierking Jan, Pecheyran Christophe, Bareille Gilles, Blamart Dominique, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille (2014). The Great Melting Pot. Common Sole Population Connectivity Assessed by Otolith and Water Fingerprints. Plos One, 9(1), 1-15. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sabatini Andrea, Locci Ivan, Deiana Anna M., Follesa Maria C., Gastoni Alice, Pendugiu Antonio A., Pesci Paola, Cau Angelo (2013). Temporal trends in biodiversity of the middle-slope assemblages in Sardinian seas (Central-Western Mediterranean). Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 93(7), 1739-1752.

Banaru Daniela, Mellon Capucine, Roos DavidORCID, Bigot Jean-Louis, Souplet Arnauld, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Beaubrun P., Fromentin Jean-MarcORCID (2013). Trophic structure in the Gulf of Lions marine ecosystem (north-western Mediterranean Sea) and fishing impacts. Journal Of Marine Systems, 111, 45-68. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gaertner Jean-Claude, Maiorano Porza, Merigot Bastien, Colloca Francesco, Politou Chrissi-Yianna, Gil De Sola Luis, Bertrand Jacques, Murenu Matteo, Durbec Jean-Pierre, Kallianiotis Argyris, Mannini Alessandro (2013). Large-Scale Diversity of Slope Fishes: Pattern Inconsistency between Multiple Diversity Indices. Plos One, 8(7), 1-11. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Peron Clara, Gremillet David, Prudor Aurelien, Pettex Emeline, Saraux Claire, Soriano-Redondo Andrea, Authier Matthieu, Fort Jerome (2013). Importance of coastal Marine Protected Areas for the conservation of pelagic seabirds: The case of Vulnerable yelkouan shearwaters in the Mediterranean Sea. Biological Conservation, 168, 210-221. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Hidalgo Manuel, Rouyer Tristan, Bartolino Valerio, Cervino Santiago, Ciannelli Lorenzo, Massuti Enric, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Saborido-Rey Fran, Durant Joel M., Santurtun Marina, Pineiro Carmen, Stenseth Nils C. (2012). Context-dependent interplays between truncated demographies and climate variation shape the population growth rate of a harvested species. Ecography, 35(7), 637-649. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lleonart Jordi, Farrugio Henri (2012). Pleuronectes platessa, a ghost fish in the Mediterranean Sea? Scientia Marina, 76(1), 141-147. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rochet Marie-Joelle, Benoit E. (2012). Fishing destabilizes the biomass flow in the marine size spectrum. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences, 279(1727), 284-292. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Morfin MarieORCID, Fromentin Jean-MarcORCID, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Bez Nicolas (2012). Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Key Exploited Marine Species in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Plos One, 7(5). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Guillen Garcia Jordi, Maynou Francesc, Floros Christos, Sampson David, Conides Alexis, Kapiris Kostas (2012). A bio-economic evaluation of the potential for establishing a commercial fishery on two newly developed stocks: The Ionian red shrimp fishery. Scientia Marina, 76(3), 597-605. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cuccu D., Mereu M., Follesa M. C., Deiana A. M., Cau A. (2011). Bathypolypus sponsalis (Cephalopoda: Octopoda) from the central western Mediterranean Sea. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 91(2), 549-553.

Follesa M. C., Porcu C., Cabiddu S., Mulas A., Deiana A. M., Cau A. (2011). Deep-water fish assemblages in the central-western Mediterranean (south Sardinian deep-waters). Journal Of Applied Ichthyology, 27(1), 129-135.

Gaertner Jean-Claude, Merigot Bastien, Relini Giulio, Bertrand Jacques, Mazouni Nabila, Politou Chrissi-Yianna, Gil De Sola Luis, Kallianiotis Argyris, Carpentieri Paolo, Murenu Matteo, Durbec Jean-Pierre, Vrgoc Nedo, Ungaro Nicola (2010). Reproducibility of the multi-component aspect of species diversity across different areas and scales: towards the constitution of a shortlist of complementary indices for monitoring fish diversity? Ecography, 33(6), 1123-1135. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Spedicato Maria Teresa, Poulard Jean-Charles, Politou Chrissi-Yianna, Radtke Krzysztof, Lembo Giuseppe, Petitgas PierreORCID (2010). Using the ALADYM simulation model for exploring the effects of management scenarios on fish population metrics. Aquatic Living Resources, 23(2), 153-165. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Trenkel VerenaORCID, Rochet Marie-Joelle (2010). Combining time trends in multiple metrics for identifying persistent changes in population processes or environmental stressors. Journal Of Applied Ecology, 47(4), 751-758. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rochet Marie-Joelle, Trenkel VerenaORCID, Carpentier Andre, Coppin Franck, Gil De Sola Luis, Leaute Jean-Pierre, Mahe Jean-Claude, Maiorano Porzia, Mannini Alessandro, Murenu Matteo, Piet Gerjan, Politou Chrissi-Yianna, Reale Bruno, Spedicato Maria-Teresa, Tserpes George, Bertrand Jacques (2010). Do changes in environmental and fishing pressures impact marine communities? An empirical assessment. Journal Of Applied Ecology, 47(4), 741-750. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cuccu Danila, Mereu Marco, Cannas Rita, Marcias Sandro, Cau Angelo, Jereb Patrizia (2010). An unusual finding of Sepietta oweniana (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) egg clutch. Scientia Marina, 74(3), 555-560.

Gastoni Alice, Follesa Maria C., Mulas Antonello, Porcu Cristina, Cau Angelo (2010). Observations on Polycheles Sculptus S. I. Smith, 1880 (Decapoda, Palinura, Polychelidae) from Sardinian Waters (Central Western Mediterranean). Crustaceana, 83(4), 443-456.

Gastoni Alice, Bianchelli Silvia, Cau Angelo, Pusceddu Antonio (2010). Biochemical composition of a meso-bathyal lobster (Polycheles typhlops, Heller 1862 Decapoda, Palinura, Polychelidae). Chemistry And Ecology, 26(1), 73-79.

Cannas Rita, Follesa Maria Cristina, Cabiddu Serenella, Porcu Cristina, Salvadori Susanna, Iglesias Samuel Paco, Deiana Anna Maria, Cau Angelo (2010). Molecular and morphological evidence of the occurrence of the Norwegian skate Dipturus nidarosiensis (Storm, 1881) in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology Research, 6(4), 341-350.

Cotter John, Petitgas PierreORCID, Abella Alvaro, Apostolaki Panayiota, Mesnil Benoit, Politou Chrissi-Yianna, Rivoirard Jacques, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Spedicato Maria Teresa, Trenkel VerenaORCID, Woillez MathieuORCID (2009). Towards an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) when trawl surveys provide the main source of information. Aquatic Living Resources, 22(2), 243-254. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cuccu Danila, Mereu Marco, Cannas Rita, Follesa Maria Cristina, Cau Angelo, Jereb Patrizia (2009). Morphology, biology and molecular characterizations of Opisthoteuthis calypso (Cephalopoda: Octopoda) from the Sardinian Channel (central western Mediterranean). Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 89(8), 1709-1715.

Follesa Maria Cristina, Cuccu Danila, Cannas Rita, Sabatini Andrea, Deiana Anna Maria, Cau Angelo (2009). Movement patterns of the spiny lobster Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787) from a central western Mediterranean protected area. Scientia Marina, 73(3), 499-506.

Barnes David K. A., Galgani FrancoisORCID, Thompson Richard C., Barlaz Morton (2009). Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364(1526), 1985-1998. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Follesa M. C., Mulas A., Porcu C., Cau A. (2009). First record of Chilomycterus reticulatus (Osteichthyes: Diodontidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal Of Fish Biology, 74(7), 1677-1681.

Pais Antonio, Merella Paolo, Follesa Maria Cristina, Motomura Hiroyuki (2009). North-easternmost record of Halosaurus ovenii (Actinopterygii: Notacanthiformes: Halosauridae) in the Mediterranean Sea, with notes on its biology. Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria, 39(1), 33-37. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Abella A., Fiorentino F., Mannini A., Orsi Relini L. (2008). Exploring relationships between recruitment of European hake (Merluccius merluccius L. 1758) and environmental factors in the Ligurian Sea and the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean). Journal Of Marine Systems, 71(3-4), 279-293.

Trenkel VerenaORCID, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Mahevas StephanieORCID (2008). Interactions between fishing strategies of nephrops trawlers in the Bay of Biscay and Norway lobster diel activity patterns. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 15(1), 11-18. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cannas Rita, Buccoli Simona, Sacco Flavio, Marcias Sandro, Salvadori Susanna, Cau Angelo, Deiana Annamaria (2008). Isolation and characterization of 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers for the blue and red shrimp, Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea, Decapoda). Molecular Ecology Resources, 8(6), 1420-1422.

Follesa Maria C., Cannas Rita, Gastoni Alice, Cabiddu Serenella, Deiana Anna M., Cau Angelo (2008). Abnormal Rostrum in Polycheles Typhlops Heller, 1862 (Decapoda: Polychelidae) from the Central Western Mediterranean. Journal Of Crustacean Biology, 28(4), 731-734.

Cabiddu Serenella, Follesa Maria C., Gastoni Alice, Porcu Cristina, Cau Angelo (2008). Gonad development of the deep-sea lobster Polycheles typhlops (Decapoda : Polichelidae) from the central western Mediterranean. Journal Of Crustacean Biology, 28(3), 494-501.

Follesa Maria Cristina, Cuccu Danila, Cannas Rita, Cabiddu Serenella, Murenu Matteo, Sabatini Andrea, Cau Angelo (2008). Effects of marine reserve protection on spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas Fabr., 1787) in a central western Mediterranean area. Hydrobiologia, 606(1), 63-68.

Merigot B, Bertrand Jacques, Gaertner J, Durbec J, Mazouni N, Mante C (2007). The multi-component structuration of the species diversity of groundfish assemblages of the east coast of Corsica (Mediterranean Sea): Variation according to the bathymetric strata. Fisheries Research, 88(1-3), 120-132. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gaertner J, Bertrand Jacques, Relini G, Papaconstantinou C, Mazouni N, de Sola L, Durbec J, Jukic Peladic S, Souplet Arnauld (2007). Spatial pattern in species richness of demersal fish assemblages on the continental shelf of the northern Mediterranean Sea: a multiscale analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 341, 191-203. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Merigot Bastien, Bertrand Jacques, Mazouni Nabila, Mante Claude, Durbec Jean-Pierre, Gaertner Jean-Claude (2007). A multi-component analysis of species diversity of groundfish assemblages on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Lions (north-western Mediterranean Sea). Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 73(1-2), 123-136.

Ferraton Franck, Harmelin Vivien Mireille, Mellon-Duval Capucine, Souplet Arnauld (2007). Spatio-temporal variation in diet may affect condition and abundance of juvenile European hake in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 337, 197-208. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Follesa Maria Cristina, Cuccu Danila, Cannas Rita, Cau Angelo (2007). On the growth of the European spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas from Sardinian waters (central western Mediterranean Sea). New Zealand Journal Of Marine And Freshwater Research, 41(4), 377-383.

Cuccu D., Mereu M., Cannas R., Follesa M. C., Cau A., Jereb P. (2007). Egg clutch, sperm reservoirs and fecundity of Neorossia caroli (Cephalopoda : Sepiolidae) from the southern Sardinian sea (western Mediterranean). Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 87(4), 971-976.

Sabatini A., Follesa M. C., Locci I., Pendugiu A. A., Pesci P., Cau A. (2007). Assemblages in a submarine canyon: influence of depth and time. Hydrobiologia, 580(1), 265-271.

Orsi Relini L, Mannini A, Fiorentino F, Palandri G, Relini G (2006). Biology and fishery of Eledone cirrhosa in the Ligurian Sea. Fisheries Research, 78(1), 72-88.

Peristeraki P., Lazarakis G., Skarvelis C., Georgiadis M., Tserpes G. (2006). Additional records on the occurrence of alien fish species in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, 7(2), 61-66.

Sala Antonello, Priour DanielORCID, Herrmann Bent (2006). Experimental and theoretical study of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) selectivity in codends of Mediterranean bottom trawls. Aquatic Living Resources, 19(4), 317¿327. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

D'Onghia G, Sion L, Maiorano P, Mytilineou C, Dalessandro S, Carlucci R, Desantis S (2006). Population biology and life strategies of Chlorophthalmus agassizii Bonaparte, 1840 (Pisces : Osteichthyes) in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology, 149(3), 435-446.

Vrgoc N, Sifner Sk, Dadic V, Jukic-Peladic S (2006). Demographic structure and distribution of John Dory, Zeus faber L. 1758, in the Adriatic Sea. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology, 22(3), 205-208.

Addis P, Cau A, Massuti E, Merella P, Sinopoli M, Andaloro F (2006). Spatial and temporal changes in the assemblage structure of fishes associated to fish aggregation devices in the Western Mediterranean. Aquatic Living Resources, 19(2), 149-160.

Mura M, Orru F, Cau A (2006). Reproduction strategy of the deep-sea hermit crabs Pagurus alatus and Pagurus excavatus of the central-western mediterranean sea. Hydrobiologia, 557(1), 51-57.

Cannas R, Cau A, Deiana Am, Salvadori S, Tagliavini J (2006). Discrimination between the mediterranean spiny lobsters Palinurus elephas and P-Mauritanicus (Crustacea : Decapoda) by mitochondrial sequence analysis. Hydrobiologia, 557(1), 1-4.

Coluccia E, Deiana Am, Cannas R, Salvadori S (2006). Study of the nucleolar organizer regions in Palinurus elephas (Crustacea : Decapoda). Hydrobiologia, 557(1), 5-8.

Durrieu De Madron X, Ferre B, Le Corre Gildas, Grenz C, Conan P, Pujo Pay M, Buscail R, Bodiot O (2005). Trawling-induced resuspension and dispersal of muddy sediments and dissolved elements in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean). Continental Shelf Research, 25(19-20), 2387-2409. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gaertner J, Bertrand Jacques, de Sola L, Durbec J, Ferrandis E, Souplet Arnauld (2005). Large spatial scale variation of demersal fish assemblage structure on the continental shelf of the NW Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 297, 245-257. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lloret J, Galzin R, Gil De Sola L, Souplet Arnauld, Demestre M (2005). Habitat related differences in lipid reserves of some exploited fish species in the north-western Mediterranean continental shelf. Journal Of Fish Biology, 67(1), 51-65.

Abella A, Serena F, Ria M (2005). Distributional response to variations in abundance over spatial and temporal scales for juveniles of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Fisheries Research, 71(3), 295-310.

Pancucci-Papadopoulou M. A., Zenetos A., Corsini-Foka M., Politou C. -Y. (2005). Update of marine alien species in Hellenic waters. Mediterranean Marine Science, 6(2), 147-157.

Rochet Marie-Joelle, Trenkel VerenaORCID, Bellail Robert, Coppin Franck, Le Pape Olivier, Mahe Jean-Claude, Morin Jocelyne, Poulard Jean-Charles, Schlaich Ivan, Souplet Arnauld, Verin Yves, Bertrand Jacques (2005). Combining indicator trends to assess ongoing changes in exploited fish communities: diagnostic of communities off the coasts of France. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 62(8), 1647-1664. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Abella A J, Serena F (2005). Comparison of Elasmobranch Catches from Research Trawl Surveys and Commercial Landings at Port of Viareggio, Italy, in the Last Decade. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, 35, 345-356.

Mura M, Orru F, Cau A (2005). Size at sexual maturity of the spider crab Anamathia rissoana (Decapoda : Majoidea) from the Sardinian Sea. Journal Of Crustacean Biology, 25(1), 110-115.

Blanchard FabianORCID, Boucher Jean (2001). Temporal variability of total biomass in harvested communities of demersal fishes. Fisheries Research, 49(3), 283-293.

Blanchard FabianORCID (2001). Dynamics of harvested demersal fish communities: analysis of the species diversity in the Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) and in the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea). Aquatic Living Resources, 14(1), 29-40. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Galgani FrancoisORCID, Leaute Jean-Pierre, Moguedet Philippe, Souplet Arnauld, Verin Yves, Carpentier Andre, Goraguer Herle, Latrouite Daniel, Andral Bruno, Cadiou Yvon, Mahe Jean-Claude, Poulard Jean-Charles, Nerisson Patrick (2000). Litter on the sea floor along European coasts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40(6), 516-527.

Fiorentini Loris, Dremiere Pierre-Yves, Leonori Iole, Sala Antonello, Palumbo Vito (1999). Efficiency of the bottom trawl used for the Mediterranean international trawl survey (MEDITS). Aquatic Living Resources, 12(3), 187-205. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Dremiere Pierre-Yves, Fiorentini Loris, Cosimi Giulio, Leonori Iole, Sala Antonello, Spagnolo Alessandra (1999). Escapement from the main body of the bottom trawl used for the Mediterranean international trawl survey (MEDITS). Aquatic Living Resources, 12(3), 207-217. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Abella Alvaro, Belluscio Andrea, Bertrand Jacques, Carbonara Pier Luigi, Giordano Daniela, Sbrana Mario, Zamboni Ada (1999). Use of MEDITS trawl survey data and commercial fleet information for the assessment of some Mediterranean demersal resources. Aquatic Living Resources, 12(3), 155-166. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

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Lleonart Jordi, Farrugio Henri (2012). Pleuronectes platessa, a ghost fish in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina, 76(1), 141-147.

Harmelin Vivien Mireille, Mahe KeligORCID, Bodiguel Xavier, Mellon Capucine (2012). Possible link between prey quality, condition and growth of juvenile hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean). Cybium, 36(2), 323-328. Open Access version :

Galgani F., Piha Henna (2010) ICES WKMAL Report 2010 - Report of the Joint MEDPOL/Black Sea/JRC/ICES Workshop on Marine Litter (WKMAL) Authors: Citation: Report of the Joint MEDPOL/Black Sea/JRC/ICES Workshop on Marine Litter (WKMAL) p. 1-20 Publisher: Intnl Council for the Exploration of the Sea Publication Year: 2010 JRC Publication N°: JRC61822

Porcu, C., Follesa, M.C., Grazioli, E., Deiana, A.M. & Cau, A Reproductive biology of a bathyal hermaphrodite fish, Bathypterois mediterraneus (Osteichthyes: Ipnopidae) from the south-eastern Sardinian sea (central-western Mediterranean) Journal of The Marine Biological Association. 2009

Follesa M.C., Porcu, C. Cabiddu S., Gastoni A., Mulas A. and Cau A. Feeding ecology of Alepocephalus rostratus (Ostheichthyes, Alepocaphalidae) on the central western Mediterranean slope (Sardinian Channel) Biol. Mar. Mediterr. 14(2): 248-249 2007

Murenu M., Ortu A., Cuccu D. and Cau A. Application of geostatistical methods to evaluate the spatial variability of European hake (Merluccius merluccius Linnaeus, 1758) in the Central Mediterranean Sea. GIS/Spatial Analysis in Fishery and Acquatic Sciences, Vol 3: 67-84. 2007 Cuccu D., Mereu M., Cannas R., Sanna I., Cau A. and Jereb P. Variability in Sepietta oweniana (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) hectocotyli The Italian Journal of Zoology (in press) 2009

Mérigot B., J. A. Bertrand, N. Mazouni, C. Manté, J. P. Durbec and J. C. Gaertner A multi-component analysis of species diversity of groundfish assemblages on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Lions (north-western Mediterranean Sea) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 73: 123-136 2007

Courbin Nicolas, Fablet Ronan, Mellon-Duval Capucine, de Pontual HeleneORCID (2007). Are hake otolith macrostructures randomly deposited? Insights from an unsupervised statistical and quantitative approach applied to Mediterranean hake otoliths. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64(6), 1191-1201. Open Access version :

Krstulovic Sifner Svjetlana, Isajlovic Igor, Vrgoc Nedo (2007). On the occurrence of Neorossia caroli (Jouben, 1902) in the central Adriatic Sea (Croatian waters). Acta Adriatica, 48(1), 95-100.

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Fanelli Emanuela, Colloca Francesco, Ardizzone Giandomenico (2007). Decapod crustacean assemblages off the West coast of central Italy (Western Mediterranean). Scientia Marina, 71(1), 19-28.

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Abella A., Carpentieri P., Mannini A., Sartor P., Viva C. and Voliani A. Selection of possible indicators of sustainable yield from total mortality rates for red mullet Mullus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the GFCM geographic sub-area 9 (eastern Ligurian-central Tyrhhenian Seas). Biol. Mar. Mediterr. 13 (3) Parte seconda: 1-16. 2006

Carlucci R., Sion L., Capezzuto F. and D'Onghia G. Catture ricorrenti di Epinephelus aeneus (Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1809) nel Mar Ionio: un ulteriore elemento per individuare una possibile ZTB? Biol. Mar. Mediterr., vol. 13 (1), pp. 831-835. 2006

Deiana A.M., Coluccia E., Cannas R., Pesci P., Fonnesu A. and Salvadori S. Colocalization of the ribosomal gene families in Conger conger (Anguilliformes, Congridae) Italian Journal of Zoology Vol 73: 1-5. 2006

Ligas A., Baino R., Barone M., Belcari P., Carpentieri P., Criscoli A., Mannini A., Relini G. and Viva C. Analisi di serie storiche di campagne di pesca a strascico nel Mar Ligure e nel Mar Tirreno Biol. Mar. Mediterr. 13(1): 87-95 2006

Vagelli C., Banchetti R. and Voliani A. Distribuzione batimetrica e struttura demografica di Eledone cirrhosa (Cephalopoda, Octopoda) nel Mar Ligure Meridionale. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 13 (1): 911- 915. 2006

Vannucci S., Chelli M., Fabbrini C. and Voliani A. Illex coindetii (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) nel Mar Ligure Meridionale. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 13 (1): 924-927. 2006

Addis P., CauA., Massutí E, Morella P., Sinopoli M., & Andaloro F., Patterns in the assemblages of fish associated with fish aggregation devices (FADs) in the Western Mediterranean Aquat. Living Resour.19, 149 - 160. 2006

Woillez M., Petitgas P., Rivoirard J., Fernardes P., Remment Ter Hoftstede, Korsbrekke K., Orlowski A., Spedicato M.-T. and Politou C.-Y. Relationships between population spatial occupation and population dynamics. ICES, CM2006/O:05, 19 pp 2006

Desaunay Yves, Guerault Daniel, Le Pape Olivier, Poulard Jean-Charles (2006). Changes in occurrence and abundance of northern/southern flatfishes over a 20-year period in a coastal nursery area (Bay of Vilaine) and on the eastern continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay. Scientia Marina, 70(1), 193-200. Open Access version :

Follesa Cristina, Cabiddu Serenella, Sabatini Andrea, Cau Angelo (2006). First record of Psenes pellucidus (Perciformes, Actinopterygii) in the Sardinian waters (central western Mediterranean). Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 36(1), 77-79.

Gaertner J. C., Bertrand J.A., Samani D. and Souplet A. Spatio-temporal organization patterns of demersal assemblages of the east coast of Corsica (Mediterranean Sea) Vie Milieu, 552: 81-89 2005

Jereb P., Cuccu D., Giordano D., Maiorano P. and Ragonese S. Using historical series of trawl surveys data to investigate cephalopods: a new method of exploratory analysis Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 12 (1): 526-530. 2005

Lelli S., Belluscio A., Carpentieri P. and Colloca F. Feeding ecology of short finned squids Illex coindetii and Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 12(1): 531-534. 2005

Longo C., Colloca F., Carpentieri P., Belluscio A. and Ardizzone G.D. Adaptative strategies and dietary overlap among Argentina sphyraena and Glossanodon leioglossus (Teleostea, Argentinidae). Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 12(1): 540-543. 2005

Vignale P., Carpentieri P., Colloca F., Belluscio A. and Ardizzone G.D, Daily and seasonal fluctuation of the feeding habits of Merluccius merluccius (Teleostea, Merluccidae) and Trachurus trachurus (Teleostea, Carangidae) on the Tyrrhenian shelf break. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 12(1): 609-613. 2005

Giordano D, Bottari T, Busalacchi B, Jereb P, Ragonese S, Rinelli P (2005). On the relationship between beaks and body size in Sepia officinalis from the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean). Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 46(1), 35-41.

Rinelli P, Bottari T, Florio G, Romeo T, Giordano D, Greco S (2005). Observations on distribution and biology of Galeus melastomus (Chondrichthyes, Scyliorhinidae) in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (central Mediterranean). Cybium, 29(1), 41-46.

Bertrand Jacques, de Sola Lg, Papaconstantinou C, Relini G, Souplet Arnauld (2002). The general specifications of the MEDITS surveys. Scientia Marina, 66, 9-17.

Blanchard FabianORCID (2001). Fishing effects on the diversity dynamics of demersal fish communities. Comparative analysis of the role of the interactions between specices in the Bay of Biscay and in the Gulf of Lion (France). Cybium, 25(3), 293-294. Open Access version :

Bertrand Jacques, Gil De Sola Luis, Papakonstantinou Costas, Relini Giulio, Souplet Arnauld (2000). Contribution on the distribution of Elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean (from the Medits surveys). Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 7(1), 385-399.

Colloca F., Maiorano L., Carpentieri P., Baino R., Mannini A., Sartor P., Belluscio A., Corsi F. and Ardizzone G.D. Hake abundance and nurseries in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas (GSA9): from 1985 to 2003. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 13 (1): 219-222. 2006

References of Technical Reports

Certain Gregoire, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Millot Jade (2024). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail International Bottom Trawl Surveys In The Mediterranean Sea - WGMEDITS. Malte, 03 au 04 avril 2024.

Casemajor Juliette, Alglave Baptiste, Woillez MathieuORCID (2024). Cartographie des frayères des espèces halieutiques en France métropolitaine. PDG/RBE/HALGO/LBH-2024-02.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID (2024). Note interne. Responsables des campagnes de suivi halieutique. CAMPAGNES_Responsables_V10_2024_06_28.docx.

Régimbart AmélieORCID (2024). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2023. ODE / VIGIES / 24-03.

Mauffret AourellORCID, Brun MélanieORCID, Bustamante Paco, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Mendez-Fernandez Paula, Mille Tiphaine, Poiriez Gauthier, Spitz Jérôme, Wessel NathalieORCID (2023). Évaluation du descripteur 8 « Contaminants dans le milieu marin » en France métropolitaine. Rapport scientifique pour l’évaluation cycle 3 au titre de la DCSMM. Ifremer RBE-CCEM / ODE-VIGIES.

Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) (2023). The 2023 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet (STECF 23-07). JRC135182. EUR 28359 EN , OP KJ-AX-23-012-EN-N (online).

Vaz SandrineORCID, Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Villeneuve Remi, Raphalen Elio, Metral LuisaORCID, Cheret Isabelle, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Tessier Emmanuel (2023). Suivi spatio-temporel des espèces démersales et benthiques : Rapport final de l’action 3 du Projet GOLDYS. RBE/MARBEC/LHM 2023.

Jacob Elodie, Salvado Perrine, Hattab Tarek, Loots ChristopheORCID, Antajan ElvireORCID, Nowaczyk Antoine, Gonzalez Patrice, Raphalen Elio, Villeneuve Remi, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Metral LuisaORCID, Lefebvre Valerie, Caboche Josselin, Vaz SandrineORCID (2023). Identification et suivi spatio-temporel des espèces planctoniques du Golfe du Lion: Rapport final de l’action 4 du Projet GOLDYS. RBE/MARBEC/LHM 2023.

Elleboode RomainORCID, Dubroca LaurentORCID, Taconet Julien, Le Meleder Anna (2023). Actualisation des données historique maturité en base de donnée Harmonie. Note interne OBSBIO.

Vaz SandrineORCID, Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Villeneuve Remi, Raphalen Elio, Metral LuisaORCID, Cheret Isabelle, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Tessier Emmanuel, Loots ChristopheORCID, Antajan ElvireORCID, Bassinet Emmanuel (2023). Mise en œuvre des Campagnes en mer GOLDYS: Rapport final de l’action 2 du Projet GOLDYS. RBE/MARBEC/LHM 2023.

Gaillard Laurène, Lapègue SylvieORCID, Reisser CelineORCID, Cornette Florence, Villeger Sébastien, Ernande BrunoORCID, Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre (2023). Déterminants écologiques de la diversité génétique chez les poissons marins des écosystèmes d'Atlantique et de Méditerranée. FORESEA 2050 - Livrable 1.1.3.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Vaz SandrineORCID, Millot Jade (2023). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de coordination International Bottom Trawl Surveys In The Mediterranean Sea - WGMEDITS. Italie, Mazzara del Vallo, 03-04/05/2023.

Duc Emilie, Huguet Antoine (2023). Rapport final - Bilan du chantier « Collecte des données DCSMM-CMR-DSF ». Evaluation du cycle 3 de la Directive Cadre « Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin » - Convention des Mers Régionales – Documents Stratégiques de Façades. ODE/VIGIES/23-06.

Régimbart AmélieORCID (2023). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2022. Rapport scientifique, Ifremer ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM, 40p.

Cuyvers Daan, Vaz SandrineORCID (2023). Seabed sensitivity to bottom trawling in the French Mediterranean. Application of ICES WGFBIT assessment framework. RBE/MARBEC/LHM.

Lheureux Arnaud, Vaz SandrineORCID, Antajan ElvireORCID, Vincent Dorothée, Morandeau Fabien, Lombart Fabien, Sacchi Jacques, Goberville Eric (2023). Note technique : Estimation de l’abondance du zooplancton gélatineux à partir de traits de chaluts.

Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) (2023). Evaluation of fishing effort and catch regime for demersal fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea (Part XI) (STECF-23-11). JRC136187.

Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) (2023). Evaluation of Joint Recommendations on the landing obligation and on Technical Measures Regulation (STECF-23-04 & 23-06). EUR 28359 EN; ISSN 2467-0715, ISSN 1831-9424.

Schohn Thomas, Belloni B., Rouanet E, Aquilina L., Angiollillo M., Caro A., Champion F., Fourt M., Gerigny Olivia, Giutsi M., Meinesz Coralie, Pazzini A., Poydenot F., Rossi L., Tambutté E., Vissio A., Tunesi L. (2023). Campagne océanographique d’exploration des zones sous-marines profondes de la zone de l’Accord RAMOGE « RAMOGE EXPLO 2022 ». Rapport final. Accord RAMOGE. 68 p. + Annexes.

Mille Tiphaine, Wessel NathalieORCID, Brun MélanieORCID, Mauffret AourellORCID (2023). Contamination en HBCDD et PFOS chez les poissons. Région marine Méditerranée. Directive Cadre Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin (DCSMM). Fiche indicateur du Bon Etat Ecologique (BEE).

Mille Tiphaine, Wessel NathalieORCID, Brun MélanieORCID, Mauffret AourellORCID (2023). Contamination en éléments traces métalliques chez les poissons. Région marine Méditerranée. Directive Cadre Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin (DCSMM). Fiche indicateur du Bon Etat Ecologique (BEE).

Mille Tiphaine, Wessel NathalieORCID, Brun MélanieORCID, Mauffret AourellORCID (2023). Contamination en PCB chez les poissons. Région marine Méditerranée. Directive Cadre Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin (DCSMM). Fiche indicateur du Bon Etat Ecologique (BEE).

Mille Tiphaine, Wessel NathalieORCID, Brun MélanieORCID, Mauffret AourellORCID (2023). Contamination en PBDE chez les poissons. Région marine Méditerranée. Directive Cadre Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin (DCSMM). Fiche indicateur du Bon Etat Ecologique (BEE).

Delaunay Damien, Brind'Amour AnikORCID, Acou Anthony, Régimbart AmélieORCID, Thiriet Pierre, Delesalle Marine (2022). Évaluation du descripteur D1. Biodiversité – Poissons et Céphalopodes en France métropolitaine. Rapport scientifique pour l’évaluation cycle 3 au titre de la DCSMM. ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM/D1PC/2022.

Elleboode RomainORCID, Badts VincentORCID, Telliez Solene, Bled--Defruit Geoffrey (2022). Guide d’envoi de pièces calcifiées au pôle de sclérochronologie.

Menot LenaickORCID, Georges Vincent, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Vaz SandrineORCID (2022). Méthodologie pour le calcul des indicateurs de l’objectif environnemental D01-HB-OE10 visant à éviter l’abrasion et l’étouffement des zones les plus représentatives des habitats profonds et réduire l’abrasion des structures géomorphologiques particulières (2ème cycle de la DCSMM). REM/BEEP/LEP/2022.02. 44p.

Régimbart AmélieORCID (2022). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2021. Rapport scientifique, Ifremer ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM, 40p.

Vincent D., Goberville E., Vilain M., Goffart A. (2022). Campagnes halieutiques optimisées pour la DCSMM. Analyse du dispositif de surveillance pour répondre aux besoins du programme thématique « Habitats pélagiques ».

Spedicato M.T., Cannas R., Mahe KeligORCID, Morales B., Tsigenopoulos C., Zane L., Kavadas S., Maina I., Scarcella G., Sartor P., Bandelj V., Russo T., Fiorentino F. (2021). Study on advancing fisheries assessment and management advice in the Mediterranean by aligning biological and management units of priority species. MED_UNITs. Final Report. Publications Office of the European Union. ISBN 978-92-95225-33-6.

Certain Gregoire, Grando Roland, Dutto GilbertORCID, Rault Yann, Utard Julien, Pasquet Jérôme (2021). ALCOVE – Rapport Final 2021.

Regimbart AmelieORCID, Baudrier JeromeORCID (2021). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2020. Ifremer ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM, 52p.

de Rock Pauline, Hattab Tarek, Vaz SandrineORCID (2021). Etude du risque d’effet des espèces halieutiques à l’éolien flottant dans le Golfe du Lion: rapport technique et méthodologique. Compartiment « Ichtyofaune, Mollusques, Crustacés, Invertébrés benthiques sensibles » AO6 Méditerranée. Rapport technique et méthodologique. RBE/MARBEC/LHM 2021. 95p.

Lecuyer Romain (2020). Structure et diversité génétique des populations de raie bouclée en Méditerranée / Structure and genetic diversity of thornback ray populations in the Mediterranean sea. Mémoire de fin d’études d'ingénieur de l'École nationale supérieure des sciences agronomiques, agroalimentaires, horticoles et du paysage (AGROCAMPUS OUEST). Spécialisation : Sciences halieutiques et aquacoles (Ressources et écosystèmes aquatiques).

Ouedraogo Celia (2020). La contamination chimique des espèces halieutiques marines. Analyse statistique de la variabilité et étude de la bioamplification du mercure dans le contexte de la mise en oeuvre de la Directive Cadre Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin (DCSMM). Mémoire de MASTER 2 – Ecosystèmes & Anthropisation à l'ENSAT.

Leforestier Sophie, Lehuta SigridORCID, Mahevas StephanieORCID, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Vaz SandrineORCID (2020). Rapport du projet PECHALO (Pêche Chalutière Occitanie) : Etude de l’impact de l’adaptation des stratégies de pêche et des navires de la flottille chalutière occitane pour améliorer leur viabilité et la durabilité de l’activité. RBE/EMH/MARBEC/2020.

Baudrier JeromeORCID (2020). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2019. Rapport scientifique, Ifremer ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM, 48 p.

Baudrier JeromeORCID (2020). Programmes de surveillance DCSMM 1er cycle : « Espèces commerciales » et « Poissons-céphalopodes (SP3-SP5) » : synthèse des résultats et priorisation des dispositifs proposés pour la surveillance second cycle. ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM, 43 p.

Metral LuisaORCID, Brisset Blandine (2020). Fiches pratiques d’aide à l'identification des espèces marines de Méditerranée occidentale. Campagnes halieutiques. RBE/LHM 2015-001.

Hazevis Gaëtan (2019). Harmonisation des suivis de la mégafaune invertébrée benthique sur les campagnes halieutiques de l’Ifremer.

Thomas AmandineORCID, Baudrier JeromeORCID, Gauthier Emilie (2019). Bancarisation des données planctoniques des campagnes halieutiques. Proposition de structuration des données planctoniques des campagnes optimisées pour une intégration dans le SI Quadrige². ODE/VIGIES/19/06.

Thomas AmandineORCID, Wessel NathalieORCID, Durand Gaetane (2019). Bancarisation des données du programme de surveillance «Contaminants». Proposition de structuration des données des contaminants chimiques pour une intégration dans le SI Quadrige². ODE/VIGIES/19/05.

Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) (2019). Methods for developing the fishing effort regime for demersal fisheries in western Mediterranean Sea – Part III (STECF-19-01). JRC116968 EUR 28359 EN. ISBN 978-92-76-08330-6, ISSN 1831-9424, STECF ISSN 2467-0715., JRC116968

Baudrier JeromeORCID (2019). Analyse critique des programmes de surveillance DCSMM 1er cycle : « Espèces commerciales » et « Poissons-céphalopodes (SP3-SP5) ». Partie 2 : Objectifs environnementaux. ODE / VIGIES / DCSMM.

Wendling Bertrand, Marchand Morgane, Cuvilliers Perrine, Cornella Delphine, Vaz SandrineORCID, Genu Mathieu, Medieu Anais, Guillerme Chloe, Llapasset Margaud, Holley Jean-Franois, Soulat Nelly, Sacchi Jacques, Scourzic Thomas, Lesage Claire-Marine, Baranger Laurent (2019). PROJET GALION. Gestion alternative de la pêcherie chalutière du Golfe du Lion.

Baudrier JeromeORCID (2019). Analyse critique des programmes de surveillance DCSMM 1er cycle : « Espèces commerciales » et « poissons-céphalopodes (SP3-SP5) ». Partie 1 : Bon état écologique. Rapport scientifique. ODE / VIGIES / DCSMM.

GFCM/CGPM (2019). Working Group on Marine Protected Areas(WGMPA),including a session on essential fish habitats (EFH). FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy, 18–21 February 2019.

Pérez Mayol Silvia, Mahe KeligORCID, Stagioni Marco (2019). Protocol to extract and store otoliths for shape and microchemistry analyses Med-Units Project. (TENDER EASME/EMFF/2016/032).

Baudrier JeromeORCID (2019). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2018. ODE / VIGIES.

Le Moigne Morgan, Lamoureux Alice, Gerigny Olivia, Durand Gaetane, Gauthier Emilie, Brun MelanieORCID, Daniel Jeremy, Galgani FrancoisORCID (2018). Bilan de l'intégration des données du descripteur 10 - Déchets Marins de la DCSMM - dans le système d'information Quadrige². ODE/VIGIES/18/06/MLM.

Mille Tiphaine, Mauffret AourellORCID, Baudrier JeromeORCID, Wessel NathalieORCID, Bouchoucha Marc (2018). Etude de la contamination chimique chez quatre espèces de poisson en Méditerranée. Rapport final des actions 2017-2018 du dispositif de suivi CONTAMED. RST.ODE/UL/LER-PAC/18-04.

Foucher EricORCID, Delaunay Damien (2018). Evaluation du descripteur 3 « espèces exploitées à des fins commerciales » en France métropolitaine. Rapport scientifique pour l’évaluation 2018 au titre de la DCSMM - R.RBE/HMMN/RHPEB-2018-01.

Brind'Amour AnikORCID, Delaunay Damien (2018). Evaluation de la composante de l’écosystème « Poissons et céphalopodes » du descripteur 1 « Biodiversité » en France métropolitaine. Rapport scientifique de l'Ifremer pour l’évaluation 2018 au titre de la DCSMM. R.RBE/EMH-2018-01.

Baudrier JeromeORCID (2018). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) – année 2017. Rapport scientifique Ifremer ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM.

Mabileau Guillaume, Baudrier JeromeORCID (2018). Bancarisation des données hydrologiques des campagnes halieutiques. Proposition d’harmonisation et de restitution des données au titre de la DCSMM. ODE/VIGIES.

Coppin Franck, Verin Yves (2018). Manuel d’utilisation VIVALDI (Visualisation et VALidation des Données des campagnes Internationales). RBE/HMMN/RH 2018.

Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Brind'Amour AnikORCID, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Galgani FrancoisORCID, Vaz SandrineORCID, Taviani Marco, Scarcella Giuseppe, Canals Miquel, Sanchez Anna, Grimalt Joan, Galil Bella, Goren Menachem, Schembri Patrick, Evans Julian, Knittweis Leyla, Cantafaro Anna-Lucia, Fanelli Emanuela, Carugati Laura, Danovaro Roberto (2018). Review of literature on the implementation of the MSFD to the deep Mediterranean Sea. IDEM project, Deliverable 1.1.

Regimbart AmelieORCID, Guitton Jérôme, Le Pape Olivier (2018). Zones fonctionnelles pour les ressources halieutiques dans les eaux sous souveraineté française. Deuxième partie : Inventaire. Rapport d'étude. Les publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST n°46, 175 p.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Saraux Claire, Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek (2018). Compte rendu de participation aux groupes d'experts de la CGPM pour l'évaluation des espèces démersales (WGSAD) et petits pélagiques (WGSASP), 18-24 novembre 2018, Rome. RBE/ederu/2018/CR16.

Devreker David, Lefebvre AlainORCID (2018). Optimisation du programme de surveillance DCSMM pour les descripteurs 5 - Eutrophisation et 1 - Habitats Pélagiques. Campagnes océanographiques à l'échelle des sous-régions marines. RST/LER.BL/18.06.

Le Moigne Morgan, Lamoureux Alice, Brun MelanieORCID (2017). Répondre à l’estimation des effets de la mesure d’interdiction des sacs plastiques à usage unique en caisse. juillet 2016. Les données de la surveillance à disposition dans la base de données Quadrige². ODE/VIGIES/ MLM.

Baudrier JeromeORCID (2017). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques - Programme de surveillance DCSMM, année 2016. ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM/17-009.

Coppin Franck, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Badts VincentORCID (2017). Processus d’intégration des données des campagnes scientifiques MEDITS vers Allegro Campagne. RBE/HMMN/BOULOGNE SUR MER 2017.

Delaunay Damien (2017). Sélection des espèces sensibles à la pression de pêche dans les sous-régions marines DCSMM. Descripteur 1 – Poissons & Céphalopodes. R.ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM.

Aubert Anaïs, Thibault Delphine (2017). Guide DCSMM d’aide à la détermination des principaux types/espèces de macro- et mégazooplancton gélatineux. Programme de Surveillance DCSMM. 70p.

ICES (2017). Workshop on Ageing Validation methodology of Mullus species (WKVALMU), 15-19 May 2017, Conversano, Italy. ICES CM 2017/ SSGIEOM:31.

ICES (2017). Report of the Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP), 2 – 6 October 2017, Sardinia, Italy. ICES CM 2017/SSGIEOM:08.

MEDITS working group (2017). International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean. Instruction manual. Version 9.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Saraux Claire, Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek (2017). Compte rendu de participation aux Groupes d'experts de la CGPM pour l'évaluation des espèces démersales (WGSAD) et petits pélagiques (WGSASP). Rome, 12-18 Novembre 2017. RBE/ederu/2017/CR16.

Mialet Benoit, Banaru Daniela, Baudrier JeromeORCID, Bustamante Paco, Chekri Rachida, Cresson PierreORCID, Harmelin Mireille, Le Loc'h François, Mauffret AourellORCID, Marchand Philippe, Petit Laetitia, Prieur Solene, Saibi-Yedjer Lynda, Serre Sandrine, Spitz Jerome, Timmerman Charles-AndreORCID, Vouriot Pauline, Wessel NathalieORCID (2017). Bilan des essais et optimisation du suivi mutualisé « réseaux trophiques et contaminants » sur les campagnes halieutiques DCF 2014- 2015. Rapport pour le projet DCSMM.

Galgani Francois, Giorgetti Alessandra, Le Moigne Morgan, Brosich Alessandro, Vinci Matteo, Lipizer Marina, Molina Eugenia, Holdsworth Niel, Schlitzer Reiner, Hanke George, Moncoiffe Gwennaelle, Schaap Dick, Giorgi Giordanno (2017). Guidelines and forms for gathering marine litter data . EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry

Bertrand Jacques, Berthou Patrick, Trenkel VerenaORCID (2016). Les campagnes de suivi halieutique pilotées par l’Ifremer en appui à la politique commune de la pêche. R.INT.DEP/RBE.

Baudrier JeromeORCID, Brind'Amour AnikORCID, Delaunay Damien (2016). Déploiement de campagnes côtières sur fonds meubles pour la surveillance DCSMM des poissons et céphalopodes.

Trenkel VerenaORCID, Berthou Patrick, Bertrand Jacques, Biseau Alain, Bourdeix Jean-Herve, Dintheer Christian, Foucher EricORCID, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Lezama Ochoa Ainhoa, Metral LuisaORCID, Rouyer Tristan, Saraux Claire (2016). Rapport du groupe de travail Campagnes halieutiques en Méditerranée. Bilan et perspectives.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Saraux Claire (2015). Compte rendu de participation aux groupes de travail de la CGPM – Espèces démersales (WGSAD) et petits pélagiques (WGSASP). Rome, 23-28 Novembre 2015. RBE/EDERU/2015/CRGT26.

Sanna Serena, Andral Bruno (2014). 1er reporting du projet SEA-ERA MERMAID (juin - décembre 2013). RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-11.

Bigot Jean-Louis, Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Rouyer Tristan, Saraux Claire (2014). Compte–rendu de participation aux groupes de travail de la CGPM – Espèces démersales et petits pélagiques Sub-Committee on Stock Assessment (SCSA). Bar, 28 Janvier-1 Février : WGS 3 Février 2014 ; SCSA. SAC/SCSA/WGSAD/2014.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Saraux Claire, Bigot Jean-Louis (2014). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d’experts de la CGPM sur les Espèces démersales (WGSAD) et les petits pélagiques (WGSASP). Rome, 24-27 Novembre 2014. RBE/EDERU/2014/CRGT30.

Andral Bruno, Cresson PierreORCID, Bouchoucha Marc, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Marco-Miralles FrancoiseORCID, Chavanon Fabienne, de Vogue Benoist, Baldi Yoann (2014). "Contamination chimique de la chaîne trophique en Méditerranée programme RETROMED ". Synthèse du volet cartographique CONTAMED. RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-24.

Cresson PierreORCID, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Bouchoucha Marc, Marco-Miralles FrancoiseORCID, Chavanon Fabienne, Knoery JoelORCID, Brach-Papa ChristopheORCID (2014). Niveaux trophiques et niveaux de contamination en métaux traces des espèces démersales de la pente continentale du Golfe du Lion. (Données MEDITS 2012). RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-06.

Cresson PierreORCID, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Bouchoucha Marc, Marco-Miralles FrancoiseORCID, Chavanon Fabienne, Brach-Papa ChristopheORCID, Knoery JoelORCID (2014). Niveaux trophiques et niveaux de contamination en mercure des espèces démersales dans les canyons du Golfe du Lion (Données MEDITS 2012). RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-05.

Cresson PierreORCID, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Bouchoucha Marc, Marco-Miralles FrancoiseORCID, Chavanon Fabienne, Brach-Papa ChristopheORCID, Knoery JoelORCID (2014). Etat d'avancement du programme RETROMED Canyons. RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-04.

Beaubrun Pierre, Roos DavidORCID, Astruc Guillelme, Conejero Sandrine, Renard Delphine, Bigot Jean-Louis, Liorzou Bernard, Le Corre Gildas, Mellon Capucine (2013). Etat de l'art des connaissances sur les distributions spatiales des oiseaux marins et des petits poissons pélagiques dans le golfe du Lion. Rapport de contrat DREAL-IFREMER n° 11/3211726/F.

Danioux Nolwenn (2013). Bilan des campagnes océanographiques françaises 2012.

Mahe Kelig, Dufour Jean-Louis, Elleboode Romain, Felix Jerome, Sevin Karine, Badts Vincent (2013). Guide de prélèvements des pièces calcifiées.

Mellon Capucine, Vogel CamilleORCID (2013). ESPEXS - Enjeux du Secteur Potentiellement Exploitable en Sable au large du golfe du Lion. Volet Halieutique. Rapport de phase 2 : Etat des Lieux. Rapport final du contrat AAMP-IFREMER n° 12/3211775 /F.

Mellon Capucine, Vogel CamilleORCID (2013). ESPEXS - Enjeux du Secteur Potentiellement Exploitable en Sable au large du golfe du Lion. Volet Halieutique. Rapport de phase 1 : Approche méthodologique. RBE/HM 12-001.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Souplet Arnauld (2013). Guide du chef de mission de la campagne MEDITS (série Française) (MEDiterranean International Trawl Survey). HMT 2013/01.

Foucher EricORCID, Bertrand Jacques, Dintheer Christian, Trenkel VerenaORCID (2013). Eléments de réflexion sur les demandes potentielles de campagnes océanographiques par la communauté des halieutes de l’Ifremer à l’horizon 2021.

Badts V., J.A. Bertrand. Guide de la mensuration des poissons, mollusques, crustacés et mammifères marins en halieutique. Rapport SYSTÈME D'INFORMATIONS HALIEUTIQUES - V2.1 - 14 Mars 2012

Gourtay - Le Hingrat Francoise (2012). Bilan des campagnes océanographiques françaises 2011 / 2011 French oceanographic cruises report.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Rouyer Tristan (2012). Compte-rendu de participation au groupe d’experts du CSTEP – Stocks méditerranéens (STECF-EWG 12-19). Ancona, Italie, 10-14 Décembre 2012.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID (2012). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail STECF-EWG 11-20, 16-20 January 2012, Madrid, Spain.

MEDITS working group (2012). MEDITS. International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean. Instruction manual. Version 6. MEDITS-Handbook. Revision n.6, April 2012, MEDITS Working group.

Galgani FrancoisORCID (2011). MACRO-DECHETS en Méditerranée française : Etat des connaissances, analyses des données de la surveillance et recommandations. RST.ODE/LER-PAC/11-03.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID (2011). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail permanent de la CGPM sur l’évaluation des ressources démersales, Chania, 24-29 octobre 2011.

Durieux Brice (2011). Variabilité de paramètres biologiques du merlu dans le Golfe du Lion : effets indirects de la pêche.

Gourtay - Le Hingrat F. Bilan des campagnes océanographiques françaises 2010. R.INT.IDM/SISMER/11-01, 2011.

Talidec Catherine (2010). Rapport d'activité 2009, Département "Sciences et technologies halieutiques" (Lorient/Brest).

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID (2010). Compte-rendu de participation au groupe de travail CSTEP pour l’évaluation des stocks méditerranéens (SGMED 10-03). Mazzara del Vallo, 13-17 sdécembre 2010.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID (2010). Compte-rendu de participation au groupe de travail CSTEP pour l’évaluation des stocks méditerranéens (SGMED 10-02). Heraklion, 31 mai – 4 juin 2010.

Gourtay - Le Hingrat Francoise (2009). Bilan des campagnes océanographiques françaises 2008.

Mahe Kelig, Bellail Robert, Dufour Jean-Louis, Boiron-Leroy Anne, Dimeet Joel, Duhamel Erwan, Elleboode Romain, Felix Jerome, Grellier Patrick, Huet Jerome, Labastie Jacques, Le Roy Didier, Lizaud Oceann, Manten Marie-Line, Martin Stephane, Metral Luisa, Nedelec Daniel, Verin Yves, Badts Vincent. Synthèse française des procédures d'estimation d'âge French summary of age estimation procedures. Rapport 2009

Morin J., Bertrand J., Cochard ML, Coppin F., Leaute JP, Lobry J., Mahe JC, Poulard JC, Rochet MJ, Schlaich I, Souplet A., Trenkel V., Vaz S., Verin Yves. Rapport Édition 2009. L'état des communautés exploitées au large des côtes de France. Application d'indicateurs à l'évaluation de l'impact de la pêche. Bilan 2004.

Bertrand Jacques, Brind'Amour Anik, Cochard Marie-Laure, Coppin Franck, Leaute Jean-Pierre, Lorance Pascal, Mahe Jean-Claude, Morin Jocelyne, Poulard Jean-Charles, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Schlaich Ivan, Souplet Arnauld, Trenkel Verena, Verin Yves. Rapport 2009. Grands invertébrés et poissons observés par les campagnes scientifiques. Bilan 2007.

Farrugio H., Le Corre G.. Note sur la création par la CGPM d'une Zone de pêche réglementée dans le golfe du Lion en mars 2009. Rapport interne RBE/HMT 2011-002, 2011

Souplet Arnauld (2009). Les stocks démersaux de la Méditerranée française : analyse des campagnes MEDITS 1994-2008. HMT 2009/01.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID (2009). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail pour les évaluations des stocks partagés franco espagnols de Merlu (Merluccius merluccius) et Rouget barbet de vase (Mullus barbatus). Palma, 16 au 20 février 2009.

Ernande BrunoORCID, Blanchard FabianORCID, Bourjea JeromeORCID, Brind'Amour AnikORCID, Caill-Milly NathalieORCID, de Pontual HeleneORCID, Desaunay Yves, Fablet Ronan, Fromentin Jean-MarcORCID, Grizel Henri, Huret MartinORCID, Lobry Jeremy, Mahe KeligORCID, Petitgas PierreORCID, Planque Benjamin, Prouzet Patrick, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Taquet Marc, Thebaud OlivierORCID, Vaz SandrineORCID, Vendeville Philippe (2008). Bilan du projet STRADA. Des STRAtégies aDAptatives des organismes à une approche écosystémique des pêches. PDG/DPCP/PGD02/PJD0207 2008-001.

Jadaud AngeliqueORCID, Farrugio Henri (2008). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail permanent de la CGPM sur l’évaluation des ressources démersales. IZMIR (Turquie) du 15 au 19 septembre 2008.

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Carlucci R., D'Onghia G., Maiorano P., Sion L., Capezzuto F., Matarrese A. and Tursi A. Abundance and size fluctuations in the deep-water shrimps Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Risso, 1827) and Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1819) in the north-western Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Sea). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 38, p. 445. 2007

Pace R., Dimech M., Camilleri M. and Schembri P. J. Litter as a source of habitat islands on deep water muddy bottoms. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 38, 2007

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References of International Seminar Communications

Jadaud A., Guijarro B., Rouyer T., Massutí E. and Capucine Mellon, 2016. Harvesting and population dynamics of European hake in the Gulf of Lions (northwestern Mediterranean). 41st CIESM Congress, Kiel. Poster

H. Thébault, M. Arnaud, C. Duffa, S. Charmasson and Y. Diméglio, 2014. Regional Survey of Radionuclides in the Marine Environment of the French Mediterranean Coast. Third International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, 7-12 septembre 2014, Barcelone, Espagne.

N. Bez , V. Suntov , B. Mérigot , J.M. Fromentin and M. Woillez Conditional spatially explicit simulations of strongly 0-inflated data to estimate biodiversity indices. 4th International Statistical Ecology Conference ISEC, 1-4 July 2014, Montpellier.

T. Chouvelon, P. Cresson, B. Andral, M. Bouchoucha, C. Brach?Papa, P. Bustamante, M. C. Fabri, J. Knoery, F. Miralles, B. Thomas, 2014. Using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes to infer mercury bioaccumulation in marine food webs: a comparative study between NE Atlantic and NW Mediterranean deep?sea food webs. SFIsotrace 2014.

V. Suntov, N.Bez, JM.Fromentin, S.Pavoine, C.Meynard, A. Jadaud, B.Mérigot. Mapping diversity indices: a false simple question. 4th International Statistical Ecology Conference ISEC, 1-4 July 2014, Montpellier.

Anik Brind'Amour, Marie-Joëlle Rochet, Verena Trenkel, Bastien Mérigot, Angélique Jadaud, Pierluigi Carbonara, Cristina Follesa, Porzia Maiorano, Enric Massuti, Maria Teresa Spedicato and Jacques Bertrand. (2013) Contrasting food web structures and trends across Mediterranean Areas. ICES ASC 2013, Reykjavik (Iceland). 23-27 September 2013. Poster

Fiorentino F., Lefkaditou E., Jadaud A., Carbonara P., Lembo G., Galgani F. Protocol for litter data collection during the MEDITS trawl surveys. 40th CIESM Congress, Marseille, France, 28 Oct-1 Nov 2013

Galgani F., Fleet D., Van Franeker J.A., Hanke G., De Vrees L., Katsanevakis S., Maes T., Mouat J., Oosterbaan L., Poitou I. and Thompson R. (2011). Monitoring marine litter within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD): Scientific and technical basis. Fifth International Marine Debris Conference, Honolulu Hawaii 20-25 Mar 2011. Oral Presentation Extended Abstracts 4.c.5. 164-168.

Galgani F., Hanke G., Werner S., De Vrees L. (and MSFD GES Technical Subgroup on Marine Litter) (2011) Marine litter (Descriptor 10) within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). 2012 congress, University of Denmark/ ICES, 14-16 May 2012 (, abstract n° 571. Galgani F. (2012) Marine litter, observation/modelling and MSFD, International Workshop "COASTAL OBSERVING AND FORECASTING SYSTEMS, TODAY & TOMORROW", Livorno, April 18-19, 2012.

Poisson F. (2011). Review of the available data on four Elasmobranches species caught by the French fleets on the Mediterranean coast (Gulf of Lions and Corsica). Workshop on Stock Assessment of Selected Species of Elasmobranchs in the GFCM area, December 12-16 2011, Brussels, Belgium.

Katsanevakis S., Amato E., Birkun A., Fleet D., Van Franeker J.A., Hanke G., Janssen C., Maes T., Mouat T., J., Oosterbaan L., Poitou I., Thompson R., Galgani F. (2010). Proposing Methodological standards for monitoring marine litter, in order to achieve good environmental status in the framework of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Poster at SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 23-27 May 2010. Seville, Spain. (Science and Technology for Environmental Protection) Poster (abstract id 474 for topic C05 - Plastics in the environment: unwrapping their fate and effects and finding solutions)

Jona Lasinio G., Colloca F., Maiorano L., Bartolino V., Abella A., Mannini A., Sartor P., Belcari P., Relini G. and Ardizzone G.D. A geostatistical approach for the identification of MPAs for fishery management in the central Mediterranean Sea. European Symposium on MPAs as a tool for fisheries management & ecosystem conservation. Murcia 25-28 settembre 2008. 2007

Peristeraki P., Tserpes G., Politou C-Y., Kallianiotis A. and Papaconstantinou C. Distribution mapping of elasmobranch species in the Greek seas based on the MEDITS data Document presented in the GFCM workshop on "Trawl Based Monitoring Fishery System in the Mediterranean Sea", Rome, Italy, 26-28 March 2008 2007

Leblond Emilie, Daures Fabienne , Berthou Patrick, Dintheer Christian. The Fisheries Information System of Ifremer: a multidisciplinary monitoring network and an integrated approach for the assessment of French fisheries, including small-scale fisheries. ICES 2008 Annual Science Conference, 22-26 september 2008, HALIFAX, CANADA. Acte de colloque 2008

Abella A. Assessment of European hake with a variant of a non-equilibrium Biomass Dynamic Model using exclusively trawl surveys data. WG SAC Athens, September 2007. 2007

Abella A. The utilization of trawl surveys data for stock assessment purposes using two variants of surplus production models. MEDITS - SAC - GFCM meeting. Rome, march 2007. 2007

Abella A., Bartolino V. , Bertrand J., Cau A., Colloca F., Follesa C., Mannini A, Reale B., Rinelli P., Sbrana M., Spedicato M.T. Voliani A. and Zupa R.Use of composite models for the assessment of European hake, Red mullet and Norway lobster stocks in the North-Western Mediterranean (GSAs 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11). WG SAC Athens, September 2007. 2007

Ardizzone G.D., Colloca F., Iona Lasinio G., Bartolino V., Maiorano L., Carpentieri P., Abella A., Mannini A., Viva C., De Ranieri S. and Relini G. Hake nurseries identification in the FAO-GSA 9 using a Bayesian geostatistical approach. Workshop on Trawl Survey Based Monitoring Fishery System in the Mediterranean, FAO - General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, Rome, March, 26-28.2007

Ardizzone G.D., Maiorano L., Colloca F., Bartolino V., Jona Lasinio G., Criscoli A., Carpentieri P., Abella A., Mannini A., Sartor P., Belcari P. and Relini G. An approach for the identification of no- take areas in the Mediterranean based on trawl surveys data and simulated annealing. MEDITS - SAC - GFCM meeting. Rome, march 2007. 2007 Bartolino V., Colloca F., Iona Lasinio G., Maiorano L. and Ardizzone G.D. Bayesian analysis of hake recruits in the GSA 9 (Tyrrhenian-Ligurian Sea). FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - Stock Assessment Group, Rome, September, 11-14, 2007. 2007

Boban J., Vrgo? N., Bulaja D., Peharda M., Isajlovi? I. and Krstulovi? ?ifner S. Population structure, age and growth of hollowsnout grenadier Caelorinchus caelorhincus (Risso, 1810) in the eastern Adriatic Sea XII European Congress of Ichthyology - Book of abstracts / Buj I., Zanella L., Mrakov?i? M. (ed.) Zagreb: Tipomat doo, p. 246. 2007

Ligas A., Baino R., Barone M., Belcari P., Carpentieri P., Criscoli A., Mannini A., Relini G. and Viva C. Analysis of trawl survey time series from the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas. Presentato al GFCM Workshop Trawl surveys, Roma 26-28 marzo 2007.

Rochet Marie-Joelle, Trenkel Verena, Gil De Sola Luis, Politou Chrissi-Yianna, Tserpes George, Bertrand Jacques (2007). Do population and community metrics tell the same story about recent changes in Northern Mediterranean fish communities? ICES Annual Science Conference 2007.

Abella A. A proposal for two strategies of utilization of MEDITS data for stock assessment purposes based on surplus production models MEDITS project co-ordination meeting, Kavala 3-6 april 2006. 2006 Abella A. Use of some approaches for stock assessment in conditions of data shortage (with special attention to surplus production models). GFCM - SAC Permanent Working Group on Stock Assessment Methodology (PWGAM) and Black Sea Commission (BSC). Meeting on stock assessment methodology. Istanbul, 8-10 march, 2006. 2006

Abella A., Ria M., Mancusi C., Baino R. and Serena F. Consistency between trawl surveys trends of abundance and fishing pressure for the demersal assemblages exploited in the Southern Ligurian Sea. 8th Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Stock Assessment (SCSA) FAO, Rome, 11-14 settembre 2006

Bahri T., Camilleri M., Dimech M., Drago A ., Fiorentino F., Garofalo G., Gristina M., Massa F. and Schembri Pj. Demersal resources and fisheries around the Maltese Islands: Multidisciplinary approach in data-limited situation. Conference on Implementing the ecosystem approach to fisheries 2006. Bergen Norway. 2006

Serena F. and Relini G. Use of Scientific Campaigns (Trawl Surveys) for the knowledge of the Sensitive Habitats. A review of the MEDITS, GRUND and APHIA data with special attention to the Italian Seas. In: Basusta N., Keskin., Serena F., Seret B. (eds). 2006. "The proceedings of the Workshop on the Mediterranean Cartilaginous Fish with emphasis on Southern and Eastern Mediterranean". Turkish Marine Research Foundation. Istanbul-Turkey, 23:135-148. ,2006

Serena F., Abella A., Baino R., Mancusi C., Voliani A. and Relini G. Sensitive habitats for elasmobranch fishes in the Italian seas through the analysis of trawl surveys data. Proceedings of STECF on Sensitive and Essential Fish Habitats in the Mediterranean Sea. Rome 6-10 March 2006. 2006

Serena F., Mancusi C. and Vacchi M. Threatened species of the Mediterranean Sea. The case of Elasmobranchs fishes: assessment of their status and international actions for their conservation. Second workshop on: Human-environment interactions in the Mediterranean Sea since the Roman period until the 19th century: an historical and ecological perspective on fishing activities. Chioggia, 27-29 September 2006

Woillez Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Rivoirard Jacques, Fernandes Paul, Hoftstede Remment Ter, Korsbrekke Knut, Orlowski Andrzej, Spedicato Maria-Teresa, Politou Chrissi-Yianna (2006). Relationships between population spatial occupation and population dynamics. ICES Annual Science Conference 2006.

Abella A., Carpentieri P., Mannini A., Ria M., Sartor P., Viva C. and Voliani A. Use of fisheries independent data for the definition of the stock status of Mullus barbatus utilizing mortality rates based reference points. 7th Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Stock Assessment (SCSA) FAO, Rome, 26-30 September, 2005. 2005

Abella A., Ria M. and Serena F. Usefulness of legal size for the recovery of a European hake stock in a Northwestern mediterranean bottom trawl fishery. CM 2005/W:19, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Aberdeen 20-24 settembre 2005

Dimech, M., Camilleri, M., Gristina, M., Kaiser, M. and Schembri P. J. Relationship between commercial & non-commercial species and abiotic characteristics in trawled muddy habitats on the Maltese continental shelf. Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Conference. University of Wales Bangor. U.K. 2005

Serena F., Barone M., Mancusi C. and Abella A.J. Reproductive biology, growth and feeding habits of Raja asterias Delaroche, 1809, from the north Tyrrhenian and south Ligurian sea (Italy), with some notes on trends in landings. ICES Annual Science Conference; Theme Session on Elasmobranch Fisheries Science, 20-24 September 2005. CM2005/N:12. 2005

Serena F., Mancusi C., Barone M. and Abella A.J. Abundance and distribution of rays in the south Ligurian and north Thyrrenian Sea. ICES Annual Science Conference; Theme Session on Elasmobranch Fisheries Science, 20-24 September2005. CM2005/N:20. 2005

Serena F., Papaconstantinou C., Relini G., Gil De Sola L. and Bertrand J. Distribution and abundance of Squalus acanthias and Squalus blainvillei, in the Mediterranean Sea based on data of the Mediterranean International Trawl Survey program (MEDITS). First International Symposium on the Management & Biology of Dogfish Sharks. June 13-15 2005, Seattle, Washington, USA. 2005

Souplet A., Y. Cheret, A. Jadaud, 2005. Use of bottom trawl surveys data (program MEDITS) for stock assessment. Particular case of France. Scientific advisory Committee - GFCM, Worging Group on Demersal Species. Présentation PowerPoint

AA.VV. Medits Assessment of indicator trends related to exploited demersal fish populations and communities in the Mediterranean. DCR Medits Working group. Nantes (France), 15-18 March 2005 and Kavala (Greece), 2-6 April 2006 Available at en.jsp. 168 p. 2007

Serena F., Baino R., Rey J., Papacostantinou C. and Relini G. Catch composition and abundance of deep-sea elasmobranch based on MEDITS trawl survey. FAO Fish. Rep. N. 772, presented at Queenstown, New Zealand, 1-5 December 2003. 2005

References of National Seminar Communications

Anik Brind?Amour, Marie-Joëlle Rochet, Verena Trenkel, Bastien Mérigot, Angélique Jadaud, Pierluigi Carbonara, Cristina Follesa, Porzia Maiorano, Enric Massuti, Maria Teresa Spedicato and Jacques Bertrand. (2013) Changements fonctionnels au sein des communautés de poissons en Méditerranée. 11ième forum de l'AFH 2013. 19-21 Juin, Pessac (France). Poster

Suntov V. et al., Towards an accurate mapping of diversity indices. 11ième forum de l'AFH 2013. 19- 21 Juin, Pessac (France).

References of the Described New Species (faunal, floral, microorganisms), locations where the holotypes were stored

Monniot F., 2016. A new species of Polyandrocarpa (Ascidiacea, Styelidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Zootaxa 4132 (1): 087-096.

References of Contracts reports (European Union, FAO, Convention, Collectivities...)

Gerigny O., M. Brun, C. Tomasino, M. Le Moigne, Lacroix, L. Kerambrun, F. Galgani (2018) Évaluation 2018 de l'état écologique de la DCSMM pour le Descripteur 10 (Déchets marins). Rapport scientifique IFREMER pour le ministère de l'environnement (sous presse) , février 2018, 313 pages.

Fabri Marie-Claire, Brind'Amour Anik, Jadaud Angelique, Galgani Francois, Vaz Sandrine, And European Participants (Cnr, Csic, Dfmr, Enea, Tau, Um, Univpm) (2017). Report on the literature review to assess the current state of MSFD implementation. Deliverable 1.1.

Jadaud Angelique, Bourjea Jerome, Demaneche Sebastien, Biseau Alain (2017). Etat des stocks de langoustine (Nephrops norvegicus), crevette rose (Parapenaeus longirostris), cardine à quatre tâches (Lepidorhombus boscii), et pocheteau noir (Dipturus oxyrinchus) de l?Est de la Corse . DPMA - Direction des Pêches Maritimes & de l'Agriculture, Paris , Ref. RBE/EDERU/2017/S2 - Ifremer/PDG/AB/2017 - n°043 - Saisine/Demande : 17-11126 , 1p., 26p., 2p.

Cresson Pierre, Fabri Marie-Claire, Bouchoucha Marc, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Chavanon Fabienne, Knoery Joel, Brach-Papa Christophe (2014). Niveaux trophiques et niveaux de contamination en métaux traces des espèces démersales de la pente continentale du Golfe du Lion. (Données MEDITS 2012) . RST.ODE/LER-PAC/14-06 .

Cresson Pierre, Fabri Marie-Claire, Bouchoucha Marc, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Chavanon Fabienne, Knoery Joel, Brach-Papa Christophe (2014). État d?avancement du programme RETROMED Canyons (RST.ODE / LER-PAC / 14- 04). Biseau Alain, Jadaud Angelique, Berthou Patrick, Begot Eric (2016). Saisine 16-9847 : "Évaluation de l?impact de mesures de gestion transitoires dans le golfe du Lion (GSA 7)". DPMA - Direction des Pêches Maritimes & de l'Aquaculture, La Défense , Ref. Ifremer/PDG/AB/2016 - n°072 - 009847, 4p., 1p., 41p.

Colloca F., Spedicato, M.T., Massutí, E., Garofalo, G., Tserpes, G., Sartor, P., Mannini, A., Ligas, A., Mastrantonio, G., Reale, B., Musumeci, C., Rossetti, I., Sartini, M., Sbrana, M., Grati, F., Scarcella, G., Iglesias, M., Tugores, M.P., Ordines, F., Gil de Sola, L., Lembo, G., Bitteto, I., Facchinii, M.T., Martiradonna, A., Zupa, W., Carlucci, R., Follesa, M.C., Carbonara, P., Mastradonio, A., Fiorentino, F., Gristina, M., Knittweis, L., Mifsud, R., Pace, M.L., Piccinetti, C., Manfredi, C., Fabi, G., Polidori, P., Bolognini, L., De Marco, R., Domenichetti, F., Gramolini, R., Valavanis, V., Lefkaditou, E., Kapiris, K., Anastasopoulou, A., Nikolioudakis, N., (2013). Mapping of nursery and spawning grounds of demersal fish. Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats (MEDISEH) Final Report, DG MARE Specific Contract SI2.600741, Heraklion (Greece).

Galgani F., Hanke G, Werner S, Oosterbaan L, Nilsson P, Fleet D, Kinsey S, Thompson R, van Franeker J, Vlachogianni T, Scoullos M, Mira Veiga J, Palatinus A, Matiddi M, Maes T, Korpinen S, Budziak A, Leslie H, Gago J and Liebezeit G (2013) , Monitoring Guidance for Marine Litter in European Seas. MSFD GES Technical Subgroup on Marine Litter (TSG-ML). Final REPORT, 120 pages.

Le Corre Gildas, Jadaud Angelique, Roos David, Biseau Alain (2012). Définition d'objectifs biologiques pour une exploitation durable des ressources. Application du règlement (CE) n°1967/2006 et Art.19 : Plans de gestion pour certaines espèces dans les eaux territoriales. Complément à Saisine DPMA 10-2493 du 26 octobre 2010. DPMA, Ref. RBE/EDERU/10-2493, 12p.

STECF (2012). 39th Plenary meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-12-01). Plenary meeting, 16-20 april 2012, Brussels. CSTEP/STECF, Ref. Report EUR 25303 EN, 112p.

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Forest Andre. Ressources halieutiques hors quotas du Nord Est Atlantique : bilan des connaissances et analyse de scénarios d'évolution de la gestion. Rapport 2011Lorance P., Les populations ichtyologiques démersales profondes de la sous-région marine Méditerranée occidentale, contribution thématiques DCSMM, évaluation de l'état initial, caractéristiques biologiques - biocénoses DCSMM/EI/MO. Expertise / Avis DCSMM/EI/EE/MO/2.2.7.b/2011

Gerigny O, Tomasino C, Henry M, F Galgani (2011) rapport état initial déchets en mer, sous-région marine Mediterranée Occidentale, 5pages

Le Corre Gildas, Farrugio Henri (2011). Note sur la création par la CGPM d'une Zone de pêche réglementée dans le golfe du Lion en mars 2009. Lorance Pascal (2011). Les populations ichtyologiques démersales profondes de la sous-région marine Méditerranée occidentale, contribution thématiques DCSMM, évaluation de l'état initial, caractéristiques biologiques - biocoenoses DCSMM/EI/MO. Ministère de l'Ecologie du Développement Durable des Transports et du Logement, Ref. DCSMM/EI/EE/MO/2.2.7.b/2011, 6p.

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STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries) (2011). 38th Plenary Meeting Report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-11-03).

Galgani F., Fleet D., Van Franeker J., Katsanevakis S., Maes T., Mouat J., Oosterbaan S., Poitou I., Hanke G., Thompson R., Amato E., Birkun A, Janssen C. (2010) Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Task Group 10 Report Marine litter , JRC Scientific and technical report, ICES/JRC/IFREMER Joint Report (no 31210 ? 2009/2010) , Editor: N. Zampoukas , 57 pages.

Vigneau J., Zableckis S.,Doerner H. Evaluation of 2007 National Data Collection. (EC)NO 1639/2001

Ardizzone G.D., Lembo G., CarpentieriP., Kallianiotis A. and Spedicato M.T. Stock assessment of Phycis blennoides (Brünnich, 1768) in the Northern-Central Mediterranean using trawl survey data from MEDITS and SAMED EU projects. FAO Reports 2006

Politou C.-Y., Chilari A., Dokos J., Kalianiotis A., Tserpes G. and Peristeraki P. Identification of the nurseries of hake and deep-water pink shrimp in the Greek waters using trawl survey data. Working paper for STECF/SGMED-06-01 sub-group meeting on Sensitive and Essential Fish Habitats in the Mediterranean, Rome 6-10 March 2006:17 pp 2006

Serena F. Field identification guide to the sharks and rays of the Mediterranean and Black Sea. FAO Species identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. FAO. 97 p. 11. 2005

Serena F., Cecchi E., Mancusi C. and Pajetta R. Contribution to the knowledge of the biology of Etmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chondrichthyes, Etmopteridae). FAO, Fish. Rep. 772. 2005

References of Atlases

Jadaud A., Brisset B., Cheret I., Granger V., Lopez P., Metral L. Espèces démersales en Méditerranée et mer Noire. Poster UMR MARBEC. Décembre 2014

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Iglesias S. Actinopterygians from the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (a natural classification based on collection specimens, with DNA barcodes and standardized photographs) ? Volume I (plates). Provisional version 08, 01 april 2012.

Iglesias S. Chondrichthyans from the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (a natural classification based on collection specimens, with DNA barcodes and standardized photographs) ? (plates & text). Provisional version 06, 01 april 2012.

Trenkel V., Berthele O., Lorance P.,Bertrand J., Brind'Amour A, Cochard ML, Coppin F, Leaute JP, Mahe JC, Morin J., Rochet MJ, Salaun M, Souplet A., Verin Y. Grands invertébrés et poissons observés par les campagnes scientifiques. Atlas de distribution. Bilan 2008. Rapport 2009

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Guillerme Ch., 2017. Utilisation de la vidéo sous-marine et du chalutage pour la connaissance et le suivi des assemblages de mégafaune benthique. Mémoire de Master2. Projet FFP Galion

Bassols Nicolas, 2016. Stratégie alimentaire de la petite roussette Scyliorhinus canicula dans le Golfe de Lion (mer Méditerranée). Licence sciences de la vie et de la terre, parcours mer, 24 pages.

Llapasset M. 2016. Définition des Habitats Benthiques Sensibles ou à Risque au Chalutage Démersal dans le Golfe du Lion. Stage Master 2 Biodiversité, Ecologie, Evolution : Parcours "Biodiversité et Développement Durable, Université de Perpignan.

Merquiol L. 2016. Alimentation et condition du merlu européen, Merluccius merluccius (L., 1758), dans le Nord-Ouest de la Méditerranée : une comparaison 2004-2015, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Master 1, 30 pages.

Médieu A. 2016. Cartographie des captures et rejets d?espèces commerciales et planification spatiale des pêcheries chalutières dans le golfe du Lion. Stage Ingénieure Polytech Paris.

Ortu Clara. 2016. Dissections et mesures biométriques des espèces pélagiques (maquereaux et sardines), démersales et benthiques (chinchards, poutassous et petites roussettes) dans le cadre de la DCSMM « Réseau trophique » du golfe du Lion. Licence SVT, 54 pages.

Rosclan Marjorie, 2016.Condition corporelle et régime alimentaire des espèces exploitées dans le Golfe du Lion. Master Océanographie Biologie et Écologie Marine, 20 pages.

Bechtel D. 2015. Méthodes de quantification de la structure spatiale des différences fonctionnelles et phylogénétiques entre communautés. Université Aix-Marseille, 20 pages.

Le LUHERNE Emilie, Aix-Marseille Université OSU Institut Pythéas, Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography EMBIO, équipe 5, UM 110, Campus de Luminy 13288 Marseille. Master professionnel « Environnement Marin », Année 2011-2012. Étude de l?alimentation des maquereaux et des chinchards dans le Golfe du Lion. Aout 2012.

JADAUD A. Master 2 recherche, spécialité Biologie et Écologie marines. Université de la Méditerranée / Centre d?Océanologie de Marseille. Évaluation du stock de merlu (Merluccius merluccius) du Golfe du Lion. Analyse de sensibilité sous deux hypothèses de croissance, Aout 2006.

Thesis using campaign data

Bockel Thomas (2024). Une approche innovante de l'étude et de la gestion des pressions anthropiques et de leurs impacts sur les écosystèmes marins côtiers de méditerranée française. PhD Thesis, Université de Montpellier.

Andrialovanirina Nicolas (2024). Formes 2D et 3D des otolithes : de la structuration à la classification des poissons. PhD Thesis, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale.

Hopkins Stephanie (2024). Combined effects of population and fleet spatial structure on hake fisheries management in the Gulf of Lion. PhD Thesis, Université de Montpellier.

Jac CyrielleORCID (2020). Intégrité des habitats benthiques du plateau continental face aux perturbations physiques naturelles et aux arts trainants : quelles méthodes d'observations ? Comment suivre le retour vers un bon état écologique ? PhD Thesis, Université de Montpellier.

Mahe KeligORCID (2019). Sources de variation de la forme des otolithes: Implications pour la discrimination des stocks de poissons. PhD Thesis, Université du Littoral Cote d'Opale.

Moullec Fabien (2019). Impacts du changement global sur la biodiversité en mer Méditerranée : une approche par modélisation End-to-End / Impacts of global change on biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea : and End-to-End modelling approach. PhD Thesis, Université de Montpellier.

Van Beveren Elisabeth (2015). Population changes in small pelagic fish of the Gulf of Lions : a bottom-up control? PhD Thesis, Université de Montpellier.

Mille Tiphaine (2015). Sources de variation intra-populationelle de la morphologie des otolithes: asymétrie directionnelle et régime alimentaire. PhD Thesis, Université de Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies.

Suntov V. Modélisation spatio-temporelle de la diversité des communautés de poissons démersaux exploités en mer Méditerranée. Thèse 2014

Morfin M. Répartition spatiale d?espèces démersales clés du Golfe du Lion : Variabilité temporelle et principaux habitats. Thèse 2013

Persohn C., Sensibilité des populations de poissons aux changements globaux en fonction de leurs traits d'histoire de vie étudiée par une approche empirique. Thèse 2009

Mérigot B. Analyse multi-composantes de la diversité spécifique : applications aux peuplements marins. Université de la Méditerranée. Thèse 2008

Ferraton F. Écologie trophique des juvéniles de merlu (Merluccius merluccius) dans le golfe du Lion : Implications biologiques de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des ressources alimentaires exploitées dans les zones de nourricerie. Thèse 2007

Gaertner Jean-Claude (1997). Organisation des assemblages démersaux dans le golfe du Lion : structures spatiales et stabilité temporelle. PhD Thesis, Université d'Aix-Marseille.