Type Set of cruises
Chief scientist(s) DORAY Mathieu , ROMAGNAN Jean-Baptiste , BOURRIAU Paul
Project manager DORAY Mathieu
DOI 10.18142/287

The EchoSonde sea surveys series led to the collection of fisheries acoustics and hydro-biological data on the pelagic ecosystem surrounding the future St Nazaire windmill farm. A seabed observatory aiming at assessing the impact of Marine Renewable Energy on pelagic echosystem has also been tested during the survey series.


References of Technical Reports

Ifremer (2023). Énergies marines renouvelables. Recherche, expertise et innovation à l’Ifremer. 36p.

References of International Seminar Communications

Maurice Alicia, Berger Laurent, Doray Mathieu (2021). First approach to unsupervised classification of broadband fisheries acoustic data for ecosystem monitoring. WGFAST 2021 - ICES Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology meeting. 19 - 23. April 2021.


Ifremer (2019). A bord du navire Thalassa pour la campagne PHOENIX 2018.