Type Set of cruises
Chief scientist(s) PERROT Julie
Project manager PERROT Julie
DOI 10.18142/263

The detection and localization of the numerous low-magnitude earthquakes occurring along active oceanic ridges provide important insights into the various magmatic, tectonic or hydrothermal processes which generate theses earthquakes. However, these processes mainly generate low-magnitude seismic events that are not detected - or in any case, poorly located- by land-based seismological global networks. The deployment of autonomous hydrophone arrays, moored within the SOFAR channel, overcomes this difficulty: hydrophone arrays have shown their capability to detect and precisely locate (< 2 km) typically 30 to 40 times more events than those listed in global catalogs.

The first objective of the HYDROMOMAR project was to deploy five hydrophones and to increase the length of the hydroacoustic data series of observation at a regional scale. These hydroacoustic data series are proposed within the general framework of the deployment of permanent observatories dedicated to the study of active processes in the ocean area as part of EMSO-Azores project and of the « Ocean-Earth Interactions » theme of the EUR ISblue, Brest. Recently, a second objective of the HYDROMOMAR data series was developed with the characterization of sounds emitted by baleen whales. Acoustic monitoring of baleen whales is necessary in order to establish a database of whale songs present in the Atlantic Ocean, south of the Azores, and afterwards to study their migratory routes.



Sukhovich Alexey, Perrot Julie, Royer Jean-Yves (2021). Using Teleseismic P-Wave Arrivals to Calibrate the Clock Drift of Autonomous Underwater Hydrophones. Bulletin Of The Seismological Society Of America, 111(1), 21-35. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1785/0120200217 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00656/76809/

Giusti Marion, Perrot Julie, Dziak Robert P., Sukhovich Alexey, Maia Marcia (2018). The August 2010 Earthquake Swarm at North FAMOUS - FAMOUS segments, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Geophysical evidence of dike intrusion. Geophysical Journal International, 215(1), 181-195. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggy239

Sukhovich Alexey, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Perrot Julie, Nolet Guust (2014). Automatic recognition of T and teleseismic P waves by statistical analysis of their spectra: An application to continuous records of moored hydrophones. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 119(8), 6469-6485. https://doi.org/10.1002/2013JB010936

Jamet Guillaume, Guennou Claude, Guillon Laurent, Mazoyer Camille, Royer Jean-Yves (2013). T-wave generation and propagation: A comparison between data and spectral element modeling. Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America, 134(4), 3376-3385. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4818902

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

C. Guennou, M. Giusti et J. Perrot , Influence de la topographie sur la répartition d'énergie de la source acoustique des ondes T, Proceedings, CFA 2016, 11 au 15 Avril 2016, Le Mans.

References of Technical Reports

Dyment Jérôme, Lallier François, Le Bris Nadine, Rouxel OlivierORCID, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Lamare Sylvain, Coumert Coralie, Morineaux Marie, Tourolle JulieORCID (2014). Les impacts environnementaux de l’exploitation des ressources minérales marines profondes. Expertise scientifique collective. Rapport, CNRS – Ifremer, 937 p. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00872/98434/

References of International Seminar Communications

Marion Giusti, Julie Perrot, Marcia Maia, Alexey Sukhovich, Robert Dziak, Joaquim Luis, Mathilde Cannat, and Jean-Yves Royer (2019) Contribution of hydroacoustic data to long-term seismicity studies along then northern MAR, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-9657, EGU General Assembly 2019.

Marion Giusti, Marcia Maia, Robert P. Dziak, Julie Perrot and Alexey Sukhovich (2017) Geophysical evidence for magma intrusion across the non-transform offset between the Famous and North Famous segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, abstract #T33D-0760.

References of National Seminar Communications

C. Guennou, M. Giusti et J. Perrot , Influence de la topographie sur la répartition d?énergie de la source acoustique des ondes T, CFA 2016, 11 au 15 Avril 2016, Le Mans.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

David Ambrois, Analyse de la crise magmatique sur les segments de dorsale Famous et Nord-Famous : Traitement des données hydroacoustiques de la campagne HYDROBS-MoMAR 2010-2011, Sud Açores. Master Sciences de la Mer et du Littoral, mention Physique Marine, 2ème Année, 2013.

Romain Meyer, Analyse de la crise magmatique du 13 Août 2010 sur les segments FAMOUS et NORTH-FAMOUS, Master Sciences de la Mer et du Littoral, mention Géosciences Brest, 1ère année, 2014.

Thesis using campaign data

Giutsi Marion (2019). Apport des données hydroacoustiques pour l'étude de la sismicité de la dorsale médio-Atlantique nord / Hydroacoustic data contribution for the long term seismicity study of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.