Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
BLAIN S, B. QUÉGUINER, KEOPS2 Team, OISO Team. Response of the southern ocean to large scale natural iron ferti-lization (Kerguelen region). 2014 Ocean Science Meeting AGU/ASLO/Oceanography Society, Session 072 ?The Southern Ocean and Its Role In the Climate System: Observations and Modeling of Physical and Biogeochemical Processes?, Ha-waii, février 2014.
DEHAIRS F., T. TRULL, A.J. CAVAGNA, F. PLANCHON, F. FRIPIAT. Nitrate isotopic composition in the Kerguelen area (Southern Ocean). 2014 Ocean Science Meeting AGU/ASLO/Oceanography Society, Session 125 ?The Many Faces of the Marine N Cycle?, Hawaii, février 2014.
GRENIER M., E. GARCIA SOLSONA, N. LEMAITRE, V. BOUVIER, C. JEANDEL, C.: Rare earth concentrations and neodymium isotopic compositions of seawater around the Kerguelen plateau: tracing land-to-ocean sources and ocean circulation. 2014 Ocean Science Meeting AGU/ASLO/Oceanography Society, Session 072 ?The Southern Ocean and Its Role In the Climate System: Observations and Modeling of Physical and Biogeochemical Processes?, Hawaii, février 2014.
LANDA M., S. MONCHY, S. BLAIN, I. OBERNOSTERER. Responses of heterotrophic bacterial diversity to phytoplank-ton blooms induced by natural iron-fertilization: is dom a driving factor? 2014 Ocean Science Meeting AGU/ASLO/Oceanography Society, Session 069 ?Marine Microbial Ecology: the Relative Role of Dispersal, Interac-tions, Associations and Other Ecological Processes in Structuring Microbial Communities?, Hawaii, février 2014.
LAURENCEAU E.C., T.W. TRULL, D.M. DAVIES, C. DE LA ROCHA, S. BLAIN. Aggregation processes and phyto-plankton morphology in the control of export fluxes from naturally ironfertilised waters near the kerguelen plateau. ASLO 2014 Ocean Science Meeting AGU/ASLO/Oceanography Society, Session 026 ?Biological and Physical Controls of Par-ticle Dynamics and Fluxes In the Mesopelagic Layer of the Ocean: Current Understanding and Future Directions?, Ha-waii, février 2014.
LEMAITRE N., H. PLANQUETTE, A. BOWIE, T. TRULL, F. DEHAIRS. Biogenic silica (BSi) and trace elements (TE), Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Mn, Co, P, surface export fluxes near kerguelen island, southern ocean (KEOPS2). 2014 Ocean Science Meet-ing AGU/ASLO/Oceanography Society, Session 080 ?Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements and their Isotopes?, Hawaii, février 2014.
PLANCHON F., D. BALLAS, A.J. CAVAGNA, T. TRULL, F. DEHAIRS. Fe fertilization and carbon export production: the natural laboratory of the Kerguelen island, Southern Ocean. 2014 Ocean Science Meeting AGU/ASLO/Oceanography Society, Session 026 ?Biological and Physical Controls of Particle Dynamics and Fluxes In the Mesopelagic Layer of the Ocean: Current Understanding and Future Directions?, Hawaii, février 2014.
ZHOU M., Y. ZHU, Y., B. QUÉGUINER, F. CARLOTTI, Y. ZHANG. A continuum size spectrum model for marine plank-ton. 2014 Ocean Science Meeting AGU/ASLO/Oceanography Society, Session 108 ?Synthesis and Modeling of Global-Scale Marine Planktonic Ecosystems and Plankton Functional Types?, Hawaii, février 2014.
van der MERWE P., A.R. BOWIE, F. QUÉROUÉ, T. TRULL. Lateral transport of particle-laden shallow coastal waters is fundamental to iron fertilisation around the Kerguelen plateau within the Southern Ocean. 2014 Ocean Science Meeting AGU/ASLO/Oceanography Society, Session 080 ?Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements and their Isotopes?, Hawaii, février 2014.
BLAIN S., B. QUÉGUINER, KEOPS 2 Team. Spatial and temporal responses of the southern ocean to large scale natural iron fertilization (Kerguelen region). ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting "Learning for the Future", Special session 51 "Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean", Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
BOWIE A.R., F. QUÉROUÉ, G. SARTHOU, F. CHEVER, P. VAN DER MERWE, E. BUCCIARELLI, A.T. TOWNSEND, S. BLAIN. Dissolved and particulate trace metals in the vicinity of the Kerguelen islands, southern ocean, during the KEOPS 2 experiment. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting "Learning for the Future", Special session 51 "Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean", Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
CARLOTTI F., A. NOWACZYK, M.P. JOUANDET, D. LEFÈVRE, M. Harmelin. Mesozooplankton structure and func-tioning during the onset of the Kerguelen spring bloom: first results of the KEOPS2 survey. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting ?Learning for the Future, Special session 51 "Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean", Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
CAVAGNA A., B. QUÉGUINER, F. PLANCHON, S. JACQUET, I. CLOSSET, F. DEHAIRS. Production regime and poten-tial for carbon export in the naturally iron fertilized kerguelen area (Southern Ocean). ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meet-ing ?Learning for the Future?, Special session 51 ?Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean?, Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
CAVAGNA A.-J., F. DEHAIRS, S.H.M. JACQUET, F. PLANCHON. Gaining information on C-sequestration efficiency using a production / export / remineralisation toolbox: the S.O. naturally Fe-fertilized areas study-case. 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Primary Production in the Ocean from the Synoptic to the Global Scale, Liège, mai 2013.
CLOSSET I., M. LASBLEIZ, K. LEBLANC, B. QUÉGUINER, J. NAVEZ, D. CARDINAL. Comparison of Si biogeochem-ical budget in contrasted southern ocean regions through silica production-dissolution measurements (KEOPS-2). ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting ?Learning for the Future?, Special session 51 ?Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dy-namics in the Southern Ocean?, Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
CLOSSET I., M. LASBLEIZ, K. LEBLANC, B. QUÉGUINER, J. NAVEZ, D. CARDINAL. Comparison of Si biogeochem-ical budget in contrasted southern ocean regions through silica production-dissolution measurements (KEOPS-2). IBIS: Isotopes in Biogenic Silica 2013 meeting, Helsinki, juin 2013.
DEHAIRS F., T.W. TRULL, C. FERNANDEZ, D. DAVIES, A.J. CAVAGNA, A.E. PINIELLA. Nitrate isotopic composition in the Kerguelen area (Southern Ocean) during KEOPS 2. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting ?Learning for the Fu-ture?, Special session 51 ?Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean?, Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
GONZÁLEZ M.L., L. ORIOL, F. DEHAIRS, A.J. CAVAGNA, C. FERNANDEZ. Molecular nitrogen fixation in the south-ern ocean: case of study of the Fe-fertilized Kerguelen region (KEOPSII cruise) . ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting ?Learning for the Future?, Special session 51 ?Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean?, Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
JACQUET S.H., F. DEHAIRS, A.J. CAVAGNA, F. PLANCHON, I. CLOSSET, D. CARDINAL. Seasonal variability of mesopelagic organic carbon remineralization in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area (Southern Ocean) . ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting ?Learning for the Future?, Special session 51 ?Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean?, Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
ARMAND L.K., J. WILKS, B. QUÉGUINER. Southern Ocean diatom assemblages and searching for iron enrichment signature species. 27th annual Australasian Society for Phycology and Aquatic Botany (ASPAB) conference, Sydney no-vembre 2013.
JOUANDET M., L. GUIDI, F. CARLOTTI, L. STEMMANN, M. PICHERAL, M. ZHOU, T. TRULL, S. BLAIN. Particle size distributions in response to natural iron fertilisation in the Southern Ocean (Kerguelen island)-implication for carbon export. . ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting ?Learning for the Future?, Special session 51 ?Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean?, Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
LASBLEIZ M., I. CLOSSET, B. QUÉGUINER, K. LEBLANC, D. CARDINAL, J. NAVEZ, M. ELSKENS. The biogenic silica cycle in the area of interaction between the Antarctic Polar Front and the Kerguelen Plateau (KEOPS 2). 45th Inter-national Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics: ?The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale?, Liège, mai 2013.
LASBLEIZ M., I. CLOSSET, B. QUÉGUINER, K. LEBLANC, D. CARDINAL, J. NAVEZ. Species?specific contribution of diatoms to Si production in the Fe-fertilized Kerguelen region of the Southern Ocean (KEOPS2). ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sci-ences Meeting ?Learning for the Future?, Special session 51 ?Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean?, Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
QUÉROUÉ F., TOWNSEND A.T., LANNUZEL D., VAN DER MERWE P., SARTHOU G., BUCCIARELLI E., BOWIE A.R. Trace metal (Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Al) analysis in open ocean samples using Sector Field ICP-MS, Collabora-tive on Oceanographic Chemical Analysis Meeting, Hawaii, mars 2013.
SANIAL V., P. VAN BEEK, B. LANSARD, M. SOUHAUT, M. ZHOU, F. D?OVIDIO, E. KESTENARE, S. BLAIN. Study of the natural fertilization off Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) using radium isotopes. Gordon Research Conference - Chemical of the Sea, Biddeford (Main, USA), août 2013.
SANIAL V., P. VAN BEEK, B. LANSARD, M. ZHOU, E. KESTENARE, M. SOUHAUT. Use of the radium quartet (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, 228Ra) to study the natural iron fertilization off Crozet and Kerguelen islands (Southern Ocean). ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting ?Learning for the Future?, Special session 51 ?Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosys-tem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean?, Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
VAN BEEK P., V. SANIAL, B. LANSARD, E. KESTENARE, M. SOUHAUT, F. D?OVIDIO, M. ZHOU, S. BLAIN. Study of the Natural Iron Fertilization off Crozet and Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) using radium isotopes as tracers. INVITED TALK, Goldschmidt Conference, Florence (Italie), août 2013.
BLAIN S. KEOPS 2: presentation of the scientific objectives and strategy at sea. TANGGO Meeting, Grenoble (France), mai 2012.
BLAIN S. Strategies and implemention of pluridisciplinary cruises in the Southern ocean. Invited speaker, International Workshop ?Diagnosis of vertical exchanges at submesoscales and their impact on ecosystems, from integrated satellite and in-situ observations?, Institut Polaire Français Paul-Emile Victor, Brest (France), Novembre 2012.
CAVAGNA A.-J., F. DEHAIRS, B. QUÉGUINER, C. FERNANDEZ C., D. LEFÈVRE. Regimes of production and potential for carbon export in naturally iron-fertilized waters in the Southern Ocean. 2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Lac Biwa, Otsu, Shiga (Japon), juillet 2012.
D?OVIDIO F., M. ZHOU, Y.-H. PARK, F. NENCIOLI, L. RESPLANDY, A. DOGLIO?LI, A. PETRENKO, S. BLAIN, B. QUÉGUINER. Guiding biogeochemical campaigns with high resolution altimetry: Waiting for the SWOT mission. 20 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry, Venise (Italie), septembre 2012.
GONZÁLEZ M.L., FERNANDEZ C., LEIVA-FLOREZ L. Molecular nitrogen fixation in HNLC areas: Case study in Ker-guelen Islands, Austral Ocean. XXXII Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Punta Arenas (Chili), octobre 2012.
LANSARD B., V. SANIAL, P. VAN BEEK, M. SOUHAUT, F. D?OVIDIO. What do we learn from radium isotopes about natural iron fertilization off Crozet and Kerguelen Islands, Southern Ocean? 4th International Ra-Rn workshop, Narragan-sett (USA), juin 2012.
LAURENCEAU E., TRULL T., DAVIES D., DE LA ROCHA C., BLAIN S. Sinking velocity of marine aggregates, from simple theory to complex reality: insights from roller tank experiments in a naturally iron-fertilised area of the Southern Ocean. IWOMA 2012, 2nd International Workshop on Marine Agregates, ?From Molecular Principles to Biochemical Impact?, Bremen (Allemagne), août 2012.
QUÉGUINER B. Iron fertilization and the structure of planktonic communities in high nutrient regions of the Southern Ocean. Invited speaker, EUR-OCEANS Flagship for Polar Ecosystem Change and Synthesis: Identifying key links be-tween biogeochemical processes and foodweb structure, Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven (Allemagne), novembre 2012.
QUÉROUÉ F., A.R. BOWIE, D. LANNUZEL, P. VAN DER MERWE, A.T. TOWNSEND, G. SARTHOU, E. BUCCIARELLI, 2012, Physical and biological controls on the distribution of trace metals (Fe, Cu, Mn) around Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean), Ocean Science Meeting, Salt Lake City (USA), février 2012.
SANIAL V., P. VAN BEEK, B. LANSARD, M. SOUHAUT, M. ZHOU. Land-Ocean Connectivity : Tracing and quantify-ing the iron input that fuels phytoplankton blooms off Kerguelen and Crozet Islands. Europole Mer Conference on Land-Ocean Connectivity ? from Hydrological to Ecological Understanding of Groundwater Effects in the Coastal Zone, L?Aber Wrac?h (France), septembre 2012.
SARTHOU G. , QUEROUÉ F., CHEVER F., BOWIE A.R., VAN DER MERVE P., BUCCIARELLI E., FOURQUEZ M., BLAIN S. Dissolved iron in the vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands, Southern Ocean, during the KEOPS 2 experiment. Gold-schmidt Conference, Montréal (Canada), juin 2012.
Blain S. Overview of the KEOPS Natural Iron Fertilization Study. Modeling and Synthesis of Southern Ocean Natural Iron Fertilization Workshop, Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution, juin 2011.
Obernosterer I. Natural Iron Fertilization above the Kerguelen Plateau (Southern Ocean): Impact on Carbon Remineralization by the Microbial Food Web. Modeling and Synthesis of Southern Ocean Natural Iron Fertilization Workshop, Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution, juin 2011.
Quéguiner B. Natural vs. Artificial Pelagic Iron Fertilizations and the Structure of Planktonic Communities in High Nutrients Environments of the Southern Ocean. Modeling and Synthesis of Southern Ocean Natural Iron Fertilization Workshop, Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution, juin 2011.
ZHOU M., F. D?OVIDIO, Y.-H. PARK, Y. ZHU, I. DURAND, E. KESTENARE, V. SANIAL, P. VAN BEEK, B. QUÉGUINER, S. BLAIN. Estimates of horizontal surface circulation and upwelling using surface drifters in Kerguelen Plateau regions during the 2011 austral spring cruise. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting ?Learning for the Future?, Special session 51 ?Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean?, Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
ZHU Y., M. ZHOU, B. QUÉGUINER, K. LEBLANC, F. CARLOTTI, L. ARMAND, M.P. JOUANDET, E. KESTENARE, T. TRULL, S. BLAIN. Estimates of particle settling and scavenging using LISST-LOPC in kerguelen plateau regions during the 2011 austral spring KEOPS II cruise. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting ?Learning for the Future?, Special session 51 ?Iron, Carbon Cycling, and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean?, Nouvelle Orleans, février 2013.
Dehairs F., D. Cardinal, A.-J. Cavagna, F. Fripiat and F. Planchon, A Proxy Tool-Box for Assessing Southern Ocean Biological Carbon Pump Efficiency, Ocean Sciences, Portland, USA, Feb. 2010.
Quéguiner B., P. Tréguer, R. Corvaisier. Biogenic silica standing stock and production at the KERFIX time-series station off the Kerguelen islands. 1st International Science Symposium on the Kerguelen Plateau, Concarneau, avril 2010.
Quéguiner B., S. Blain, T. Trull. High primary production on the Kerguelen Plateau: Causes and consequences. 1st International Science Symposium on the Kerguelen Plateau, Concarneau, avril 2010.
Blain, S., 2009, 1-4 September. Impact of natural iron fertilization in the southern ocean, large uncertainties subsit, Chapman conference, Southampton, UK.
Fripiat, F., De Brauwere, A., Cavagna, A.-J., Andre, L., Elskens, M. and Cardinal, D., 2009, 25-30 Janv. Investigation on the processes controlling Si-isotopic budget during KEOPS: inverse box modelling approach, ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, Nice, France.
Blain, S., 2008a. Natural iron fertilization in the ocean and GEOTRACES, Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Blain, S., 2008b. Nutrients availability and carbon export from the surface layer, EUROCEANS workshop, Controls on organic carbon export and twilight zone mineralization, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Dehairs, F., Jacquet, S.H.M. and Cardinal, D., 2008, 13-19 Nov. Micro-crystalline barite accumulation in suspended matter as a proxy of mesopelagic remineralization, IMBER IMBIZO, Miami USA.
Fripiat, F., A.-J., C., Andre, L. and Cardinal, D., 2008, 28-30 Mai. Twilight zone C mineralization under different regimes of macro- and micronutrient availabilities in the Southern Ocean., EUROCEAN workshop, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Guidi, L., 2008 Feb. Particle flux transformation in the mesopelagic water column; process analyses and global balance., Oceanography departmental seminar series, Hawaii USA.
Jacquet, S.H.M., Dehairs, F., Dumont, I., Becquevort, S., Cardinal, D. and Lam, P.J., 2008. Twilight zone C mineralization under different regimes of macro- and micronutrient availabilities in the Southern Ocean., EGU, Vienna, Austria.
Jouandet, M.P., Blain, S., Metzl, N. and Mongin, M., 2008. Interannual variability of the net community production in the natural iron fertilized bloom of kerguelen, Ocean Science meeting, Orlando, USA.
Sarthou, G., 2008, 14-16 May. Iron biogeochemistry across marine systems at changing times, EUROCEANS workshop, Goeteborg, Sweden.
West, N., Obernosterer, I., Zemb, L. and Lebaron, P., 2008. Major differences of bacterial diversity and activity inside and outside of a natural iron-fertilized phytoplankton bloom in the Southern Ocean, Ocean science meeting, Orlando, USA.
Statham, P.J. and Blain, S., 2008. Supply of iron from island systems to Southern Ocean waters. What we do and do not know, Ocean Science Meeting, Orlando, USA.
West, N., Obernosterer, I., Zemb, L. and Lebaron, P., 2008, 14-15 Nov. Major differences of bacterial diversity and activity inside and outside of a natural iron-fertilized phytoplankton bloom in the Southern Ocean, MARBEF conference on biodiversity, Valencia, Spain.
Zhang, Y., Jeandel, C. and Lacan, F., 2008. Boundary exchange processes on and along the kerguelen Plateau, Goldschmidt conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Blain, S., 2007. What did we learn from natural iron fertilization? Iron fertilization inetrnational symposium, Woods Hole, USA.
Chever, F., bucciarelli, E., blain, S., bowie, A. and Sarthou, G., 2007. Distribution of total dissolvable iron during the natural iron fertilization experiment KEOPS (Kerguelen Islands, Southern Ocean). EGU meeting, Vienne, Austria.
Dulac, F., Losno, R., Bergametti, G., Wagener, T., Guieu, C. and Lebouvier, M., 2007, 2-3 Oct. Example of aeolian erosion in a south mid-latitude desert: Kerguelen island (49°S, 70°E), Multidisciplinary Workshop on Southern American dust, Puerto Madryn, Argentina.
Guidi, L., Jackson, G.A., Stemmann, L., Picheral, M., Legendre, L. and Gorsky, G., 2007. Characterisation of particulate matter (PM>100µm) distribution in the oceans., ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, Santa Fe, USA.
Guidi, L., Stemmann, L., Jackson, G.A., Picheral, M. and Gorsky, G., 2007 29 May -1 June. Effect of primary producer community on the production and export of large aggregates, Dynamic Green Ocean Project, 6th workshop, Villefranche sur mer, France.
Jacquet, S.H.M., Dehairs, F. and Cardinal, D., 2007. Mesoplelagic C mineralization at the Southern Ocean's scale, EGU, Vienna, Austria.
Jeandel, C., bourquin, M., Bowie, A., Bucciarelli, E., Chever, F., Dehairs, F., Jacquet, S., Lacan, F., van Beek, P., venchiarutti, C., Zhang, Y. and Blain, S., 2007. A mutiproxy approach to constrain the origin of the natural fertilisation on the kerguelen plateau., Goldschmidt Conference
Jouandet, M.P., Blain, S., Metzl, N. and Mongin, M., 2007, 6-10 March. a seasonnal carbon budget for a naturally fertilised bloom (Kerguelen I. Southern Ocean), International SOLAS science conference, Xiamen, China.
Jouandet, M.P., Blain, S., Metzl, N. and Mongin, M., 2007, Nov. Net community production in the natural iron fertilized bloom of Kerguelen, SOLAS summer school, cargese, France.
Losno, R., Garcon, V., Dandonneau, Y., Claustre, H., Sarthou, G., Desboeuf, K., Dulac, F., Guieu, C., Blain, S., Bucciarelli, E., Metzl, N., Sempere, R., Sicre, M.-A., Boutin, J. and Boye, M., 2007, 6-10 March. SOLAS france: an overview of today's research work, International SOLAS Science Conference.
Losno, R., Garcon, V., Dandonneau, Y., Claustre, H., Sarthou, G., Desboeuf, K., Dulac, F., Guieu, C., Blain, S., Bucciarelli, E., Metzl, N., Sempere, R., Sicre, M.-A., Boutin, J. and Boye, M., 2007, 6-10 March. SOLAS france: an overview of today's research work, International SOLAS Science Conference.
Sarthou, G., Vincent, D., Christaki, U., Obernosterer, I., Timmermans, K.R. and Brussard, C.P.D., 2007, 15-20 Apr. The fate of biogenic iron during a phytoplankton bloom induced by natural fertilization: impact of copepod grazing, EGU conference, Vienna, Austria.
West, N., Obernosterer, i. Lebaron P.at the international workshop Marine dissolved organic matter and heterotrophic bacteria: from bulk measurements to molecular analyses. Banyuls sur mer Octobre 2007
Zhang, Y., Lacan, F. and Jeandel, C., 2007, Aug. Lithogenic inputs over the kerguelen Plateau (Southern Ocean) traced by the dissolved and particulate REE concentrations, and Nd isotopic compositions., Goldschmidt Conference, Cologne, Germany.
Armand, L., Cornet barthaux, V. and Quéguiner, B., 2006. Phytoplankton Responses Within and Peripheral to the Naturally Iron-Fertilized Kerguelen. Region., Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Belviso, S., Bopp, L. and Aumont, O., 2006. Iron-induced Changes in Austral Ocean DMS Biogeochemistry, Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Blain, S., Quéguiner, B., Jeandel, C., Metzl, N. and team, K., 2006. Natural Iron Fertilization in the Southern Ocean: Overview of the Results from KEOPS (KErguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study). Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Carlotti, F., Botha, D., Lefèvre, D., Novaczyk, A., Clément, M.L. and Vincent, D., 2006. Mesozooplankton size structure and biomass above the Kerguelen Plateau (Southern Ocean) during KEOPS: first results on two contrasted areas., Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Mosseri, J., Quéguiner, B., Armand, L., Cornet barthaux, V., Garcia, N., Raimbault, P. and Sandroni, V., 2006. The Biogenic Silica Cycle During Austral Summer in the Southern Ocean: Contrast Between Naturally Fe-Enriched and HNLC Waters South of Kerguelen Islands., Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Obernosterer, I., Christaki, U., Lefèvre, D., Malits, A., Van Wambeke, F. and Weinbauer, M., 2006. Natural Iron Fertilization Above the Kerguelen Plateau (Southern Ocean): Impact on the Microbial Food Web, Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Park, Y., Durand, I. and Fuda, J.L., 2006. Internal Tides and Mixing over the Kerguelen Plateau in Relation to the Vertical Iron Transfer and Primary Productivity, Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA
Savoye, N., Trull, T.W., Jacquet, S.H.M. and Dehairs, F., 2006. 234Th-based export production during the KEOPS natural iron fertilization. Does iron fertilization increase the export production, Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Wagener, T., Losno, R., Guieu, C. and Bonnet, S., 2006. Atmospheric iron in low dust deposition area, Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Zhang, Y., Lacan, F. and Jeandel, C., 2006, dec. Dissolved rare earth elements in the Southern Ocean: Chemical tracers of terrigeneous inputs and water masses in the wake of Kerguelen, AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, USA, pp. Suppl. Abstract OS32B-04.
Dulac, F., Losno, R., Bergametti, G., Triquet, S., Wagener, T., Guieu, C. and Lebourrier, M., 2006. The Balance Between Autotrophic And Heterotrophic Processes During a Phytoplankton Bloom Induced By Natural Fertilisation Above The Kerguelen Plateau (Southern Ocean). Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Ebersbach, F., Trull, T. and Moy, C., 2006. Sinking Particle Properties Determined From Image Analysis of Polyacrylamide Gels Deployed in Drifting Sediment Traps During KEOPS: Implications for Ecosystem Controls on Carbon Export in the Presence of Persistent Natural Iron Inputs, Ocean Science meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Griffith, B. and Uitz, J., 2006. Photosynthetic Parameters, Size-Fractionated Chlorophyll and Primary Production During the KEOPS Expedition East of Kerguelen Island January-February 2005, Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Jacquet, S., Cardinal, D., savoye, N. and Dehais, F., 2006. Mesopelagic C mineralization under natural and Fe-amended conditions, Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Lefèvre, D., Guigue, C. and Obernosterer, I., 2006. The balance between autotrophic and heterotrophic processes during a phytoplankton bloom induced by natural fertilisation above the Kerguelen plateau (Southern Ocean), Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Losno, R., Wagener, T., Dulac, F., Guieu, C., Triquet, S., Bonnet, S. and Colin, J., 2006. Dust over remote marine areas in the South Hemisphere, Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Quéguiner, B. and Mosseri, J., 2006. Impact of Iron Availability on Biogenic Silica Production From two Contrasting Regions of the Southern Ocean, Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Sarthou, G., Blain, S. and Laan, P., 2006. Evidence of Iron Fertilisation of the Water Column Above the Kerguelen Plateau (Southern Ocean). Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Sligting, M., De Baar, H.W., Timmermans, K., Veldhuis, M., Wernand, M. and van der Woed, H., 2006. Satellite Observations Compared to Ship Borne Fluorescence and Chlorophyll a Measurements near the Isles Kerguelen (Southern Ocean), Ocean Science meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Venchiarutti, C., Jeandel, C., Roy-Barman, M., Pradoux, C., van Beek, P. and Souhaut, M., 2006. 230Th and 231Pa: tracers of water masses and export fluxes in the wake of Kerguelen, Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Zhang, Y., Lacan, F. and Jeandel, C., 2006, July. Dissolved rare earth elements in the Southern Ocean: Chemical tracers of terrigeneous inputs and water masses in the wake of Kerguelen, AGU West. Pac.
van Beek, P., Jacquet, S., Dehairs, F., Reyss, J.L., Thévenet, J., Souhaut, M. and Jeandel, C., 2006. Radium isotopes and dissolved barium to investigate the water mass pathways on the Kerguelen plateau (KEOPS project), Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, USA.
Belviso, S., Bopp, L., Aumont, O. and Boucher, O., 2005. Ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions through the emission of traces gases, ASLO summer meeting, Santagio de Compostella, Spain.
Blain, S., 2005. Natural iron fertilization in the ocean, a synthesis of mesoscale iron enrichments, Wellington, New Zeland.
Blain, S., Quéguiner, B. and Jeandel, C., 2004. What can we learn from natural iron fertilization of the ocean? International Conference « the ocean in a high CO2 word », Paris, France.