References of International Seminar Communications
Zindorf, M., Rooze, J., Meile, C., Jouet, G., März, C., Newton, R., Rouxel, O., Pelleter, E., Brandily, C., Gayet, N. and Pastor, L. (2020). Aspects of authigenic mineral formation in Fe-dominated marine sediments of the Mozambique Margin. EGU2020-8680, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 4-8 May 2020.
Cattaneo, A., Riboulot, V., Jouet, G., Lempereur, C., Scalabrin, C., Marsset, T., Le Roy, P., Droz, L., Deville, E., Imbert, P., Contet, J. and Cauquil, E. (2019). Submarine landslides offshore the Zambezi delta and the role of fluids and bottom currents in seafloor destabilization. EGU2019-16173, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April 2019.
Deville, E., Marsset, T., Courgeon, S., Jatiault, R., Ponte, J.-P., Thereau, E., Jouet, G., Jorry, S.J., Droz, L. (2019). Active fault system across the oceanic lithosphere of the Mozambique Channel: Implications for the southern part of the East African Rift System. 52nd AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, United States, 9-13 December 2019.
Dupré, S., Battani, A., Deville, E., Scalabrin, C., Olu, K., Poort, J., Bermell, S., Dupont, P., Gaillot, A., Guérin, C., Pierre, D., Ogor, A., Théréau, E., Thomas, Y., Jouet, G. and Jorry, S. (2019). Focused Fluid Flows and Seeps Offshore Southern Majunga Basin (NW Madagascar). 52nd AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, United States, 9-13 December 2019.
Miramontes, E., Jouet, G., Cattaneo, A., Thereau, E., Guerin, C., Jorry, S.J. and Droz, L. (2019). Upslope migrating sand dunes in the upper slope of the Mozambican margin (SW Indian Ocean). 6th international conference of Marine and River Dune Dynamics (MARID VI), Bremen, 1-3 April 2019.
Rooze, J., Zindorf, M., Meile, C., Jouet, G., März, C. and Pastor, L. (2019). Changes in Early Diagenesis since the Last Glacial Maximum in Sediments Offshore the Zambezi River Delta.
Chemical Oceanography Gordon Research Conference, Holderness, United States, 14-19 July 2019.
Torelli, M., Battani, A., Pillot, D., Kohler, E., Lopes De Azevedo, J., Kowalewski, I., Brandily, C., Pastor, L., Jouet, G., Deville, E. (2019). Organic matter distribution in modern sediments of the Mozambique Channel: Evidence for widespread oxidation processes in the deep water domains. 34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Rome, Italy, 10-13 September 2019.
Vazquez Riveiros, N., Jouet, G., Jorry, S., Toucanne, S., Fierens, R., Dennielou, B., Counts, J., Roubi, A. and Giraudeau, J. (2019). Water mass variations in the Mozambique Channel during the last 1 Myr. 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Dublin, Ireland, 25-31 July 2019.
Zindorf, M., Meile, C., Rooze, J., Jouet, G., März, C., Boissier, A., Cheron, S. and Pastor, L. (2019). Sulfur and carbon cycling in Fe dominated sediments from the Zambezi deep sea fan: A 1d modeling approach. 29th International conference on geochemistry (Goldschmidt), Barcelona, Spain, 18-23 August 2019.
Babonneau N., Genet A., Rabineau M., Droz L., Robin C., Raisson F., Miramontes E., Belleney D., Révillon S., Moulin M., Aslanian D., 2018. Reservoir potential in contourites: evidence of coarse-grained contourite facies in the Mozambique margin. 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2018, 11-14 June 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Babonneau N., Genet A., Rabineau M., Droz L., Robin C., Raisson F., Miramontes, E., Belleney, D., Révillon, S., Moulin, M. & Aslanian, D., Contouritic processes on the slope of the South Mozambique margin: sedimentological and stratigraphic study of a recent contourite drift, ISC2018, Sept 2018, Québec City, Canada.
Babonneau N., Genet A., Rabineau M., Droz L., Robin C., Raisson F., Thieblemont, A., Miramontes, E., Belleney, D., Révillon, S., Moulin, M. & Aslanian, D., Evidence of coarse-grained contourite facies offshore Mozambique, ISC2018, Sept 2018, Québec City, Canada
Gonçalves, S., Micaela, R., Afilhado, A., Dias, N., Schnurle, P., Lepretre, A., Verrier, F., Loureiro, A., P. De Clarens, Evain, M., Aslanian, D., Moulin, M., & MOZ3-5 team, 3D wide-angle seismic tomography, MOZ3-5: Insights on Natal Valley, offshore Mozambique, Seismix2018, 18-22 June 2018, Cracovia
Lepretre, A., Verrier, F., Schnurle, P., Evain, M., Aslanian, D., Leroy, S., de Clarens, P., Dias, N., Afilhado, A., Gonçalves, S. and Moulin, M., 2018. Insights on the crustal structure of the Natal Valley from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data (MOZ3/5 cruise), South Mozambique Margin. Seismix2018, 18-22 June 2018, Cracovia
Schnurle, P., Leprêtre, A., Verrier, F., Evain, M., Aslanian, D., Leroy, S., de Clarens, P., Dias, N., Afilhado, A. and Moulin, M., 2018. Crustal structure of the Natal Valley from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data (MOZ3/5 cruise), South Mozambique Margin. Seismix2018, 18-22 June 2018, Cracovia
Watremez, L., Leroy, S., d?Acremont, E., Evain, M., Leprêtre, A., Verrier, F., Aslanian, D., Dias, N., Afilhado, A., Schnürle, P., Castilla, R., Despinois, F., Moulin, M., Deep-structure of the East-Limpopo margin, Mozambique (the PAMELA project), Conjugate Margins Conference 2018, 19-22 August 2018, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada.
Cattaneo, A., Riboulot, V., Jouet, G., Lempereur, C., Scalabrin, C., Marsset, T., Le Roy, P., Droz, L., Deville, E., Imbert, P., Contet, J. and Cauquil, E. (2018). Submarine landslides offshore the Zambezi delta and the role of fluids and bottom currents in seafloor destabilization. 20th International Sedimentological Congress, Québec, Canada, 13-17 August 2018.
Counts, J.W., Jorry, S., Vazquez-Riveiros, N. and Jouet, G. (2018). Highstand shedding in the Iles Eparses, Mozambique channel. 20th International Sedimentological Congress, Québec, Canada, 13-17 August 2018.
Miramontes, E., Jorry, S., Jouet, G., Counts, J., Le Roy, P., Courgeon, S., Hernandez-Molina, F.J. and Guerin, C. (2018). Deep marine dunes on drowned isolated carbonate terraces
(Mozambique Channel, SW Indian Ocean). 20th International Sedimentological Congress, Québec, Canada, 13-17 August 2018.
Pastor, L., Brandily, C., Schmidt, S., Péron, M., Scalabrin, C., Dupré, S., Deville, E., Deflandre, B., Viollier, E., Rabouille, C., Thibault de Chanvalon, A. and Jouet, G. (2018). Two examples of episodic events recorded in a prodelta (Rhône River - France) and on a continental shelf (Mahavavy Sud River - NW Madagascar). 51th AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, United States, 10-14 December 2018.
Babonneau N., Genet A., Rabineau M., Droz L., Robin C., Raisson F., Miramontes E., Belleney D., Révillon S., Moulin M., Aslanian D., 2018. Reservoir potential in contourites: evidence of coarse-grained contourite facies in the Mozambique margin. 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2018, 11-14 June 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Babonneau N., Genet A., Rabineau M., Droz L., Robin C., Raisson F., Miramontes, E., Belleney, D., Révillon, S., Moulin, M. & Aslanian, D., Contouritic processes on the slope of the South Mozambique margin: sedimentological and stratigraphic study of a recent contourite drift, ISC2018, Sept 2018, Québec City, Canada.
Babonneau N., Genet A., Rabineau M., Droz L., Robin C., Raisson F., Thieblemont, A., Miramontes, E., Belleney, D., Révillon, S., Moulin, M. & Aslanian, D., Evidence of coarse-grained contourite facies offshore Mozambique, ISC2018, Sept 2018, Québec City, Canada
Gonçalves, S., Micaela, R., Afilhado, A., Dias, N., Schnurle, P., Lepretre, A., Verrier, F., Loureiro, A., P. De Clarens, Evain, M., Aslanian, D., Moulin, M., & MOZ3-5 team, 3D wide-angle seismic tomography, MOZ3-5: Insights on Natal Valley, offshore Mozambique, Seismix2018, 18-22 June 2018, Cracovia
Lepretre, A., Verrier, F., Schnurle, P., Evain, M., Aslanian, D., Leroy, S., de Clarens, P., Dias, N., Afilhado, A., Gonçalves, S. and Moulin, M., 2018. Insights on the crustal structure of the Natal Valley from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data (MOZ3/5 cruise), South Mozambique Margin. Seismix2018, 18-22 June 2018, Cracovia
Schnurle, P., Leprêtre, A., Verrier, F., Evain, M., Aslanian, D., Leroy, S., de Clarens, P., Dias, N., Afilhado, A. and Moulin, M., 2018. Crustal structure of the Natal Valley from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data (MOZ3/5 cruise), South Mozambique Margin. Seismix2018, 18-22 June 2018, Cracovia
Watremez, L., Leroy, S., d?Acremont, E., Evain, M., Leprêtre, A., Verrier, F., Aslanian, D., Dias, N., Afilhado, A., Schnürle, P., Castilla, R., Despinois, F., Moulin, M., Deep-structure of the East-Limpopo margin, Mozambique (the PAMELA project), Conjugate Margins Conference 2018, 19-22 August 2018, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada.
Leprêtre, A., Verrier, F., Evain, M., Schnurle, P., Watremez, L., Aslanian, D., de Clarens, P., Dias, N., Afilhado, A., Leroy, S., d'Acremont, E., Castilla, R. and Moulin, M., 2017. First results on the crustal structure of the Natal Valley from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data (MOZ3/5 cruise), South Mozambique Margin. EGU 2017 - General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union, 23-28 April 2017, Vienne.
Thompson, J., Moulin, M., Aslanian, D., Guillocheau, F. & De Clarens P., 2017. The opening of the Indian Ocean: what is the consequence on the formation of the East African, Madagascar and Antarctic margins, and what are the origins of the aseismic ridges? EGU 2017 - General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union, 23-28 April 2017, Vienne.
Verrier F., Leprêtre, A., Evain, M., Schnurle, P., Watremez, L., Aslanian, D., De Clarens, P., Dias, N., Afilhado, A., Leroy, S., d'Acremont, E., Castilla, R. & Moulin, M., 2017. Preliminary results from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data in the Natal Valley, South Mozambique margin across the Almirante Leite volcanic ridge : MZ2 profile (MOZ3/5 cruise). EGU 2017 - General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union, 23-28 April 2017, Vienne.
Watremez, L., Evain, M., Leprêtre, A., Verrier, F., Aslanian, D., Leroy, S., Dias, N., Afilhado, A., Schnu?rle, P., d?Acremont, E., de Clarens, P., Castilla, R. & Moulin, M., 2017. Preliminary results of layered modelling of seismic refraction data at the East Limpopo Margin, Mozambique (PAMELA project, MOZ3/5 cruise). EGU 2017 - General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union, 23-28 April 2017, Vienne.
Courgeon, S., Jorry, S.J., Jouet, G., Camoin, G., BouDagher-Fadel, M.K., Bachèlery, P., Revillon, S., Poli, E. (2017) Development of isolated carbonate platforms in active geodynamic settings: New insights from the Mozambique Channel (SW Indian Ocean). IMS Meeting, Toulouse - France, October 2017.
Jouet, G., Jorry, S.J., Le Roy, P., Camoin, G., Courgeon, S., Dennielou, B., Ehrhold, A., Guerin, C., Prunier, C., Thereau, E., Roubi, A. (2017) Coral reef responses inferred from imprints of deglacial sea-level changes on carbonate and mixed carbonate/siliciclastic platforms (SW Indian Ocean). IMS Meeting, Toulouse - France, October 2017.
Cattaneo, A., Riboulot, V., Jouet, G., Lempreur, C., Scalabrin, C., Marsset, T., Le Roy, P., Droz, L., Deville, E. and Cauquil, E. (2017). Submarine landslides impact on the morphology of the Mozambique continental margin. International Meeting of Sedimentology, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF Joint Meeting, Toulouse, France, 10-12 October 2017.
Count, J., Jorry, S. and Jouet, G. (2017). Allochthonous slope and basinal carbonates adjacent to isolated platforms in the Mozambique Channel: stratigraphic architecture, depositional controls, and implications for carbonate facies models. International Meeting of Sedimentology, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF Joint Meeting, Toulouse, France, 10-12 October 2017.
Counts, J., Jorry, S. and Jouet, G. (2017). Slope and basinal deposits adjacent to isolated carbonate platforms in the Indian Ocean: Sedimentology, geomorphology, and a new 800 ka record of highstand shedding. AGU Fall Meeting. December 11-15, 2017, New Orleans.
Guambe, I.H., Jouet, G., Dennielou, B., Mugabe, J., Achimo, M. and Roubi, A. (2017). Last glacial and Holocene continental slope sedimentation on the Mozambique Margin, NE off Zambezi delta: Preliminary results. 3rd EAGE Eastern Africa Petroleum Geoscience Forum, Maputo, Mozambique, 7-9 November 2017.
Miramontes, E., Lherminier, P., Khripounoff, A., Droz, L., Fierens, R., Jouet, G., Jorry, S., Thereau, E., Thomas, Y., Moulin, M., Evain, M., Aslanian, D., Raisson, F., Hernández-Molina, J., Thieblemont, A. and Cattaneo, A. (2017). Contourites and present-day circulation in the Mozambique Channel. 3rd Deep Water Contourites Meeting, Wuhan, China, 14-16 September, 2017.
Leprêtre, A., Verrier, F., Evain, M., Schnurle, P., Watremez, L., Aslanian, D., de Clarens, P., Dias, N., Afilhado, A., Leroy, S., d'Acremont, E., Castilla, R. and Moulin, M., 2017. First results on the crustal structure of the Natal Valley from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data (MOZ3/5 cruise), South Mozambique Margin. EGU 2017 - General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union, 23-28 April 2017, Vienne.
Thompson, J., Moulin, M., Aslanian, D., Guillocheau, F. & De Clarens P., 2017. The opening of the Indian Ocean: what is the consequence on the formation of the East African, Madagascar and Antarctic margins, and what are the origins of the aseismic ridges? EGU 2017 - General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union, 23-28 April 2017, Vienne.
Verrier F., Leprêtre, A., Evain, M., Schnurle, P., Watremez, L., Aslanian, D., De Clarens, P., Dias, N., Afilhado, A., Leroy, S., d'Acremont, E., Castilla, R. & Moulin, M., 2017. Preliminary results from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data in the Natal Valley, South Mozambique margin across the Almirante Leite volcanic ridge : MZ2 profile (MOZ3/5 cruise). EGU 2017 - General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union, 23-28 April 2017, Vienne.
Watremez, L., Evain, M., Leprêtre, A., Verrier, F., Aslanian, D., Leroy, S., Dias, N., Afilhado, A., Schnu?rle, P., d?Acremont, E., de Clarens, P., Castilla, R. & Moulin, M., 2017. Preliminary results of layered modelling of seismic refraction data at the East Limpopo Margin, Mozambique (PAMELA project, MOZ3/5 cruise). EGU 2017 - General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union, 23-28 April 2017, Vienne.
Courgeon, S., Jorry, S.J., Jouet, G., Camoin, G., BouDagher-Fadel, M.K., Bachèlery, P., Revillon, S., Poli, E. (2017) Development of isolated carbonate platforms in active geodynamic settings: New insights from the Mozambique Channel (SW Indian Ocean). IMS Meeting, Toulouse - France, October 2017.
Jorry, S.J., Counts, J.W., Courgeon, S., Jouet, G., Toucanne, S., Miramontes Garcia, E., Le Roy, P., Ehrhold, A., Camoin, G. (2017) A Late Quaternary carbonate routine system: the Glorieuses platform and adjacent basin (SW Indian Ocean). IMS Meeting, Toulouse - France, October 2017.
Jouet, G., Jorry, S.J., Le Roy, P., Camoin, G., Courgeon, S., Dennielou, B., Ehrhold, A., Guerin, C., Prunier, C., Thereau, E., Roubi, A. (2017) Coral reef responses inferred from imprints of deglacial sea-level changes on carbonate and mixed carbonate/siliciclastic platforms (SW Indian Ocean). IMS Meeting, Toulouse - France, October 2017.
Leroux, E., Jorry, S.J., Granjeon, D., Counts, J.W., Courgeon, S., Jouet, G. (2017) Cenozoic evolution of the Glorieuses isolated carbonate platform (Eparses Islands, SW Indian Ocean) reconstructed by numerical modeling - Preliminary results. IMS Meeting, Toulouse - France, October 2017.
Riboulot, V., Cattaneo, A., Jorry, S.J., Jouet, G., Courgeon, S., Beaufort, L. (2017) Destabilization of tropical isolated carbonate platforms. IMS Meeting, Toulouse - France, October 2017.
Castilla, R., Dall?Asta, M., Collin, M., Ferry, J.N., Aslanian, D., Moulin, M. & Leroy, S., 2016. Multiphase deformation recorded along the Davie Fault Zone. A detailed structural study along a transform margin. Roberts Conference: Passive Margins, 6-8 April 2016, London.
Ponte, J.P., Robin, C., Guillocheau, F., Baby, G., Dall?Asta, M., Popescu, S., Suc, J.P., Droz, L., Rabineau, M. & Moulin, M., 2016. The Zambezi sedimentary system (coastal plain - deep sea fan): a record of the vertical movements of the Mozambican margin since Cretaceous times. EGU 2016 - General Assembly 2016 of the European Geosciences Union, 17-22 April 2016, Vienne.
Courgeon, S., Jorry, S.J., Jouet, G., Camoin, G., BouDagher-Fadel, M.K., Bachèlery, P., Revillon, S., Borgomano, J., Poli, E., Droxler, A.W. (2016) Neogene History of south Mozambique Channel isolated carbonate platforms (SW Indian Ocean). RST, Caen - France, October 2016.
Courgeon, S., Jorry, S.J., Jouet, G., Camoin, G., BouDagher-Fadel, M.K., Bachèlery, P., Revillon, S., Borgomano, J., Poli, E., Droxler, A.W. (2016) Neogene history of south Mozambique Channel isolated carbonate platforms (SW Indian Ocean). Dolomieu Conference, Val Gardena, October 2016.
Ponte, J.P., Robin, C., Guillocheau, F., Baby, G., Dall?Asta, M., Popescu, S., Suc, J.P., Droz, L., Rabineau, M. & Moulin, M., 2016. The Zambezi sedimentary system (coastal plain - deep sea fan): a record of the vertical movements of the Mozambican margin since Cretaceous times. EGU 2016 - General Assembly 2016 of the European Geosciences Union, 17-22 April 2016, Vienne.
Castilla, R., DallAsta, M., Collin, M., Ferry, J.N., Aslanian, D., Moulin, M. & Leroy, S., 2016. Multiphase deformation recorded along the Davie Fault Zone. A detailed structural study along a transform margin. Roberts Conference: Passive Margins, 6-8 April 2016, London.
Courgeon, S., Jorry, S.J., Jouet, G., Camoin, G., BouDagher-Fadel, M.K., Bachèlery, P., Revillon, S., Borgomano, J., Poli, E., Droxler, A.W. (2016) Neogene History of south Mozambique Channel isolated carbonate platforms (SW Indian Ocean). RST, Caen - France, October 2016.
Courgeon, S., Jorry, S.J., Jouet, G., Camoin, G., BouDagher-Fadel, M.K., Bachèlery, P., Revillon, S., Borgomano, J., Poli, E., Droxler, A.W. (2016) Neogene history of south Mozambique Channel isolated carbonate platforms (SW Indian Ocean). Dolomieu Conference, Val Gardena, October 2016.
Fontanier C., 2016. Living (stained) benthic foraminifera from the Mozambique Channel (eastern Africa): Exploring deep-sea biodiversity and biogeochemistry of unicellular meiofauna. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 22-26 mai 2016, Messe Makuhari (Japon).
Jorry S.J., Courgeon S., Camoin, G.F., BouDagher-Fadel, M.K., Jouet, G., Poli, E., 2016. From Submarine Volcanoes to Modern Atolls: New Insights from the Mozambique Channel (SW Indian Ocean). AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
Jorry S.J., Toucanne S., Jouet G., Courgeon S., Le Roy P., Borgomano J., Poli E., 2016. Deep-water carbonates: modern leeward platform margins identified as major contributors (SW Indian Ocean). Dolomieu Conference, Val Gardena, October 2016.
Jorry, S.J., Courgeon, S., Jouet, G., Toucanne, S., Le Roy, P., Ehrhold A., Thomas, Y., Camoin, G., Poli, E. (2016) A Late Quaternary carbonate Source-to-Sink model: the Glorieuses platform to basin (SW Indian Ocean). RST, Caen-France, October 2016.
Courgeon, S., Jorry, S.J., Jouet, G., Camoin, G., Droxler, A.W., Borgomano, J., Calves, G. (2015) Origin of modern atolls in the Mozambique Channel, 15th French congress of Sedimentology. ASF, Chambéry- France, October 2015.
Jorry S., 2015. Main results of oceanographic cruises, Mozambique Channel, 2014. Interministry meeting, Mozambique French Ambassy, 18 May 2015, Maputo (Mozambique).
Raillard S., Ferry J-N., Bourillet J-F. and the Pamela project team, 2015. Unveiling the deep secrets of the Mozambique channel, First EAGE Eastern Africa Petroleum Geosciences Forum. Sharing lessons learned: What's next ?, 17-19 November 2015, Dar esSalam (Tanzania).