Type Set of cruises
Dates 16/09/2000 - 04/07/2002
Chief scientist(s) MEMERY Laurent , REVERDIN Gilles
Project manager MEMERY Laurent
DOI 10.18142/143

The global objective of POMME (Programme Océan Multidisciplinaire Méso Echelle) is to understand the role of the meso-scale on the processes of the subduction of modal water and spring bloom, as well as to determine the processes controlling the physical and biogeochemical characteristics of mode water masses and the fate of the subducted and exported biogenic matter on the annual basis.

Main results

Published data

Gaillard Fabienne, Mercier Herle, Kermabon Catherine (2015). POMME Kalman analysis of physical variables: datasets and gridded fields. https://doi.org/10.17882/39477



Zhang Xiaodong, Huot Yannick, Bricaud Annick, Sosik Heidi M. (2015). Inversion of spectral absorption coefficients to infer phytoplankton size classes, chlorophyll concentration, and detrital matter. Applied Optics, 54(18), 5805-5816. https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.54.005805

Sauzede R., Claustre H., Jamet C., Uitz J., Ras J., Mignot A., D'Ortenzio F. (2015). Retrieving the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a concentration and phytoplankton community composition from in situ fluorescence profiles: A method based on a neural network with potential for global-scale applications. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 120(1), 451-470. https://doi.org/10.1002/2014JC010355

Organelli Emanuele, Bricaud Annick, Antoine David, Uitz Julia (2013). Multivariate approach for the retrieval of phytoplankton size structure from measured light absorption spectra in the Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE site). Applied Optics, 52(11), 2257-2273. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.52.002257 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00185/29655/

Mignot A., Claustre H., D'Ortenzio F., Xing X., Poteau A., Ras J. (2011). From the shape of the vertical profile of in vivo fluorescence to Chlorophyll-a concentration. Biogeosciences, 8(8), 2391-2406. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-8-2391-2011 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00248/35968/

Guidi Lionel, Stemmann Lars, Jackson George A., Ibanez Frederic, Claustre Herve, Legendre Louis, Picheral Marc, Gorsky Gabriel (2009). Effects of phytoplankton community on production, size and export of large aggregates: A world-ocean analysis. Limnology And Oceanography, 54(6), 1951-1963. https://doi.org/10.4319/lo.2009.54.6.1951

Reverdin Gilles, Gascard Jean-Claude, Le Cann Bernard, Prieur Loic, Assenbaum Michel, Lherminier PascaleORCID (2009). A Long-Lasting Mode Water Vortex in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(3), 536-558. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1175/2008JPO3970.1 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/6357/

Belviso Sauveur, Caniaux Guy (2009). A new assessment in North Atlantic waters of the relationship between DMS concentration and the upper mixed layer solar radiation dose. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23(1/GB1014), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1029/2008GB003382

Merlivat Liliane, Gonzalez Davila Melchor, Caniaux Guy, Boutin Jacqueline, Reverdin Gilles (2009). Mesoscale and diel to monthly variability of CO2 and carbon fluxes at the ocean surface in the northeastern Atlantic. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 114(C3/C03010), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1029/2007JC004657

Stemmann Lars, Prieur Louis, Legendre Louis, Taupier-Letage IsabelleORCID, Picheral Marc, Guidi Lionel, Gorsky Gabriel (2008). Effects of frontal processes on marine aggregate dynamics and fluxes: An interannual study in a permanent geostrophic front (NW Mediterranean). Journal Of Marine Systems, 70(1-2), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.02.014

Stemmann Lars, Youngbluth Marsh, Robert Kevin, Hosia Aino, Picheral Marc, Paterson Harriet, Ibanez Frederic, Guidi Lionel, Lombard Fabien, Gorsky Gabriel (2008). Global zoogeography of fragile macrozooplankton in the upper 100-1000 m inferred from the underwater video profiler. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 65(3), 433-442. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsn010

Paci A., Caniaux Guy, Giordani H., Levy M., Prieur Louis, Reverdin Gilles (2007). A high-resolution simulation of the ocean during the POMME experiment: Mesoscale variability and near surface processes. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 112(C04007), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JC003389

Bourras Denis, Reverdin Gilles, Caniaux Guy, Belamari Sophie (2007). A nonlinear statistical model of turbulent air-sea fluxes. Monthly Weather Review, 135(3), 1077-1089. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR3335.1

Guidi Lionel, Stemmann Lars, Legendre Louis, Picheral Marc, Prieur Louis, Gorsky Gabriel (2007). Vertical distribution of aggregates (> 110 mu m) and mesoscale activity in the northeastern Atlantic: Effects on the deep vertical export of surface carbon. Limnology And Oceanography, 52(1), 7-18. https://doi.org/10.4319/lo.2007.52.1.0007

Legal Cedric, Klein Patrice, Treguier Anne-Marie, Paillet JeromeORCID (2007). Diagnosis of the vertical motions in a mesoscale stirring region. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37(5), 1413-1424. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO3053.1

Giordani Herve, Prieur Louis, Caniaux Guy (2006). Advanced insights into sources of vertical velocity in the ocean. Ocean Dynamics, 56(5-6), 513-524. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-005-0050-1

Bourras Denis, Caniaux Guy, Giordani Herve, Reverdin Gilles (2006). Influence of an oceanic vortex on the atmosphere. La Météorologie, 8(53), 30-. https://doi.org/10.4267/2042/20078

Mayzaud P, Boutoute M, Gasparini Sp, Mousseau L, Lefevre Dominique (2005). Respiration in marine zooplankton-the other side of the coin: CO2 production. Limnology And Oceanography, 50(1), 291-298. https://doi.org/10.4319/lo.2005.50.1.0291

Sohrin Rumi, Sempere Richard (2005). Seasonal variation in total organic carbon in the northeast Atlantic in 2000-2001. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C10S90), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002731

Maixandeau Anne, Lefevre Dominique, Fernandez I Camila, Sempere Richard, Sohrin Rumi, Ras Josephine, Van Wambeke France, Caniaux Guy, Queguiner Bernard (2005). Mesoscale and seasonal variability of community production and respiration in the surface waters of the NE Atlantic Ocean. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 52(9), 1663-1676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2005.03.007

Assenbaum Michel, Reverdin Gilles (2005). Near real-time analyses of the mesoscale circulation during the POMME experiment. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 52(8), 1345-1373. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2005.03.006

Le Cann Bernard, Assenbaum Michel, Gascard Jean-Claude, Reverdin Gilles (2005). Observed mean and mesoscale upper ocean circulation in the midlatitude northeast Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Union - Research C - Oceans, 110(C7), NIL_30-NIL_59. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002768 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/745/

Gaillard FabienneORCID, Mercier HerleORCID, Kermabon Catherine (2005). Synthesis of the POMME physical data set: One year monitoring of the upper layer. Journal of Geophysical Union - Research C - Oceans, 110(C7), NIL_138-NIL_154. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002764 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/455/

Caniaux Guy, Belamari S, Giordani H, Paci A, Prieur Louis, Reverdin G (2005). A 1 year sea surface heat budget in the northeastern Atlantic basin during the POMME experiment: 2. Flux optimization. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S03), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002695

Caniaux Guy, Brut A, Bourras D, Giordani H, Paci A, Prieur Louis, Reverdin G (2005). A 1 year sea surface heat budget in the northeastern Atlantic basin during the POMME experiment: 1. Flux estimates. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S02), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002596

Reverdin G, Assenbaum M, Prieur Louis (2005). Eastern North Atlantic Mode Waters during POMME (September 2000-2001). Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S04), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002613

Levy Marina, Lehahn Yoav, Andre Jean-Michel, Memery Laurent, Loisel Hubert, Heifetz Eyal (2005). Production regimes in the northeast Atlantic: A study based on Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) chlorophyll and ocean general circulation model mixed layer depth. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S10), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002771

Giordani H, Caniaux Guy, Prieur Louis, Paci A, Giraud S (2005). A 1 year mesoscale simulation of the northeast Atlantic: Mixed layer heat and mass budgets during the POMME experiment. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S08), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002765

Memery Laurent, Reverdin Gilles, Paillet JeromeORCID, Oschlies Andreas (2005). Introduction to the POMME special section: Thermocline ventilation and biogeochemical tracer distribution in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and impact of mesoscale dynamics. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S01), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JC002976

Paci A, Caniaux Guy, Gavart M, Giordani H, Levy M, Prieur Louis, Reverdin G (2005). A high-resolution simulation of the ocean during the POMME experiment: Simulation results and comparison with observations. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S09), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002712

Bouruet-Aubertot Pascale, Mercier HerleORCID, Gaillard FabienneORCID, Lherminier PascaleORCID (2005). Evidence of strong inertia-gravity wave activity during the POMME experiment. Journal of Geophysical Union - Research C - Oceans, 110(C7). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002747 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/359/

Giordani Hervé, Caniaux Guy, Prieur Louis (2005). A simplified 3D oceanic model assimilating geostrophic currents: Application to the POMME experiment. Journal Of Physical Oceanography, 35(5), 628-644. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO2724.1

Valdivieso Da Costa Maria, Mercier HerleORCID, Treguier Anne-Marie (2005). Effects of the mixed layer time variability on kinematic subduction rate diagnostics. Journal Of Physical Oceanography, 35(4), 427-443. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO2693.1

Roy-Barman M, Jeandel C, Souhaut M, Van Der Loeff Mr, Voege I, Leblond N, Freydier R (2005). The influence of particle composition on thorium scavenging in the NE Atlantic ocean (POMME experiment). Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 240(3-4), 681-693. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2005.09.059

Fernandez Camila, Raimbault Patrick, Garcia Nicole, Rimmelin Peggy, Caniaux Guy (2005). An estimation of annual new production and carbon fluxes in the northeast Atlantic Ocean during 2001. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S13), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002616

Claustre Herve, Babin Marcel, Merien Davy, Ras Josephine, Prieur Louis, Dallot Serge, Prasil Ondrej, Dousova Helana, Moutin Thierry (2005). Toward a taxon-specific parameterization of bio-optical models of primary production: A case study in the North Atlantic. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S12), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002634

Leblanc Karine, Leynaert Aude, Fernandez Camila, Rimmelin Peggy, Moutin Thierry, Raimbault Patrick, Ras Josephine, Queguiner Bernard (2005). A seasonal study of diatom dynamics in the North Atlantic during the POMME experiment (2001): Evidence for Si limitation of the spring bloom. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S14), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002621

Davila Melchior Gonzalez, Santana-Casiano J Magdalena, Merlivat Liliane, Barbero-Munoz Leticia, Dafner Evgeny V (2005). Fluxes of CO2 between the atmosphere and the ocean during the POMME project in the northeast Atlantic Ocean during 2001. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S11), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002763

Goutx Madeleine, Guigue Catherine, Leblond Nathalie, Desnues Anne, Dufour Aurelie, Aritio Diego, Guieu Cecile (2005). Particle flux in the northeast Atlantic Ocean during the POMME experiment (2001): Results from mass, carbon, nitrogen, and lipid biomarkers from the drifting sediment traps. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S20), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002749

Thyssen Melilotus, Lefevre Dominique, Caniaux Guy, Ras Josephine, Fernandez Camila, Denis Michel (2005). Spatial distribution of heterotrophic bacteria in the northeast Atlantic (POMME study area) during spring 2001. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S16), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002670

Maixandeau Anne, Lefevre Dominique, Karayanni Hera, Christaki Urania, Van Wambeke France, Thyssen Melilotus, Denis Michel, Fernandez Camila, Uitz Julia, Leblanc Karine, Queguiner Bernard (2005). Microbial community production, respiration, and structure of the microbial food web of an ecosystem in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S17), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002694

Brut A, Butet A, Durand P, Caniaux G, Planton S (2005). Air-sea exchanges in the equatorial area from the EQUALANT99 dataset: Bulk parametrizations of turbulent fluxes corrected for airflow distortion. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 131(610), 2497-2538. https://doi.org/10.1256/qj.03.185

Guieu C, Roy-Barman M, Leblond N, Jeandel C, Souhaut M, Le Cann Bernard, Dufour A, Bournot C (2005). Vertical particle flux in the northeast Atlantic Ocean (POMME experiment). Journal Of Geophysical Research Oceans, 110(C07S18), 1-21. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002672 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/10982/

Levy M, Gavart M, Memery L, Caniaux Guy, Paci A (2005). A four-dimensional mesoscale map of the spring bloom in the northeast Atlantic (POMME experiment): Results of a prognostic model. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S21), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002588

Mosseri Julie, Queguiner Bernard, Rimmelin Peggy, Leblond Nathalie, Guieu Cecile (2005). Silica fluxes in the northeast Atlantic frontal zone of Mode Water formation (38 degrees-45 degrees N, 16 degrees-22 degrees W) in 2001-2002. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S19), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002615

Karayanni Hera, Christaki Urania, Van Wambeke France, Denis Michel, Moutin Thierry (2005). Influence of ciliated protozoa and heterotrophic nanoflagellates on the fate of primary production in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 110(C07S15), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002602

Fernandez Camila, Raimbault Patrick, Caniaux Guy, Garcia Nicole, Rimmelin Peggy (2005). Influence of mesoscale eddies on nitrate distribution during the POMME program in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Journal Of Marine Systems, 55(3-4), 155-175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2004.08.007

Ben-Hamadou Radhouan, Ibanez Frederic, Picheral Marc, Gorsky Gabriel (2005). Identification of step pattern in ordered data sets using the Walsh transform algorithm. Ecological Modelling, 182(1), 11-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2004.07.008

Bourras Denis, Reverdin Gilles, Giordani Hervé, Caniaux Guy (2004). Response of the atmospheric boundary layer to a mesoscale oceanic eddy in the northeast Atlantic. Journal Of Geophysical Research-atmospheres, 109(D18114), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JD004799

Karayanni H, Christaki U, Van Wambeke F, Dalby Ap (2004). Evaluation of double formalin - Lugol's fixation in assessing number and biomass of ciliates: an example of estimations at mesoscale in NE Atlantic. Journal Of Microbiological Methods, 56(3), 349-358. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mimet.2003.11.002

Mahadevan A, Levy M, Memery L (2004). Mesoscale variability of sea surface pCO(2): What does it respond to? Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18(1/GB1017), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1029/2003GB002102

Bricaud Annick, Claustre Herve, Ras Josephine, Oubelkheir Kadija (2004). Natural variability of phytoplanktonic absorption in oceanic waters: Influence of the size structure of algal populations. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 109(C11010), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002419

Blain Stéphane, Guieu Cecile, Claustre Herve, Leblanc Karine, Moutin Thierry, Queguiner Bernard, Ras Josephine, Sarthou Geraldine (2004). Availability of iron and major nutrients for phytoplankton in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Limnology And Oceanography, 49(6), 2095-2104. https://doi.org/10.4319/lo.2004.49.6.2095

Belviso S, Bopp L, Moulin C, Orr Jc, Anderson Tr, Aumont O, Chu S, Elliott S, Maltrud Me, Simo R (2004). Comparison of global climatological maps of sea surface dimethyl sulfide. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18(GB3013), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1029/2003GB002193

Belviso S, Moulin C, Bopp L, Stefels J (2004). Assessment of a global climatology of oceanic dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations based on SeaWiFS imagery (1998-2001). Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences, 61(5), 804-816. https://doi.org/10.1139/F04-001

Brut A, Legain D, Duran P, Laville P (2004). A relaxed eddy accumulator for surface flux measurements on ground-based platforms and aboard research vessels. Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology, 21(3), 411-427. https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0426(2004)021<0411:AREAFS>2.0.CO;2

Weill A, Eymard L, Caniaux G, Hauser D, Planton S, Dupuis H, Brut A, Guerin C, Nacass P, Butet A, Cloche S, Pedreros R, Durand P, Bourras D, Giordani H, Lachaud G, Bouhours G (2003). Toward a better determination of turbulent air-sea fluxes from several experiments. Journal Of Climate, 16(4), 600-618. https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0442(2003)016<0600:TABDOT>2.0.CO;2

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Hamdi Inès, Thyssen Melilotus, Caniaux Guy, Denis Michel Jean (2012). Spatial distribution of ultraphytoplankton in the North East Atlantic (POMME study area) during spring 2001. Journal of Oceanography, Research and Data, 5, 1-22.

Uitz, J., Claustre, H., Model, A., and S. B. Hooker, From surface chlorophyll a to phytoplankton community composition in oceanic waters, en révision, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 2005.

Roudesli, S., L. Mémery, S. L'Helguen, G. Caniaux, and M. Lévy, Seasonal evolution of the planktonic ecosystem in the Northeast Atlantic (POMME experiment): description with a numerical simulation.

References of Technical Reports

Billant Andre, Branellec Pierre, Mercier HerleORCID (2003). POMME - Programme Océan Multidisciplinaire Méso Echelle. CAMPAGNE POMME T0. Rapport de Données ADCP (Volume 2). DRO/DOPS/LPO/03-04. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00211/32201/

Gaillard FabienneORCID, Kermabon Catherine, Mercier HerleORCID (2003). POMME. Reconstruction des champs 4D. Analyse basée sur les profils et mesures eulériennes - Expériences 7 et 9. DRO/UM/LPO/03-06. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00283/39402/

Billant Andre, Branellec Pierre (2002). POMME - Programme Océan Multidisciplinaire Méso Echelle. CAMPAGNE POMME T0. Rapport de Données Eulériennes (Volume 1). DRO/DOPS/LPO/02-18. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00211/32199/

Desaubies Yves, Billant Andre, Branellec Pierre (2002). POMME - Campagne Pomme T0 - Rapport de données CTD-O2. DRO/LPO/02-01. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00210/32144/

References of International Seminar Communications

Belamari, S., G. Caniaux, and H. Giordani, 2005: Bulk fluxes optimization using genetic algorithm: application to the one year POMME experiment data set. Colloquium in honour and in memory of Christian Le Provost, Toulouse, March 10 and 11, 2005.

Belamari, S., G. Caniaux, and M. Tcham, 2005, Optimisation of the one year POMME experiment bulk fluxes data set using a one dimensional approach together with genetic algorithms, EGU Meeting, Vienne, 25-29 Avril, 2005.

Caniaux, G., S. Belamari, H. Giordani, A. Paci, L. Prieur, G. Reverdin and F. Gaillard, Heat and Freshwater budget closure from different modelling approach in the North East Atlantic, EGU Meeting, Vienne, 25-29 Avril, 2005.

Caniaux, G., S. Belamari, H. Giordani, A. Paci, L. Prieur, G. Reverdin, and F. Gaillard, 2005: Insights into the one year heat and freshwater budget closure from different modeling approach of the POMME experiment, Colloquium in honour and in memory of Christian Le Provost, Toulouse, March 10 and 11, 2005.

Giordani, H., L. Prieur, G. Caniaux and A. Paci, A generalised Q-vector formulation of vertical velocity in the ocean: a study of w-sources, EGU Meeting, Vienne, 25-29 Avril, 2005.

Giordani, H., L. Prieur, G. Caniaux and A. Paci, New insights into sources of vertical velocities in the ocean. Colloquium in honour and in memory of Christian Le Provost, Toulouse, March 10 and 11, 2005.

Jeandel, C., Sternberg, E., Miquel, J.-C.,Gasser, B., Souhaut, M., and R. Arraes-Mescoff, Reliability of Barite as Tracer of Export Production (the BARMED Program, EGU Meeting, Vienne, 25-29 Avril, 2005 (poster)

Lévy, M., Y. Lehahn, S. Roudelsi, J.-M. Andre, L. Mémery, M. Gavart, A. Paci and G. Caniaux, Primary production variability in the northeast Atlantic : driving physical mechanisms at different scales, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Vienne, Autriche, April 2005.

Merlivat, L., G. Caniaux, and L. Barbero-Munoz, Diurnalvariations of air-sea flux of CO2, ocean CO2, partial pressure, SST and mixed layer depth along drifter trajectories in the North-EasternAtlantic, 37th Liège International Colloquium on Gas Tranfer at water surfaces, 2-6 May 2005, Liège, Belgium.

Mémery, L., and G. Reverdin, The POMME experiment : tracer characteristics of NE Atlantic Mode Water and impact of small and medium scales, ASLO Meeting, St Jacques de Compostelle, Juin 2005

Roudesli, S., Mémery, L., Lévy, M., Gavart, M., Caniaux, G., and S. L?Helguen, Variability of planktonic structuration in the Northeast Atlantic in response to dynamics : influence in production and export, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Vienne, Autriche, April 2005 (Poster)

Roy-Barman, M., Jeandel, C., Souhaut, M. , Rutgers van der Loeff, M., Voege, I., Leblond, N., and R. Freydier, Vertical evolution of thorium isotope scavenging in the NE Atlantic ocean (POMME experiment), The Oceanographic Society meeting, Paris, Juin 2005

Caniaux, G., L. Merlivat, L. Prieur, and H. Giordani, 2004: Diurnal variation of oceanic mixed layer depths along drifter trajectories in the north-eastern Atlantic, 1st General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 25-30 Avril 2004.

Fukuda-Sohrin, R., Sempéré, R., Lefévre, D. and Y. Desaubies, 2004. Basin-scale distribution of dissolved organic carbon in the deep Northeast Alantic: its significance in carbon and oxygen dynamics in deep water, Ocean Research Conference, Hawaii, February 15-20, 2004 (poster)

Gaillard, F., H. Mercier, C. Kermabon: Heat budget and water mass formation from regional to mesoscale during POMME. Poster, 1st General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 25-30 Avril 2004.

Giordani, H., G. Caniaux, L. Prieur, and A. Paci, 2004: Sensitivity of entrainment/detrainment to the surface heat flux during the POMME Experiment (NE Atlantic 2000-2001), 1st General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 25-30 Avril 2004.

Lévy, M., M. Gavart, L. Memery, G. Caniaux, and A. Paci, 2004: A 4D-mesoscale map of the spring bloom in the POMME experiment : results of a prognostic PE model, 1st General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 25-30 Avril 2004.

P. Bouruet-Aubertot, H. Mercier, F. Gaillard, P. Lherminier An analysis of intense inertia-gravity wave events during POMME experiment, Ocean mixing conference, Victoria (Canada), Octobre 2004

Roudesli, S., L. Memery, G. Caniaux, M. L\'evy, and S. L'Helguen, 2004: A one dimensional coupled physical and biological modelling in the POMME area (North-East Atlantic ocean), 1st General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 25-30 Avril 2004.

Thyssen, M., D. Lefèvre, J. Ras, C. Fernandez, L. Dugrais, G. Caniaux, and M. Denis, 2004: Bacterial distribution in the North Atlantic Ocean (POMME Project), 1st General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Nice, France, 25-30 Avril 2004.

Thyssen, M., D. Lefèvre, J. Ras, C. Fernandez, L. Dugrais, G. Caniaux, and M. Denis, 2004: Bacterial distribution in the North Atlantic Ocean (POMME Project), Gordon Research Conference on Marine Microbes, Roscoff, 6-10 Juin 2004.

Thyssen, M., D. Lefèvre, J. Ras, C. Fernandez, L. Dugrais, G. Caniaux, and M. Denis, 2004: Bacterial distribution in the North Atlantic Ocean (POMME Project), International Society for analytical Cytology, Montpellier, 22-27 Mai 2004.

Andersen, V., Picheral, M., Devey, C., Gubanova, A., Althukov, D., Skryabin, V, and S. Tsarin , Seasonal and vertical structure of the zooplankton community observed at mesoscale in the North-East Atlantic , 3rd International Zooplankton Production Symposium, Gijon, Spain, May 2003 (Poster)

Assenbaum, M., Le Cann, B., Gascard, J;-C., and S. Saint-Albin, , Mapping and tracking mesoscale structures during the POMME experiment, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Blain, S., Guieu, C., Claustre, H., Leblanc, K., Moutin, T, Quéguiner, B., and G. Sarthou , Availability of iron for phytoplankton growth in the North-East Atlantic, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003

Bouruet-Aubertot, P., Mercier, H., Gaillard, F., and P. Lherminier , Evidence of strong inertia-gravity wave activity during POMME experiment, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Bouruet-Aubertot, P., Mercier, H., Gaillard, F., and P. Lherminier , Evidence of strong inertia-gravity wave activity during POMME experiment, IUGG, Sapporo, juillet 2003

Caniaux, G., Giordani, H., Prieur, L., and D. Bourras, An evaluation of a one year surface heat budget in the Norh-East Atlantic from the POMME experiment, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Claustre, H., Ras, J., Babin, M., Raimbault, P., Moutin, T., and O. Prasil, Seasonal and local variations of the water column photosynthetic cross section in the North East Atlantic (39°N-44°N, 17°W-21°W), European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Devey, C., Andersen, V., and L. Prieur, Stationary modelling approach of the pelagic ecosystems. Application to the Pomme study in the North Atlantic, 3rd International Zooplankton Production Symposium, Gijon, Spain, May 2003 (Poster)

Fernandez, C., Raimbault, P., Caniaux, G., Garcia, N., and P. Rimmelin, Unusual nitrate distribution in an anticyclonic eddy during summer stratification., European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Fernandez, C., Raimbault, P., Rimmelin, P., Garcia, N., Boudjellal, B., and G. Caniaux, On the impact of nitrification and DON excretion on new and regenerated production in the eastern North Atlantic, ASLO Aquatic Science, Salt Lake City, USA, 2003

Filatoff, and M. Assenbaum, Adjoint assimilation of ARGO float displacement data into an eddy-resolving ocean model, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Gascard, J.-C., Le Cann, B., Assenbaum, M., Richez, C., Rouault, C., Rafizadeh, M., Faisant, A., and G. Roudaut, Coherent mesoscale eddies related to the North-East Atlantic Mode Waters, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003

Giordani, H., Caniaux, G., Prieur, L., and A. Paci, A one year 3D oceanic simulation in the North-East Atlantic : application to heat budgets and subduction during the POMME experiment, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Labat, J.-P., Mayzaud, P., Gasparini, S., Lapernat, P.-E., Sabini, S., Mousseau, L., and M. Boutoute, Mesoscale distribution of zooplankton : relationships with hydrological structures and chlorophyll distribution in the northeast Atlantic ocean. Use of an Optical Plankton Counter, 3rd International Zooplankton Production Symposium, Gijon, Spain, May 2003 (Poster)

Loisel, H., Jean-Marc, N., Davy, M., Sciandra, A., and L. Prieur, Biogeochemical variability in the northeast Atlantic as seen from ocean color observations, and comparison with other regions on the Northern Atlantic, JGOFS : Final Open Science Conference, Washington, May 2003 (Poster)

Maixandeau, A., Lefèvre, D., Fernandez, C., Sempéré, R., Van Wambeke, F., Caniaux, G., Dugrais, L., and B. Quéguiner, Spatial and seasonal variability of community fluxes, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Merlivat, L., Gonzalez-Davila, M., Santana-Casiano, J. M., Reverdin G., Rafizadeh, M., Beaumont, L., Guillot, A., and T. Danguy, Mesoscale variability of pCO2 at the sea surface in the North Atlantic as measured by ship and Carioca drifters, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Merlivat, L., Gonzalez-Davila, M., Santana-Casiano, J. M., and J. Boutin, Spatial and temporal variability of the distribution of pCO2 and dissolved inorganic carbon at the sea surface measured by CARIOCA drifters in hte North East Atlantic Ocean during the POMME project, JGOFS : Final Open Science Conference, Washington, May 2003 (Poster)

Moutin, T., Van Wambeke, F., Fernandez, C., Rimmelin, P., Leblond, N., Guieu, C., Sempéré, R., and L. Mémery, Coupling carbon and phosphate cycles in the photic zone of the North Eastern Atlantic ocean, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Mémery, L., and G. Revertin, The POMME programme : mesoscale impact on biological activity in the NE Atlantic, JGOFS : Final Open Science Conference, Washington, May 2003 (Poster)

Paci, A., Caniaux, G., Gavart, M., Giordani, H., Prieur, L., and G. Reverdin, A high resolution oceanic simulation in an area subjected to subduction : near surface processes during the POMME experiment, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Reverdin, G. and POMME, The POMME mesoscale analyses of the circulation in the NE Atlantic, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Santana-Casiano, J. M., González Dávila, M., Merlivat, L. and, E. Dafner, Fluxes of CO2 between the atmosphere and the Ocean during POMME Project in the North-East Atlantic Ocean, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Sohrin, R., Lefèvre, and R. Sempéré, Distribution of dissolved organic carbon in the deep eastern North Atlantic, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Uitz, J., Claustre, H., Morel, A., and S. Hooker, From surface chlorophyll a to phytoplankton functional groups, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Assenbaum, M., Reverdin, G., Le Cann, B., Gaillard, F., Gascard J. C., and H. Mercier, Meso scale impact on subduction in the northeast Atlantic.during the POMME expriment, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Belviso S., C. Moulin, H. Claustre, J. Ras and J. Stefels. Geographic and environmental factors affecting the global distribution of DMSP and DMS. Third Int. Symp. on biological and environmental chemistry of DMS(P) and related compounds. Rimouski, Canada, Sept. 26-28, 2002

Ben Hamadou, R., Picheral, M., Prieur, L., and G. Gorsky, Spatial distribution of the Particulate Matter in the northern Atlantic during the POMME 3 cruises, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Brut, A., Legain, D., Durand, P., Laville, P., Fotiadi, A., and D. Serça Use of the R. E. A. technique to measure scalar fluxes on ground-based and mobile plate-forme, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Claustre, H., Oubelkheir, K., Merien, D., and A. Sciandra The monitoring of inherent optical properties (IOP) at small spatial scales : examples and biogeochemical implications, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Coatanoan, C, Gaillard, F , and H. Mercier, Horzontal measurements at mesoscale and subsmesoscale in the eastern North Atlantic dring POMME, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Denis, M., Moumas, M. and M. Bianchi, Vertical distribution of heterotrophic bacteria and their culturability in the Northeastern Atlantic (POMME0 cruise), European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Fernández, C., Raimbault, P., Rimmelin, P., Garcia, N., and B. Boudjellal, Spatial and seasonal evolution of primary and new production in the Eastern North Atlantic basin (15°20? ? 21°20?W, 38° - 45°N). Evaluation of the impact of oceanic mesoscale variability on f-ration and nutrient distributions, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Gaillard, F., Mercier, H., and C. Kermabon, Subduction of North-East Atlantic mode waters : a methodology for dynamical anaysis from régional to meso-scales, EGS, Nice, 2002

Gaillard, F., and C. Lagadec, Monitoring the ocean variability in the North-East Atlantic with profilers, En route to Godae, Biarritz, June 2002

Loisel, H., Nicolas, J. M., Merien, D., Claustre, H., Sciandra, A., Becu, G., and P.-Y. Deschamps, Retrieval of optical parameters from Seawifs observations over the POMME area (North-East Atlantic) : Biogeochemical applications, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Maixandeau, A. , Lefèvre, D., Uitz, J., Caniaux, G., Dudrais, L., Newman, S., ,and B. Quéguiner, Spatial and seasonal distributions of O2 and TCO2 biological fluxes in the Northeastern Atlantic ocean, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Merien, D., Claustre, H., Sciandra, A., Ras, J., Prieur, L., and M. Twardowski, Seasonal and mesoscale variability of bio-optical properties in the North East Atlantic : possible biogeochemical implications, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Merlivat, L. Gonzalez-Davila, M., Santana-Casiano, J., Reverdin, G., Rafizadeh, M., Beaumont,L., Guillot, A., Danduy, T., Mesoscale variability of pCO2 at the sea surface in the North East Atlantic as measured by ship and Carioca drifters, European Geophysical Society meeting,Nice,April 2002

Mémery, L. and the POMME team, Meso scale impact on biological activity in the NE Atlantic Ocean : the POMME programme, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Pinot, J. M., Mercier, H., Caniaux, G., and F. Gaillard, Heat balance along Provor floats trajectory in the North Atlantic, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Santana-Casiano, J. M., González Dávila, M., Merlivat, L. and E. Dafner, Fluxes of CO2 between the atmosphere and the Ocean during POMME Project in the North-East Atlantic Ocean, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Sempéré, R. et al.. Mesoscale distribution and bacterial cycling of total organic carbon in North Atlantic Ocean (Pomme area), European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Blain, S., Guieu, C., Claustre, H.,Leblanc, K., Moutin, T., Newman, S., Quéguiner, B., Sarthou, G., and P. Tréguer, Evidence for Iron Limitation in the North East Atlantic (Azore-Portugal), Challenges of a changing earth, Amsterdam, 2001

Merlivat, L.,Gonzalez-Davila, M., Santana-Casiano, J., and G.Reverdin, Mesoscale variability of pCO2 at the sea surface in the North East Atlantic Ocean as measured by Carioca drifters, 6th International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Sendai, Japan, 2001

Leblanc, K., Quéguiner, B., Blain, S., and C. Guieu, Si Cycle in the North Eastern Atlantic During the POMME Experiment (March-April 2001), Evidences of Co-Limitation of Phytoplankton Growth by the Availibility of Silicon, Iron and Other Nutrients, Open Science Meeting, Hawaï, 2002.

Quéguiner, B., Leblanc, K., Blain, S., Leynaert, A., and L. Mémery, Control of diatom populations by silisic acid availability in the North-East Atlantic frontal zone of Mode Water formation (16-22°W, 38-45°N) during the 'POMME' program in Spring 2001, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003

Fernández I., C., Thyssen, M., Denis, M., and P. Raimbault, Microbial community structure along the 18°W transect of the POMME study area (NE Atlantic) in late summer 2001, , European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Vienne, Autriche, April 2005 (Poster)

Thyssen M., Lefèvre, D., and M. Denis, Spatial dsitribution of heterotrophic bacteria in the North East Atlantic (POMME Study area) during Spring 2001, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2003 (Poster)

Reverdin, G., and the POMME team, The POMME experiment in the NE Atlantic Ocean in 2000-2001, European Geosphysical Science Meeting, Nice, April 2002

Thesis using campaign data

Assenbaum, M., Etude de la circulation à méso-échelle dans POMME à l?aide de données et de méthodes lagangiennes, Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Janvier 2006 (LEGOS, Toulouse ; LODYC, Paris)

Paci, A., L?étude des processus physiques pendant la période de restratification de POMME à l?aide de la modélisation numérique, Mars 2006, Univ. Paul Sabatier, (CNRM, Toulouse)

Roudesli, S., Modélisation 3D couplée dynamique biologie de la zone POMME à petite échelle, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Avril 2006 (LEMAR, Brest)

Devey, C., Modélisation de l?écosystème pélagique marin. Application à différents régimes trophiques observés à méso-échelle, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 2004 (LOV, Villefranche)

Eichinger, M., Modélisation de l'assimilation du carbone organique dissous par les bactéries pélagiques en océan ouvert, Univ. Méditerranée - Aix - Marseille II, début en Octobre 2004 (LMGEM, Marseille)

Karayanni, H., Rôle des nanoflagellés hétérotrophes et des ciliés dans la régulation du pico et nanoplancton photosynthétiques et des bactéries en Atlantique NE et le recyclage de la matière organique, Univ. Marseille Luminy, 2004 (LMGEM, Marseille)

Karleskind, P., Synthèse à l?aide de la modélisation du programme POMME : impact de la petite échelle et caractérisation des eaux subductées dans la thermocline de l?Atlantique Nord, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, début en Novembre 2004 (LEMAR, Brest / Collaboration LODYC, Paris)

Kremeur, A. S., Impact de la sub méso-échelle sur les flux biogéochimiques à l?échelle d?un bassin, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, début Octobre 2004 (LODYC, Paris)

Leblanc, K., Variabilité spatiale et temporelle du cycle du silicium dans divers milieux oligotrophes et mésotrophes, Univ. Méditerranée - Aix - Marseille II, 2004 (LOB, Marseille)

Maixandeau, A., La pompe biologique: fonctionnement de la communauté microbienne et relation avec le contexte hydrodynamique, Univ. Méditerranée - Aix - Marseille II, 2004 (LMGEM, Marseille)

Ben Hamadou, R., Contribuion à l?analyse spatiotemporelle de séries écologiques marines, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 2003 (LOV, Villefranche)

Fernandez, C., Cycle de l?azote et production primaire dans l?Atlantique Nord Est : couverture saisonnière et influence de la méso-échelle, Univ. Méditerranée - Aix - Marseille II, 2003 (LOB, Marseille)

Merien, D., Variabilité à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles dans l?Atlantique nord-est : interprétations biogéochimiques. Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, 2003 (LOV, Villefranche)

Brut, A., Mesures des échanges surface-atmosphère : paramétrisation des flux au dessus de l?océan et mise au point d?un instrument pour la détermination de flux d?espèces en trace, Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 2002 (CNRM, Toulouse)