References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field
Carrano C., Maguire J.-J., Kerr L., Walter J., Lauretta M.,
Rouyer Tristan, Cadrin S.X. (2022).
2022 ASAP stock assessment of the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna.
ICCAT Recueil de Documents Scientifiques / Collective Volume of Scientific Paper, 79(3), 551-586. Open Access version :
Fonteneau Alain, Alayon Pedro Pascual, Deniz Santiago, Gaertner Daniel (2022).
On the major concentration of large bigeye tuna and yellowfin tuna exploited in the Atlantic Ocean by purse seiners in February and March 2019: analysis of the fishery data.
ICCAT Recueil de Documents Scientifiques / Collective Volume of Scientific Paper, 79(1), 797-814. Open Access version :
Kouame Kanga Désiré, Kouassi Aka Marcel, Trokourey Albert, Toualy Elisée, N’guessan Benjamin K., Brehmer Patrice, Ostrowski Marek (2021).
Spatial and Seasonal Variability of Mixed Layer Depth in the Tropical Atlantic at 10 °W using 40 Years of Observation Data.
European Journal of Scientific Research / Revue Européenne de la recherche Scientifique, 158(3), 207-217. Open Access version :
Bourlès, B., J. Llido, F. Hernandez, H. Giordani et P. Dandin (2021), Lancement de la 31ème mission océanographique de l'observatoire PIRATA, Météo et Climat Info, n°83, mars 2021
Bourlès, B., (2020) PIRATA FR30 cruise - description of works (in French), TriATLAS Newsletter, November 2020
Harscoat Valérie, Waldmann Christoph, Pouliquen Sylvie

An in-situ observation data harmonization and integration that benefit to the wider Atlantic Ocean community.
Atlantos Newsletter, 1(5), 8. Open Access version :
Barbier Michèle, Claustre Hervé, Obolensky Grigor, Pouliquen Sylvie

Monitoring the Atlantic Ocean, an international and innovative effort.
Atlantos Newsletter, 1(5), 5-6. Open Access version :
Bourlès B., Merle J., Voituriez B. (2019) L'exploration des océans tropicaux : le programme PIRATA ; in Sabrié, M.L., et al., Science et développement durable : 75 ans de recherche au Sud. Marseille : IRD, 224 pp, ISBN 978-2-7099-2737-6, juin 2019.
Araujo, M., B. Bourlès, R. Perez, Tropical Atlantic Observing System Networks: Current Status and plans to 2030 Mooring Networks, Report for the 1st TAOS Review Workshop, Portland-US, Feb. 8th-9 th 2018, CLIVAR Report No. 03/2018, septembre 2018.
Bourlès, B.., M. Araujo, A vision for PIRATA in 2030. Contribution to the ?BluePrint Implementation Document, for an Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System?, avril 2018
Araujo, M., B. Bourlès, R. Perez, Requirements for the Tropical Atlantic Observing System: Societal impact and importance of observing the Tropical Atlantic, Report for the 1st TAOS Review Workshop, Portland-US, Feb. 8th-9 th 2018, CLIVAR Report No. 03/2018, septembre 2018.
Araujo, M., Tchamabi, C.C., M. Silva, B. Bourlès, J. Araujo and C. Noriega : Propriedades físicas e biogeoquímicas da região oceânica circundante ao Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo. In ?Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo, 20 anos de pesquisa?, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Recife: Via Design Publicações, pp 248-262, ISBN 978-85-93906-01-5, 2018
Bourlès, B., ?An example of vessel time optimization and collaborations during the PIRATA cruises?, AtlantOS Newsletter 2018, Vol. 1, Issue 3, 11-12, mai 2018.
Poli, P., G. Reverdin, B. Bourlès, T. Carval, and A. David, Enhancements to surface drifters enabled by AtlantOS, European Geosciences Union General Assembly: Vienne, Autriche, 23-27 Avril,, 2017. AbstractsVol. 19, EGU2017-16788, 2017.
Le Traon, P.Y., S. Pouliquen, G. Reverdin and the Coriolis 2014- 2020 Steering Committee, Coriolis 2014-2020: an integrated in-situ ocean observation infrastructure for operational oceanography and ocean/climate research, CLIVAR Exchanges Letters, 67 (Vol. 19, n°2), 51-52, September 2015.
Nubi Oa, Bourles Bernard, Edokpayi Ca, Hounkonnou Norbert Mahouton (2014). Inter-annual variability on the influence of equatorial upwelling on biological productivity along 10oW in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic (EEA). Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), 4(1), 72-80.
Brandt, P., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, P. Chang, M. Dengler, W.E. Johns, A. Lazar, C.F. Lumpkin, M.J. McPhaden, P. Nobre, L. Terray, Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment (TACE), CLIVAR Exchanges, 18 (61; 1), p. 26-31. ISSN 1026-0471, 2013.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.L. Redelsperger, M. Wade, B. Bourlès, D. Bourras, G. de Coëtlogon, Y. du Penhoat, S. Janicot, E. Key, N. Kolodziejczyk, L. Eymard, J. Jouanno, A. Lazar, M. Leduc-Leballeur, N. Lefèvre, F. Marin, H. Nguyen, et G. Parard : Les avancées d?AMMA sur les interactions océan-atmosphère. La Météorologie, numéro spécial AMMA, 17-24, octobre 2012.
Drévillon, M., E. Greiner, D. Paradis, C. Payan, J-M. Lellouche, G. Reffray, E. Durand, S. Law-Chune, S. Cailleau, Meteo-France and Mercator Ocean contribution to the search of the AF447 wreckage. Mercator Quarterly Newsletter#44, jan 2012, pp3-10, 2012.
Law Chune, S., Y. Drillet, P. De Mey and P. Daniel, Drift forecast with Mercator Ocean velocity fields and addition of external wind/wave contri-bution. Mercator Quarterly Newsletter#44, jan 2012, pp22-27, 2012.
Ferry, N., L. Parent, G. Garric, C. Bricaud, C-E. Testut, O. Le Galloudec, J-M. Lellouche, M. Drévillon, E. Greiner, B. Barnier, J-M. Molines, N. Jourdain, S. Guinehut, C. Cabanes, L. Zawadzki., GLORYS2V1 global ocean reanalysis of the altimetric era (1993-2009) at meso scale. Mercator Quarterly Newsletter#44, jan 2012, pp28-39,
Drévillon, M., C. Régnier, C. Desportes, E. Greiner, S. Guinehut : QuO Va Dis? The Mercator Ocean quarterly validation bulletin: recent developments and prospect. Mercator Ocean Quarterly Newsletter, #41 ? April 2011 ? 49-52, 2011.
Ali, K.E., K.Y. Kouadio, G.P. Zahiri, A. Aman, A.P. Assamoi, and B. Bourlès, Influence of the Gulf of Guinea coastal and equatorial upwellings on the precipitations along its northern coasts during the boreal summer period, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 21836-AJAPS-KR, 2010.
Remy, E., Large scale ocean variability estimated from a 3D-Var Reanalysis: sensitivity experiments, Mercator Ocean Quarterly Newsletter#36 - January 2010, pp 8-14, 2010
Dombrowsky, E., Overview global operational oceanography systems, Book chapter 16 for Operational Oceanography in the 21st Century based on the International GODAE Summer School 11-22 January 2010 University of Western Australia Perth, 2011.
Hernandez, F., Performance of Ocean forecasting systems - intercomparison project. Book chapter 23 for Operational Oceanography in the 21st Century based on the International GODAE Summer School 11-22 January 2010 University of Western Australia Perth, 2011.
McPhaden, M.J., K. Ando, B. Bourlès, H. P. Freitag, R. Lumpkin, Y. Masumoto, V.S.N. Murty, P. Nobre, M. Ravichandran, J. Vialard, D. Vousden, and W. Yu., 2010. "The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array" in Proceedings of OceanObs?09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306, doi:10.5270/OceanObs09.cwp.61.
Lefèvre, N., D. Diverrès, F. Gallois, G. Parard, J. Boutin, G. Caniaux, L. Beaumont, and T. Danguy: Autonomous CO2 measurements in the tropical Atlantic. MERCATOR Ocean Quarterly Newletter, 34, 20-29, 2009.
Bourras, D., A. Weill, G. Caniaux, L. Eymard, N. Geyskens, D. Hauser, D. Legain, S. Letourneur, G. Reverdin, L. Baggio, et C. Berthod: Mesures de turbulence à l?interface océan-atmosphère. Résumé Etendu des Ateliers de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère (AMA) 2009. CNRM Ed., Toulouse, 27-29 Janvier 2009, pp6, 2009.
Lebel, T. & B. Bourlès, Le climat tropical de l?Atlantique à l?Afrique sous l??il d?AMMA-Catch et PIRATA, Revue Sciences au Sud de l?IRD, n°45, juillet-août 2008.
Bourlès, B., P.Freitag, and M.McPhaden, Moored buoy networks: the key to understanding the tropical Oceans, Argos Forum #67, Novembre 2008.
Cabanes, C., C. de Boyer Montégut, C. Coatanoan, N. Ferry, C. Pertuisot, K. Von Schuckmann, L. Petit de la Villeon, T. Carval, S. Pouliquen and P.-Y. Le Traon, CORA (CORIOLIS Ocean Database for re-Analyses), a new comprehensive and qualified ocean in-situ dataset from 1900 to 2008 and its use in GLORYS, Mercator Ocean - CORIOLIS Quarterly Newsletter - Special Issue#37 ? April 2010, pp15-19, 2010.
Dombrowsky, E., L. Bertino, G.B. Brassington, E.P. Chassignet, F. Davidson, H.E. Hurlburt, M. Kamachi, T. Lee, M.J. Martin, S. Mei, and M. Tonani, GODAE Systems in operation, in Final GODAE Symposium 2008: The revolution in global ocean forecasting GODAE: 10 years of achievement, Nice, France. Edited by GODAE, GODAE, 2008.
Hernandez, F., L. Bertino, G.B. Brassington, J.A. Cummings, L. Crosnier, F. Davidson, P. Hacker, M. Kamachi, K.A. Lisæter, R. Mahdon, and M.J. Martin, Validation and Intercomparison of Analysis and Forecast Products, in Final GODAE Symposium: The revolution in global ocean forecasting GODAE: 10 years of achievement, Nice, France. Edited by GODAE, GODAE, 2008.
Drévillon, M., R. Bourdallé-Badie, C. Derval, Y. Drillet, J.-M. Lellouche, E. Rémy, B. Tranchant, M. Benkiran, E. Greiner, S. Guinehut, N. Verbrugge, G. Garric, C.-E. Testut, M. Laborie, L. Nouel, P. Bahurel, C. Bricaud, L. Crosnier, E. Dombrowsky, E. Durand, N. Ferry, F. Hernandez, O. Le Galloudec, F. Messal, and L. Parent, The GODAE/Mercator-Ocean global ocean forecasting system: results, applications and prospects, Journal of Operational Oceanography, 1 (1), 51-57, 2008.
Drevillon M., Bourdalle-Badie R., Derval C., Drillet Y., Lellouche J. M., Remy E., Tranchant B., Benkiran M., Greiner L., Guinehut S., Verbrugge N., Garric G., Testut C. E., Laborie M., Nouel L., Bahurel P., Bricaud C., Crosnier L., Dombrowsky E., Durand E., Ferry N., Hernandez F., Le Galloudec O., Messal F., Parent L. (2008). The GODAE/Mercator-Ocean global ocean forecasting system: results, applications and prospects. Journal Of Operational Oceanography, 1(1), 51-57.
Drévillon, M., J.-M. Lellouche, E. Greiner, E. Remy, N. Verbrugge, and L. Crosnier, Ocean circulation and water properties in 2007 described by the MERSEA/Mercator Ocean V2 global ocean analysis and forecasting system, La lettre trimestrielle de MERCATOR, 29, 5-18, 2007b.
Drévillon, M., L. Crosnier, N. Ferry, E. Greiner, and PSY3V2 Team, The new 1/4° Mercator-Ocean global multivariate analysis and forecasting system: Tropical oceans outlook, La lettre trimestrielle de MERCATOR, 26, 9-18, 2007a.
Guinehut, S., and G. Larnicol, Influence of the sampling of temperature data on the interannual variability of the global mean thermosteric sea level index, La lettre trimestrielle de MERCATOR, 25, 13-19, 2007.
Hernandez, F., Tropical arrays for observing ocean and atmosphere dynamics, La lettre trimestrielle de MERCATOR, 26, 6-8, 2007.
Marin, F., G. Athié, C. Regnier, and Y. Du Penhoat, Structure of intra-seasonal variability in the upper layers of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean from the Mercator-Ocean MERA-11 reanalysis, La lettre trimestrielle de MERCATOR, 26, 27-35, 2007.
Dombrowsky, E., F. Hernandez, M. Benkiran, E. Greiner, S. Giraud, D. Jourdan, and S. Vrac, 2007. Review of OSSE/OSE performed at Mercator-Ocean, (Oral). In OOPC-GODAE meeting on OSSEs/OSEs, IOC, Paris, France, 5-7 November 2007.
Brandt, P., F.A. Schott, C. Provost, A. Kartavtseff, V. Hormann, B. Bourlès, and J. Fischer, Circulation in the central equatorial Atlantic: Mean and intraseasonal to seasonal variability, Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geophysical Union, Vienne, avril 2006.
Dengler, M., B. Bourlès, and J. Toole, Deep diurnal cycle turbulence due to Tropical Instability Waves in the Atlantic at 10?W, Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geophysical Union, Vienne, avril 2006.
Bunge, L., C. Provost, A. Kartavtseff and B. Bourlès, Horizontal velocity variability at 10ºW and 23ºW on the equator, AGU General Assembly, Hawaï-USA, 2006.
Bourlès, B., R. L.Molinari, and P. Brandt, Oceanic campaigns and measurements from open ocean (AMMA Task Team n°6) ; In: Genau, I., S. Marsh, J. McQuaid, J.L. Redelsperger, C. Thorncroft, and E. Van Den Akker (Edts): Extended Abstracts, First International AMMA Conference, Dakar, Sénégal, 28th November - 4th December 2005, 114-116, 2006.
Arhan, M., A. M. Treguier, B. Bourlès, S. Michel, Diagnosing the annual cycle of the Equatorial Undercurrent in the Atlantic Ocean from a General Circulation model (EGU05-A-03458), EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2005
Le Borgne, P., Gérard Legendre, Anne Marsouin, OSI SAF radiative fluxes, Extended abstract for OSI SAF (Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility) Workshop, Perros-Guirec, (France), March 2005.
Brut, A., A. Butet, P. Durand, G. Caniaux, and S. Planton: Estimations of turbulent air-sea fluxes and their parameterizations including airflow distortion corrections from the EQUALANT99 dataset, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 2005.
Clauzet G., I. Wainer, et J. Servain: Times-scales of variability from the high frequency PIRATA data revealed by wavelet analysis. Braz. J. Meteorol., 20, 1, 43-58., 2005.
Busalacchi, A. J., R. Boscolo, B. Dickson, A. Piola, J. Servain and N. Zeng : Climate observing system for the Atlantic sector. CLIVAR Exchanges, Vol. 9, N° 3, pp 8-11 +p16, October 2004
Cousin, R., F. Hernandez et Y. Du Penhoat, Apport du réseau de mouillages météo-océaniques PIRATA pour l?océanographie opérationnelle, La lettre trimestrielle MERCATOR-OCEAN, 15, 2-8, Octobre 2004.
Servain J., B. Bourlès, et S. Planton : Le Programme PIRATA : Réalisations, Exploitation, Développement. Recueil de communications de l?Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation (AEI). Paris, France, 23-24 mars 2004, 2004.
Bourlès, B., J. Servain et S. Planton, l?ORE PIRATA, colloque ORE du CNRS/INSU, Paris, 15-16 Nov 2004.
Durand B., L.H. Ayina, A. Bentamy et J. Servain : High resolution satellite-derived surface turbulent fluxes over the Atlantic Ocean. XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia. Fortaleza, Brazil, Sept 2004.
Durand B., Servain J., Laurent H., and Machado L. A.: Fluxo de calor latente no Atlântico tropical, convecção sobre o Nordeste e a rede PIRATA. Extended Proceedings XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia. Fortaleza, Brazil, Sept 2004.
Servain J., B. Bourlès, et S. Planton, Le Programme PIRATA : Réalisations, Exploitation, Développement. Recueil de Communications de l?Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation (AEI). Paris, France, 6pp, March 2004.
Servain J., Durand B., Ayina L.-H. and Bentamy A., High resolution satellite and PIRATA derived surface turbulent fluxes over the Atlantic Ocean. Extended Proceeding XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia. Fortaleza, Brazil, Sept 2004.
Servain J., Hervé M., and B. Durand, A real-time diagnostic analysis of the PIRATA observations. Joint American and Canadian Geophysical Unions meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 2004.
Servain J., O Programa PIRATA: CAMISA-PIRATA, O programa PIRATA : Objetivos, Realisaçaoes, Perspectivas. Extended Proceeding XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia. Fortaleza, Brésil, Sept 2004.
Dourado, M., and G. Caniaux: One-dimensional modelling of the oceanic boundary layer using PIRATA data at 10S, 10W. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, v.19, n.2, 217-226, 2004.
Provost C., S. Arnault, N. Chouaib, A. Kartavtseff, L. Bunge and E. Sultan, 2004: Equatorial pressure gradient in the Atlantic in 2002: TOPEX Poseidon and Jason versus the first PIRATA current measurements. Marine Geodesy , 27, 13774-13769, 2004.
Dourado Marcelo, Caniaux Guy (2004). One-dimensional modeling of the oceanic boundary layer using PIRATA data at 10°S, 10°W. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, 19(2), 217-226.
Clauzet , G., Wainer I., et Servain J.: Variabilidade de alta frequencia nos dados da rede de boais PIRATA : Parte I ? Caracterização das séries temporais. Revista Brasileira de Oceanografia, 2003.
Peter, A.C., et Y. du Penhoat : Étude de la couche de mélange océanique et bilan de chaleur dans le Golfe de Guinée, journées prospectives du PATOM, CIC de Météo France, Toulouse. Dec 2003.
Vera C. S., Hazeleger, W., Wainer, I., and Servain, J. : Climate Variability in the South Atlantic Ocean. « White Document » prepared for the « Workshop SACOS : South Atlantic Climate Observing System », Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil, Feb 2003.
Ayina L. H., and Servain J. : Spatial-temporal evolution of the low frequency climate variability in the tropical Atlantic. Interhemispheric Water Exchange in the Atlantic Ocean (Elsevier Oceanographic Series), Edited by G. J. Goni and P. Malanotte-Rozzoli, 475-495, 2003.
Clauzet G., I. Wainer et Servain J.: Variabilidade de alta frequencia nos dados da rede de boais PIRATA : Parte II ? Revelada pela Analise de ondeletas. Revista Brasileira de Oceanografia, 2002.
Garzoli, S. L., and J. Servain: CLIVAR workshop on tropical Atlantic variability. Introduction to Geophysical Research Letters Special Issue, 30 (5), 8001, doi:10.1029/2002GL016823, 2003.
Marchand, P., and J. Servain: NOR-50: Fast research vessel for operational oceanography - Implementing PIRATA & Argo programs in the Tropical & South Atlantic in a practical, economic way. Sea Technology, 43 (6), 49-54, 2002.
DuPenhoat, Y., N. Ferry, C. Maes, J.Merle, S. Arnault, collab.: L. Fleury, E. Greiner, M. Benkiran, A. Lazar, G. Eldin et B. Bourlès, Validation des systèmes MERCATOR en zone tropical: océans Pacifique et Atlantique, Journées Mercator-Coriolis, LEGOS (France), Sept 2002.
Servain J., The status and perspective of the PIRATA Program. A CLIVAR Workshop on the Dynamics and Predictability of the Atlantic ITCZ and its Regional Climatic Influences. A CLIVAR Workshop on the Dynamics and Predictability of the Atlantic ITCZ and its Regional Climatic Influences. IRI, Palisades, NY, USA,
Sept 2002.
Bentamy A., K B. Katsaros, M. Alberto, W. M. Drennan, E. B. Forde: Daily surface wind fields produced by merged satellite data. American Geophys. Union, 343-349, 2002.
Servain, J. and Lorenzetti J.: PIRATA-8 Meeting Report. CLIVAR-Exchanges No. 22, Newsletter of the CLIVAR Program, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 2001.
Ayina H. L., and J. Servain : Climate modulation in a general circulation model of the tropical Atlantic. CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Workshop, Paris, France, Sept, 2001.
Cariou S., J. Servain, R. Person, et Y. Roubaud : Study of the tuna behaviour by acoustic simulation. CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Workshop, Paris, France, Sept 2001.
Michel, S., A-M. Treguier, R. Schopp, Y. Quilfen, A. Bentamy, Comparison of two Atlantic simulations forced by ECMWF and ERS wind climatologies, CLIVAR workshop on Tropical Atlantic Variability, Paris, Sept 2001.
Quilfen, Y., A. Bentamy, S. Michel, A-M. Treguier, R. Schopp, Impact of the wind from ERS satellites and from ECMWF reanalysis in the CLIPPER Atlantic model : first results, AGU meeting on scatterometry, Los Angeles, Dec 2001.
Servain J., and J. Lorenzzetti: PIRATA-8 Meeting Report. CLIVAR-Exchanges No. 22, Newsletter of the CLIVAR Program, Vol. 6, No. 4, Dec 2001.
Servain J., and the PIRATA SSC : The PIRATA program and a proposed expansion through the South East. Proceedings of the 10th Southern African Marine Science Symposium (SAMSS 2000) Land, Sea and People in the New Millenium, 22 to 26 November, 1999, Wilderness, South Africa, p 131, 1999.
Servain J : PIRATA, une surveillance du climat de l'Atlantique tropical qui entre dans son rythme de croisière. Rapport d'Activité de l'IRD 1999 « Un institut en mutation », 2000.
Vianna M. L., Servain J., and Busalacchi A. J. : PIRATA: Recent results and future perspectives. CLIVAR Exchanges, Vol. 4, N° 3, 17- 24, 1999
Vianna M. L., Servain J., and Busalacchi A.J.: The PIRATA Program: Monitoring Tropical Atlantic Waters. Sea Technology, Vol. 40, N° 10, 10-15, 1999.
McPhaden M. J., P.Freitag, J.Servain and E. Josse, Effects of fishing activity on tropical moored buoy arrays. Actes du colloque Caraïbe-Martinique "Pêche thonière et dispositifs de concentration de poissons", 15-19 octobre 1999. Edits. J.-Y. Le Gall, P. Cayré & M. Taquet. p. 154.
Servain J., PIRATA Status Report. TAO Implementation Panel Report of the Seventh Session, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 11-13 November 1998, GOOS Report No. 68, GCOS Report No. 52, ICPO Publication Series No. 26, 10-11, 1998.
Servain J., and Group PIRATA : The PIRATA program: An extension of the TAO array in the Atlantic. Conférence Internationale Abidjan'98 "Variabilité des Ressources en Afrique au XXème Siècle", Recueil des Posters, 16-19 novembre 1998, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 157-161, 1998.
Servain J., Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic. Annales Geophysicae, Supplement II to Volume 15, PartII, Hydrology, Oceans, Atmosphere & Nonlinear Geophysics, C 410, 1997.
Servain J., H.L. Ayina, and H.Roquet: Et si PIRATA avait été mis en place dès 1979 ! Recueil des Actes, Symposium International Surveillance des Océans à l?Horizon 2000 : Une Approche Intégrée, 15-17 octobre 1997, Biarritz, France, 4 pp., 1997
Clauzet G., I. Wainer, et J. Servain,: Time-scales of variability from the high-frequency PIRATA data (1997-2000). Joint IAPSO/IABO Assembly: 2001 An Ocean Odyssey. Mar del Plata, Argentina, Oct 2001.
Servain J., and M. Vianna, Pilot research moored array in the tropical Atlantic - PIRATA. Program Status Report in TAO Implementation Panel Report of the Sixth Session, Reading, England, 4-6 November 1997, GOOS Report No. 36, GCOS Report No. 43, ICPO Publication Series No. 13, p 10, 1998.
Servain J., Introduction of the Session "Scientific results from the PIRATA Program (1997-2004)". Joint American and Canadian Geophysical Unions meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 2004.
Reverdin, G, J. Servain and S.Planton, 1997 : Réseau de mouillages PIRATA dans l'Atlantique tropical. Atelier "Expérimentation et Instrumentation", 29-30 octobre 1997, Auditorium du CNRS, Campus Michel Ange, Paris 16°, 7-12.
Servain J., Le Programme PIRATA (Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic). Colloques et Congrès de Météo-France, Atelier de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère, Toulouse, 3-4 décembre 1996, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, 3-8, 1996.
Servain J., The PIRATA program: An extension of the TAO array in the Atlantic. Program Status Report in TAO Implementation Panel Report of the Fifth Meeting, Goa, India, 18-21 novembre 1996, GCOS Report No. 31, ICPO Publication Series No. 5, GOOS Report No. 97/1, 15-16, 1997.
Hernandez, F., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, P. Brandt, E. Campos, H. Giordani, R. Lumpkin, M. J. McPhaden, P. Nobre, and R. Saravanan, The PIRATA Observing System in the Tropical Atlantic: Enhancements and perspectives, European Geosciences Union General Assembly: Vienne, Autriche, 23-27 Avril, Geophys. Res.
References of International Seminar Communications
F. Gasparin, S. Cravatte, R. Bourdallé-Badie, H. Giordani, E. Kestenare, J. Llido, P. Rousselot, F. Laurent, B. Bourlès (2024) Recent improvements to the diurnal mixed layer observing system in the equatorial Atlantic in the wake of TPOS, Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 18-23 February, 2024
Annasawmy P., L. Izard, P. Rousselot, S. Hillion, B. Bourlès, J. Habasque (2023), Spatio-temporal variability in pelagic biophysical associations in the eastern tropical Atlantic, PIRATA-26 Meeting & TRIATLAS Conference and General Assembly, Banyuls sur Mer, France, 16-20 octobre, 2023.
Cariou, T., L. Andres, A. Brouquier, B. Bourlès, L. Coppola, S. Hillion, N. Lefèvre, F. Le Loch, A. Lorrain, A. Médieu, J.M. Munaron, I. Pondaven, G. Reverdin, F. Roubaud, P. Rousselot, V. Taillandier (2023), New biogeochemical parameters collected during PIRATA-FR, PIRATA-26 Meeting & TRIATLAS Conference and General Assembly, Banyuls sur Mer, France, 16-20 octobre, 2023.
Di Matteo L., I. Dadou, C. Cardot, D. Napolitano, G. Alory, Y. Morel, G. Morvan, M. Aguedjou, A. Chaigneau, M. Gévaudan, J. Jouanno (2023), Physical/biogeochemical interactions in the Gulf of Guinea near Sao Tomé Island, PIRATA-26 Meeting & TRIATLAS Conference and General Assembly, Banyuls sur Mer, France, 16-20 octobre, 2023.
Gasparin, F., H. Giordani, R. Bourdalle-Badie, G. Samson (2023), Evaluation and optimization of numerical parametrizations of the ocean mixed layer based on PIRATA observations in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, PIRATA-26 Meeting & TRIATLAS Conference and General Assembly, Banyuls sur Mer, France, 16-20 octobre, 2023.
Gévaudan M., J. Jouanno and O. Aumont (2023), On the importance of organic matter discharge for the Amazon plume productivity : a modeling study, PIRATA-26 Meeting & TRIATLAS Conference and General Assembly, Banyuls sur Mer, France, 16-20 octobre, 2023.
Robo., M., J. Llido, A. Paulmier, T. Cariou, V. Garçon (2023), Interannual oxygen variability in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean, PIRATA-26 Meeting & TRIATLAS Conference and General Assembly, Banyuls sur Mer, France, 16-20 octobre, 2023.
Rousselot, P., A. Brouquier, B. Bourlès, T. Cariou, S. Hillion, J. Llido, I. Pondaven, F. Roubaud (2023), Physical data collected during PIRATA-FR : Processing, Validation and Diffusion, PIRATA-26 Meeting & TRIATLAS Conference and General Assembly, Banyuls sur Mer, France, 16-20 octobre, 2023.
Thiam A.K., G. Alory, I. Dadou, Y. Morel, C. Cardot, D. Napolitano, M. Agedjou, G. Morvan, J. Jouanno (2023), Mesoscale dynamics and its influence on coastal upwelling in the northern Gulf of Guinea, PIRATA-26 Meeting & TRIATLAS Conference and General Assembly, Banyuls sur Mer, France, 16-20 octobre, 2023.
Topé, G.D.A. ,G. Alory, S. Djakouré, C.Y. Da-Allada, J. Jouanno, G. Morvan (2023), Impact of marine heat waves on the ocean and atmospheric conditions in the Gulf of Guinea, PIRATA-26 Meeting & TRIATLAS Conference and General Assembly, Banyuls sur Mer, France, 16-20 octobre, 2023.
Llido J., B. Bourlès, P. Rousselot, T. Cariou, S. Hillion, F. Roubaud, A. Brouquier, I. Pondaven, F. Gasparin, F. Hernandez, J. Jouanno (2023), PIRATA and SNO PIRATA: The evolution of observations in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic and perspectives, 10ème Conférence Internationale TACCOVAR, Bénin, 18-20 septembre 2023.
Awo F.M., M. Rouault, M. Ostrowski, F. S. Tomety, C. Y. Da-Allada, and J. Jouanno (2022), Seasonal Cycle of Sea Surface Salinity in the Angola Upwelling System, TRIATLAS General Assemby and Conference - PIRATA-25 Meeting, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 03-07 October 2022
Gasparin, F., H. Giordani, S. Cravatte, R. Bourdallé-Badie, E. Kestenare, J. Llido, G. Samson, B. Bourlès (2022), Observing and modelling diurnal ocean mixed layer in the eastern equatorial Atlantic, TRIATLAS General Assemby and Conference - PIRATA-25 Meeting, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 03-07 October 2022
Giordani H. and P. Peyrillé (2022), Dynamics of the Atlantic Marine Intertropical Convergence Zone, TRIATLAS General Assemby and Conference - PIRATA-25 Meeting, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 03-07 October 2022
Thiam A.K., G. Alory, I. Dadou, Y. Morel, D. Napolitano, J. Jouanno (2022), Mesoscale dynamics in the northern Gulf of Guinea, TRIATLAS General Assemby and Conference - PIRATA-25 Meeting, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 03-07 October 2022
Araujo, M. B. Bourlès, E. Campos, L. Cotrim, G. Foltz, H. Giordani, F. Hernandez, N. Lefèvre, M. McPhaden, P. Nobre, C. Patricola, A. Sutton, P. Brandt : Prediction and Research moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic: PIRATA; Sciences cooperation, policies interface and SDGs in South Atlantic Ocean, Conference From COP21 towards the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) at UNESCO, Paris, France, 10 septembre 2018.
Bourlès, B., J Llido, F. Hernandez, H. Giordani (2021) PIRATA network status: PIRATA French national report to PIRATA SSG/PRB, virtual PIRATA-24-TAV meeting (in visio-conference), 11-14 May 2021.
Brandt, P., J. Hahn, S. Schmidtko, F. P. Tuchen, R. Kopte, R. Kiko, B. Bourlès, R. Czeschel, M. Dengler (2021) Decadal variability of circulation and oxygen in the upper equatorial Atlantic; virtual PIRATA-24-TAV meeting (in visio-conference), 11-14 May 2021.
Gasparin, F., R. Bourdallé-Badie, J.P. Lellouche, S. Cravatte (2021) How does data assimilation on weekly and longer time scales influence SST diurnal variations in the tropical Atlantic?, virtual PIRATA-24-TAV meeting (in visio-conference), 11-14 May 2021.
Giordani, H. and R. Bourdallé-Badie (2021) An eddy-diffusivity mass-flux parameterization for modeling oceanic convection, virtual PIRATA-24-TAV meeting (in visio-conference), 11-14 May 2021.
Houndegnonto, J.O., N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, N. Grima, D. Dober, C. Y. Da-Allada, and N. Reul (2021) On the formation of thermohaline stratification off Congo River plume, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, (in visio-conference), 27 September-01 October 2021.
Hounsou-Gbo, G. A., J. Servain, E. Martins, M. Araujo (2021) Long-term variability of South Atlantic and connections with El Niño Southern Oscillation, virtual PIRATA-24-TAV meeting (in visio-conference), 11-14 May 2021 (poster).
Moum, J., S. J. Warner, B. Bourlès, P. Brandt, K. Hugues, D. Cherian, W. Smyth & E. Shroyer (2021) Mixing in the Equatorial Cold Tongues - A TAO / PIRATA Comparison of Xpod Adventures, virtual PIRATA-24-TAV meeting (in visio-conference), 11-14 May 2021.
Napolitano, D., G. Alory, J. Jouanno, Y. Morel, I. Dadou, G. Morvan (2021) Island's topography effects on the meso-to-large scale circulation of the Gulf of Guinea, virtual PIRATA-24-TAV meeting (in visio-conference), 11-14 May 2021 (poster).
Rémy, E. (2021) Impact of tropical Atlantic observations on ocean analysis and forecasts, virtual PIRATA-24-TAV meeting (in visio-conference), 11-14 May 2021
Speich, S., W. Johns, R. Rodriguez, M. Araujo, B. Bourlès & co-authors (2021) Tropical Atlantic Contributions to the Global Ocean Observing System, All Atlantic 2021 meeting (CLIVAR-GOOS-TAOS- ATLANTOS), Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, 2-4 June 2021.
Bourlès, B. (2020): PIRATA network status: PIRATA French national report to PIRATA SSG/PRB, conférence PIRATA-24_0, virtual meeting in visio-conference, 23-24 avril 2020.
Brandt, P., Hahn, J., Sunke, S., Tuchen, F. P., Kopte, R., Kiko, R., Bourlès, B., and Dengler, M. (2020) : Decadal variability of circulation and oxygen in the equatorial Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2020, virtual meeting in visio-conference, Online, 4-8 May 2020, EGU2020-10934,, 2020.
Alory, G., P. Téchiné, T. Delcroix, D. Diverres, D. Varillon, C. Bachelier, J. Grelet, S. Jacquin, E. Kestenare, R. Morrow, G. Reverdin, and B. Bourlès, The French Sea Surface Salinity Observation Service : 50 years of global observations from ships of opportunity, OceanObs '19 Conference, Honolulu, Hawaï USA, septembre 2019.
Barbier, M., F. Whoriskey, B. Bourlès, E. Delory, S. Pouliquen, M. Scobie, U. Schauer, and P. Poli, Ethical recommendations for ocean observation, Poster, OceanObs '19 Conference, Honolulu, Hawaï USA, septembre 2019.
Barbier, M., P. Afonso, A. Boetius, B. Bourlès, F. Janssen, T. Kanzow, R. Lampitt, G.Obolensky, P. Poli, S. Pouliquen, U. Schauer, P. Testor, F. Whoriskey and H. Claustre, Autonomous ocean observation networks in the Atlantic Ocean, Poster, Final AtlantOS General Assembly & 1st international AtlantOS symposium, UNESCO, Paris, 25-28 mars 2019.
Herbert, G., S. Cravatte, J. Habasque, G. Reverdin, and B. Bourlès, Near-surface current shear from in situ measurements in the Tropical Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Poster, ESA World Ocean Circulation User Consultation Meeting, Frascati, Italy, 21-22 Février 2019.
Hernandez, F., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, P. Brandt, L. Cotrim da Cunha, G. Foltz, H. Giordani, N. Lefevre, J. Llido, M. Mc Phaden, P. Nobre, C. Patricola, R. Rodrigues, and A. Sutton, The PIRATA array in the tropical Atlantic: Enhancements and perspectives in support of operational oceanography, OceanPredict '19, GODAE symposium, Halifax, Canada, Mai 2019.
Hernandez, F., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, P. Brandt, L. Cotrim da Cunha, P. Dandin, G. Foltz, A. Ganachaud, H. Giordani, D. Legler, M. Mc Phaden, P. Nobre, C. Patricola, R. Rodrigues, and A. Sutton, J. Trotte-Duha: PIRATA: The evolving backbone of the Tropical Atlantic Observing System, Poster, OceanObs '19 Conference, Honolulu, Hawaï USA, septembre 2019.
Houndegnonto, O. J., N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, C. Y. Da-Allada, and N. Reul, Seasonal variability of Niger and Congo Rivers plumes in the Gulf of Guinea, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 23-27 septembre 2019.
Houndegnonto, O. J., N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, C. Y. Da-Allada, and N. Reul, Seasonal variability of Niger and Congo Rivers plumes in the Gulf of Guinea, EGU General Assembly, Vienne-Autriche, 4-12 Avril 2019.
Houndegnonto, O. J., N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, C. Y. Da-Allada, and N. Reul, Seasonal variability of Niger and Congo Rivers plumes in the Gulf of Guinea, Summer School ?"Fluid Dynamics of Sustainability and the Environment", Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, 1-12 juillet 2019.
Lherminier, P., T. Tanhua, S. Pouliquen, C. Devey, A.-C. Wölfl, T. Kanzow, U. Schauer, B. Bourlès, P. Testor, P. Poli, M. Barbier and K. Drinkwater, Improvement of observing networks towards physical measurements in the Atlantic Ocean, Final AtlantOS General Assembly & 1st international AtlantOS symposium, UNESCO, Paris, 25-28 mars 2019.
Watson, A., M. Barbier, J. Thorn, T. Tanhua, H. Claustre, S. Pouliquen, B. Bourlès, T. Kanzow, R. Lampitt, U. Schauer, G. Obolensky, P. Lherminier and K. Drinkwater, Improvement of observing networks towards biogeochemical measurement in the Atlantic Ocean, Poster. Final AtlantOS General Assembly & 1st international AtlantOS symposium, UNESCO, Paris, 25-28 mars 2019.
Araujo, M., B. Bourlès, R. Peres & coll., Tropical Atlantic moorings network (In Session 2: Tropical Atlantic Observing System Networks; Current Status and plans to 2030), 1st Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop, Portland, USA, 9-10 February 2018.
Peres, R., B. Bourlès, Araujo, M. & coll., Tropical Atlantic Shipboard and Vessel based observations (In Session 2: Tropical Atlantic Observing System Networks; Current Status and plans to 2030), 1st Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop, Portland, USA, 9-10 February 2018.
Araujo, M. and B. Bourlès, The PIRATA 22 / PREFACE meeting; 10th anniversary of PIRATA 16th Session of Atlantic Region Panel Meeting, Portland, USA, 10 February 2018.
Araujo, M., B. Bourlès & coll., Societal impact and importance of observing the Tropical Atlantic (In Session 1: Requirements for the Tropical Atlantic Observing System), 1st Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop, Portland, USA, 9-10 February 2018.
Awo, M., G.Alory, C. Y. Da-Allada, T. Delcroix, J. Jouanno, E. Baloi?tcha. Sea Surface Salinity signature of the tropical Atlantic interannual climatic modes. Preface Meeting, Lanzarote, April 2018.
Balsameda, M. and P. Dandin, Tropical Atlantic ocean & weather forecast, conférence PIRATA-23 / 2nd Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop, Marseille, France, 22 - 26 octobre 2018.
Capet, X., L. Kounta, E. Machu and J. Jouanno, On Nearshore hypoxia and oxygen ventilation in the Eastern tropical North Atlantic, conférence PIRATA-23 / 2nd Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop,, Marseille, France, 22 - 26 octobre 2018.
Cravatte, S., G. Reverdin, J. Habasque, G. Herbert, B. Bourlès, C. Maes, and E. Martinez, Needs in near-surface currents observations in the Equatorial and Tropical Oceans, SKIM international workshop, Brest, France, 10-12 octobre 2018.
Da-Allada, C., J. Jouanno, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourle?s, G. Alory and F. Gaillard. Boreal spring equatorial Sea Surface Salinity as a potential predictor of Atlantic Cold Tongue events. Preface Meeting, Lanzarote, April 2018.
Dandin, P. and B. Bourlès, IRD & Météo-France in the Tropical Atlantic ocean, 1st Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop, Portland, USA, 9-10 February 2018.
Giordani, H., P. Peyrillé and A. Vasconcelos, What Processes control the Wind in the Boundary-Layer of the ITCZ, conférence PIRATA-23 / 2nd Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop,, Marseille, France, 22 - 26 octobre 2018.
Habasque, J., A. Bertrand, A. Lebourges-Dhaussy, and B. Bourlès, Environmental forcing of marine organisms as revealed by underwater acoustics in the eastern tropical-equatorial Atlantic, conférence PIRATA-23 / 2nd Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop,, Marseille, France, 22 - 26 octobre 2018.
Houndegnonto, O.J., N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Y. Da-Allada, B. Bourlès and C. Maes, Characterization of Niger and Congo River plumes in the Gulf of Guinea, 2018 Ocean Salinity Science Conference, Paris, France, 6-9 November 2018.
Houndegnonto, O.J., N. Kolodziejczyk, C.Y. Da Allada, B. Bourlès, C. Maes and N. Reul, Characterization of Niger and Congo River plumes in the Gulf of Guinea, conférence PIRATA-23 / 2nd Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop, Marseille, France, 22 - 26 octobre 2018.
Jouanno, J., O. Hernandez and E. Sanchez-Gomez. Equatorial Atlantic interannual variability and its relation to dynamic and thermodynamic processes. Preface Meeting, Lanzarote, April 2018.
Meynadier et al. The regional coupled system WRF-NEMO (OCATA) over the Tropical Atlantic: impact of the regional coupled processes on the surface heat and water budget. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, USA, 11-16 February 2018.
Moum, J., E. Shroyer, J. D. Nash, S. J. Warner, J. Becherer, P. Brandt, and B. Bourlès, Distinctions in Turbulence Between Atlantic and Pacific Equatorial Cold Tongues: Inferences from Several Years of Moored Mixing Measurements, 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, USA, 11-16 February 2018.
Papapostolou, A., W. E Johns, J. Jouanno and P. Brandt. Seasonal changes in strength and vertical structure of the Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC). Ocean Science Meeting Portland, USA, 11-16 February 2018.
Poli, P., Tropical Atlantic data buoys in the global observing system: Impact on global weather forecasts, conférence PIRATA-23 / 2nd Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop,, Marseille, France, 22 - 26 octobre 2018.
Radenac, M.H., J. Jouanno, C. C. Tchamabi, M. Awo, B. Bourlès, S. Arnault, and O. Aumont, Seasonal cycle of nitrate in the euphotic layer of the Atlantic Cold Tongue, conférence PIRATA-23 / 2nd Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop,, Marseille, France, 22 - 26 octobre 2018.
Rouault, M., and B. Bourlès, New results from the extension of PIRATA in the tropical South-East Atlantic experiment, conférence PIRATA-23 / 2nd Tropical Atlantic Observing System workshop,, Marseille, France, 22 - 26 octobre 2018
Alory, G., T. Delcroix, C. Da-Allada, J. Jouanno, and E. Baloïtcha, Sea Surface Salinity signature of the interannual climatic modes in the Tropical Atlantic, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Awo, M., Alory, G., Da-Allada, C., Jouanno, J., Delcroix, T., & Baloitcha, E.. Sea Surface Salinity signature of tropical Atlantic interannual modes. General Assembly Conference, April 2017.
Bonou, F., A. Chaigneau, C. Da-Allada, G. Alory, Y. Morel, Z. Sohou, M. Araujo, Eddy impacts on physical and carbon parameters in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Bourlès, B., & coll., Enhancing PREdiction oF Tropical Atlantic ClimatE & its impact; High-Level Ministerial and Scientific Event ?A New Era of Blue Enlightenment?, Session ?Presentation of the South-South Framework for Scientific and Technical Cooperation in the South and Tropical Atlantic and the Southern Ocean?, Lisbonne, Portugal, 13-14 juillet 2017.
Bourlès, B., & coll., The PredIction and Research moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic and perspectives; High-Level Ministerial and Scientific Event ?A New Era of Blue Enlightenment?, Session ?Connecting to better observe the Atlantic Ocean : AtlantOS PREFACE?, Lisbonne, Portugal, 13-14 juillet 2017.
Bourlès, B., Status of the PIRATA, PREFACE and AtlantOS programs; Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 25-29 septembre 2017.
Bourlès, B.: PIRATA WP3.5 AtlantOS statement & report, meeting 3rd GA AtlantOS, Las Palmas, Spain, 20-24 novembre 2017.
Bourlès, B.: PIRATA network status: enhancements with Preface & AtlantOS & PIRATA French national report to PIRATA SSG/PRB, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Bruto, L., M. Araujo, C. Noriega, D., Veleda, N. Lefèvre, Variability of CO2 fugacity at the western edge of the tropical Atlantic Ocean from the 8°N to 38°W PIRATA buoy, Poster, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Da-Allada, C., F. Gaillard, J. Jouanno, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, and G. Alory, Boreal spring sea surface salinity as a potential predictor of Atlantic cold tongue events, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 25-29 septembre 2017.
Djakouré S., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, A. Hounsou-Gbo & C. Noriega, On the potential causes of the Sargassum bloom events in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Djakouré S., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, A. Hounsou-Gbo & C. Noriega, On the potential causes of the Sargassum bloom events in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 25-29 septembre 2017.
Dossa, N.A., Da-Allada, C., G. Herbert, and B. Bourlès, Seasonal Cycle of the salinity barrier layer revealed in the north-eastern Gulf of Guinea, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 25-29 septembre 2017.
Hounsou-Gbo, G. A., J. Servain, M. Araujo, G. Caniaux, B. Bourlès and D. Fontenele, Tropical South Atlantic variability and impacts on rainy seasons over the Brazilian northeast, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Imbol Koungue, R. A., S. Illig and M. Rouault, Role of Interannual Kelvin wave propagations in the equatorial Atlantic on the Angola-Benguela current system, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Kom, O., G. Alory, C. Da Allada and J. Jouanno, Mixed layer heat/salt budget and EUCt dynamics in the tropical Atlantic from a joint model-observations approach, Poster, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Nogueira Neto, A.V., G. Caniaux, H. Giordani and M. Araújo, Turbulent entrainment rate estimate at the mixed-layer base from Argo floats in the western tropical Atlantic, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Papapostolou, A., W. E. Johns, J. Jouanno, P. Brandt and R. Lumpkin, Seasonal Upwelling in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Perez, R., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, P. Brandt, K. Drushka, G. Foltz, W. Kessler, R. Lumpkin, M. McPhaden, Y. Serra, J. Sprintall,?, Health of the global observing system: tropical oceans; US CLIVAR Summit, August 8-10, 2017.
Rouault, M., and Bourlès, B.: The extension of PIRATA in the tropical South East Atlantic, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Tyaquic?a?, P., D. Veleda, N. Lefe?vre, M. Araujo, C. Noriega, G. Caniaux, J. Servain, and T. Silva, Amazon Plume Salinity Response to Ocean Teleconnections, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Voldoire, A., T. Demissie, A.-L., Deppenmeier, E. Exarchou, C. Frauen et al., SST bias development in the Tropical Atlantic in coupled ocean-atmosphere PREFACE coordinated experiments, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017
-Bonou, F., C. Noriega, N. Lefèvre, M. Araujo: Variability of CO2 parameters in western tropical Atlantic, Académie des Sciences, ISBA-Cotonou, 1er juin 2016.
Alory, G., B. Bourlès, and E. Baloitcha, 3rd year of the PREFACE program, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 3-7 octobre 2016.
Araujo M., F. Bonou, C. Noriega, N. Lefèvre. Distribution of CO2 parameters in the Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean. EGU General Assembly, Vienne, Autriche, 17-22 Avril 2016.
Awo, M., G. Alory, T. Delcroix and E. Baloitcha, Interannual tropical Atlantic variability modes: classification and Sea Surface Salinity signature, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Paris, France, 28 novembre - 2 décembre 2016.
Bonou, F., C. Noriega, N. Lefèvre, M. Araujo: Variability of CO2 parameters in western tropical Atlantic, Journées de la Renaissance Scientifique de l'Afrique, Centre Béninois de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, ISBA-Cotonou, 28 juin 2016.
Bourlès, B.: PIRATA enhancements with Preface & AtlantOS, PIRATA French national report and status to PIRATA SSG, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Paris, France, 28 novembre - 2 décembre 2016.
Claustre, H., A. Boetius, M. Barbier, P. Testor, S. Pouliquen, R. Lampitt, T. Kanzow, B. Bourlès, P. Blouch, P. Afonso, G. Obolensky, F. Whoriskey, F. Janssen, I. Salter, V. Turpin, L. Cristini, P. Poli, Enhancement of autonomous ocean observation networks in the Atlantic Ocean, poster présenté au GCOS Science Conference, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 2-4 mars 2016.
Da-Allada, C., J. Jouanno, F. Gaillard, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, N. Reul, B. Bourlès, Augmentation de la salinité de surface dans la langue d'eau froide équatoriale Atlantique, Journées de la Renaissance Scientifique de l'Afrique, Centre Béninois de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, ISBA-Cotonou, 28 juin 2016.
Da-Allada, C., J. Jouanno, F. Gaillard, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, N. Reul, B. Bourlès, Role of the Equatorial undercurrent salinity maximum in the seasonal variability of sea surface salinity in the Equatorial Atlantic Cold Tongue, Poster, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Paris, France, 28 novembre - 2 décembre 2016.
Da-Allada, C., J. Jouanno, F. Gaillard, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, N. Reul, and B. Bourlès, Importance of the Equatorial Undercurrent on the Sea Surface Salinity in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic in boreal spring, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 3-7 octobre 2016.
Djakouré, S., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, A. Hounsou-Bgo, C. Noriega, Changes in the ecosystem structure of the algae Sargassum in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Paris, France, 28 novembre - 2 décembre 2016
Djakouré, S., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, A. Hounsou-Gbo, and C. Noriega, Changes in the ecosystem structures of the Algae Sargassum in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 3-7 octobre 2016.
Ferreira, A., J. Servain, J. J. Carrasco, E. S. Olivas and L.V. Jacinto, A new dipole index for the tropical Atlantic from the PIRATA data set, Poster, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Paris, France, 28 novembre - 2 décembre 2016.
Guelly, C., B. Bourlès, Y. DuPenhoat, Etude de l'évolution des conditions hydro-météorologiques dans le sud-est du Golfe de Guinée à partir de données in situ, Journées de la Renaissance Scientifique de l'Afrique, Centre Béninois de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, ISBA-Cotonou, 28 juin 2016.
Habasque, J., B. Bourlès, É. Machu, P. Brehmer and A. Bertrand, First insights on the impact of hydrology and currents on the horizontal and vertical distributions of fish and macrozooplankton in the Eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Paris, France, 28 novembre - 2 décembre 2016.
Herbert, G., B. Bourlès, P. Penven, G. Cambon and J. Grelet; The upper layer circulation in the Gulf of Guinea revisited from in situ data and a high resolution numerical model, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Paris, France, 28 novembre - 2 décembre 2016
Herbert, G., B. Bourlès, P. Penven, J. Grelet, The upper layer circulation in the Gulf of Guinea revisited from in situ data and a high resolution numerical model. Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 3-7 octobre 2016.
Hounsou-Gbo, G. A., J. Servain, M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, D. Veleda, Tropical Atlantic indices for forecasting seasonal rainfall along the coastal part of Brazilian northeast, Journées de la Renaissance Scientifique de l'Afrique, Centre Béninois de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, ISBA-Cotonou, 28 juin 2016.
Imbol Koungue, R. A., S. Illig and M. Rouault, Role of Interannual Kelvin wave propagations in the equatorial Atlantic on the Angola-Benguela current system, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Paris, France, 28 novembre - 2 décembre 2016.
Lefèvre N., D. Veleda, M. Araujo, G. Caniaux. Quantifying the air-sea CO2 flux at a time-series in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. EGU General Assembly, Vienne, Autriche, 17-22 Avril 2016.
Meynadier R., G. de Coetlogon, and J. Jouanno. The regional coupled system WRF-NEMO (OCATA) over the Tropical Atlantic: impact of the regional coupled processes on the surface heat and water budget. EGU General Assembly, Vienne, Autriche, 17-22 Avril 2016.
Nubi O. A., Bourlès, B., C.A. Edokpayi, and N. Hounkonnou, On the influence of equatorial upwelling on apparent oxygen utilization within the Gulf of Guinea equatorial band as inferred from in situ measurements, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 3-7 octobre 2016.
Bonou, F., M. Araujo, N. Lefèvre, C. Noriega: Variability of total alkalinity and total inorganic carbon in the western tropical Atlantic Ocean. 3rd International Symposium Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans, Santos City, Brazil, mars 2015.
Bourlès, B., M. Araujo, P. Brandt, E. Campos, H. Giordani, F. Hernandez, R. Lumpkin, M.PcPhaden, P. Nobre and R. Saravanan, an overview and highlights of PIRATA, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Bourlès, B.: Etat des lieux relatif aux programmes PIRATA, PREFACE et AtlantOS, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 5-9 octobre 2015.
Bourlès, B.: PIRATA French national report and status to PIRATA SSG, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Dengler, M., P. Brandt, M. McPhaden, B. Bourlès, R. Hummels, S. Thomsen, T. Fischer and G. Krahmann, Diurnal variability in the Atlantic cold tongue at 10°W; poster présenté à la conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Djakouré, S., P. Penven, B. Bourlès, J. Jackson-Veitch, and V. Kone, Inertial terms effects on the ocean dynamics in the tropical Atlantic, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 5-9 octobre 2015.
Djakouré, S., P. Penven, B. Bourlès, J. Jackson-Veitch, and V. Kone, Inertial terms effects on the ocean dynamics in the tropical Atlantic, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux, and A. Voldoire, Why is there a front north of the Atlantic Cold Tongue?, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Habasque, J., B. Bourlès, E. Machu, and P. Brehmer, Multifrequency acoustics measurements during the PIRATA FR25 cruise in the Eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean, International conference ICAWA; the AWA project : ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in West African waters, Dakar, Sénégal, 17-19 novembre 2015.
Habasque, J., B. Bourlès, E. Machu, and P. Brehmer, Multifrequency acoustics measurements during the PIRATA FR25 cruise in the Eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean, poster présenté à la conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Herbert G., B. Bernard, J. Grelet, G. Cambon, and P. Penven, New insight on the upper layer circulation in the Gulf of Guinea. conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Herbert G., B. Bourlès, G. Cambon, and P. Penven, New insight on the upper layer circulation in the Gulf of Guinea, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 5-9 octobre 2015.
Hounsou-Gbo, G. A., J. Servain, M. Araújo, E.S. Martins, B. Bourlès, and G. Caniaux ; Oceanic Indices to Forecast the Seasonal Rainfall over the Northern Northeast of Brazil, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Hounsou-Gbo, G.A., J. Servain, G. Caniaux, M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, and D. Veleda, Long-term variations of SST and heat content in the Atlantic Ocean, poster présenté à l'EGU General Assembly, Vienne-Autriche, 12-17 avril, 2015.
Hounsou-Gbo, G.A., J. Servain, M. Araujo, E.S. Martin, B. Bourlès, and G. Caniaux, Oceanic Indices to Forecast the Seasonal Rainfall over the Northern Northeast of Brazil, poster présenté au Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 5-9 octobre 2015.
Imbol Kougue, R.A., M. Rouault, and J. Jouanno, Warm and cold events in the southeast Atlantic Ocean. conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Jouanno J., and X. Capet, Mixing in the tropical Atlantic: the contribution of tides, intra-seasonal winds and equatorial dynamics. conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Koné, V., C; Lett, P. Penven, B. Bourlès, and S. Djakouré, An individual-based model study of Sardinella aurita early life history in the northern Gulf of Guinea, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Planton, Y., A. Voldoire, H. Giordani and G. Caniaux, Oceanic processes associated to the interannual variability of the Atlantic Cold Tongue. conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Servain, J., A. Geraldo Ferreira, D. Gomes, G. Caniaux and L. V. Jacinto, Recent climatic trends in the tropical Atlantic: Further analyses from the Servain's data base, poster présenté à la conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Servain, J., G. Caniaux, A. Hounso-Gbo, Y. Kouadio, M.J. McPhaden, et M. Araujo : Origin of the recent tropical Atlantic SST warming : the role of ocean dynamics, ?Our Common Future under Climate Change conference? UNESCO Paris, juillet 2015.
Tchamabi, C.C., M. Araujo, M.Silva, and B. Bourlès, Investigating wake effects around two Brazilian islands in tropical Atlantic: Fernando de Noronha and Atoldas Rocas, poster présenté au Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 5-9 octobre 2015.
Toualy, E., F. Marin, A. Aman, and B. Bourlès, Interannual variability of the boreal Summer upwelling along the northern coast of Gulf of Guinea, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Yandjimain, J., G. Alory, G. H. Houngue, and Y. duPenhoat, Evaluation of oceanic models in the Gulf of Guinea, poster présenté à la conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.
Araujo, M., Bourlès, B., E. Campos, H. Giordani, F. Hernandez, R. Lumpkin, M. J. McPhaden, P. Nobre, R. Saravanan, Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic - PIRATA, BILAT-US2.0 Workshop: Atlantic Ocean research, Rome (Italie), 6 octobre 2014.
Bonou, F., M. Araujo, N. Lefèvre: Distribution of CO2 parameters in the Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean; Meeting PIRATA 19 19 / TAV / OceanSITES / Brazil-EU Dialogues, Porto de Galinhas, Brésil, 3-8 novembre 2014.
Bourlès, B., An overall presentation of PIRATA to OceanSITES, Meeting PIRATA 19 / TAV / OceanSITES / Brazil-EU Dialogues, Porto de Galinhas, Brésil, 3-8 novembre 2014.
Bourlès, B., and R. Meynadier, An overview of the EU PREFACE project and related in situ operations, Meeting PIRATA 19 / TAV / OceanSITES / Brazil-EU Dialogues, Porto de Galinhas, Brésil, 3-8 novembre 2014.
Bourlès, B.: Observations hauturières et analyses dans le Golfe de Guinée : état des lieux relatif aux programmes PIRATA et PREFACE, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 13-17 octobre 2014.
Bourlès, B.: PIRATA French national report and status, Meeting PIRATA 19 19 / TAV / OceanSITES / Brazil-EU Dialogues, Porto de Galinhas, Brésil, 3-8 novembre 2014.
Dengler, M. and B. Bourlès, Status of the PREFACE WP3 ?Heat and freshwater budgets, air-sea interaction ?, 2014 General Assembly of PREFACE, Casablanca, Maroc, 28-31 octobre 2014.
Djakouré, S., B. Bourlès, P. Penven, J. Veitch and V. Koné, Numerical analysis of the oceanic circulation in the northern Gulf of Guinea, 2014 General Assembly of PREFACE, Casablanca, Maroc, 28-31 octobre 2014.
Djakouré, S., B. Bourlès, P. Penven, J. Veitch and V. Koné, Numerical analysis of the oceanic circulation in the northern Gulf of Guinea, Meeting PIRATA 19 / TAV / OceanSITES / Brazil-EU Dialogues, Porto de Galinhas, Brésil, 3-8 novembre 2014
Djakouré, S., P. Penven, B.Bourlès, J. Veitch and V. Koné, Coastal eddies in the north of the Gulf of Guinea, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienne-Autriche, 27 avril-2 mai 2014.
Djakouré, S., P. Penven, B.Bourlès, J. Veitch and V. Koné, Numerical analysis of the oceanic circulation in the northern Gulf of Guinea, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 13-17 octobre 2014.
Giordani, H., and G. Caniaux : Lagrangian Sources of Frontogenesis in the Equatorial Atlantic Front, Meeting PIRATA 19 / TAV / OceanSITES / Brazil-EU Dialogues, Porto de Galinhas, Brésil, 3-8 novembre 2014.
Giordani, H., and G. Caniaux : Sources of frontogenesis in the Equatorial Atlantic front. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 27 Avril-2 Mai, 2014.
Hernandez, F., B. Meyssignac, D. Yehadji, and the ORA-IP GSOP Group, Tropical Atlantic Sea Level variability from ocean reanalysis over the past two Decades, Meeting PIRATA 19 / TAV / OceanSITES / Brazil-EU Dialogues, Porto de Galinhas, Brésil, 3-8 novembre 2014.
Hounsou-gbo, G.A., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, J. Servain and D. Veleda, Tropical Atlantic contributions to rainfall variability along the Northeast Brazilian coast, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 13-17 octobre 2014.
Hounsou-gbo, G.A., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, J. Servain and D. Veleda, Tropical Atlantic contributions to rainfall variability along the Northeast Brazilian coast, Meeting PIRATA 19 / TAV / OceanSITES / Brazil-EU Dialogues, Porto de Galinhas, Brésil, 3-8 novembre 2014.
Koné V., P. Penven, B. Bourlès, S. Djakouré and Y. du Penhoat, ROMS model sensibility to different atmospheric forcings in the Gulf of Guinea, 2014 General Assembly of PREFACE, Casablanca, Maroc, 28-31 octobre 2014
Lefèvre, N., D. Veleda, G. Caniaux, and M. Araujo, Observed variability and trends of CO2 parameters at the PIRATA mooring at 6°S, 10°W, Meeting PIRATA 19 / TAV / OceanSITES / Brazil-EU Dialogues, Porto de Galinhas, Brésil, 3-8 novembre 2014.
Papapostolou, A., W. Johns, P. Brandt, and J. Jouanno, Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent transport and its relation to seasonal Upwelling, Meeting PIRATA 19 / TAV / OceanSITES / Brazil-EU Dialogues, Porto de Galinhas, Brésil, 3-8 novembre 2014
Servain, J., G. Caniaux, Y. Kouadio, M.J. McPhaden, et M. Araujo: Récente tendance climatique dans l'Atlantique tropical : rôle de la dynamique océanique ? XXVIIe Colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie (AIC) 2014, Dijon (France), 2-5 juillet 2014.
Toualy, E., F. Marin, A. Aman and B. Bourlès, Interannual Variability of the Boreal Summer Upwelling along the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Guinea, Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 13-17 octobre 2014.
de Coëtlogon, G., R. Meynadier, C. Flamant, B. Bourlès and H. Giordani, Low-level atmospheric circulation (LLAC) in the eastern Tropical Atlantic : gathering in-situ observations, 2014 General Assembly of PREFACE, Casablanca, Maroc, 28-31 octobre 2014.
McPhaden, M.J., K. Ando, B. Bourlès, and S. McArthur (2014) : Research and operational achievements of TAO/TRITON; TPOS-2020, Scripps Inst. Of Oceanogr., 27 janvier 2014
Lefevre N., P. Tyaquica, D. Veleda and C. Perruche, Amazon River propagation evidenced by a CO2 decrease at 8oN, 38oW in September 2013. ICOS conference, Roscoff, 26 novembre 2019.
Araujo, M., N. Lefevre, C. Noriega, R. Araujo. The INCT AmbTropic: a new CO2 observing network in the Western Tropical Atlantic (poster), Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) 2nd international workshop, St Andrews, Ecosse, 24-26 July 2013
Bourlès, B.: PIRATA French national report and status, ISSG Meeting PIRATA 18, Venise, Italie, 25 octobre 2013.
Da Allada Y. C., G. Alory, Y. DuPenhoat, J.Jouanno, and N. Hounkonnou, Causes for the recent increase in sea surface salinity in the northeastern Gulf of Guinea, (poster) Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 18 meeting, Venise, Italie, 22-25 octobre 2013.
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux, and A. Voldoire, Which mechanisms control the Atlantic Cold Tongue formation, Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 18 meeting, Venise, Italie, 22-25 octobre 2013.
Kolodziejczyk, N., F.Marin, B.Bourlès, Y.Gouriou, and H. Berger, Seasonal variability of the equatorial undercurrent termination and associated salinity maximum in the Gulf of Guinea, Colloque régional JEAI ALOC-GG, Cotonou, Bénin, novembre 2013
Kolodziejczyk, N., F.Marin, B.Bourlès, Y.Gouriou, and H. Berger, Seasonal variability of the equatorial undercurrent termination and associated salinity maximum in the Gulf of Guinea, Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 18 meeting, Venise, Italie, 22-25 octobre 2013.
Lefevre, N., and M. Araujo, Tropical specific issues (Invitée), Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) 2nd international workshop, St Andrews, Ecosse, 24-26 July 2013
Papapostolou, A., W.E. Johns, P. Brandt and B. Bourlès. Seasonal Dynamics and Mass Balance of the Equatorial Undercurrent, Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 18 meeting, Venise, Italie, 22-25 octobre 2013.
Perez, R.C., R. Lumpkin, V. Hormann, P. Brandt, W.E. Johns, F. Hernandez , C. Schmid, and B. Bourlès, Observed mean meridional currents at 23°W and 10°W, Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 18 meeting, Venise, Italie, 22-25 octobre 2013.
Planton, Y., H. Giordani, A. Voldoire, G. Caniaux, Interannual variability of the Atlantic Cold Tongue (poster) Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 18 meeting, Venise, Italie, 22-25 octobre 2013.
Veleda, D., C. Noriega, M. Araujo, F. Hernandez and R. Montagne, The influence mapping of the Amazon River discharge in the tropical Atlantic (poster) , Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 18 meeting, Venise, Italie, 22-25 octobre 2013.
Bourlès, B. (invité): Observations in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean: goals, status and perspectives, conférence "Tropical Ocean: Challenges of the 21st Century"; UFPE, Recife/Brasil, 11 Décembre, 2012.
Bourlès, B., C. Akuetevi, F. Bonou, F. Hernandez, G. Alory, R. Chuchla, and J. Grelet, New insights on the upper circulation in the north of the Gulf of Guinea, Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 17 meeting, Kiel, Germany, 10-14 septembre 2012.
Bourlès, B., C. Akuetevi, F. Bonou, F. Hernandez, G. Alory, R. Chuchla, and J. Grelet, The upper layer circulation in the north of the Gulf of Guinea revisited, Colloque régional « Analyses Littorales, Océaniques et Climatiques au Nord du Golfe de Guinée », Cotonou, Bénin, novembre 2012.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.-L. Redelsperger, and M. Wade: Role of vertical velocities in the cooling of the Atlantic cold tongue. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 23-27 April 2012.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.-L. Redelsperger, and M. Wade: Role of vertical velocities in the cooling of the Atlantic cold tongue. Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting / PIRATA-17 Meeting, Kiel (Germany), 10-14 September 2012.
Da Allada, C., G.Alory, Y.du Penhoat, E. Kestenare, F. Durand and N. Hounkonnou, Seasonal mixed-layer salinity balance in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, 4ème conference international AMMA, Toulouse, 2-6 juillet 2012
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux, and A. Voldoire, 2012: Intraseasonal mixed layer heat budget in the Equatorial Atlantic during the cold tongue development in 2006. Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting / PIRATA-17 Meeting, Kiel (Germany), 10-14 September 2012.
Hormann, V., R. Perez, R. Lumpkin, P. Brandt, W. Johns, F. Hernandez, C. Schmid, and B. Bourlès, of the Atlantic cold tongue and meridional flow within the tropical cells, Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 17 meeting, Kiel, Germany, 10-14 septembre 2012.
Hounsou-gbo, G.A., M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, and D. Veleda, Tropical Atlantic dynamics and the impacts on the rainfall variability in the eastern northeast Brazil, Symposium international ?Climate Change, Impacts and Vulnerabiliies in Brazil? Natal (Brésil), 27 mai-1er juin 2012.
Hummels, R., M. Dengler, and B. Bourlès, About the contribution of the diapycnal heat flux to the heat budget of the mixed layer, Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 17 meeting, Kiel, Germany, 10-14 septembre 2012.
Johns, B., P. Brandt, B. Bourlès, A. Tantet, and T. Papapostolou, Zonal structure and seasonal variability of the Equatorial Undercurrent during TACE, Tropical Atlantic Variability / Pirata 17 meeting, Kiel, Germany, 10-14 septembre 2012.
Lefèvre, N., G. Caniaux, and S. Janicot, 2012: air-sea CO2 flux anomalies in the tropical Atlantic in Spring 2010. Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting / PIRATA-17 Meeting, Kiel (Germany), 10-14 September 2012.
Servain, J., Y. Kouadio, and G. Caniaux, 2012: Recent climatic trends in the tropical Atlantic. Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting / PIRATA-17 Meeting, Kiel (Germany), 10-14 September 2012.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, and Y. duPenhoat, 2012 : Oceanic mixed layer heat budget in the eastern equatorial Atlantic from ARGO floats. Fourth AMMA International Conference 2012, Toulouse, 2-6 July 2012.
Giordani, H., and G. Caniaux, 2011: A diagnostic of the vertical velocity for the equatorial Atlantic. European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Berlin (Germany), 12-16 September, 2011.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, and Y. du Penhoat, Oceanic mixed layer heat budget in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic from ARGO floats and PIRATA moorings, Meeting PIRATA 16/ Tace / Clivar Atlantic de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
Araujo, M., N. Lefèvre, M. Silva, C. Noriega, and N. Bouchonneau, Seasonal variability of Tropical Atlantic air-sea CO2 exchange with a high resolution ocean modeling system, Meeting PIRATA 1/ Tace / Clivar Atlantic 6 de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
Bourlès, B. : PIRATA French national report and status, Meeting PIRATA 1/ Tace / Clivar Atlantic 6 de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
Bourlès, B., Some works carried out in West Africa (linked to PIRATA): PROPAO, JEAI ALOC-GG and Regional Master 2 in Physical Oceanography and Appications in Cotonou (Benin), Meeting PIRATA 16 de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
Bourlès,B., R. Lumpkin, P. Nobre, M.J. McPhaden, F. Hernandez, H. Giordani, D. Urbano, M. Araujo, R. Saravanan, P. Brandt, and M. Rouault: The PIRATA Observing System in the Tropical Atlantic: Accomplishments and Perspectives; poster présenté au WCRP Open Science Conference: ?Climate Research in Service to Society?; Denver/Colorado, USA, 24-28 octobre 2011.
Burls, N., C. Reason, P. Penven and G.Philander, Similarities between the Tropical Atlantic Seasonal Cycle and ENSO: an Energetics Perspective, Meeting PIRATA 16/ Tace / Clivar Atlantic de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
Diakhate, M., A. Lazar, G. de Coetlogon, and A.T. Gaye, Local interactions between Sea Surface Temperature and Winds in the Tropical Atlantic at intraseasonal timescales, Meeting PIRATA 16/ Tace / Clivar Atlantic de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
Giordani, H., The Atlantic Cold Tongue and the African Monsoon: are they coupled? Meeting PIRATA 16/ Tace / Clivar Atlantic de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
Hernandez, F., Using Mercator simulations to address additional salinity sensor impact (on existing moorings) for operational oceanography, Meeting PIRATA 16/ Tace/Clivar Atlantic de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
Jouanno, J., F. Marin, Y. Du Penhoat, J. Sheinbaum, and J.M. Molines: Seasonal modes of surface cooling in the Gulf of Guinea. Présentation orale au Meeting PIRATA 16 / Tace / Clivar Atlantic, Fernando de Noronha, Brésil, mars 2011.
Jouanno, J., F. Marin, Y. du Penhoat, J. Sheinbaum, and J.-M. Molines,Intraseasonal modulation of the surface cooling in the Gulf of Guinea. Poster présenté à l?AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2011.
Lefèvre, N., L. Merlivat, D. Urbano, F. Gallois, and D. Diverrès : CO2 and O2 variability from PIRATA moorings and cruises, Meeting PIRATA 16/ Tace / Clivar Atlantic de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
McPhaden, M.J., K. Ando, B. Bourlès, H.P. Freitag, R.Lumpkin, Y. Masumoto, V. S. N. Murty, M. Ravichandran, J. Vialard, D. Vousden, and W. Yu: Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array; poster présenté au WCRP Open Science Conference: ?Climate Research in Service to Society?; Denver/Colorado, USA, 24-28 octobre 2011.
Redelsperger, J.L., B. Bourlès, P. Brandt, G. Caniaux, G. de Coëtlogon, H. Giordani, M. Leduc-Leballeur, F. Marin, Y. DuPenhoat, C. Thorncroft, A. Voldoire and M. Wade, 2011: Ocean-Atmosphere interactions in the Gulf of Guinea: AMMA Phase 1 perspective. CLIVAR Atlantic Workshop, Miami (Florida), U.S.A., 23-25 March 2011.
Servain, J., Relationships between large-scale ocean-atmosphere conditions over the tropical Atlantic and heavy rainfall episodes in the Eastern Northeast Brazil, Meeting PIRATA 16/ Tace / Clivar Atlantic de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
Silva, M.A., M. Araujo, D. Veleda, and Jacques Servain, Salinity-induced mixed and barrier layers in the southwestern tropical Atlantic Ocean, Meeting PIRATA 16/ Tace / Clivar Atlantic de Fernando de Noronha,Brésil, mars 2011.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, and Y. DuPenhoat, 2011 : Oceanic mixed layer heat budget in the eastern equatorial Atlantic using ARGO floats and PIRATA buoys. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April 2011.
Cintra, M.M., C. Lentini, J. Servain, M. Silva, M. Araújo and E. Marone, Extreme Interannual Evolution of the Tropical Atlantic Warm Pools: 2010-2012, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Giordani, H., P. Peyrillé, A. Vasconcelos, and J. Jouanno, Water and Energy Budgets in the Tropical Atlantic during June 2010, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Nogueira Neto, A.V., H. Giordani and P. Peyrillet, Precipitation distribution over the Tropical Atlantic during June 2010, Poster, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Bourlès, B. : International programs in the Gulf of Guinea : oceanography and climate. Colloque international ?Résultats et Prospectives de recherches océanographiques en Afrique dédiés à l?Atlantique tropical et au Golfe de Guinée », Cotonou, Bénin, 25-29 octobre 2010.
Bourlès, B. : Les réseaux d'observations en Atlantique tropical : Etat des lieux et perspectives ; Workshop « Environnement et modélisation », ESP/UCAD, Sénégal, 20-26 mai 2010.
Bourlès, B., with inputs by A. Vogel : On research and capacity building related to physical oceanography and climate in West Africa, Meeting ?Tropical Atlantic Variability; TACE/AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA?, de Miami (USA), 2-5 mars 2010.
Dengler, M., M., J. Schafstall, J. Toole, D. Banyte, B. Bourlès, R. Hummels, On the parameterization of mixing processes at the equator Meeting ?Tropical Atlantic Variability; TACE/AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA?, Miami, 2-5 mars 2010.
Jouanno, J., Du Penhoat, Y. & Marin, F. 2010. The equatorial cold tongue in November-December in the Tropical Atlantic: mechanisms and variability. ?Tropical Atlantic Variability; TACE/AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA?, Miami, 2-5 mars, 2010.
Jouanno, J., Y.DuPenhoat, F. Marin, J. Sheinbaum et J.M. Molines, Seasonal heat balance in the upper 100 m of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, Colloque international ?Résultats et Prospectives de recherches océanographiques en Afrique dédiés à l?Atlantique tropical et au Golfe de Guinée », Cotonou, Bénin, 25-29 octobre 2010.
Kolodziejczyk, N., Y.Gouriou, F.Marin and B.Bourlès: Equatorial undercurrent termination in the Gulf of Guinea, Meeting ?Tropical Atlantic Variability; TACE/AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA?, de Miami( USA), 2-5 mars 2010.
Rhein, M., M. Dengler, J. Sueltenfuss, R. Hummels, S. Huettl-Kabus, and B. Bourlès, Upwelling and associated heat flux in the Equatorial Atlantic inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium, EUG General Assembly, SOLAS session OS3, 2010.
Rhein, M., M. Dengler, J. Sueltenfuss, R. Hummels, S. Huettl-Kabus, and B. Bourlès, Upwelling and associated heat flux in the Equatorial Atlantic inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium, Meeting ?Tropical Atlantic Variability; TACE/AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA?, de Miami (USA), 2-5 mars 2010.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, and Y. DuPenhoat, 2010 : Oceanic mixed layer heat budget in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic from ARGO floats. European Meteorological Society (EMS) Annual Meeting, Zürich, Zwitzerland, 13-17 September 2010.
Wade, M., Y. DuPenhoat et G.Caniaux, Oceanic mixed layer heat budget in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic from ARGO floats, Colloque international ?Résultats et Prospectives de recherches océanographiques en Afrique dédiés à l?Atlantique tropical et au Golfe de Guinée », Cotonou, Bénin, 25-29 octobre 2010.
Bourlès, B. : Quelques résultats scientifiques obtenus à partir des observations lors des campagnes océanographiques EGEE/AMMA & PIRATA. Colloque « Recherche et Formation en Océanographie au sein des Universités d?Afrique de l?Ouest » de Cotonou (Bénin), 2-6 novembre 2009.
Bourlès, B., Revue des principaux résultats scientifiques récents obtenus dans le cadre des programmes internationaux et régionaux PIRATA, EGEE/AMMA et PROPAO, 2nd atelier régional du programme PROPAO, Cotonou, 12-15 mai 2009.
Bourlès, B., Revue des programmes internationaux dans l?Atlantique Tropical Est et le Golfe de Guinée et des principaux résultats scientifiques récents obtenus dans le cadre de PIRATA, EGEE/AMMA et PROPAO: Réunion nationale du programme régional PROPAO, Université de Cocody (Côte d?Ivoire), 26 février 2009.
Bourlès, B.: Observations in the GG: an overview (PIRATA, EGEE, PROPAO), Meeting ?Tropical Atlantic Variability; TACE/AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA?, de Toulouse, 2-6 février 2009.
Brandt, P., W.E. Johns, B. Bourlès, M. Dengler, Marcus, G. Caniaux, G. Goni, R. Lumpkin, C. Reason, M. Rouault, Variability of the equatorial Atlantic cold tongue, OceanObs?2009 Conference, Venice (Italy), 21-25 septembre 2009
Charria, G., F. Marin, Y. du Penhoat, B. Bourlès, L. Testut, N. Rousseau, P. Téchiné and L. Roblou: Interannual variability of sea level anomalies in the Gulf of Guinea close to the São Tomé Island, Meeting ?Tropical Atlantic Variability; TACE/AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA?, de Toulouse, 2-6 février 2009.
Dengler, M., and R. Hummels, with coll. of B.Bourlès, D. Banyte, P. Brandt & J. Toole: Diapycnal mixing and turbulent heat flux in the central and eastern tropical Atlantic, Meeting ?Tropical Atlantic Variability; TACE/AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA?, de Toulouse, 2-6 février 2009.
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux, and M. Wade: On the formation of the Atlantic Cold Tongue in the Gulf of Guinea during the AMMA/EGEE-3 experiment. 3rd International AMMA Conference, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 20-24 July, 2009.
Bourlès, B. : Status of PIRATA in France, 2009 works and perspectives, Meeting PIRATA 15 de Miami (USA), 5 mars 2010.
Kolodziejczyk, N., Y.Gouriou, F.Marin and B.Bourlès: Equatorial undercurrent termination in the Gulf of Guinea, Meeting ?Tropical Atlantic Variability; TACE/AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA?, de Toulouse, 2-6 février 2009.
Rouault, M., J. Servain, C. Reason, B. Bourlès, M. Rouault and N. Fauchereau, The Extension of PIRATA in the Tropical South East Atlantic: A First One-Year Successful Experiment, Meeting ?Tropical Atlantic Variability; TACE/AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA?, de Toulouse, 2-6 février 2009.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, Y. duPenhoat, and H. Giordani, 2009 : Response of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean to wind forcing anomalies. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 20-24 April, 2009.
Wade, M., Y. DuPenhoat, G. Caniaux, and H. Giordani: Response of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean to wind forcing anomalies. 3rd International AMMA Conference, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 20-24 July, 2009.
Bourlès, B., A.J. Busalacchi, E. Campos, F. Hernandez, R. Lumpkin, M.J. McPhaden, A. Divino Moura, P. Nobre, S. Planton, J. Servain, J. Trotte, L. Yu, and M. Araujo, 2008. The PIRATA Program: History, Accomplishments, and Future Directions, oral presentation during the PIRATA-13 Meeting, Natal, Brazil, February 18 - 22, 2008.
Bourras, D., G. Caniaux , L. Eymard, A. Weill, H. Branger, JP. Giovanangeli, B. Bourlès, and D. Hauser, Contribution of the French Turbulent Sea Flux Group to Hymex, 2nd International Hymex Workshop, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 2-4 juin 2008.
Bourlès, B., Status of PIRATA in France, 2008 works and perspectives, Meeting PIRATA 14 de Toulouse, 2 Février 2009.
Caniaux, G., F.Guichard, D.Bourras, E.Key, H.Giordani, A.Weill and B. Bourlès, Evaluation of sea surface flux fields from NWP models, poster présenté à l?EGU General Assembly, Vienne-Autriche, 21-25 Avril 2008.
Hernandez, F., B. Bourlès, and S. Planton. PIRATA: French National Report and Status, Oral presentation during the PIRATA-13 Meeting (PIRATA), Natal, Brazil, February 18 - 22, 2008.
Hernandez, F., N. Ferry, M. Drévillon, J.-M. Lellouche, and M. Group. Tropical Atlantic Dynamics from the Mercator global operational system, Oral presentation during the PIRATA-13 Meeting (PIRATA), Natal, Brazil, February 18 - 22, 2008.
Athié de Velasco, G., F. Marin, A.M. Tréguier, and B.Bourlès, Intra-seasonal variability in the upper layers of the Tropical Atlantic ocean from sensitivity numerical simulations forced by different Wind fields, poster pendant la 2nde conférence internationale AMMA de Karlsruhe (Allemagne), associée au meeting AMMA-Océan/PIRATA :TACE-CLIVAR, 26-30 Novembre 2007.
Athié de Velasco, G., F. Marin, and B.Bourlès, Spatial structure of intra-seasonnal variability in the Tropical Atlantic, poster pendant la 2nde conférence internationale AMMA de Karlsruhe (Allemagne), associée au meeting AMMA-Océan/PIRATA :TACE-CLIVAR, 26-30 Novembre 2007.
Dengler, M., B.Bourlès, J.Schafstall, J.Fischer, P.Brandt, and J.Toole, Upper Ocean diapycnal heat flux a,d mixing processes in the central and eastern Tropical Atlantic, poster pendant la 2nde conférence internationale AMMA de Karlsruhe (Allemagne), associée au meeting AMMA-Océan/PIRATA :TACE-CLIVAR, 26-30 Novembre 2007.
Funk, A., Y. Gouriou, F. Marin, P. Brandt, and B.Bourlès, Intermediate depth zonal circulation in the Gulf of Guinea, poster pendant la 2nde conférence internationale AMMA de Karlsruhe (Allemagne), associée au meeting AMMA-Océan/PIRATA :TACE-CLIVAR, 26-30 Novembre 2007.
Hormann, V., P. Brandt, J.Fischer, and B.Bourlès, Atlantic Equatorial UnderCurrent variability and Equatorial Waves, poster pendant la 2nde conférence internationale AMMA de Karlsruhe (Allemagne), associée au meeting AMMA-Océan/PIRATA :TACE-CLIVAR, 26-30 Novembre 2007.
Rouault, M., J.Servain, C.Reason, B.Bourlès, A.Lazar, and N.Fauchereau, The extension of PIRATA in the Tropical South East Atlantic : a first one-year successfull experiment ; présentation orale pendant la 2nde conférence internationale AMMA de Karlsruhe (Allemagne), associée au meeting AMMA-Océan/PIRATA :TACE-CLIVAR, 26-30 Novembre 2007.
Bourlès, B., A. J. Busalacchi, E. Campos, F. Hernandez, R. Lumpkin, M. J. McPhaden, A.D. Moura, P. Nobre, S. Planton, J. Servain, J. Trotte, L. Yu, and M. Araujo, The PIRATA Program: History, Accomplishments, and Future Directions, oral presentation during the 2nd international AMMA conference at Karlsruhe (Germany), joint AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA/TACE-CLIVAR meeting, 26-30 November 2007.
Bourlès, B., Presentation of the AMMA & PIRATA programs + status and perspective of in situ sustained observations in the tropical Atlantic, présentation orale au workshop "TENATSO / SOLAS: Cape Verde Observatory Workshop: integrated long term ocean-atmosphere observations in the tropical Atlantic" (invité), Mindelo (Cap-Vert), 8-10 janvier, 2007.
Caniaux, G., F. Guichard, D.Bourras, E.Key, H.Giordani, and B.Bourlès, Evaluation of sea surface flux fields from NWP models in the Gulf of Guinea, oral presentation during the 2nd international AMMA conference at Karlsruhe (Germany), joint AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA/TACE-CLIVAR meeting, 26-30 November 2007.
Giordani, H., D.Bourras, E.Key, and G.Caniaux ; The marine atmospheric boundary layer during EGEE : how does it work ?, poster pendant la 2nde conférence internationale AMMA de Karlsruhe (Allemagne), associée au meeting AMMA-Océan/PIRATA :TACE-CLIVAR, 26-30 Novembre 2007.
Giordani, H., and G. Caniaux, Implementation of a Limited Area Oceanic Model in the Gulf of Guinea, oral presentation during the 2nd international AMMA conference at Karlsruhe (Germany), joint AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA/TACE-CLIVAR meeting, 26-30 November 2007.
Hernandez, F., N. Ferry, R. Bourdallé-Badie, M. Drévillon, L. Crosnier, E. Greiner, C.-E. Testut, and M. Group. Tropical Atlantic Dynamics from the Mercator global operational system, (Oral). In AMMA Second International Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, November 26-29, 2007.
Key , E., G. Caniaux, A. Weill, D. Bourras, L. Eymard, D. Legain,, and B. Bourlès, Overview of air¬sea interactions from the EGEE3/AMMA cruise, poster présenté à l?EGU General Assembly, Vienne-Autriche, 16-20 Avril 2007.
Kolodziejczyk, K, B. Bourlès, and F. Marin, Long waves and seasonal circulation in the Tropical Atlantic, poster pendant la 2nde conférence internationale AMMA de Karlsruhe (Allemagne), associée au meeting AMMA-Océan/PIRATA :TACE-CLIVAR, 26-30 Novembre 2007.
Kolodziejczyk, K, B. Bourlès, and F. Marin, Seasonal analysis of the Equatorial Undercurrent at 10°W, poster présenté à l?EGU General Assembly, Vienne-Autriche, 16-20 Avril 2007.
Kolodziejczyk, N., B. Bourlès, and F. Marin, Variability of the Termination of the Equatorial Undercurrent in the Gulf of Guinea, oral presentation during the 2nd international AMMA conference at Karlsruhe (Germany), joint AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA/TACE-CLIVAR meeting, 26-30 November 2007.
Kouadio, G., N. Metzl, and C. Brunet, New distributions of carbon parameters during boreal summer in Gulf of Guinea from cruise EGEE 1, oral presentation during the 2nd international AMMA conference at Karlsruhe (Germany), joint AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA/TACE-CLIVAR meeting, 26-30 November 2007.
Peter, A.C., Oceanic Mixed Layer Temperature Variability in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic, oral presentation during the 2nd international AMMA conference at Karlsruhe (Germany), joint AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA/TACE-CLIVAR meeting, 26-30 November 2007.
Nobre, P., B. Bourlès, and R. Lumpkin, The PIRATA project: highlights during 2007-2008, présentation orale au Meeting CLIVAR-ATLANTIC Steering Panel, Woods-Hole (USA), 18-19 septembre 2008.
Johns, B., P. Brandt, A. Funk and B.Bourlès, Zonal Variations of the Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent during 2007-2011, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 20-24 février 2012.
Athié de Velasco, G., F. Marin & B.Bourlès, Variability of Intra-seasonal waves in the equatorial Atlantic, présentation orale au meeting TACE (Tropical Atlantic Variability - Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment),Paris, Unesco, 18-20 octobre 2006.
Bentamy, A., L-H. Ayina, D. Croize-Fillon: Remotely sensed air-sea fluxes, présentation orale au AMMA International Meeting on SOPs debriefing and preparation of process studies, Toulouse, 6-10 novembre 2006.:I
Bourlès, B., Y. du Penhoat , F.Marin, Y.Gouriou, G.Caniaux et al., In situ observations in the eastern tropical Atlantic: status and prospectives, présentation orale au meeting TACE (Tropical Atlantic Variability - Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment),Paris, Unesco, 18-20 octobre 2006.
Bourlès, B., and C.Schmid, Presentation of the AMMA program and linked international programs in the eastern tropical Atlantic, présentation orale au workshop "Argo capacity building for Western Africa", Accra (Ghana), 5-7 décembre, 2006.
Bourlès, B., and F. Marin, Oceanographic studies carried out in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic and the Gulf of Guinea, communication orale au séminaire ODINAFRICA, Ostende (Belgique), 24 avril 2006.
Brandt, P., F.A. Schott, C. Provost, A. Kartavtseff, V. Hormann, B. Bourlès, and J. Fischer, Circulation in the central equatorial Atlantic: Mean and intraseasonal to seasonal variability, communication orale à l?European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienne, 3 avril 2006.
Brandt, P., V. Hormann, B.Bourlès & J.Fischer, Zonal flow in the equatorial Atlantic and its relation to the cold tongue, présentation orale au meeting TACE (Tropical Atlantic Variability - Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment), Paris, Unesco, 18-20 octobre 2006.
Bunge, L., C.Provost, A.Kartavtseff and B. Bourlès: Comparison of Current Variability at 10º W and 23º W on the Equator, poster présenté à l?American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, EOS-Trans. AGU 87(36), Honolulu-Hawaï (USA), 20-24 février 2006.
Dengler, M., B. Bourlès, and J. Toole, Deep diurnal cycle turbulence due to Tropical Instability Waves in the Atlantic at 10?W, communication orale à l?European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienne, 3 avril 2006.
Dengler, M., in collaboration with J.Schafstall, J.G.Fischer, B.Bourlès & D.Banyte, Upper ocean mixing processes in the equatorial Atlantic during monsoon onset in 2006, présentation orale au meeting TACE (Tropical Atlantic Variability - Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment), Paris, Unesco, 18-20 octobre 2006.
Kolodziejczyk, N., & B.Bourlès: Observation of the Atlantic Equatorial UnderCurrent at 10°W, présentation orale au meeting TACE (Tropical Atlantic Variability - Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment), Paris, Unesco, 18-20 octobre 2006.
Peter, A.C., F. Marin, and Y. Du Penhoat: Mixed layer heat budget in the Equatorial Atlantic and interannual variability of the Equatorial Atlantic SST, présentation orale au AMMA International Meeting on SOPs debriefing and preparation of process studies, Toulouse, 6-10 novembre 2006.
Bourlès, B., F. Hernandez,, and S. Planton, Status of PIRATA in France, 2006-2008 works and perspectives, Meeting PIRATA 13 de Natal (Brésil), 22-25 Février 2008.
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux, and J.-L. Redelsperger : Mixed layer heat budget in the equatorial Atlantic during the cold tongue development in 2006. Fourth AMMA International Conference 2012, Toulouse, 2-6 July 2012.
Herbert G., and B. Bourlès, Impact of intraseasonal wind bursts on SST variability in the far eastern Tropical Atlantic. Focus on the mid-May 2005 event. Colloque régional TACCOVAR, Cotonou, Bénin, 25-29 septembre 2017.
Herbert G., and Bourlès, B.: Impact of intraseasonal wind bursts on SST variability in the far eastern Tropical Atlantic. Focus on the mid-May 2005 event, conférence PIRATA 22/PREFACE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 5-10 novembre 2017.
Marin, F., B. Bourlès and G. Caniaux, Seasonal evolution of the equatorial cold tongue in the Tropical Atlantic in 2005-2007, poster pendant la 2nde conférence internationale AMMA de Karlsruhe (Allemagne), associée au meeting AMMA-Océan/PIRATA :TACE-CLIVAR, 26-30 Novembre 2007.
Arhan, M., Treguier, A.M., Bourlès, B., and Michel, S., Diagnosing the annual cycle of the equatorial undercurrent in the Atlantic ocean from a general circulation model, Poster (EGU05-A-03458) EGU General Assembly, Vienne (Autriche), 24-29 Avril 2005.
Bentamy, A., L-H. Ayina, K. B. Katsaros, R. T. Pinker, and A. M. Mestas-Nuñez, Improved estimates of net air-sea fluxes over the tropical Atlantic ocean, poster présenté pendant le 1er congrès international AMMA de Dakar (Sénégal), 27 nov-2 déc. 2005.
Bourlès, B., Pirata status and links with TACE and AMMA; au congrès CLIVAR-US & TACE (invité), Miami (USA), Février 2005.
Ayina, Ludos-Hervé, A. Bentamy and A. M. Mestas-Nuñez , The impact of satellite winds and latent heat fluxes in a numerical simulation of the tropical ocean during 1996-1998, poster présenté pendant le 1er congrès international AMMA de Dakar (Sénégal), 27 nov-2 déc. 2005.
Bourlès, B. and P.Nobre, PIRATA: actual status and perspectives, Meeting CLIVAR-ATLANTIC Steering Panel, Venise (Italie), 20-21 octobre 2005.
Brandt, P., J. Fischer, F. Schott, V. Hormann, B. Bourlès, and C. Provost, Circulation variability in the central equatorial Atlantic, Meeting CLIVAR TAV/TACE (Tropical Atlantic Variability - Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment),Venise (Italie), 17-19 octobre 2005.
Brandt, P., J. Fischer, F. Schott, V. Hormann, B. Bourlès, and C. Provost, Circulation variability in the central equatorial Atlantic, présentation orale au Meeting CLIVAR TAV/TACE (Tropical Atlantic Variability - Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment),Venise (Italie), 17-19 octobre 2005.
Brandt. P., B. Bourlès, R.L. Molinari, G. Caniaux & A. Lazar, AMMA-TT6 Oceanic campaigns and measurements from open ocean, and AMMA-EU WP 2.2 Oceanic Processes, présentation orale au AMMA CIGIG AMMA meeting, Leeds (G.B.), juillet 2005.
Dengler, M., in collaboration with J. Schafstall, P. Brandt, B. Bourlès, and J. Toole, Diapycnal mixing processes in the eastern equatorial Atlantic and the Mauritanian upwelling region, présentation orale au Meeting CLIVAR-TAV/TACE (Tropical Atlantic Variability - Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment),Venise (Italie), 17-19 octobre 2005.
Grodsky S. A., J.A. Carton, C. Provost, J. Servain, J.A. Lorenzzetti et M. McPhaden : Tropical instability waves at 0°N-23°W in the Atlantic: A case study using PIRATA mooring data. U.S. CLIVAR Atlantic Science Conference, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami, 31 January-2 February 2005.
Kolodziejczyk, N., Study of the variability of the Equatorial UnderCurrent transport at 10°W, présentation orale au Workshop thématique "AMMA-Europe (EU)", Biarritz, septembre 2005.
Kolodziejczyk, N., and B. Bourlès, The EUC termination in the Gulf of Guinea, présentation orale au Meeting PIRATA 11, Toulouse, 12-14 octobre 2005.
Kouadio, G., N. Metzl, and C.Brunet, Distribution des paramètres du CO2 océanique dans le Golf de Guinée : Nouvelles observations d?hiver boréal (BIOZAIRE III et PIRATA-FR12), poster présenté pendant le 1er congrès international AMMA de Dakar (Sénégal), 27 nov-2 déc. 2005.
Peter, A.C., M. Le Hénaff, Y. duPenhoat, C.E. Menkes, F. Marin, J. Vialard, G. Caniaux, and A. Lazar, 2005: A model study of the seasonal mixed layer heat budget in the equatorial Atlantic, Poster présenté à l?EGU General Assembly, Vienne (Autriche), 24-29 Avril 2005.
Provost, C., S. Arnault, N. Chouaib, L. Bunge, A. Kartavtseff, and E. Sultan : Interannual variability of the zonal sea surface slope anomaly, near surface current profiles and winds at the Equator in the Atlantic, oral presentation COSPAR meeting, Paris, June 2005.
Bourlès, B., Y. du Penhoat, Status of PIRATA in France, 2005-2006 works and perspectives, présentation orale au Meeting PIRATA 12, Miami, 1-3 novembre 2006.
Caniaux, G., B.Bourlès, F.Marin, E.Key, and H.Giordani, Cause of strong SST differences in 2005 and 2006 in the Gulf of Guinea, oral presentation (invited) during the 2nd international AMMA conference at Karlsruhe (Germany), joint AMMA-Ocean/PIRATA/TACE-CLIVAR meeting, 26-30 November 2007.
Bourlès, B., a) Le programme PIRATA : État des lieux, statut actuel et perspectives ; Meeting CLIVAR-TAV, KNMI-Utrecht (Pays-Bas), juin 2004.
Bunge, L., C. Provost, and A. Kartavtseff: Structure of deep horizontal velocities in the tropical Atlantic. CLIVAR-Tropical Atlantic Workshop, De Bilt, Netherlands, June 2004.
Bunge, L., C. Provost, and A. Kartavtseff: Structure of the horizontal velocity throughout the water column in the equatorial Atlantic: observations from EQUALANT current meter moorings at 10ºW. EGU General Assembly, Nice, 2004.
Durand B., J. Servain, H. Laurent et L.A. Machado : Fluxo de calor latente no Atlântico tropical, convecção sobre o Nordeste e a rede PIRATA. XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia. Fortaleza, Brésil, 30 août- 3 septembre 2004.
Durand B., L.H. Ayina, A. Bentamy et J. Servain : High resolution satellite-derived surface turbulent fluxes over the Atlantic Ocean. XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia. Fortaleza, Brésil, 30 août- 3 septembre 2004.
Servain J., Hervé M., and B. Durand : A real-time diagnostic analysis of the PIRATA observations. Joint American and Canadian Geophysical Unions meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
d'Orgeville, M., B.L. Hua, R. Schopp, and L. Bunge: In situ evidence of deep equatorial layering due to inertial instability. Oral presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Nice, April 2004.
Servain J.: Introduction of the Session "Scientific results from the PIRATA Program (1997-2004)". Joint American and Canadian Geophysical Unions meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
Bourlès, B., Status of PIRATA in France and related programs, 2004-2005 works and perspectives, présentation orale au Meeting PIRATA 11, Toulouse, 12-14 octobre 2005.
Bunge, L., C. Provost, and A. Kartavsteff: High frequencies in the water column at 10ºW at the equator. EGS, Nice, April 2003.
Bunge, L., and C. Provost: Preliminary analysis of high frequencies on the water column at 10ºW at the equator. Meeting PIRATA 9 and SACOS, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, February 2003.
Bourlès, B., 1) des campagnes et des données PIRATA de 2003-2004, 2) Statut de l?ORE PIRATA en France, 3) travaux scientifiques liés à PIRATA en France, Meeting PIRATA 10, Fortaleza (Brésil), décembre 2004.
Bourlès, B., « Présentation du programme PIRATA et de travaux associés », Tropical Atlantic Meeting and Workshop, Kiel (Allemagne), 19-22 août 2002.
Servain J. The status and perspective of the PIRATA Program. A CLIVAR Workshop on the Dynamics and Predictability of the Atlantic ITCZ and its Regional Climatic Influences. A CLIVAR Workshop on the Dynamics and Predictability of the Atlantic ITCZ and its Regional Climatic Influences. IRI, Palisades, NY, USA, 18-20 September 2002.
Provost, C., S. Arnault, N. Chouaib A. Kartavtseff, and L. Bunge: Equatorial pressure gradient in the Atlantic in 2002 : TOPEX-POSEIDON and JASON in 2002 versus the first PIRATA currentmeter measurements. Oral presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Nice, April 2004.
Ayina H. L., and J. Servain : Climate modulation in a general circulation model of the tropical Atlantic. CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Workshop, Paris, France, 3-7 septembre, 2001.
Bourlès, B., Présentation des campagnes et des données PIRATA de 2001-2002, Meeting PIRATA 9 and SACOS, Angra dos Reis(Brésil), février 2003.
Cariou S., J. Servain, R. Person, et Y. Roubaud : Study of the tuna behaviour by acoustic simulation. CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Workshop, Paris, France, 3-7 septembre, 2001.
Michel, S., A-M. Treguier, R. Schopp, Y. Quilfen, A. Bentamy, Comparison of two Atlantic simulations forced by ECMWF and ERS wind climatologies, CLIVAR workshop on Tropical Atlantic Variability, Paris, septembre 2001.
Quilfen, Y., A. Bentamy, S. Michel, A-M. Treguier, R. Schopp, Impact of the wind from ERS satellites and from ECMWF reanalysis in the CLIPPER Atlantic model : first results, AGU meeting on scatterometry, Los Angeles, décembre 2001.
Servain J.: The PIRATA Program in the Tropical Atlantic. (Invité). 1st Workshop on Tropical Ocean Moorings, Seattle, WA, USA, 11-13 septembre 2001.
Kolodziejczyk, N., and B. Bourlès, The Termination of the Equatorial Undercurrent in the Eastern Atlantic between 2001 and 2004, présentation orale au Workshop thématique "AMMA-Europe (EU)", Biarritz, septembre 2005.
Clauzet G., I. Wainer, et J. Servain,: Time-scales of variability from the high-frequency PIRATA data (1997-2000). Joint IAPSO/IABO Assembly: 2001 An Ocean Odyssey. Mar del Plata, Argentina, 21-28 octobre, 2001.
Fontenele, D.P., J. Servain, E. Pinheiro and F. C. Vasconcelos Jr, Ocean data evolution along PIRATA sections from 1993 to 2016 using Mercator Project database, Poster, conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Paris, France, 28 novembre - 2 décembre 2016.
Delcroix, T., M. Tchilibou, G. Alory, G. Reverdin and S. Arnault, Variability of the Tropical Atlantic and Pacific SSS Minimum Zones and Their Relations to the ITCZ and SPCZ (1979-2013), EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 April 2015.
Tchilibou, M., T. Delcroix, G. Alory, S. Arnault, and G. Reverdin, Variations of the Tropical Atlantic and Pacific SSS minimum zones and their relations to the ITCZ and SPCZ rain bands (1979-2009), poster présenté à la conférence PIRATA/PREFACE/Clivar-TAV, Cape-Town, South Africa, 24-28 août 2015.