Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Alfaro-Lucas J. M., Pradillon F., Zeppilli D., Michel L. N., Martinez Arbizu P., Tanaka H., Foviaux M. & Sarrazin J (2020). High environmental stress and productivity increase functional diversity along a deep-sea hydrothermal vent gradient. "Deep Sea Biology Society Online Conference - eDSBS", 20-21/08/2020, online event.
Laes Agathe, Davy Romain, Thomas Lena, Legrand Julien, Le Piver David, Rousseaux Patrick, Coail Jean-Yves, Repecaud Michel, Bucas Karenn, Cathalot Cecile, Gayet Nicolas, Sarrazin Jozee, Sarradin Pierre-Marie (2020). CHEMINI: CHEmical MINIaturised analyser for in situ monitoring of macronutrients and bioactive metals in marine waters . Ocean Science meeting AGU 2020. 16-02 / 21-02 2020, San Diego (Poster).
Marticorena J, Sarrazin J, Matabos M, Ramirez-Llodra E, Leroux E, Hourdez S, Cathalot C, Laes-Huon A, Colaço A. Recovery of hydrothermal communities in response to an induced disturbance at the Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). eDSBS, en ligne, 19-21 aout 2020.
Matabos M, Brossard P, Borremans C. Deep Sea Spy: citizens screen the deep. IMOVE InterRidge workshop, 23-25 novembre 2020.
Sarradin P.M. EMSO Azores Deep-sea Observatory : Anthropogenic hazards and Environmental monitoring. EMSO Conference: preparing for UN Decade of Ocean Science. Athens. 12-14 février 2020
Tourolle J, Matabos M, Borremans C (2020). Deep Sea Spy : un outil collaboratif d'annotation d'images. Colloque merIGéo 2020 "De l'océan à la côte : l'information géographique en mouvement". 24 au 26 novembre 2020, Nantes.
Van Audenhege L, Matabos M, Drugmand J, Laes-Huon A, Sarradin PM, Sarrazin J. Monitoring temporal dynamics of microbial mats at hydrothermal vents with the EMSO-Azores observatory (Lucky Strike vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). eDSBS, en ligne, 19-21 aout 2020.
Van Audenhege L, Matabos M, Drugmand J, Laes-Huon A, Sarradin PM, Sarrazin J. TEMPO: 10 years of ecological observations. IMOVE InterRidge workshop, 23-25 novembre 2020.
Wheeler*, Benjamin, Mathilde Cannat, Fabrice Fontaine and Valérie Chavagnac, 2020. Multidisplinary study of near seafloor hydrothermal circulations at Lucky Strike, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 2020. AGU Fall Meeting 2020, abstract ID# 740392.
Ballu, Valerie, Thibault Barreyre, Mathilde Cannat, Laurent Testut, Wayne Crawford, Javier Escartin, and Thibault Coulombier, 2019. What happened in 2015 at the Lucky Strike volcano? Poster EGU2019-13294, Vienna.
Borremans C., Chauvet P., Girard F., Hanafi Portier M., Matabos M., Olu K. Sarrazin J., Tourolle J. (2019). Approaches for mapping and monitoring deep-sea habitats using optical imagery. Marine imaging workshop, 24-28 June 2019. Victoria (BC, Canada).
Cannat, Mathilde, Benjamin Wheeler, Fabrice Fontaine, and Valérie Chavagnac, 2019. Magma chamber to micro-habitats: near seafloor dynamics of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems. Poster EGU2019-9601, Vienna.
Girard F, Sarrazin J., Arnaubec A., Cannat M. Sarradin P-M, Matabos M. Distribution and ecological succession of hydrothermal vent communities on a sulfide edifice characterized from 3D photogrammetric reconstructions. Marine imaging workshop, 24-28 June 2019. Victoria (BC, Canada). Poster
Lanteri Nadine, Legrand Julien, Ruhl Henry, Gates Andrew, Blandin Jerome, Cannat Mathilde, Del Rio Fernandez Joaquin, Lagadec Jean Romain, Moreau Bertrand, Pagonis Paris (2019). The EGIM, EMSO generic instrument module, step towards standardization. EGU General Assembly 2019. 7-12 April 2019, Vienna. Poster
Legrand Julien, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Cannat Mathilde, The Emso Azores Regional Team (2019). EMSO Azores Deep-sea Observatory : 9 years of operations. EGU General Assembly 2019. 7-12 April 2019, Vienna.
https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00489/60087/ - Poster
Tourolle J., Borremans C., Matabos M. Deep Sea Spy: a collaborative annotation tool. Marine imaging workshop, 24-28 June 2019. Victoria (BC, Canada). Poster
Wheeler* B, Fontaine FJ, Cannat M & Chavagnac V, 2019. Near Seafloor Dynamics of Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Flows and Formation of Diffuse Vents at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Poster Goldschmidt, Barcelona.
Alfaro Lucas Joan Manel, Michel Loic, Schaal Gauthier, Zeppilli Daniela, Pradillon Florence, Sarrazin Jozee, Influence of hydrothermal activity, substratum types and biotic interactions on faunal colonization patterns at the Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge), DSBS 2018 - 15th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. 09 au 14/09/2018, Monterey (Californie)
Borremans C., Matabos M. The Deep Sea Spy system: from citizen annotation data to one marine image annotation database serving research. International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems, Barcelone, Espagne, 5-7 novembre 2018.
Borremans Catherine, Matabos Marjolaine (2018). The Deep Sea Spy system. Building a marine images annotation database from participative science. Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, 59(Suppl.1), 46-48. Open Access version :
Girard F, Matabos M, Arnaubec A, Cannat M, Sarradin P-M, Sarrazin J (2018). Distribution and ecological succession of hydrothermal vent communities on a sulfide edifice characterized from 3D photogrammetric reconstructions. DSBS 2018 - 15th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. 09 au 14/09/2018, Monterey (Californie). pOSTER
LEAU Helene, Pierre-Marie SARRADIN. EMSO , a platform to the deep sea. Session - Bioresources : unlocking and accessing the potential of the marine environment. SEATECH WEEk , Brest - 9 octobre 2018
Legrand Julien, Pierre- Marie Sarradin, Mathilde Cannat, , and the EMSO Azores Regional team The EMSO-Azores deep-sea observatory - 8 years of operation. Martech 2018, Marine Technology Workshop, 10,11th December. Porto, Portugal
Marticorena J, Matabos M, Cathalot C, Colaco A, Laes A, Ramirez-Llodra E, Rodier P, Sarrazin J (2018). Towards a restoration approach in the deep sea: first results of a disturbance experiment in the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field. DSBS 2018 - 15th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. 09 au 14/09/2018, Monterey (Californie)
Marticorena J., Lelièvre Y., Sarrazin J., Schaal G., Day T., Legendre P., Hourdez S., Matabos M. Trophic ecology of hydrothermal-vent communities in Juan de Fuca Ridge. 15th Deep-Sea biology Symoposium, Monterey Bay, US, 10 - 14 septembre 2018. Poster
Marticorena J., Matabos M., Cathalot C., Colaco A., Laës-Huon A., Ramirez-Llodra E., Rodier P., Sarrazin J. Restoration in the deep sea: results of a disturbance. 15th Deep-Sea biology Symoposium, Monterey Bay, US, 10 - 14 septembre 2018. Poster
Matabos M., Borremans C., Bossard P., Tourolle J., Sarrazin J. Deep Sea Spy: a collaborative annotation tool. Martech 2018, Marine Technology Workshop, 10,11th December. Porto, Portugal
Sarradin P.M., EMSO Azores Measurement of Dissolved oxygen Workshop on Interoperability Technologies and Best Practices in Environmental Monitoring. Brest, 10-12 October 2018
Wheeler*, B., Cannat M., Fabrice J. Fontaine, V. Chavagnac, 2018. Near seafloor dynamics of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal flows and formation of diffuse vents at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field, mid-Atlantic ridge. Poster V43G-0205. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC.
Zeppilli D., Bellec L., Cueff-Gauchard V., Durand L., Portail M., Michel L., Sarrazin J., Vanreusel A., Cambon Bonavita M.A. Nematode-prokaryote interactions in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Monterey Californie, Septembre 2018
Alfaro Lucas Joan Manel, Foviaux Martin, Zeppilli Daniela, Pradillon Florence, Sarrazin Jozee (2017). The role of environmental filtering on community structure in the vicinity of hydrothermal vents in the Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). CBE6 - 6th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems. August 27 - September 1, 2017, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA.
Alfaro-Lucas, J.M., Foviaux, M., Zeppilli, D., Pradillon, F. & Sarrazin, J. 2017. Role of environmental conditions and substratum types on community structure at the Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) .6th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems (CBE6) à Woods Hole. Poster
Escartín J., T. Barreyre , M. Cannat , R. Garcia , N. Gracias , A. Deschamps , A. Salocchi , P.-M. Sarradin , & V. Ballu. Hydrothermal activity along the slow-spreading Lucky Strike ridge segment (MAR): Distribution, heatflux, and geological controls. OS43A-2017. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco-14-18 decembre 2015. Poster
Matabos M, Sarrazin J, Cathalot C, Simion J, Rodier P. Passive restoration of active hydrothermal vent communities after significant disturbances, EU MERCES WP4 ?Restoration in the deep sea' workshop, Crète, Grèce, 18-19 juin 2017.
Matabos M, Sarrazin J, Cathalot C, Simion J, Rodier P. Passive restoration of active hydrothermal vent communities after significant disturbances, EU MERCES general meeting, Crète, Grèce, 20-22 juin 2017.
Sarradin P.M., The EMSO Azores node. EMSO all regions worshop, 9-11 october 2017, Rome, Italie
Sarradin Pierre Marie, Marie Anne Cambon Bonavita. Hydrothermal vent studies : Ecosystem study, vent monitoring and mineral resources.Ifremer-AWI MARUM joint workshop, 22-24 May 2017, Ifremer Brest
Cathalot, C., Laes-Huon, A., Pelleter, E., Maillard, L., Cheron, S., Boissier, A., Pernet-Coudrier, B., Waeles, M., Cotte, L., Gayet, N., Sarrazin, J., Sarradin, P-M. In situ study of the factors controlling Fe, Cu and Zn scavenging during the early mixing between hydrothermal fluids and seawater. AGU Fall Meeting, OS44B, 11-26 Décembre 2016
Husson B, Sarradin PM, Menesguen A, Khripounoff, A and Sarrazin J (2016) Ecosystème des sources hydrothermales: Les apports de la modélisation. Symposium CONNECT2, Mai 2016, Brest, France.
Legrand Julien, Blandin Jerome, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Cannat Mathilde, Coail Jean-Yves, Pichavant Pascal, Guyader Gerard, Lanteri Nadine, Carval Thierry, Momarsat Team (2016). EMSO-Azores: six years of continuous monitoring of a deep sea hydrothermal vents - Technical results. Martech Workshop 2016 - 7th International Workshop on Marine Technology. October 26th, 27th and 28th 2016, Barcelona.
Matabos M, Tourolle J, Sarrazin J, Decker C. Deep Sea Spy. 3rd ENVRI Plus week, Prague, République Tchèque, 14-18 novembre 2016.
Sarradin, Pierre-Marie, Jerome Blandin, Mathilde Cannat, Jozée Sarrazin, Anne Godfroy, Celine Rommevaux, Ana Colaço, Wayne Crawford, Valerie Ballu, Javier Escartin, Valerie Chavagnac, and Gilles Reverdin, 2016. Latest highlights from the EMSO-Açores deep sea observatory. EGU2016-11629 (abstract) EGU, Vienna.
Zeppilli D., Leduc D. Deep-sea habitats targeted for mining: state of knowledge of nematofauna and the potential use of nematodes as indicators of anthropogenic impacts. International Meiofauna Conference, Heraklion, Greece, July 2016
Aguzzi J, Company JB, Doya C, Juniper SK, De Leo F, Purser A, Costa C Chatzievangelou D, Furushima Y, Fujiwara Y, Matabos M, del Río J, Gomariz S, Marini S, Fanelli E, Favali P, Thomsen . Networks of coordinated video-observtaories as step forward in ecosystem monitoring. Barkley Canyon workshop, Victoria, Canada, 5 - 7 octobre 2015.
Cathalot C, Laes-Huon A, Maillard L., Pernet-Coudrier B., Cotte L, Gayet N, Sarrazin J, Sarradin P-M. What happens when hydrothermal fluids mix with seawater? A study at the interface between hot and cold, reduced and oxygenated, using a novel analytical device. Gordon-like conference, San Diego, juillet 2015
Chavagnac V., Leleu T., Boulart C., Barreyre T., Castillo A., Menot L., Cannat M., Escartin J., 2015. Deep-sea observatory EMSO-Azores (Lucky Strike, 37º17'N, MAR) : Impact of fluid circulation pathway on chemical hydrothermal fluxes. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA).
Crawford, W., Cannat, M., Escartin, J., Baillard, C., and R. Daniel, 2015. Variations in seismicity within Lucky Strike volcano (37°17'N MAR) from 2007-2015, from a seafloor seismometer network. OS41B-03 (abstract) Fall AGU, San Francisco.
Henri P., Rommevaux C., Chavagnac V., Degboe J., Destrigneville C., Boulart C., Lesongeur F., Castillo A., Godfroy A., 2015. Microbial response to high temperature hydrothermal forcing : AISICS vent (Lucky Strike, 37ºN MAR) and prokaryote community as example. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA).
Husson B, Sarradin PM, Menesguen A and Sarrazin J. (2015) A first model to help assessing the potential impacts of sulphide mining ondescribe the functioning and dynamics of hydrothermal ecosystems. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal.
Husson B, Sarradin PM, Menesguen A and Sarrazin J. (2015) A first model to help assessing the potential impacts of sulphide mining ondescribe the functioning and dynamics of hydrothermal ecosystems. FSH, dates, France
Husson B, Sarradin PM, Menesguen A, Khripounoff, A, and Sarrazin J (2015) Fonctionnement et dynamique des écosystèmes des sources hydrothermales: vers un premier modèle. Colloque de l'Association Française d'Halieutique, Juillet 2015, Montpellier.
Juniper K, , Matabos M, Sarrazin J, Sarradin PM. Studying Mid-Ocean Ridge Processes with Observatory Technologies: What have we seen After Five Years? Third InterRidge Theoretical Institute September 2015, Hangzhou, China.
Juniper K, De Leo Cabrera F, Aguzzi J, Sarrazin J, Matabos M, Grossman MM, Mitaria S, Thomsen L. Cabled ocean observatories as tools for studying biodiversity change. Blue Planet 2015 meeting, Cairns, Australie, 27-29 mai 2015 (donnée par K. Juniper).
Juniper K, De Leo Cabrera F, Aguzzi J, Sarrazin J, Matabos M, Grossman MM, Mitaria S, Thomsen L. Cabled ocean observatories as tools for studying biodiversity change. Blue Planet 2015 meeting, Cairns, Australie, 27-29 mai 2015. . (donnée par K. Juniper).
Juniper K, Matabos M, Sarrazin J, Sarradin PM, Butterfield D, Chadwick W, Delaney JR. Studying Mid-Ocean Ridge Processes with Observatory Technologies: What have we seen After Five Years? Third InterRidge Theoretical Institute September 2015, Hangzhou, China
Laes Agathe, Legrand Julien, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Rolin Jean-Francois, Tanguy Virginie, Cathalot Cecile, Blandin Jerome (2015). Long term in situ monitoring of total dissolved iron concentrations on the MoMAR observatory. EGU2015 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 12 - 17 April 2015, Vienne. Poster
Laizé Vincent, Marques Cátia, Gavaia Paulo J, Witten P. Eckhard, Sarrazin Jozée, Pozo Manuel, Moreira-Silva Joana, Diogo Gabriela S, Reis Ruis L, Förlin Lars, Cancela M.Leonor. (2015) Comparative analysis of vertebrae of deep-sea versus surface eelpouts (Zoarcidae). IAFSB meeting in Tavira, Portugal, mai 2015. Poster
Leleu T., Chavagnac V., Castillo A., Cannat M., Menjot L., 2015. Fluid chemistry of the Capelinhos vent site : A key to understand Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (37ºN, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA).
Marie Portail, Fabrice Pernet, Cécile Cathalot, Ana Colaço, Fabienne Le Grand, Pierre-Marie Sarradin, Jozée Sarrazin. (2015) Species trophic diet variability along three hydrothermal fields of the North Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal. Poster
Matabos M, Cuvelier D, Brouard J,Barthélémy D, Sarradin P-M, Sarrazin J. Behavioural study of macrofaunal species associated with a vent mussel assemblage on the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal, 31 août - 4 septembre 2015. Poster
Pastor L. Cathalot C, Decker C, Brandily C, Ruffine L, Caprais JC, Sarrazin, J, Olu, K, Rabouille, C. 2015. A biogeochemical model to tackle the methane/sulfur transition zone: application to two contrasted deep-sea sediment sites. Gordon-like conference, San Diego, juillet 2015
Plum Christoph, Pradillon Florence, Fujiwara Yoshihiro, Sarrazin Jozée. Copepod colonization of organic and inorganic substrata at a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. 14th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal, 31 Aout - 4 Septembre 2015. pOSTER
Pradillon, F., Hernandez, I, Cambon-Bonavita, MA, Sarrazin, J., Bignon, L., Cotty, C., Dutreuil, V., Dussud, L. (2015). Reproduction and larval ecology at vent sites on the Mid Atlantic Ridge. Connecct: colloque national sur la biologie et l'écologie des ecosystems à base chimiosynthétique. Le Mans, 11-13 mai 2015.
Rommevaux C., Henri P., Lesongeur F., Emerson D., Leleu T., Chavagnac V., 2015. Iron-oxidizing bacteria found at slow-spreading ridge : a case study of Capelinhos hydrothermal vent (Lucky Strike, 37ºN MAR). AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA).
Sarradin P-M, Cannat M, Blandin J, Sarrazin J, Matabos M, Godfroy A, Rommevaux C, Colaço A, Chavagnac V and the MoMARSAT team. Latest highlights from the EMSO-Açores deep sea observatory. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal, 31 août - 4 septembre 2015. Poster
Sarrazin J, Lelièvre Y, Cuvelier D, Matabos M, Mihaly S, Sarradin P-M, Legendre P. Temporal studies of macrofaunal communities' dynamics associated with a siboglinid assemblage using the NEPTUNE observatory. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal, 31 août - 4 septembre 2015.
Shillito, B., Zbinden, M., Ravaux, J., Sarrazin, J., Sarradin, PM., Barthelemy, D. Abyssbox: la vie sous pression. Bilan à 3 ans. Connecct: colloque national sur la biologie et l'écologie des ecosystems à base chimiosynthétique. Le Mans, 11-13 mai 2015.
Zeppilli Daniela, Ann Vanreusel, Florence Pradillon, Jozée Sarrazin. (2015) Rapid colonisation by nematodes on organic and inorganic substrata deployed at the deep-sea Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal. Poster
Henri P., Rommevaux-Jestin C., Menez B., Emerson D., and Mumford A., 2014 - Structural Iron (II) of Basaltic Glass as an Energy Source for Zetaproteobacteria - Abstract presented at Ninth International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, Pacific Grove, California USA, October 5-10.
Husson B, Sarradin PM, Menesguen A and Sarrazin J (2014) Modelling the impacts of sulphide mining on hydrothermal ecosystems. MOVE international workshop, Brest 24-27 novembre 2014. POster
Husson Bérengère, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Menesguen Alain and Sarrazin Jozée. (2014) A first model to help assessing the potential impacts of sulphide mining on the functioning and dynamics of hydrothermal ecosystems. Midas 1st annual meeting, Ponta Delgada, Açores. 20-24 octobre 2014. Poster
Laës-Huon, A., J. Legrand, P.-M. Sarradin, J-F. Rolin, V.Tanguy, C. Cathalot, J. Blandin (2014), Long term in situ survey of total dissolved iron concentrations in deep ocean, April 2015, EGU Vienna (poster)
Lelièvre, Y., Legendre, P., Sarrazin,J.& Matabos,M. 2014. Temporal Study of macrofauna communities associated with a Siboglinidae assemblage using the NEPTUNE-?Canada observatory. MOVE workshop, Brest, automne 2014.
Plum C., Pradillon F., Sarrazin J. (2014) Copepod colonization of different substrata at hydrothermal vents. 3rd World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Qingdao, Chine, 12-16 octobre 2014
Sarrazin J, Matabos M, Brouard J, Cuvelier D. Behavioural study of two crustaceans (Mirocaris fortunata and Segonzacia mesatlantica) from the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field using video imagery. Marine imaging workshop, Southampton, Angleterre, 7-10 avril 2014.
Sarrazin J, Matabos M, Sarradin PM, Cuvelier D, Brouard J, Legendre P, Shillito B, Zbinden M, Ravaux J, Barthélémy D. Temporal variations of a deep-sea hydrothermal mussel assemblage monitored by the EMSO-Açores MoMAR observatory: community dynamics and species behaviour. Multidisciplinary Observatories in Vent Ecosystem workshop (MOVE), Brest, 24-27 novembre 2014.
Sarrazin J., Cuvelier D., Pradillon F., Zeppilli D., Plum C., Laes A., Sarradin PM. (2014) Deep-sea observatories and colonization experiments as tools to build management strategies and evaluate the impacts of mining activities on hydrothermal communities. Midas 1st annual meeting, Ponta Delgada, Açores. 20-24 octobre 2014.
Sarrazin J., Matabos M. (2014). New windows to the deep. Sea Tech Week, conference Deep-blue days, 14-17 octobre, Brest.
Zeppilli D. Vanreusel A., Sarradin P.M., Sarrazin J. Unveiling the hidden biodiversity: colonization of meiofauna in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. MIDAS Workshop Response of deep-sea benthic fauna to natural and anthropogenic disturbance Senckenberg am Meer, DZMB, Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 11-13 mars 2014
Aguzzi, J, Doya, C., Costa, C., Company, J. B., Menesatti, P., Tunnicliffe, V., Manuel, A., Del Rio, J., Favali, P., Fujiwara, Y., Thomsen, L;, Autun, P., Cuvelier, D.,, Aron, M., Sarrazin, J. (2013) The faunistic, ethological and ecological cabled observatory video monitoring of marine communities everywhere. EMSO Ocean Observatory Challenges and Progress meeting, 13-15 Novembre, Rome. Poster
Aouba S., Boulart C., Carraz O., Arguel Ph., Aufray M., Behra Ph., Bernal O., Castillo A., Cattoen M., Chavagnac V., Dubreuil B., Dutasta J.-P., Gisquet P., Lozes F., Seat H.-C., 2013. In-situ-dissolved methane measurements by optical technologies. Workshop « Instrumentation optique embarquée », 10-12 Février 2013, Nailloux, France.
Ballu V., W. C. Crawford, O. de Viron and M. Cannat, Precision of vertical seafloor deformation measurements at the deep MOMAR observatory, 37°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge, AGU Fall Meeting, G21A-0747, 2013,
Ballu, V, de Viron, O, Crawford, W C, Cannat, M, Escartin, J, 2013. Long-term observations of seafloor pressure variations at Lucky Strike volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. AGU Fall meeting abstract OS13B-1730.
Cannat M., Crawford W., Barreyre Th., Ballu V., Escartin J., Chavagnac V., Fontaine F., Miranda M., Villinger H., Sarradin P.-M., Sarrazin J., Colaço A., Daniel R., Legrand J., Blandin J., 2013. Monitoring of a mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal system at the EMSO-Azores subsea observatory. IAHS?IASPO?IASPEI, Joint Assembly, 22-26/07/2013, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Cannat, M., Crawford, W., Ballu, V., Barreyre, T., Escartin, J., Daniel, R., Chavagnac, V., Fontaine, F., Miranda, M., Villinger, H., Sarradin, P.M., Sarrazin, J., Colaço, A., Legrand, J., Blandin, J., Reverdin, G., 2013. Monitoring of a Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal system and volcano at the EMSO-Azores subsea observatory. (abstract) IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly Gothenburg (invited).
Crawford W. C., V. Ballu, X. Bertin and M. Karpychev, Six years of deep ocean infragravity wave measurements on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37°N, AGU Fall Meeting, OS51B-1663, 2013,
Crawford, W.C., Fontaine, F.J., Cannat, M., Singh, S.C., Escartin, J., 2013. Hydrothermal seismicity beneath Lucky Strike volcano (37°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). (abstract) IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly Gothenburg (invited).
Henri P., Rommevaux-Jestin C., Ménez B., Lesongeur F. and Godfroy A., 2013 - Study of microorganisms/basaltic crust interactions at hydrothermal vent and abyssal environments by in situ experimental approach - Abstract B13J08 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting AGU, San Francisco, Calif. 9-13 Dec.
Laës-Huon, A., K. Bucas, M. Repecaud, D. Le Piver, J-P. Allenou, J. Legrand, Y. Auffret , J-Y. Coail , A. Ferrant , P-M. Sarradin, Chemini : In situ monitoring of nutrients and metals in marine waters, Microfluidics and Microsensor technology for Oceanographic and Environmental Science applications", Mercredi 10 Avril 2013, Southampton, ARCHIMER 24706
Rommevaux-Jestin C., Godfroy A., Legrand J., Lesongeur F., Henri P., Guyader G., Coail J.Y. and the MoMARSAT13 scientific Team, 2013 - A new microbial Connected In Situ Instrumented Colonizer System (CISICS) at Lucky Strike observatory (EMSO Azores) - EMSO Ocean Observatories: Challenges and Progress, Rome, Italie
Sarradin PM., Sarrazin J., Blandin, J. Cannat M, Escartin J, Chavagnac V., Colaço A and the Momar team. MoMAR : Long Term monitoring the mid-Atlantic Ridge. 5th international symposium on Chemosynthesis Based Ecosystems. August 2013, Victoria, BC Canada. Conférence effectuée sur le Pourquoi pas ?
Sarrazin, J and the Momar scientific team. (2013) EMSO workshop, 13-15 November 2013, Rome.
Zeppilli D., Cuvelier D., Sarradin P.M., Vanreusel A., Sarrazin J. (2013) Unveiling the hidden biodiversity: colonization of meiofauna in deep-sea hydrothermal vent. XXIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia, Ancona (Italy) 16-18 September 2013.
Zeppilli D., Cuvelier D., Sarradin P.M., Vanreusel A., Sarrazin J. Unveiling the hidden biodiversity: colonization of meiofauna in deep-sea hydrothermal vents . MeioScool International Workshop: A dive in a microscopic world. Brest, France, 26-29 novembre 2013.
Zeppilli D., Pradillon, F., Sarrazin, J. (2013) GECO project: colonization and ecoloGical connECtivity of meiOfauna in deep-sea extreme ecosystems. LabexMER scientific workshops and international council meeting, Brest (France).
Zeppilli D., Sarrazin J. (2013) Welcome to MeioScool International Workshop: A dive in a microscopic world (Brest, France)
Zeppilli D., et al. (2013) Deep-sea hYdrothermal Vent nematodes as potential source of new Antibiotics (DYVA project) MeioScool International Workshop: A dive in a microscopic world (Brest, France). Poster
Aouba S., Boulart C., Carraz O., Arguel Ph., Aufray M., Behra Ph., Bernal O., Castillo A., Cattoen M., Chavagnac V., Dubreuil B., Dutasta J.P., Gisquet P., Lozes F., Seat H.-C., 2012. Emerging technologies for in-situ dissolved methane measurements. Environmental Sensors 2012 Conference, 21-26 September 2012, Anglet, France. Keynote speaker V. Chavagnac.
Aron, Michael, Pierre-Marie Sarradin, Daphne Cuvelier, Grégoire Mercier, Jozée Sarrazin. (2012) Elaboration of a video processing platform to analyze the temporal dynamics of hydrothermal ecosystems. Oral presentation at the Hermione final meeting, Faro. Septembre 2012.
Aumond V., Waeles M., Sarradin PM, Riso R., Vibrating gold microwire electrode couples with stripping chronopotentiometry for sulfide quantification in hydrothermal sample. Environmental Sensors 2012-Poster
Ballu, V., O. de Viron, W. C. Crawford, M. Cannat, J. Escartin, Long-term observations of seafloor pressure variations at Lucky Strike volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, dec. 2012.
Boulart C., Carraz O., Seat H.C., Chavagnac V., 2012. Tracking methane in the Deep Sea: a new in situ chemical sensor for Deep Sea hydrothermal vent exploration. The Deep-Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier Conference. Barcelona (E), March 11-14.
Boulart C., Prien R., Chavagnac V., Dutasta J.P., 2012. In-situ dissolved methane measurements vis surface plasmon resonance : first in-situ deployments in the Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea). Environmental Sensors 2012 Conference, 21-26 September 2012, Anglet, France. [poster]
Cannat,M., J. Escartin, V. Ballu, W. Crawford, J. Blandin, P.M. Sarradin, J. Legrand, R. Daniel and M. Miranda. EMSO-Azores. A near-real time multidisciplinary observatory of hydrothermal processes and ecosystems at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Geophysical monitoring of subseafloor processes.Deep-Sea and Sub-Seafloor Frontiers Conference, Sitges 11-14 march 2012 (invited).
Chavagnac V., Boulart C., Monnin C., Castillo A., 2012. Spatio-temporal variability of fluid and gas chemical compositions at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent site, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, since 1990's. The Deep-Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier Conference. Barcelona (E), March 11-14.
Cuvelier D. and J. Sarrazin, J. Blandin, L. Delauney, S. Dentrecolas, J. Dupont, C. Le Gall, J. Legrand, P. Léon, J.P. Lévèque, L. Peton, P. Rodier, R. Vuillemin, P.M. Sarradin. A glimpse of the day to day of a hydrothermal faunal assemblage in the Atlantic. Tribute to Paul Tyler symposium, June 2012, Southampton, UK.
Cuvelier, D., J. Sarrazin, A. Laes, L. Peton, P. M. Sarradin. (2012) A comparison of the day to day of deep-sea hydrothermal faunal assemblages in the Atlantic and the North-East Pacific - a multidisciplinary observatory approach. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Nouvelle-Zélande, Décembre 2012.
Escartin, J., T. Barreyre, M. Cannat, R. Garcia and E. Mittlestaedt. Structure and temporal variation in fluid outflow at the deep-sea Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) from seafloor imagery. Deep-Sea and Sub-Seafloor Frontiers Conference, Sitges 11-14 march 2012.
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Jozée Sarrazin, Daphné Cuvelier, Jerôme Blandin and the MoMAR team, Temporel dynamics of hydrothermal mussel asemblages using a real time multidisciplinary at the Mid Atlantic Ridge. VentBase Workshop, Galway-2012Sarrazin J., J. Blandin, J. Legrand, C. Le Gall, P.M. Sarradin. (2011). Mussel community changes and environmental dynamics at Tour Eiffel, MAR. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, 03-08 April 2011 Vienna, Austria.
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Sarrazin Jozée, Cuvelier Daphné, Jérôme Blandin, Mathilde Cannat, Marjolaine Matabos, Peter Rona. Observing the deep-sea vent ecosystems ! Labex Mer GEOCEAN Summer School, August 2012.
Sarradin, P. M. (2012). Emso-Azores, a real-time multidisciplinary observatory of hydrothermal processes and ecosystems at the mid-atlantic ridge - II Ecology. The Deep-Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier Conference, Barcelone (Espagne).
Sarradin, P. M., J. Sarrazin, et al. (2012). Temporal dynamics of the temporal mussel assemblages using a real-time multidisciplinary observatory at the mid-Atlantic ridge. VentBase 2012, Galway.
Sarrazin, J., de Busserolles, F., Fabri, M.-C., Guilini, K., Ivanenko, V., Legendre, P., Morineaux, M., Vanreusel, A., Sarradin, P.-M. (2012) Small-scale variations of hydrothermal faunal assemblages on the Tour Eiffel edifice (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) in relation to abiotic conditions. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Nouvelle-Zélande, Décembre 2012.
Sarrazin, Jozée, Daphne Cuvelier, Michael Aron, Agathe Laes, Grégoire Mercier, Loic Peton, Pierre-Marie Sarradin (2012) Short- and long-term ecological variations at deep-sea hydrothermal vents - a multidisciplinary observatory approach. Time-series analysis in marine science and applications for industry. A Europôle Mer Gordon-like conference at the crossroad of marine science. 19-21 septembre 2012, Logonna-Daoulas.
Zeppilli D, Cuvelier D, Sarradin PM, Vanreusel A, Danovaro R, Sarrazin J (2012). Unveiling the hidden biodiversity: colonization of meiofauna in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. The Deep-Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier Conference, Barcelone (Espagne). POSTER
Zeppilli, D., Daphne Cuvelier, Pierre-Marie Sarradin, Ann Vanreusel, Jozée Sarrazin. Unveiling the hidden biodiversity: colonization of meiofauna in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Deep-Sea Floor Frontier, Barcelona, March 2012.
Aron M, J. Sarrazin, P.-M. Sarradin, G. Mercier. (2011). Analysing the temporal dynamics of chemosynthetic ecosystems by using automated image processing tools. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, 03-08 April 2011Vienna, Austria.
Barreyre, T, Escartin, J, Cannat, M, Garcia, R A. Temporal monitoring and quantification of hydrothermal activity from photomosaics and 3D video reconstruction: The Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (Invited). Abstract OS11C-05 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.
Blandin J., J. Legrand, S. Barbot, J.Y. Coail, R. Daniel, P.M. Sarradin, M. Cannat, J. Sarrazin. (2011) Technical advances in near real time seafloor monitoring implemented for the Momar-D project. Fourth international workshop on marine technology, 22-23 Septembre, Cadiz, Espagne.
Blandin J., J. Legrand, S. Barbot, T. Bescond, J.Y. Coail, G. Guyader, P. Pichavant, R. Daniel, A. Blin, C. Courrier, B. Lecomte, C. Floquet, P.M. Sarradin, J. Sarrazin, M. Cannat, J. Escartin. (2011) Technical advances in near real time seafloor monitoring implemented for the Momar-D project. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, 03-08 April 2011 Vienna, Austria.
Cannat, M, Sarradin, P, Blandin, J, Escartin, J, Colaco, A, and the MoMAR-Demo Scientific Party. MoMar-Demo at Lucky Strike. A near-real time multidisciplinary observatory of hydrothermal processes and ecosystems at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Abstract OS22A-05 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.
Chavagnac V., Boulart C., Monnin C., Castillo A., 2011. Spatial and temporal variability of fluid and gas chemical compositions at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent site, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Goldschmidt Conférence, Prague (CZ), Août 2011.
Chavagnac V., Boulart C., Monnin C., Castillo A., 2011. Spatial and temporal variability of fluid and gas chemical compositions at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent site, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Workshop CO2 capture. Mascate, Sultanat d'Oman. January 2011.
Crawford W., M. Cannat, S. Singh et al., Geophysical constraints on the magma feeding and structure of Lucky Strike segment, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, InterRidge Workshop on Ocean-Mantle Dynamics: From Spreading Center to Subduction Zone, 2011.
Escartin, J, Cannat, M, Carlut, J H, Deschamps, A, Salocchi, A. Links between melt supply, volcanic style, and tectonic deformation at slow-spreading ridges: the Lucky Strike ridge segment along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Abstract V53D-2658 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.
Laës-Huon, A., K. Bucas, L. Gautier, P. Rousseaux, D. Le Roux, D. Le Piver, F. Caradec, CHEMINI : CHEmical MINIaturised analyser, 05-06 Avril 2011, Southampton Ocean Buziness
Ravaux, Juliette, Sarrazin, Jozée et Barthelemy, Dominique. La vie sous pression. Conférence donnée aux membres du GDR Ecchis, jeudi 17 mars 2011, Océanopolis, Brest.
Sarradin P.M., A. Colaço, M. Cannat, J. Blandin, J. Legrand, J. Sarrazin, J. Escartin and the project participants. (2011) Monitoring the Lucky Strike vent field in real time. Fourth international workshop on marine technology, 22-23 Septembre, Cadiz, Espagne.
Sarradin P.M., A. Colaço, M. Cannat, J. Blandin, J. Legrand, J. Sarrazin, J. Escartin and the project participants. The Momar-D project: a challenge to monitor the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field in real time. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, 03-08 April 2011 Vienna, Austria.
Sarrazin, J. Blandin, J. Legrand, C. Le Gall, P.M. Sarradin. (2011). Mussel community changes and environmental dynamics at Tour Eiffel, MAR. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, 03-08 April 2011 Vienna, Austria.
Sarrazin J., J. Blandin, J. Legrand, C. Le Gall, P.M. Sarradin. (2011). Mussel community changes and environmental dynamics at Tour Eiffel, MAR. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, 03-08 April 2011 Vienna, Austria.
Aron M, J Sarrazin, PM Sarradin, G Mercier, (2010). Elaboration of a video processing platform to analyze the temporal dynamics of hydrothermal ecosystems. Oral presentation, AGU, 12-17 Decembre 2010, San Francisco.
Cuvelier, D., Sarrazin J., Colaço A., Copley J., Desbruyères, D., Glover, A., Tyler, P., Serrão Santos, R. 14 years of community dynamics at the Atlantic Eiffel Tower hydrothermal edifice. 12th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, June 7-11 2010.
Références des communications dans des colloques nationaux
Sarradin P.M. Observations et écosystèmes marins profonds (2021) Atelier SMA2M (Systèmes de Mesures Autonomes pour l'observation du Milieu Marin). 3-4 Février 2021
Laes Agathe (2020). Chemini Analyseur chimique in situ . Nouveaux capteurs environnementaux - DEFI15. 15-17 janv. 202, Banyuls sur Mer, France .
Sarradin P.M. and the EMSO Açores team : EMSO Azores Highlights. EMSO Fr Comité de Pilotage . 10 et 11 mars 2020. Paris
Borremans Catherine, Matabos Marjolaine Deep Sea Spy. A collaborative annotation tool, 2019, Folle Journée de l'Imagerie Nantaise 2019. Session 4 : Interdisciplinarité pour et/ou par l'image. 27 février 2019, Onris, Nantes
Alfaro-Lucas J. M., Foviaux M., Michel L. N., Schaal G., Zeppilli D., Pradillon F. & Sarrazin J (2018). Environmental conditions and biotic interactions influence hydrothermal fauna colonisation patterns at the Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). "3ème CollOque NatioNal sur la biologie et l'écologie des Ecosystèmes à base de ChimiosynThèse (CONNECT 3)", 14-16/11/2018, Roscoff, France.
Cotte Laura, , P.M. Sarradin, Agathe Laes, Cécile Cathalot, Ewan Pelleter, Ricardo Riso, Matthieu Waeles. Spéciation métallique dans la zone de mélange fluide hydrothermal - eau de mer : Variabilité spatiale et temporelle sur le champ Lucky Strike. Connect3, 14-16 novembre 2018. Station Biologique de Roscoff
Girard F, Matabos M., Arnaubec A., Cannat M., Sarradin P.-M., Sarrazin J. Distribution et succession des communautés hydrothermales sur l'édifice Tour Eiffel : de la vidéo à la reconstruction 3D. Connect III: colloque national sur la biologie et l'écologie des ecosystems à base chimiosynthétique, Roscoff, France, 14-16 November 2018.
Marticorena J, Matabos M., Cathalot C., Colaco A., Laës-Huon A., Ramirez-Llodra E., Rodier P., Sarrazin J. Connect III: colloque national sur la biologie et l'écologie des ecosystems à base chimiosynthétique, Roscoff, France, 14-16 November 2018.
Sarradin P.M. - Les Assises de l'Economie de la Mer. 13ème édition en 2018 à Brest. Table ronde : Recherche océanographique et conservation maritime, piliers de la croissance bleue
Sarradin P.M., M. Cannat, F. Fontaine, V. Chavagnac, G. Roullet, J. Sarrazin, C. Rommevaux, J. Blandin, R. Daniel, A. Colaço, M. Matabos, J. Legrand and the Momarsat team. The EMSO-Azores deep sea observatory . Connect3, 14-16 novembre 2018. Station Biologique de Roscoff
David François, Françoise Lesongeur, Sandrine Cheron, Ewan Pelleter, Erwan Roussel, Anne Godfroy. Dynamique de la diversité microbienne dans une cheminée hydrothermale active. VIIIe Colloque de l'Association Francophone d'Ecologie Microbienne, 17-20 oct. 2017 Camaret-sur-Mer (France)
Sarrazin Jozée, Marjolaine Matabos, Cécile Cathalot, Josselin Simion, Philippe Rodier. Passive restoration of active hydrothermal vent communities after significant disturbances. ABYSS meeting. Brest, 28 septembre 2017.
Ballu, V., Cannat, M., Wayne Crawford W., Daniel, R, Coulombier, T., Blandin, J., Sarradin, P.M. et toute l'équipe MOMARSAT, EMSO?Azores: de la géophysique à la microbiologie, en passant par l'écologie et l'océanographie, un observatoire multi?disciplinaire à l'axe de la dorsale Médio?Atlantique, colloque G2, Brest, 14-16 nov. 2016.
Husson B, Sarradin PM, Menesguen A, Khripounoff, A and Sarrazin J (2016) Ecosystème des sources hydrothermales: Les apports de la modélisation. Symposium CONNECT2, Mai 2016, Brest, France.
Fuchs S., Tasiemski A., Wichlacz C., Sarrazin J., Cambon-Bonavita M.A., Godfroy A., Jebbar M., Franzetti B., Girard E., Sarradin P.M., Vanreusel A., Zeppilli D. Test des activités antimicrobiennes du sécrétome des nématodes hydrothermaux incubés avec des bactéries et des archées (projet DYVA). Colloque GDR Archaea, Toulouse 12/03/2015. Poster
Husson B, Sarradin PM, Menesguen A, Khripounoff, A, and Sarrazin J (2015) Fonctionnement et dynamique des écosystèmes des sources hydrothermales: vers un premier modèle. Colloque de l'Association Française d'Halieutique, Juillet 2015, Montpellier.
Matabos M., Arnaubec A., Laes-Huon A., Sarradin P-M, Sarrazin J. Temporal dynamics of vent assemblages on the Tour Eiffel edifice. LuckyScale workshop, Brest, 16-18 novembre 2015.
Matabos, M., Sarradin, PM, Cuvelier, D., Legendre, P., Lelièvre Y., Sarrazin J. (2015). Connecct: colloque national sur la biologie et l'écologie des ecosystems à base chimiosynthétique. Le Mans, 11-13 mai 2015.
Pradillon, F., Hernandez, I, Cambon-Bonavita, MA, Sarrazin, J., Bignon, L., Cotty, C., Dutreuil, V., Dussud, L. (2015). Reproduction and larval ecology at vent sites on the Mid Atlantic Ridge. Connecct: colloque national sur la biologie et l'écologie des écosystemes à base chimiosynthétique. Le Mans, 11-13 mai 2015.
Sarradin P.M., H. Ondréas et al. Environnements profonds. Prospective technologique pour les équipements scientifiques - Paris, 11 & 12 mai 2015
Shillito, B., Zbinden, M., Ravaux, J., Sarrazin, J., Sarradin, PM., Barthelemy, D. Abyssbox: la vie sous pression. Bilan à 3 ans. Connecct: colloque national sur la biologie et l'écologie des ecosystems à base chimiosynthétique. Le Mans, 11-13 mai 2015.
Zeppilli D. Vanreusel A., Pradillon F., Sarrazin J. Rapid colonisation by nematodes on organic and inorganic substrata deployed at the deep-sea Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). COlloque National sur la biologiE et l'éCologie des éCosystèmes à base de chimiosynThèse (CONNECCT), Le Mans, France, 11-13 Mai 2015
Ballu V., W. Crawford, O. de Viron and M. Cannat (2014), Precision of vertical seafloor deformation measurements at the summit of Lucky Strike Volcano, Reunion MOVE
Cotte Laura, Benoît Pernet-Coudrier, Matthieu Waeles, Cécile Cathalot, Pierre-Marie Sarradin et Ricardo Riso,Importance de la spéciation physico-chimique dans l'export des métaux en milieu hydrothermal. SFisotrace, Brest (France), September 2014
Crawford W., S. Singh, M. Cannat, J. Escartin and R. Daniel (2014), Hydrothermal seismicity beneath the summit of Lucky Strike volcano, Reunion MOVE,
Dyment, J., Lallier, F., Le Bris, N., Rouxel, O., Sarradin, P. M., Lamare, S., Coumert, C., Morineaux, M. and Tourolle, J. (2014). Les impacts environnementaux de l'exploitation des ressources minérales marines profondes. Paris, CNRS - Ifremer: 930p. et présentation au colloque de restitution - Paris , juin 2014.
Henri P., Rommevaux-Jestin C., Godfroy A., Lesongeur F., Ménez, B., 2014 - Microorganisms/basaltic glass interactions: results from an in situ experimental approach at Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent - Abstract presented at MOVE Workshop, Ifremer Brest, 24-27 Nov.
Laës-Huon, A., J. Legrand, P.-M. Sarradin, J-F. Rolin, V.Tanguy, C. Cathalot, J. Blandin (2014), Long term in situ survey of total dissolved iron concentrations in deep ocean, Proceedings IEEE 140620-003, SSCO 2014, Seatechweek, Oct 2014, Brest
Laës-Huon, A.,Bucas,K., Le Piver,D., Legrand, JH., Rousseaux, P., Coail, J.Y., Ferrant, A., Sarradin,P.M., Matabos, M., Chemini : Surveillance in situ et à long terme des concentrations en fer total dissous dans les eaux marines profondes, Colloque Instrumentation haute fréquence pour l'observation et la surveillance de l'environnement marin, Boulogne,13 juin 2014, poster, Archimer N° 30860
Rommevaux-Jestin C., Godfroy A., Legrand J., Lesongeur F., Henri P., Guyader G., Coail J.-Y., Leleu Th., Chavagnac V., 2014 - A new microbial Connected In Situ Instrumented Colonizer System (CISICS) at Lucky Strike Observatory (EMSO Azores). Poster presented at MOVE Workshop, Ifremer Brest, 24-27 Nov.
Rommevaux-Jestin C., Henri P., Degboe J., Leleu Th., Chavagnac V., Boulart C., Castillo A., Lesongeur F., Godfroy A., 2014 - Microbial response to high temperature hydrothermal fluid forcing: AISICS vent (Lucky Strike, 37°N, MAR) and prokaryote community as example Abstract presented at MOVE Workshop, Ifremer Brest, 24-27 Nov.
Cannat M, Sarradin PM, Perrot J et les equips MoMARSAT et Hydrobs MoMAR. Long term monitoring of the MAR. Journées de la Flotte Hauturière. Brest juin 2013.
Sarrazin J., Sarradin, PM, Olu K, Menot L, Aron M. (2013). Images et environnements profonds. Journées Comin-Labs, Rennes 16 décembre 2013.
Sarrazin, J. (2013) ANR DEEP OASES, présentation orale au CA de l'Europôle Mer, 20 septembre 2013, Brest
Henri P., Rommevaux-Jestin C., Ménez B., Lesongeur F., Godfroy A. and MoMAR Team, 2012 - Basalt alteration by endemic microorganisms of hydrothermal vents- GEOCEAN Symposium in tribute to Jean Francheteau, Brest.
Henri Pauline, Rommevaux-Jestin C. & Ménez B., 2012 - Basalt alteration by endemic microorganisms of hydrothermal vents- Journées Scientifiques IODP-France, Paris.
Rommevaux-Jestin C., Ménez B. and the MoMAR scientific party, 2012 - In Situ colonization experiments of oceanic peridotites - Serpentine Days, Porquerolles, France.
Ravaux J., Sarrazin J. et Barthelemy D. (2011) La vie sous pression. Conférence donnée aux membres du GDR Ecchis, jeudi 17 mars 2011, Océanopolis, Brest.
Sarradin P.M., Rouxel O., Maia M. (2011) LabexMER Axe 3, Interactions géobiologiques en milieux extrêmes, Assises des Sciences et Techniques de la Mer, 16-17 mai 2011, Brest.
Sarrazin, J, Jérôme Blandin, Julien Legrand, Christian Le Gall & Pierre Marie Sarradin. Community dynamics on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Momar meeting, Paris, 24 mai 2011.
Zeppilli D., et al. Macro- and meiofauna colonization dynamic of organic and inorganic substrata at the deep-sea Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Journée de l'ANR LuckyScale, Brest (France)
Références des rapports de contrats (Union européenne, FAO, Convention, Collectivités ...)
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Legrand Julien, Godfroy Anne, Cannat Mathilde (2021). Compte-rendu opérationnel de la campagne MoMARSAT 2020 - LuckyDivMic2020. Zone de travail - Lucky Strike. Infrastructure de recherche-EMSO-Açores. Navire Pourquoi Pas ? Submersible VICTOR6000.
Alix Anne-Sophie, Besson Florian, Cambon Bonavita Marie-Anne, Chu Nan-Chin, Fouquet Yves Sebastien (2020). Rapport de veille scientifique et technologique relative aux ressources minérales non énergétiques des grands fonds. Convention référence 19/1000 085 entre le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire - Direction de l'Eau et de la Biodiversité et l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer - Action 5.2. REM/2020-027. Rapport n°10, juin 2020.
Besson Florian, Cambon Bonavita Marie-Anne, Chu Nan-Chin, Cuif Marion, Lacroix Denis, Le Gall Morgane, Menot Lenaick, Pelleter Ewan, Sarradin Pierre-Marie (2020). Rapport de veille scientifique et technologique relative aux ressources minérales non énergétiques des grands fonds. Convention référence 19/1000 085-AV1 entre le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique - Direction de l'Eau et de la Biodiversité et l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer - Action 5. 2. REM/2020-033. Rapport de veille scientifique n°11.
Marticorena J., Ramirez-Llodra E., Sarrazin J., Zeppilli D., Pastor L., Matabos M. (2020). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel avril 2020.
Marticorena J., Sanchez Santos N., Pastor L., Sarrazin J., Ramirez-Llodra E., Zeppilli D., Matabos M. (2020). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel février 2020
Marticorena J., Sanchez Santos N., Sarrazin J., Ramirez-Llodra E., Zeppilli D., Cathalot C., Laës-Huon A., Pastor L., Leroux R., Matabos M.(2020). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel juillet 2020.
Marticorena J., Sanchez Santos N., Sarrazin J., Ramirez-Llodra E., Zeppilli D., Cathalot C., Laës-Huon A., Pastor L., Leroux R., Matabos M.(2020). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel octobre 2020.
Matabos M., Bajjouk T., Menot L., Michel L., Olu K., Portanier E., Sarradin PM, Sarrazin J., Tourolle J., Van Audenhaege L. (2020). iAtlantic 1st periodic report 18 months: Partner Ifremer, Month 01 - Month 18, H2020 iAtlantic EU project (No 818123), November 2020.
Matabos M., Bajjouk T., Menot L., Michel L., Olu K., Portanier E., Sarradin PM, Sarrazin J., Tourolle J., Van Audenhaege L. (2020). iAtlantic Internal Report 2: Partner Ifremer, Month 07 - Month 12, H2020 iAtlantic EU project (No 818123), juillet 2020.
Alix Anne-Sophie, Besson Florian, Cambon Bonavita Marie-Anne, Chu Nan-Chin, Fouquet Yves, Lacroix Denis, Le Gall Morgane, Menot Lenaick, Pelleter Ewan, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Ybert Sebastien (2019). Rapport de veille scientifique et technologique relative aux ressources minérales non énergétiques des grands fonds. Convention référence 19/1000 085 entre le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire - Direction de l'Eau et de la Biodiversité et l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer - Action 5. 2. REM/2019-008. Rapport n°8.
Alix Anne-Sophie, Besson Florian, Cambon Bonavita Marie-Anne, Chu Nan-Chin, Fouquet Yves, Lacroix Denis, Le Gall Morgane, Menot Lenaick, Pelleter Ewan, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Ybert Sebastien (2019). Rapport de veille scientifique et technologique relative aux ressources minérales non énergétiques des grands fonds. Convention référence 19/1000 085 entre le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire - Direction de l'Eau et de la Biodiversité et l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer - Action 5.2. REM/2019-033. Rapport n°9.
Marticorena J., Ramirez-Llodra E., Sarrazin J., Cathalot C., Laës-Huon A., Gayet N., Rodier P., Sanchez Santos N.,Zeppilli D., Matabos M. (2019). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel avril 2019.
Marticorena J., Ramirez-Llodra E., Sarrazin J., Cathalot C., Laës-Huon A., Gayet N., Rodier P., Sanchez Santos N.,Zeppilli D., Matabos M. (2019). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel juillet 2019
Marticorena J., Ramirez-Llodra E., Sarrazin J., Cathalot C., Laës-Huon A., Gayet N., Rodier P., Sanchez Santos N.,Zeppilli D., Matabos M. (2019). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel octobre 2019
Marticorena J., Sanchez Santos N., Sarrazin J., Zeppilli D., Ramirez-Llodra E., Matabos M. (2019). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel janvier 2019
Matabos M., Bajjouk T., Menot L., Michel L., Olu K., Portanier E., Sarradin PM, Sarrazin J., Tourolle J., Van Audenhaege L. (2019). iAtlantic Internal Report 1: Partner Ifremer, Month 01 - Month 06, H2020 iAtlantic EU project (No 818123), novembre 2019.
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Godfroy Anne, Legrand Julien, Cannat Mathilde (2019). MOMARSAT 2020 LUCKYDIVMIC2020 SUR LE N/O POURQUOI PAS ? Demande d'autorisation de travaux de recherche scientifique dans la zone économique exclusive sous juridiction du Portugal. REM/EEP/19/07.
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Legrand Julien, Cannat Mathilde (2019). Compte-rendu opérationnel de la campagne Momarsat 2019. Zone de travail - Lucky Strike Infrastructure de recherche- EMSO-Açores Navire Pourquoi Pas ? Submersible Nautile. REM/RDT/19-125.
Alix Anne-Sophie, Besson Florian, Cambon Bonavita Marie-Anne, Chu Nan-Chin, Fouquet Yves, Lacroix Denis, Le Gall Morgane, Menot Lenaick, Pelleter Ewan, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Ybert Sebastien (2018). Rapport de veille scientifique et technologique relative aux ressources minérales non énergétiques des grands fonds. Convention référence 18/2102427980 entre le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire - Direction de l'Eau et de la Biodiversité et l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer - Action 6.2. REM/2018-035. Rapport n°7.
Alix Anne-Sophie, Besson Florian, Chu Nan-Chin, Fouquet Yves, Lacroix Denis, Le Gall Morgane, Pelleter Ewan, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Ybert Sebastien (2018). Rapport de veille scientifique et technologique relative aux ressources minerales non energetiques des grands fonds. Convention référence 18/2102427980 entre le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire - Direction de l'Eau et de la Biodiversité et l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer - Action 6.2. REM/2018-016. Rapport n°6.
Marticorena J., Matabos M., Ramirez-Llodra E., Sarrazin J, Zeppilli D., Pastor L. (2018). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel avril 2018.
Marticorena J., Matabos M., Ramirez-Llodra E., Sarrazin J, Zeppilli D., Pastor L. (2018). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel juillet 2018.
Marticorena J., Matabos M., Ramirez-Llodra E., Sarrazin J. (2018). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel janvier 2018 .
Marticorena J., Sarrazin J., Cathalot C., Laës-Huon A., Gayet N., Rodier P., Ramirez-Llodra E., Matabos M.. (2018). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Rapport trimestriel octobre 2018.
Matabos M, Sarrazin J. (2018). Contribution to MERCES Month 18 scientific progress report
Matabos M, Sarrazin J. (2018). Contribution to MERCES Month 24 scientific progress report
Alix Anne-Sophie, Besson Florian, Chu Nan-Chin, Fouquet Yves, Lacroix Denis, Le Gall Morgane, Pelleter Ewan, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Ybert Sebastien (2017). Rapport de veille scientifique et technologique relative aux ressources minérales non énergétiques des grands fonds. Convention référence 17/1212982 entre le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire - Direction de l'Eau et de la Biodiversité et l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer - Action 5.2. REM/2017-040 - Rapport de veille scientifique n°5.
Marticorena Julien, Matabos Marjolaine, Sarrazin Jozee (2017). eCOREF - Ecological COnnectivity between active and inative sites: REcolonization dynamics and Functional links. (Phase II of the Copper Rising (CuR) opportunities). Quaterly report.
Matabos M, Sarrazin J. (2017). Contribution to MERCES Month 12 scientific progress report
Matabos M., Borremans C., Tourolle J. (2017). Preliminary results from the online annotation tool Deep Sea Spy. Deliverable 14.2. H2020 Envri+
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Cannat Mathilde, Blandin Jerome (2017). Compte-rendu opérationnel de la campagne. Momarsat 2017. Zone de travail : Lucky Strike. Insfrastructure de recherche : EMSO-Açores. Navire : Pourquoi Pas? ROV Victor6000. REM/EEP/2017-04.
Zeppilli Daniela (2017). PIONEER project. Mid-Term Report. REM/EEP/2017-06.
Alix Anne-Sophie, Besson Florian, Chu Nan-Chin, Fouquet Yves, Lacroix Denis, Le Gall Morgane, Mengoni Julien, Menot Lénaick, Pelleter Ewan, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Ybert Sébastien (2016). Ressources Minérales Marines. Rapport de Veille. Convention référence 16/1212524 entre le Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Energie et de la Mer et l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer - Action 5.4. Décembre 2016.
Cannat Mathilde, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Blandin Jerome, Ballu Valerie, Barreyre Thibaut, Chavagnac Valerie, Colaco Ana, Crawford Wayne, Daniel Romuald, Escartin Javier, Legrand Julien, Matabos Marjolaine, Rommevaux Celine, Roullet Guillaume, Reverdin Gilles, Sarrazin Jozee (2016). EMSO-Azores : Monitoring seafloor and water column processes at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Fix03 - Project Newsletter. Service Activities Special, 3(1), 11. Open Access version :
Fouquet Yves, Alix Anne-Sophie, Farcouli Maud, Lacroix Denis, Le Gall Morgane, Mengoni Julien, Menot Lenaick, Pelleter Ewan, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Ybert Sebastien (2016). Ressources Minérales Marines. Rapport de Veille. Convention n°2101589841 entre le Ministère de l'écologie, du développement durable et de l'énergie et l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer - Action 5.3. REM/2016-010 - Rapport de veille scientifique n°1.
Matabos M, Sarrazin J, Borremans C, Tourolle J, Decker C (2016). D14.1. Prototype of a web-based annotation tool ready for user testing. Work Package 14, Citizen Observatories and Participative Science, delivrablel H2020 ENVRI+.
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Blandin Jerome, Cannat Mathilde (2016). Campagne océanographique/Oceanographic cruise. MoMarsat 2016 sur le N/O Atalante. Demande d'autorisation de travaux de recherche scientifique dans la zone économique exclusive sous juridiction du Portugal.
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Blandin Jerome, Cannat Mathilde (2016). Campagne océanographique/Oceanographic cruise. MoMarsat 2016 sur le N/O Atalante. Demande d'autorisation de travaux de recherche scientifique dans la zone économique exclusive sous juridiction du Portugal. REM/EEP 16/02.
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Cannat Mathilde, Blandin Jerome (2016). Compte rendu opérationnel de la campagne : MoMarsat 2015. Zone de travail - Lucky Strike Infrastructure de recherche- EMSO-Açores Navire Pourquoi pas ? ROV Victor6000.
Sarrazin J, Matabos M (2016). Contribution to MERCES Month 6 scientific progress report.
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Blandin Jerome, Cannat Mathilde (2015). Campagne océanographique / Oceanographic cruise MOMARSAT 2015 sur le N/O Pourquoi pas? Demande d'autorisation de travaux de recherche scientifique dans la zone économique exclusive sous juridiction du Portugal. REM/EEP/LEP/14-16 / Réf. 2012.65.
Zeppilli Daniela, Fuchs Sandra, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-Anne, Cueff-Gauchard Valerie (2015). Rapport final du projet ?Deep-sea hYdrothermal Vent nematodes as potential source of new Antibiotics? - DYVA. REM/EEP/LEP/15-15.
Sarrazin, J. (2013). Rapport ANR DEEP OASES pour le pôle Mer Bretagne. 12 pages. EEP/LEP.
Cannat, M., Sarradin, P.M., Blandin, J. (2012). Compte rendu de campagne à la mer MoMARSAT 2011.
Sarrazin, J. et les participants Ifremer Hermione (2012). HERMIONE - Month 36 scientific progress report. Plouzané, Ifremer. Rapport interne REM/EEP/LEP 19/03. 11 pages.
Blandin Jerome (2011). ESONET WP4 - Demonstration Missions - MoMAR D - Deliverable 5 : Integration and test report. RDT/IPR/2011-036.
Rolin Jean-Francois, Blandin Jerome (2011). Compilation of deployment procedures of the demonstration missions and conclusions from the recommended practices. Deliverable #75.
Sarradin, P.M. and Blandin, J. (2011). MoMAR D - D7 - Déployement of the infrastructure. Plouzané, Ifremer.
Sarradin, P.M. and Carval, T. (2011). MoMAR D - D3 - Data Management Policy. Plouzané, Ifremer: 7 p.
Sarradin, P.M. and Colaço, A. (2011). MoMAR D Final report - Esonet NoE. Plouzané, Ifremer: 26 p.
Sarradin, P.M. and Sarrazin, J. (2011). MoMAR D - D9 - Dissemination and outreach. Plouzané, Ifremer: 6 p.
Sarradin, P.M., Blandin, J., Briand, P., Escartin, J. et Cannat, M. (2011). Compte rendu de campagne à la mer MoMARSAT 2010. Plouzané, Ifremer.
Sarradin, P.M., Cannat, M., Blandin, J. et Colaço, A. (2011). Demande d'autorisation de travaux de recherche scientifique dans la zone économique exclusive sous juridiction du Portugal - Campagne MoMARSAT 2011. Plouzané, Ifremer.
Sarrazin, J. (2011) D4 for Esonet. Communication plan and report for the Momarsat cruise. 114 pages. Rapport LEP-
Sarrazin, J. (2011). HERMIONE - Month 24 scientific progress report. Plouzané, Ifremer.
Sarrazin, J. et les participants Ifremer Hermione (2011). HERMIONE - Month 24 scientific progress report. Plouzané, Ifremer.
Sarrazin, J. et les participants Ifremer Hermione (2011). HERMIONE - Month 30 scientific progress report. Plouzané, Ifremer. 14 pages.
Sarradin, P.M., and Colaço, A. (2010) ESONET OM - Periodic actiivity Report. Ifremer, Plouzané
Sarrazin Jozée and the Ifremer Hermione scientists. (2010). Month 18 scientific progress report. Hermione European project. Septembre 2010. 12 pages.
Sarrazin, J, Lallier, F., Godfroy, A., Shillito, B., Clavier, J. et Barbier, G.. (2010) Rapport du 6ème semestre ANR DEEP OASES : Biodiversité des écosystèmes chimiosynthétiques dans l'océan profond. 17 janvier 2010.
Sarrazin, J, Lallier, F.,Godfroy, A., Duperron, S., Clavier, J. et Barbier, G.. (2010) Rapport du 7ème semestre ANR DEEP OASES : Biodiversité des écosystèmes chimiosynthétiques dans l'océan profond. Septembre 2010.
Sarrazin, J. D4 for Esonet. Communication plan and report for the Momarsat cruise. Rapport LEP-2010. 114 pages.
Person Roland, Miranda Jorge Miguel, Puillat Ingrid (2009). ESONEWS - MoMAR/D A demonstration mission to establish a multidisciplinary observatory at hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Esonews, 3(1), 1-8. Open Access version :
Sarrazin, J., Lallier, F et les responsables des équipes de recherche impliquées. Rapport final de synthèse de l'ANR DEEP OASES. 42 pages. Rapport interne REM/EEP/LEP 12/11.
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