References of International Seminar Communications
Tilstone G, Jordan T, Dall'Olmo G, Hieronymi M, Ruddick K, Beck M, Ligi M, Costa M, D'Alimonte D, Vellucci V, Vansteenwegen D, Bracher A, Kuusk J, Vabson V, Anso I, Vendt R, Zibordi G, Donlon C, Casal T, Aurin D, Kovach C, Ondrusek M, Brando V, Lerebourg C, Deru A, Ramsay A, Bialek A, Gossn JI, Kwiatkowska E, Field Intercomparison of Radiometer Fiducial Reference Measurements for Ocean Colour Validation, 8th Sentinel-3 Validation Team meeting, 5-7 December 2023, Darmstadt, Germany.
D Antoine, Vellucci V (2022) Using the long-term BOUSSOLE time series measurements for S-GLI ocean colour System Vicarious Calibration, and for validation of geophysical products, january 2022 update. GCOM-C joint PI workshop, Virtual Conference, january 2022.
Ciancia E, Lacava T, Pergola N, Vellucci V, Antoine D, Satriano V, Tramutoli V Assessment of phytoplankton bloom variability in NW Med Sea by the Robust Satellite Techniques (RST)?, 5th Oceans from Space Symposium, 24-28 October 2022, Venice, Italy.
Vellucci V, AC Banks, A Bialek , D Antoine, N Fox, P Green, M Bretagnon, V Bruniquel, A Deru, OH Fanton d'Andon, C Lerebourg, A Mangin, D Crozel, S Victori, D Androulakis, AP Karageorgis, G Petihakis, S Psarra, M Golbol, E Leymarie, S Hunt, J Kuusk, K Laizans, N Kalivitis, M Kanakidou, B Gentili, M Chatziparaschos, N Daskalakis (2021) Recent Advances for ROSACE: A European Design for the Copernicus Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration Infrastructure. Second international Operational Satellite Oceanography (OSO) Symposium, Virtual Conference 25-27 may 2021.
D Antoine, Vellucci V (2021) Using the long-term BOUSSOLE time series measurements for S-GLI ocean colour System Vicarious Calibration, and for validation of geophysical products, january 2021 update. GCOM-C joint PI workshop, Virtual Conference, january 2021.
Lazzari P, Alvarez E, Terzic E, Salon S, Organelli E, D'Ortenzio F, Vellucci V (2020) Simulating bio-optical properties in the Mediterranean Sea. EGU General Assembly, Vienne (Austria) 4-8 Mai.
Lazzari P, Terzic E, Organelli E, Salon S, Cossarini G, D'Ortenzio F, Vellucci V (2020) The BIOPTIMOD Project: Integration of Novel Satellite and BGC-Argo Optical Observations in CMEMS Biogeochemical Models. Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego, 16-21 February.
Terzic E, Lazzari P, Salon S, Gregg WW, Organelli E, D'Ortenzio F, Vellucci V (2020) Atmospheric and in-water radiative transfer model validation with BGC-Argo float data in the Mediterranean Sea. Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego, 16-21 February.
Vellucci V, Golbol M, Antoine D (2020) Retrieval of hyperspectral CDOM absorption with integrating cavity sphere. EGU General Assembly, Vienne (Austria) 4-8 Mai. Abstract only.
Coppola L, Merlivat L, Boutin J, Lefevre D, Bozzano R, Pensieri S, Testor P, Vellucci V, Golbol M, Diamond-Riquier E, Gojak C (2019) Last biogeochemical results from an integrated open-sea network in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. EGU General Assembly, Vienna 07-12 April.
Lazzari P, Cossarini G, Salon S, Teruzzi A, Solidoro C, D'Ortenzio F, Vellucci V, Organelli E (2019) The BIOPTIMOD Project: Integration Of Novel Satellite And In Situ Optical Observations In CMEMS Biogeochemical Models. EGU General Assembly, Vienna 07-12 April.
Leymarie E, Penkerc'h C, Vellucci V, Lerebourg C, Antoine D, Boss E, Lewis MR, Claustre H (2019) A profling float dedicated to radiometric measurements. IOCCG IOCS 2019 meeting, Busan, 09-12 April.
Vellucci V, Antoine D, Leymarie E, Golbol M, Lerebourg C, Bourg L (2018). Validation of L2 OLCI products with mooring, profiling floats and ship observations. ESA/EUMETSAT S3VT Meeting, Darmstadt 13-15 March 2018.
Antoine D, Vellucci V (2018) Heading to our 20s; some reflections from the BOUSSOLE project. The Fiducial Reference Measurement Network for Satellite Ocean Colour, NPL, Teddington 4-5 October.
Bellacicco M, Ciani D, Marullo S, Doxaran D, Wang M, Vellucci V, Antoine D, D'Ortenzio F (2018) Benefits of a geostationary sensor for daily satellite biogeochemical products. Ocean Optics Conference XXIV, Dubrovnik 07-12 Octobre.
Bialek A et al. (2018) FRM4SOC LCE-1 The Fiducial Reference Measurement Network for Satellite Ocean Colour, NPL, Teddington 4-5 October.
Golbol M, Vellucci V, Antoine D, Bricaud A, Organelli E (2018) IOPs measurements during BOUSSOLE monthly cruises (NW Mediterrannean Sea). Ocean Optics Conference XXIV, Dubrovnik 07-12 Octobre.
Jorge D, Loisel H, Dessailly D, Meriaux X, Bricaud A, Gentili B, Stramski D, Antoine D, Siegel DA, Zheng G, Werdell J, Bélanger S, Kutser T, Vellucci V, Zhang X, Mangin A (2018) Evaluation of the performance of inversion algorithms to assess phytoplankton and colored detrital matter absorption coeffcients from OLCI/Sentinel-3 observations. Ocean Optics Conference XXIV, Dubrovnik, 07-12 Octobre.
Lazzari P, Cossarini G, Salon S, Solidoro C, D'Ortenzio F, Vellucci V, Organelli E (2018) The BIOPTIMOD Project: Integration Of Novel Satellite And In Situ Optical Observations In CMEMS Biogeochemical Models. MED 2018 Conference, Frascati, 11-12 December.
Lerebourg C, Bourg L, Lamquin N, Mangin A, Garnesson P, Leymarie E, Vellucci V, Jaegler T (2018) OLCI performance status. Level-2 validation and Level-3 inter comparison. ESA/EUMETSAT S3VT Meeting, Darmstadt 13-15 March.
Leymarie E, Penkerc'h C, Vellucci V, Lerebourg C, Antoine D, Boss E, Lewis M, Uitz J, D'Ortenzio F, Claustre H (2018) Proval: a profling float dedicated to radiometric measurements. Ocean Optics Conference XXIV, Dubrovnik, 07-12 Octobre.
Tilston G et al. (2018) FRM4SOC FICE-AAOT. The Fiducial Reference Measurement Network for Satellite Ocean Colour, NPL, Teddington 4-5 October.
Bialek A, Vellucci V, Greenwell C, Fox N, Antoine D (2017). Hyperspectral instruments the valuable but challenging way forward IOCCG IOCS 2017 meeting, Lisbon, 15-19 May 2017.
Hemmings M, Kaiser I, Heywood K, Bakker D, Boutin J, Shitashima K, Lee G, , Cobas-Garcia M, Vellucci V (2017). High-resolution measurements obtained from a glider in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea during the spring bloom Good Hope for Earth Sciences IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA meeting, Cape Town, 27 Aug-1 Sep 2017.
Alhammoud B, Vellucci V, Serra R, Lerebourg C, Jackson J, Clerc S, Thepaut O, Bourg L, Martin-Lauzer FR, Mangin A, Goryl P, Gascon F (2017) Intercomparison of Sentinel-2/MSI, Sentinel-3/OLCI and MERIS Level-1 and Level-2 products using absolute vicarious calibration over Rayleigh scattering, Sun glint and in-situ measurements. Options for future European satellite OCR vicarious adjustment infrastructure for the Sentinel- 3 OLCI and Sentinel-2 MSI series,ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, 21-23 February 2017.
Vellucci V, Antoine D, Leymarie E, Gentili B, Golbol M, Lerebourg C, Bourg L (2017). Validation of Sentinel-3A OLCI products using a combination of mooring, profiling float and ship observations. S3VT meetinge, Frascati, 15-17 February 2017.
Bellacicco M, Antoine D, Vellucci V, D'Ortenzio F (2017) A wavelet analysis on high frequency bio-optical properties in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea(BOUSSOLE site). IOCCG IOCS 2017 meeting, Lisbon, 15- 19 May 2017.
Boutin J, Merlivat L, Antoine D, Beaumont L, Golbol M, Vellucci V (2017) Hourly to Decadal variability of sea surface carbon parameters in the north western Mediteranean Sea. EGU General Assembly,Vienna 23-28 April 2017.
Roesler C, Vellucci V, Uitz J, Kramer S, Antoine D, Claustre H, Drapeau S, Ras J (2017) Constructing In Situ Data Sets for Phytoplankton Functional Type Product Validation, ASLO 2017 Aquatic Science Meeting,. Honolulu, Hawaii, February 26 - March 3 2017.
Bourg L., B. Alhammoud, D. Antoine, S. Belanger, N. Chapron, H. Claustre, E. Devred, J. Fischer, P. Garnesson, P. Goryl, N. Lamquin, C. Lerebourg, H. Loisel, A. Mangin, R. Preusker, V. Vellucci, G. Zibordi, 2016. Sentinel-3 calibration and validation for OLCI Ocean Colour products: early results from Mission Performance Centre. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, 9-13 May 2016.
Bialek A., V. Vellucci, B. Gentili, D. Antoine, C. Underwood, N. Fox, 2016. An uncertainty budget for the BOUSSOLE radiometry, as derived using a Monte Carlo Method. Ocean Optics XXIII Conference, Victoria, 23-28 October 2016.
Bruniquel J., O. Fanton d'Andon, D. Smith, E. Polehampton, M. Etxaluze, L. Bourg, C. Henocq, P. Goryl, B. Alhammoud, D. Antoine, S. Bélanger, C. Brockmann, N. Chapron, H. Claustre, J. Dash, E. Devred, J. Fischer,
S. Labroue, M. Raynal, P. Féménias, N. Picot, A. Guillot, A.S. Muir, S. Baker, A. Shepherd, D. Brockley, M. McMillan, G. Quartly, F. Rouffi, 2016. Calibration and validation of Sentinel-3 products: early results from commissioning phase by the Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Centre. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, 9-13 May 2016.
Golbol M., V. Vellucci, A. Bricaud, D. Antoine, B. Gentili, E. Diamond, 2016. Relationships between inherent optical properties and biogeochemical parameters in the NW Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE site). Ocean Optics XXIII Conference, Victoria, 23-28 October 2016.
Goryl P., M. Bouvet, S. Delwart, J.P. Huot, L. Bourg, N. Lamquin, C. Lerebourg, P. Garnesson, J. Demaria, V. Bruniquel, C. Brockmann, R. Doerffer, R. Santer, J. Fisher, F. Zagolski, G. Moore, C. Mazeran, D. Ramon, N. Gobron, J. Dash, D. Antoine, V. Vellucci, B. Alhammoud, 2016. Fourth MERIS data reprocessing. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, 9-13 May 2016.
Huot M., D. Antoine, 2016. Seasonal variation in daily patterns of the quantum yield of fluorescence. Ocean Optics XXIII Conference, Victoria, 23-28 October 2016.
Lerebourg C., L. Bourg, N. Lamquin, N. Chapron, A. Mangin, P. Goryl, D. Antoine, V. Vellucci, H. Claustre, N. Gobron, G. Zibordi, J. Dash, B. Alhammoud, M. Babin, E. Devred , S. Belanger, 2016. Implementation of OLCI level 2 products validation. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, 9-13 May 2016.
Lerebourg C., L. Bourg, N. Lamquin, N. Chapron, P. Goryl, D. Antoine, V. Vellucci, H. Claustre, G. Zibordi, B. Alhammoud, S. Belanger, 2016. Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Centre (S3-MPC), preliminary assessment of OLCI level-2 and level-3 products. Ocean Optics XXIII Conference, Victoria, 23-28 October 2016.
Vellucci V., D. Antoine, E. Leymarie, B. Gentili, M. Golbol, C. Lerebourg, L. Bourg, 2016. First validation of Sentinel-3A OLCI products using a combination of mooring, profiling float and ship observations. Ocean Optics XXIII Conference, Victoria, 23-28 October 2016.
Kheireddine, M., and D. Antoine, 2015. Deriving diel changes of the backscattering coefficient of oceanic particulate matter from diel changes in apparent optical properties: a case study in the Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE site). IOCCG IOCS 2015 meeting, San Francisco, 15-18 June 2015.
Wilson, S.J., D. Antoine, and U. Send, 2015. A Moored Description of the Annual Spring Bloom in the Northwest Mediterranean Sea, IOCCG IOCS 2015 meeting, San Francisco, 15-18 June 2015.
Barnes M. and D. Antoine, 2014. Diel- to seasonal-scale variations of the spectral slope of particulate backscattering in the NW Mediterranean. Ocean Optics XXII conference, Portland (ME), 27-31 Octobre 2014.
Golbol M., V. Vellucci, D. Antoine, M. Kheireddine, E. Organelli, M. Barnes, A. Bricaud, J. Boutin, L. Merlivat, L. Beaumont, B. Gentili, G. Obolensky, F. Louis, J. Ras, V. Taillandier, 2014. The BOUSSOLE bio-optics time series. New developments in the frame of the BIOCAREX project. Ocean Optics XXII conference, Portland (ME), 27-31 Octobre 2014.
Kheireddine M., D. Antoine, V. Vellucci, B. Gentili, 2014. Deriving diel changes of the backscattering coefficient from in situ apparent optical properties: a case study in the Mediterranean Sea (Boussole site). Ocean Optics XXII conference, Portland (ME), 27-31 Octobre 2014.
Organelli E., A. Bricaud, D. Antoine, B. Gentili, A. Matsuoka, M. Golbol, V. Vellucci, 2014. Spatial-temporal dynamics of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Colored Detrital Matter (CDM) light absorption coefficients in the Mediterranean Sea: from in situ data to a SeaWiFS climatology. Ocean Optics XXII conference, Portland (ME), 27-31 Octobre 2014.
Vellucci V., E. Leymarie, B. Gentili, D. Antoine, 2014. Shadowing corrections of BOUSSOLE radiometric measurements. Ocean Optics XXII conference, Portland (ME), 27-31 Octobre 2014.
Wilson S.J., B. G. Mitchell, M. D. Ohman, J. Uitz, D. Antoine, and U. Send, 2014. Chlorophyll Time series derived from a California Current System Bio-optical Model applied to Moored Measurements of Diffuse Irradiance, Ocean Optics XXII conference, Portland, Maine, 27-31 October 2014.
Antoine D., 2013. BOUSSOLE. Sentinel-3 Validation Team (S3VT) Meeting ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 26-29th November 2013.
Antoine D., 2013. Data QA/QC for the BOUSSOLE bio-optical time series project, IOCCG-IOCS Follow-on workshop on Vicarious Calibration, ESRIN Frascati, 2-3 Dec 2013.
Antoine D., 2012, Data QC for the BOUSSOLE bio-optical time series project (issues, and solutions?), OOI Data QC workshop, June 6-8, 2012, Darling Marine Center, Univ. Maine, USA.
Gerbi, G.; Boss, E.; Antoine, D.; Barnard, A.; Brown, K.; DeDonato, M.;Woodward, B., 2012, Measurements of solar radiation from an autonomous profiling float-opportunities and results for validation and calibration activities, TOS/AGU/ASLO Ocean Science Meeting, 20-24 février 2012, Salt Lake City, USA.
Antoine D., 2012, The BOUSSOLE bio-optical time series project: rationale, achievements, and prospects for ~2012-2020, BOUSSOLE inter-agency meeting, 31 January 2012, CNES headquarters, Paris.
Kheireddine, M.; Antoine, D., 2012, Potential of geostationary ocean color observations for the retrieval of the diel variability of oceanic optical properties, TOS/AGU/ASLO Ocean Science Meeting, 20?24 février 2012, Salt Lake City, USA.
Antoine, D., Data QA/QC for the BOUSSOLE bio-optical time series project, Seminar given at the National Physics Laboratory, London, 16 November 2012
Antoine, David; Morel, André; Maritorena, Stéphane; Siegel, David A; Nelson, Norm B; Loisel, Hubert; Dessailly, David - Evaluation Of Particulate Backscattering Inversion Algorithms In Clear Oceanic Case 1 Waters, Ocean Optics XXI conference, Glasgow, 8-12 Octobre 2012.
Barnes, Morvan; Antoine, David - Biogeochemical Inferences From The Diel Variability Of Optical Properties In The Nw Mediterranean, Ocean Optics XXI conference, Glasgow, 8-12 Octobre 2012.
Diamond, Emilie; Vellucci, Vincenzo; Antoine, David; Gentili, Bernard; Obolensky, Grigor; Louis, Francis; Ras, Joséphine; Taillandier, Vincent; Luquet, David - Twelve-Year Achievements Of The Boussole Bio-Optics Time Series Project, Ocean Optics XXI conference, Glasgow, 8-12 Octobre 2012.
Gerbi, Greg; Boss, Emmanuel; Fleming, Robert; Antoine, David; Brown, Keith; Barnard, Andrew; DeDonato, Mathew; Woodward, William - Use Of Autonomous Profiling Floats For Validation And Calibration Of Satellite Ocean Color Estimates, Ocean Optics XXI conference, Glasgow, 8-12 Octobre 2012.
Kheireddine, Malika; Antoine, David - Diurnal Variability of Particulate Matter From Observations of The Beam Attenuation And Backscattering Coefficients In The Northwestern Mediterranean Sea (Boussole Site), Ocean Optics XXI conference, Glasgow, 8-12 Octobre 2012.
Organelli, Emanuele; Bricaud, Annick; Antoine, David; Uitz, Julia - A Spectral Light Absorption-Based Approach For Detecting Changes In The Phytoplankton Community Structure At The Boussole Site (Mediterranean Sea) , Ocean Optics XXI conference, Glasgow, 8-12 Octobre 2012.
Organelli, Emanuele; Bricaud, Annick; Antoine, David; Uitz, Julia - A Spectral Light Absorption-Based Approach For Detecting Changes In The Phytoplankton Community Structure At The Boussole Site (Mediterranean Sea) , Ocean Optics XXI conference, Glasgow, 8-12 Octobre 2012.
Xing, X.; Claustre, H.; Morel, A.; Antoine, D.; D?ortenzio, F.; Poteau, A.; Mignot, A., 2012, Retrieval of accurate chlorophyll-a concentration and cdom absorption from biooptical profiling floats (bio?argo) in various open ocean waters, TOS/AGU/ASLO Ocean Science Meeting, 20?24 février 2012, Salt Lake City, USA.
Antoine D., E. Leymarie, A. Morel, A. Houyou, S. Victori, D. Crozel, and B. Fougnie, 2011, New measurements of the intensity and geometrical structure of the upwelling and downwelling underwater light fields (radiance distributions), Newrad 2011 conference, Maui, 19-22 September 2011.
Antoine, D., 2011. The BOUSSOLE bio-optical time series project: rationale, achievements, and prospects for ~2011-2020. Invited seminar at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and atmospheric Sciences (RSMAS), Univ. Miami, USA, December 2011.
Antoine D., F. D?Ortenzio, P. Gernez, S.B. Hooker, V. Vellucci, E. Diamond, B. Gentili, F. Louis, J. Ras. Ten-year achievements of the BOUSSOLE bio-optics time series project, 4th ?Oceans from Space? 2010 Symposium, 26- 30 April 2010, Venice, Italy.
Gernez P., D. Antoine and Y. Huot, Diel cycles of the particulate beam attenuation coefficient Under varying trophic conditions in the nw mediterranean sea: Observations and modeling, 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting. 22-26 February 2010. Portland, Oregon, USA.
Antoine D, D A. Siegel, T Kostadinov, S Maritorena, N B. Nelson, B Gentili, V Vellucci, N Guillocheau, 2010, Variability in optical particle backscattering in three contrasting bio-optical oceanic regimes, Ocean Optics XX conference, Anchorage, Alaska, 27 Sept - 1 Oct 2010 (poster).
Antoine, D., 2010, The BOUSSOLE bio-optical time series project: rationale, achievements, and prospects for ~2011-2020, CEOS WG cal/val workshop, Ispra, Italy, 18-21 October 2010 (poster).
Antoine, D., B. Gentili, V. Vellucci, and E. Diamond, 2010, Uncertainties in extrapolating underwater radiometry to ?just beneath the surface? Preliminary results from BOUSSOLE, NASA AOP Workshop, Biospherical Instruments Inc. , San Diego, 8-10 December 2010.
Lerebourg, C., Mazeran, C., Huot, J?P., Antoine, D., Bourg, L., Delwart, S., Ondrusek, M., Lavender, S., Goryl, P., 2010, MERIS vicarious adjustment in the near infra red and visible, Ocean Optics XX conference, Anchorage, Alaska, 27 Sept ? 1 Oct 2010 (poster).
Leymarie, E., D. Antoine, A. Morel, JP. Buis, N. Buis, S. Victori, S. Meunier, M Canini, B. Fougnie, P. Henry, 2010, Measurement of the underwater radiance distribution: First results from a new radiance camera, Ocean Optics XX conference, Anchorage, Alaska, 27 Sept - 1 Oct 2010 (poster).
Antoine D., V. Vellucci, B. Gentili, Radiometric data at BOUSSOLE: techniques for data collection, processing, and quality control, NASA AOP workshop, Univ California at Santa Barbara, ICESS, 13-15 January 2009.
Gernez P., D. Antoine, S. Maritorena and V. Vellucci, Comparisons between in situ backscattering measurements and inversion products using an optical time series, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009, 25-30 January 2009, Nice, France (poster)
Antoine D., C. Mazeran, C. Lerebourg, L. Bourg, M. Bouvet, F. D'Ortenzio, S. Lavender, K. Barker, B. Gentili, V. Vellucci, Update on validation of MERIS rw?s at the BOUSSOLE site, 2nd MERIS/(A)ATSR User Workshop 22nd to 26th September 2008 ESA/ESRIN Frascati (Rome) Italy
Antoine D., E. Leymarie, A. Morel, B. Gentili, J.P. Buis, N. Buis, S. Victori, S. Meunier et al. Anisotropy of the underwater light field: development of a ?radiance camera?, Second International Conference on Optical Complex Systems (OCS 08), Cannes, France, 17-19 March 2008
Gernez, P., D. Antione & Y Huot, Diurnal Variability of the Beam Attenuation Coefficient as measured in situ in the NW Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE mooring), ASLO-AGU-TOS Ocean Sciences 2008, Orlando, USA, 3-7 March 2008.
Antoine, D; Gernez, P, Field characterization of wave-induced underwater light field fluctuations, Ocean Optics XIX conference, Barga-IlCiocco, Italy, 6-10 october 2008
Bouvet, M; Huot, JP; Goryl, P; Antoine, D; Barker, K; Bourg, L; Doerffer, R; Mazeran, C, Santer, R; Zagolski, F; Zibordi, G, The meris water products: performance, current issues and potential future improvements, Ocean Optics XIX conference, Barga-IlCiocco, Italie, 6-10 octobre 2008 (poster)
Gernez, P; Antoine, D; Huot, Y, Field characterization of the daily variability of the particulate beam attenuation coefficient, Ocean Optics XIX conference, Barga-IlCiocco, Italy, 6-10 october 2008
Leymarie, E; Antoine, D; Morel, A; Buis, JP; Buis, N; Victori, S; Meunier, S; Canini, M; Fougnie, B; Henry, P, Anisotropy of the underwater light field: development of a radiance camera, Ocean Optics XIX conference, Barga-IlCiocco, Italy, 6-10 october 2008
O'Bree, T; Bryant, G; Dekker, A; Brando, V; Antoine, D; Chami, M, Modelling volume scattering functions using a multi-modal mie scattering approach, Ocean Optics XIX conference, Barga-IlCiocco, Italy, 6-10 october 2008
Vellucci, V; Ribera d'Alcalà, M; Antoine, D, Absorption properties of particulate matter in the western Mediterranean sea, Ocean Optics XIX conference, Barga-IlCiocco, Italy, 6-10 october 2008
Antoine D., F. D'Ortenzio, S.B. Hooker, G. Bécu, B. Gentili, D. Tailliez, A.J. Scott, A Multi-Sensor (MERIS - SeaWiFS - MODIS) Ocean Colour Satellite Matchup Analysis in the Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE Project), ENVISAT Symposium 2007, Montreux, Suisse, April 23-27, 2007.
Banzon V., C. Kuchinke, D. Antoine, K. Voss, H. Gordon, R. Evans, Fine aerosols and the performance of a dust correction algorithm in the Mediterranean, NASA 2007 Ocean Color Research Team Meeting, Seattle, USA, April 11-14, 2007. (poster)
D?Ortenzio F., K. Niewiadomska, H. Claustre, D. Antoine, P. Testor, Bio-optical Gliders and Profiling floats in the Mediterranean, ARGO Science Workshop - Venise, Italy, March 13 - 18, 2006.
Bécu G., D. Antoine et al., BOUSSOLE: A Joint ESA, CNES, CNRS, and NASA Ocean Color Calibration / Validation and Bio-Optics research program. Poster, Ocean Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006.
D?Ortenzio F., D. Antoine, et al., A Multi-Sensor Ocean Color Satellite Matchup Analysis in the Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE Project). Oral presentation, Ocean Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006.
Dubuisson P., L. Dufôret, D. Dessailly, R. Frouin, K. Voss & D. Antoine, Estimating aerosol altitude from reflectance measurements in the O2 A-band. Poster, Ocean Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006.
Dubuisson P., R. Frouin, L. Duforêt, D. Dessailly, K. J. Voss, D. Antoine, 2006, Estimation of Aerosol altitude from reflectance ratio measurements in the O2 A-band, Proceedings of SPIE conference « Asia Pacific Remote Sensing, 13-17 November, 2006, GOA, India
Gernez P. & D. Antoine, Variability of the Surface Layer Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients with Consideration of Solar Elevation and Environmental Conditions. Poster, Ocean Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006.
Voss K., N. Souaïdia, A. Chapin, A. Morel, D. Antoine, D.K. Clark and M. Ondrusek, Further Testing/Validation of the Satellite f/Q correction. Oral presentation, Ocean Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006.
Antoine D. and A. Morel, "Nuances" in Case 1 waters optical properties: a case study in the oligotrophic northwestern Mediterranean Sea, Ocean Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006.
Banzon P.V., C. Kuchinke, D. Antoine, R.H. Evans, H.R. Gordon, K.J. Voss, Performance of a dust-compensation algorithm for ocean color in SeaDAS: Initial results. Poster presented at the 13th ASLO-ERF-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 20-24 February 2006, Hawaii.
D'Ortenzio F., D. Antoine, et al., A Multi-Sensor Ocean Color Satellite Matchup Analysis in the Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE Project). Oral presentation, Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006. Bécu G., D. Antoine et al., BOUSSOLE: A Joint ESA, CNES, CNRS, and NASA Ocean Color Calibration / Validation and Bio-Optics research program. Poster Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9- 13, 2006.
Dubuisson P., L. Dufôret, R. Frouin, K. Voss & D. Antoine, Estimating aerosol altitude from reflectance measurements in the O2 A-band. Poster, Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006.
Gernez P. & D. Antoine, Variability of the Surface Layer Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients with Consideration of Solar Elevation and Environmental Conditions. Poster, Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006.
Morel A., D. Antoine and H. Claustre, Optical variability and optical "anomalies" in Western Mediterranean waters. Oral presentation, Ocean Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006.
Voss K., N. Souaïdia, A. Morel & D. Antoine, Further Testing/Validation of the Satellite f/Q correction. Optics XVIII, Montréal, October 9-13, 2006.
Werdell J., D. Antoine, S.W. Bailey, G.C. Feldman, S.B. Hooker, C.R. McClain and G. Zibordi, Alternate on-orbit vicarious calibration schemes for ocean color satellites, Poster presented at the 2006 Ocean Color Research Team Meeting, Newport, RI, USA, 10-14 Avril 2006.
Antoine D., 2005, Status of MERIS validation activities at BOUSSOLE. MERIS/AATSR User workshop, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, 26-30 Septembre 2005.
Antoine D., MERIS, MODIS and SeaWiFS validation activities in the frame of the BOUSSOLE project. Ocean Color Research Team Meeting, Portland, OR, USA, 12-14 Avril 2005.
Antoine D., A. Morel and H. Claustre, 2004, Some peculiarities of case 1 waters optical properties in the northwestern Mediterranean sea, ASLO-TOS 2004 Ocean Research Conference, February 16-20, 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Antoine D., The role of optical observations in operational ocean observatories, Ocean Optics XVII conference, Fremantle, October 2004; invited talk.
Antoine D., A. Morel, M. Chami, B. Gentili, F. Louis, J. Ras, A. Scott, D. Tailliez, C. R. McClain, S. B. Hooker, D. K. Clark, S. Bélanger, L. Bourg, V. Fournier-sicre, J.-F. Desté, P. Guevel., 2003, Validation of MERIS level-2 geophysical products derived above oceanic Case 1 waters : early results obtained at three contrasted oceanic sites, 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toulouse, July 21-25, 2003 (presentation).
Lewis M., D. Antoine, B. DeYoung and J.J. Cullen, 2003, Observatories we have known, The Orion Workshop, Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks, 4-8 January 2004, San Juan, Puerto Rico (Poster).
Antoine D. and P. Guevel, 2000, Calibration and validation of satellite ocean color observations: the BOUSSOLE project. Ocean Optics XV, Monaco, 16-20 October 2000.
Antoine D., A. Morel, H. Claustre, and S.B. Hooker, 2000, Validation of MERIS atmospheric correction and pigment retrieval algorithms : Inter-comparison with SeaWiFS algorithms and products. Ocean Optics XV, Monaco, 16- 20 October 2000.