Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Côtes De La Manche
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 17/09/1999 - 22/09/1999
Chief scientist(s) AMOUROUX David , BAREILLE Gilles


Technopôle Helioparc

2 avenue Pierre Angot

64053 PAU CEDEX 9

05 40 17 50 00

DOI 10.17600/99480050
Objective RV COTES DE LA MANCHE had engine problems and did not leave quay in Bayonne. Therefore, the operations were done from a zodiac dinghy. The objectives were to: Determine the amounts of metallic pollutants (Hg, Cu, Zn, Sn, Cd, Pb, As, Sb,) in the different aquatic compartments of the Adour and Nervion estuaries. Characterize the exchanges of metals between the different compartments (dissolved/particulate), between the different chemical forms (organic, inorganic, free, methylated)of these metals, and the related toxicological risks, through the salinity gradient vertical profiles in the water column (interface where marine and fresh water mix). This was done through systematically studying the distribution of metallic pollutants in the Adour and Nervion estuaries with respect to the salinity (gradient), the geographical position (e.g., for sediments) and of seasonal parameters (flood/slack). These studies should enable the available fractions of these metals (free and labile forms), which are known as being the most toxic to living organisms to be assessed and the exchanges between the different fractions to be modelled. Comparing the two Adour and Nervion systems by a statistical data study should enable the levels and sources of potential pollution and their environmental impact to be characterized. This falls under the Aquitaine/Euskadi/Navarre joint cooperational fund (Aquitaine regional council).

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Duran R., Ranchou-Peyruse M., Menuet V., Monperrus M., Bareille G., Goni M. S., Salvado J. C., Amouroux D., Guyoneaud R., Donard O. F. X., Caumette P. (2008). Mercury methylation by a microbial community from sediments of the Adour Estuary (Bay of Biscay, France). Environmental Pollution, 156(3), 951-958.

Dias M., Salvado J. C., Monperrus M., Caumette P., Amouroux D., Duran R., Guyoneaud R. (2008). Characterization of Desulfomicrobium salsuginis sp nov and Desulfomicrobium aestuarii sp nov., two new sulfate-reducing bacteria isolated from the Adour estuary (French Atlantic coast) with specific mercury methylation potentials. Systematic And Applied Microbiology, 31(1), 30-37.

Goni-Urriza M. S., Point D., Amouroux D., Guyoneaud R., Donard O. F. X., Caumette P., Duran R. (2007). Bacterial community structure along the Adour estuary (French Atlantic coast): influence of salinity gradient versus metal contamination. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 49(1), 47-56. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Point David, Bareille Gilles, Amouroux David, Etcheber Henri, Donard Olivier F. X. (2007). Reactivity, interactions and transport of trace elements, organic carbon and particulate material in a mountain range river system (Adour River, France). Journal Of Environmental Monitoring, 9(2), 157-167.

Stoichev T, Amouroux D, Monperrus M, Point D, Tessier E, Bareille G, Donard Ofx (2006). Mercury in surface waters of a macrotidal urban estuary (River Adour, south-west France). Chemistry And Ecology, 22(2), 137-148.

Monperrus Mathilde, Point David, Grall Jacques, Chauvaud Laurent, Amouroux David, Bareille Gilles, Donard Olivier (2005). Determination of metal and organometal trophic bioaccumulation in the benthic macrofauna of the Adour estuary coastal zone (SW France, Bay of Biscay). Journal Of Environmental Monitoring, 7(7), 693-700.

Martin-Doimeadios Rc, Tessier E, Amouroux D, Guyoneaud R, Duran R, Caumette P, Donard Ofx (2004). Mercury methylation/demethylation and volatilization pathways in estuarine sediment slurries using species-specific enriched stable isotopes. Marine Chemistry, 90(1-4), 107-123.

Stoichev T, Amouroux David, Wasserman Jc, Point D, de Diego A, Bareille Gilles, Donard Ofx (2004). Dynamics of mercury species in surface sediments of a macrotidal estuarine-coastal system (Adour River, Bay of Biscay). Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 59(3), 511-521.

Stoichev T, Martin-Doimeadios Rcr, Amouroux David, Molenat N, Donard Ofx (2002). Application of cryofocusing hydride generation and atomic fluorescence detection for dissolved mercury species determination in natural water samples. Journal Of Environmental Monitoring, 4(4), 517-521.