Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 01/01/1999 - 31/12/1999
Chief scientist(s) GRENZ Christian


163 avenue de Luminy

Bâtiment Méditerranée

13288 Marseille Cedex 9

+33(0)4 86 09 05 00

DOI 10.17600/99450100
Objective This programme specifically aimed, at the SOFI site, to estimate the spring variability of pelagic primary production, estimate the vertical fluxes exporting the matter produced and quantify the reactions of the benthic compartment to the organic matter arriving on the seabed in terms of bacterial activities, macrobenthic dynamics and nutrient and oxygen fluxes at the water-sediment interface. Comparing these measurements with those made at other sites with different bathymetric and biogeochemical characteristics will enable part of the horizontal spatial variability to be estimated. Issues of spatial variability of the biogeochemical features of sediments and fluxes at the water-sediment interface will also be addressed by comparing the SOFI site to others in the framework of the BIOMED, Muddylion, BBLL (PNOC 2), HFF and PROVESS (MAST III) programmes either underway or to come (1997, 98 and 99). -> On a monthly basis in water column: CTD profiles, rosette hydrocast, ADCP, -> On a monthly basis in water column: primary production by in situ incubation (C14) combined with assimilation and regeneration of ammonium and nitrate (N15), sediment core samples to characterize the sediments and measure oxygen and nutrient fluxes at the water-sediment interface. These measurements are supplemented by those of bacterial activity and bioturbation of the macrobenthos. The variability over time and space of the area will also be studied using infrared satellite imaging (and visible imagery if available). In addition, continuous recording by the instrumented array (CT, currents, particle traps). This project was part of the PNOC II (1996-2000) project. The SOFI99 mission dates were: 21-23/01, 20-25/02, 01/04 (on RV Georges Petit), 19-23/05 (G.Petit), 22-27/06, 08-10/07, 13-16/08, 09-14/09, 05-08/10, 12-16/11(G.Petit) and 11-16/12.

Data managed by SISMER




Leblanc K, Queguiner B, Raimbault P, Garcia N (2005). Efficiency of the silicate pump at a coastal oligotrophic site in the Mediterranean Sea. Biogeosciences, 2(3), 219-229. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Leblanc K, Queguiner B, Garcia N, Rimmelin P, Raimbault P (2003). Silicon cycle in the NW Mediterranean Sea: seasonal study of a coastal oligotrophic site. Oceanologica Acta, 26(4), 339-355. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Denis Lionel, Grenz Christian, Alliot Elisabeth, Rodier Martine (2001). Temporal variability in dissolved inorganic nitrogen fluxes at the sediment-water interface and related annual budget on a continental shelf (NW Mediterranean). Oceanologica Acta, 24(1), 85-97. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :