Bourdon Bernard, Van Orman James A. (2009).
Melting of enriched mantle beneath Pitcairn seamounts: Unusual U-Th-Ra systematics provide insights into melt extraction processes.
Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 277(3-4), 474-481.
Bourdon Bernard, Ribe Neil M., Stracke Andreas, Saal Alberto E., Turner Simon P. (2006).
Insights into the dynamics of mantle plumes from uranium-series geochemistry.
Nature, 444(7120), 713-717.
Aubaud C, Pineau F, Hekinian Roger, Javoy M (2006).
Carbon and hydrogen isotope constraints on degassing of CO2 and H2O in submarine lavas from the Pitcairn hotspot (South Pacific).
Geophysical Research Letters, 33(2), L02308 (4p.).
Allegre Cj, Moreira M (2004).
Rare, gas systematics and the origin of oceanic islands: the key role of entrainment at the 670 km boundary layer.
Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 228(1-2), 85-92.
Hekinian Roger, Cheminee J, Dubois J, Stoffers P, Scott S, Guivel C, Garbe Schonberg D, Devey C, Bourdon B, Lackschewitz K, McMmurtry G, Le Drezen Eliane (2003).
The Pitcairn hotspot in the South Pacific: distribution and composition of submarine volcanic sequences.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 121(3-4), 219-245. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline
Aubaud Cyril, Pineau Françoise, Hekinian Roger, Javoy Marc (2005). Degassing of CO2 and H2O in submarine lavas from the Society hotspot. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 235, 511-527.
Binard, N., Hékinian, R., Stoffers, P., and Cheminée, J.-L. (2004) South Pacific volcanism: structure, morphology and style of eruption. in: Oceanic hotspots, Intraplate submarine magmatism and tectonism, R. Hékinian, P. Stoffers, J.-L. Cheminée editors, Springer-Verlag, 157-207.
Hékinian, R. (2004) Petrology of young submarine hotspot lava: composition and classification. in: Oceanic hotspots. Intraplate submarine magmatism and tectonism, R. Hékinian, P. Stoffers, J.-L. Cheminée editors, Springer-Verlag, 431-459.
Scholten, J.C., Scott, S.D., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Fietzke, J., Blanz, T., and Kennedy, C.B. (2004) Hydrothermal iron and manganese crusts from the Pitcairn Hotspot region. in: Oceanic hotspots. Intraplate submarine magmatism and tectonism, R. Hékinian, P. Stoffers, J.-L. Cheminée editors, Springer-Verlag, 375-405.
ThieBen, O., Schmidt, M., Botz, R., Schmitt, M., and Stoffers, P. (2004) Methane venting into the water column above the Pitcairn and the Society ? Austral seamounts, South Pacific. in: Oceanic hotspots. Intraplate submarine magmatism and tectonism, R. Hékinian, P. Stoffers, J.-L. Cheminée editors, Springer-Verlag, 407-429.
Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Aubaud, C.(2009). The role of degassing processes on the helium paradox. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 21-26 June 2009. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol73, Issue13, Supplement 1, page A63.
C. Aubaud, F. Pineau, M. Javoy, R. Hekinian, J.-L. Cheminée. (2002). Carbon and water in Pitcairn and Society hotspots, French Polynesia.2002 Goldschmidt Conference, Davos (Switzerland), 18-23 august 2002.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol66, Supplement 1, page A36.
Devey C. W., Lackschewitz K. S., Mertz D. F., Bourdon B., Cheminée . J. L., Dubois J., Guivel C. Hekinian R. and Stoffers P. (2001) Evidence for Preferential Melting of the Enriched Components in Polynesian Plumes. 2001 AGU Fall Meeting.
Hekinian R., Cheminée J. l., DuBois J., Stoffers P., Scott S., Devey C., Le Drezen E., Bourdon B. Guivel C. and Le Bot A.The Pitcairn Hotspot (South Pacific): Lava Morphology, Structure, Composition, Stratigraphy and Hydrothermal Activity. Fall Meeting 2000.
Manuel Moreira, Cécile Gautheron & Claude-Jean Allègre, 2000. He-Ne Systematics in MORB, Loihi, Iceland and Pitcairn :Constraints on He Loss in OIB. Goldschmidt 2000, September 3rd?8th, 2000, Oxford, UK. Journal of Conference Abstracts, Volume 5(2), 716 Cambridge Publications.
Cheminée J.L., Dubois J., Hekinian R. Stoffers P., Amman J., Bourbon B. Devey C., French G., Garbe-Schoenberg D., Guivel G., Lackschewitz K., Lane A., McMurtry G., Scott S. and Thiessen (1999). Geology, Geophysics and Hydrothermalism of the Pitcairn Hotspot: Preliminary Results of the Polynaut Diving Expedition. 1999 AGU Fall Meeting.
Lane A. L., McMurtry, G. M., French G. D., French L. C. annd McCarthy F. (1999).In Situ Geochemical and Microbiological Studies of the Subsurface Biosphere Within Active Hydrothermal Systems: Initial Results of the JPL Underwater Volcanic Vent Probe on South Pacific Hotspots. 1999 AGU Fall Meeting.
Thèses ayant utilisé les données de la campagne
Aubaud, C. (2002) Processus de dégazage et sources mantelliques dans les magmas de type MORB et OIB. Le carbone, l'eau et les gaz rares: aspects chimiques et isotopiques. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris 7, 286p.