Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Côtes De La Manche
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 17/09/1998 - 02/10/1998
Chief scientist(s) DAUVIN Jean Claude , DAVOULT Dominique , LESUEUR Patrick


24, rue des tilleuls

Université de Caen (Campus 1)

14000 Caen Cedex

+33 (0)2 31 56 57 55

DOI 10.17600/98480030
Objective Quantitative mapping of macrobenthic populations in the bay of Seine, metabolic measurements of excretion and respiration of the Ophiothrix fragilis brittle star and hydrology and sedimentology studies of the processes of temporary silting in the north-eastern part of the bay of Seine off the Antifer site. This falls under the PNEC project, Bay of Seine study.



Halouani GhassenORCID, Villanueva Ching-MariaORCID, Raoux Aurore, Dauvin Jean Claude, Ben Rais Lasram Frida, Foucher EricORCID, Le Loc'h Francois, Safi Georges, Araignous Emma, Robin Jean Paul, Niquil Nathalie (2020). A spatial food web model to investigate potential spillover effects of a fishery closure in an offshore wind farm. Journal Of Marine Systems, 212, 103434 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Baffreau Alexandrine, Pezy Jean-Philippe, Dancie Chloe, Chouquet Bastien, Hacquebart Pascal, Poisson Emeline, Foveau AurelieORCID, Joncourt Yann, Duhamel Sylvain, Navon Maxime, Marmin Stella, Dauvin Jean-Claude (2017). Mapping benthic communities: An indispensable tool for the preservation and management of the eco-socio-system in the Bay of Seine. Regional Studies In Marine Science, 9, 162-173.

Dauvin Jean-Claude, Mear Yann, Murat Anne, Poizot Emmanuel, Lozach Sophie, Beryouni Khadija (2013). Interactions between aggregations and environmental factors explain spatio-temporal patterns of the brittle-star Ophiothrix fragilis in the eastern Bay of Seine. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 131, 171-181.

Lozach Sophie, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Mear Yann, Murat Anne, Davoult Dominique, Migne Aline (2011). Sampling epifauna, a necessity for a better assessment of benthic ecosystem functioning: An example of the epibenthic aggregated species Ophiothrix fragilis from the Bay of Seine. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(12), 2753-2760.

Mear Yann, Poizot E., Murat A., Lesueur Patrick, Thomas M. (2006). Fine-grained sediment spatial distribution on the basis of a geostatistical analysis: Example of the eastern Bay of the Seine (France). Continental Shelf Research, 26(19), 2335-2351.

Garnaud Sébastien, Lesueur Patrick, Garlan Thierry (2005). Origin of rippled scour depressions associated with cohesive sediments in a shoreface setting (eastern Bay of Seine, France). Geo-marine Letters, 25(1), 34-42.

Garnaud Sévastien, Lesueur Patrick, Clet Martine, Lesourd Sandric, Garlan Thierry, Lafite Robert, Brun-Cottan Jean-Claude (2003). Holocene to modern fine-grained sedimentation on a macrotidal shoreface-to-inner-shelf setting (eastern Bay of the Seine, France). Marine Geology, 202(1-2), 33-54.

Lesourd S, Lesueur P, Brun-Cottan Jc, Garnaud S, Poupinet N (2003). Seasonal variations in the characteristics of superficial sediments in a macrotidal estuary (the Seine inlet, France). Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 58(1), 3-16.

Lesueur P, Lesourd S, Lefebvre D, Garnaud S, Brun-Cottan Jc (2003). Holocene and modern sediments in the Seine Estuary (France): a synthesis. Journal Of Quaternary Science, 18(3-4), 339-349.

Garnaud Sébastien, Lesueur Patrick, Lesourd Sandric, Poupinet Nicole, Brun-Cottan Jean-Claude (2002). Caractérisation des variations lithologiques saisonnières des sédiments de la baie de Seine orientale ; impact des crues de la Seine (France). Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 334(5), 323-330.

Boust Dominique, Lesueur Patrick, Rozet M., Solier Luc, Ficht Andre (2002). The dynamics of 60Co- labelled sediment particles in the Seine estuary. Radioprotection, 37(C1), 749-754.