Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Guichard, F., Popescu, I. et crew, B. s., (2003): The Black Sea as a record of the younger Dryas climate change. - IGCP464 "Continental shelves during the last glacial cycle", annual conferenc, Wollongong (Au), 42.
Lericolais, G., Popescu, I., Guichard, F. et team, A. s., (2003): Questions on the sea level fluctuations in the Black Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum : ASSEMBLAGE PROJECT. - Ocean Margin Conference, Paris (Fr), 139.
Lericolais, G., Popescu, I., Panin, N., Le Drezen, E., Nouzé, H., Gillet, H. et Garfield, T. R., (2003): The Danube deep-sea fan functioning in a freshwater environment during LGM. - IGCP464 "Continental shelves during the last glacial cycle", annual conferenc, Wollongong (Au), 41.
Popescu, I., De Batist, M., Lericolais, G. et Panin, N., (2003): Characteristics of the gas-charged sediments in the north-western Black Sea. - Ocean Margin Conference, Paris (Fr),
Popescu, I., Lericolais, G. et De Batist, M., (2003): Gas-related instability: a possible control for canyon development in the north-western Black Sea. - Ocean Margin Conference, Paris (Fr), 238.
Ion, G., Lericolais, G., Nouzé, H., Panin, N. et Ion, E., (2002): Seismo-acoustics evidences of gases in sedimentary edifices of the paleo-Danube realm - CIESM Workshop series, 17, 91-95.
Lericolais, G., Popescu, I., Panin, N., Le Drezen, E., Normand, A., Nouzé, H. et Garfield, T. R., (2002): Viteaz Canyon, The only sediment pathway of the Black Sea Shelf ? - CIESM Workshop series, 17, 77-80.
Popescu, I., Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Droz, L., Wong, H. K. et Dinu, C., (2002): Architecture and recent sedimentary evolution of the Danube deep-sea fan (Black Sea) - CIESM Workshop series, 17, 81-84.
Lericolais, G., Le Drezen, E., Nouzé, H., Gillet, H., Ergun, M., Cifci, G., Avci, M., Dondurur, D. et Okay, S., (2002): Recent canyon heads evidenced at the Bosphorus outlet - EOS transactions.
Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Guichard, F. et Major, C. O., (2001): A high-resolution record of the Late Glacial Maximum event in the Western Black Sea. - IGCP 464 - 1st International Congress, Hong-Kong.
Strechie, C., André, F., Jelinowska, A., Tucholka, P., Lericolais, G., Guichard, F. et Panin, N., (2001): Magnetic minerals as indicators of major environmental change in Holocene Black Sea sediments. - SEG, Nice (Fr).
Major, C. O., Goldstein, S. L., Ryan, W. B. F. et Piotrowski, A., (2001): Sr chemistry of mollusk shells shows river/marine water mixing in the Black Sea. 82(47) - AGU, Fall meeting 2001, San Francisco, 608-609.
Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Ryan, W. B. F., Guichard, F., Berné, S., Popescu, I., Ion, G. et Blason scientific crew, (2000): A major erosional surface recognized on Black Sea seismic data during Blason survey. - International Geophysical Conference & Exposition, Bucharest (Ro).
Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Ryan, W. B. F., Guichard, F., Berné, S., Popescu, I., Ion, G. et Blason scientific crew, (2000): An abrupt transition 7500 years ago in the Black Sea results of the BlaSON survey (Romanian shelf). - IGCP 396 - 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Major, C. O., Ryan, W. B. F., Hajdas, I. et Bonani, G., (2000): Late Pleistocene sequences of the Black Sea shelf: calibration by AMS 14C.- Institute of Particle Physics, HPK, ETH Hönggerberg.
Major, C. O., Ryan, W. B. F., Haxby, W. F., Lericolais, G., Berné, S., Panin, N. et Ion, G., (2000): Unconformities, anomalousiy dense sediments, dunes, and depressions of the Black Sea shelf. 81 - AGU 2000 Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 48.
Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Ryan, W. B. F., Guichard, F., Berné, S., Ion, G. et Blason scientific crew, (1999): Preliminary Results of the BlaSON Survey (N-W Black Sea Shelf) : Quaternary Sea-Level Fluctuations in the Black-Sea. - IGCP 396 - Annual Meeting, Cape-Town (SAR).
Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Ryan, W. B. F., Guichard, F., Berné, S., Ion, G. et Blason scientific crew, (1999): Quaternary sea-level fluctuations in the Black-Sea, new discoveries during Blason survey on the North Western Black Sea Shelf. - Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea : Similarities and differences of two interconnected basins - EU, IO/NCMR, IOC/UNESCO, Athens (Greece).
Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Popescu, I., Berné, S., Ion, G. et Blason scientific crew, (1998): Danube and Dniepr paleovalleys : New discoveries during BlaSON survey on the north western Black Sea shelf. - 3rd International Conference on the Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Black and Caspian Seas Area., Constanza (Romania).
Références des communications dans des colloques nationaux
Gillet, H., Lericolais, G., Rehault, J.-P. et Dinu, C., (2003): Enregistrement d'une surface de ravinement messinienne en mer Noire. 335 - 9ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Bordeaux, 228-229.
Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Popescu, I., Guichard, F. et Blason, l. é. s., (2003) : Les variations du niveau marin en Mer Noire depuis le dernier maximum glaciaire. 38 (Livre des résumés) - 9ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Bordeaux, 305-306.
Lericolais, G., Popescu, I., Panin, N., Le Drezen, E., Nouze, H., Gillet, H. et Garfield, T. R., (2003) : La mise en place de l'éventail profond du Danube en milieu lacustre. 38 (Livre des résumés) - 9ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Bordeaux, 307.
Popescu, I., Lericolais, G., Panin, N. et Normand, A., (2003) : Architecture et fonctionnement du système canyon du Danube-chenal du Danube (Mer Noire). 38 (Livre des résumés) - 9ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Bordeaux, 412.
Gillet, H., Lericolais, G., Réhault, J.-P., Panin, N. et Dinu, C., (2002): Discontinuités tertiaires sur la plate-forme roumano-ukrainienne (mer Noire), stratigraphie sismique HR issue de la mission BlaSON. - RST 2002, Nantes,
Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Guichard, F., Popescu, I. et Ryan, W. B. F., (2001) : Un évènement géologique majeur est-il à l'origine de la reconnexion entre la Méditerranée et la mer Noire, il y a 7 500 ans ? 36 - 8ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Orléans, 219.
Lericolais, G., (1999): Présentation de la mission "BlaSON" et de ses premiers résultats. - Séte (F),