Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Atalante
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 26/07/1998 - 25/08/1998
Chief scientist(s) CANNAT Mathilde


1 rue Jussieu

75005 Paris

+33 (0)1 83 95 74 00

DOI 10.17600/98010080

The SUDACORES cruise will explain how the ridge morphology has evolved and its magma supply over the past 10 million years: 1) in connection with the influence of the Azores hotspot in the Menez Gwen-FAMOUS region and 2) in connection with the stages of the OH1 segment's development in the region located south of the Oceanograph fracture zone.

Data managed by SISMER



Sánchez‐mora Dennis, Jamieson John, Cannat Mathilde, Escartín Javier, Barreyre Thibaut (2022). Effects of substrate composition and subsurface fluid pathways on the geochemistry of seafloor hydrothermal deposits at the Lucky Strike Vent Field, Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 23(5), e2021GC010073 (24p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gini C., Escartín J., Cannat M., Barreyre Thibaut (2021). Extrusive upper crust formation at slow-spreading ridges: Fault steering of lava flows. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 576, 117202 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Giusti Marion, Perrot Julie, Dziak Robert P., Sukhovich Alexey, Maia Marcia (2018). The August 2010 Earthquake Swarm at North FAMOUS - FAMOUS segments, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Geophysical evidence of dike intrusion. Geophysical Journal International, 215(1), 181-195.

Escartin J., Garcia R., Delaunoy Olivier, Ferrer J., Gracias N., Elibol A., Cufi X., Neumann L., Fornari D. J., Humphris S. E., Renard J. (2008). Globally aligned photomosaic of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37 degrees 18.50 ' N): Release of georeferenced data, mosaic construction, and viewing software. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 9(12), QI2009 (17p.).

Escartin J, Cannat M, Pouliquen G, Rabain A, Lin J (2001). Crustal thickness of V-shaped ridges south of the Azores: Interaction of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (36 degrees-39 degrees N) and the Azores hot spot. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 106(B10), 21719-21735.

Rabain A, Cannat M, Escartin J, Pouliquen G, Deplus C, Rommevaux-Jestin C (2001). Focused volcanism and growth of a slow spreading segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 35 degrees N). Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 185(1-2), 211-224.

Cannat M, Briais A, Deplus C, Escartin J, Georgen J, Lin J, Mercouriev S, Meyzen C, Muller M, Pouliquen G, Rabain A, Da Silva P (1999). Mid-Atlantic Ridge-Azores hotspot interactions: along-axis migration of a hotspot-derived event of enhanced magmatism 10 to 3 Ma ago. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 173(3), 257-269.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Cannat, M., A. Briais, C. Deplus, J. Escartin, J. Georgen, J. Lin, S. Mercouriev, C. Meyzen, M. Muller, G. Pouliquen and A. Rabain, 1998. La campagne SudAçores : Magmatisme et évolution de la segmentation de la dorsale Médio-Atlantique au Sud de la ZF Oceanographer et dans la région Lucky Strike-FAMOUS. La Lettre Dorsales, 5/1-2, 16-18.

Cannat, M., A. Briais, C. Deplus, J. Escartin, J. Georgen, J. Lin, S. Mercouriev, C. Meyzen, M. Muller, G. Pouliquen and A. Rabain, 1998. SudAçore cruise : Variations in magma supply and the past segmentation of the MAR in the Lucky Strike- FAMOUS and Oceanographer FZ regions. InterRidge News, 7-2, 3-33.

References of International Seminar Communications

Rabain, A. and Cannat, M., 2001. Eruptive fluxes in magma-rich ridge environments: Constraints from seamount size and shape on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (abstract). EUG XI, p 799.

A. Rabain, M. Cannat, J. Escartin, C. Deplus, G. Pouliquen, C. Rommevaux, Activité volcanique et croissance d'un segment de la dorsale Médio-Atlantique, 35°N, RST 2000, p. 216-217, Paris, France, April 2000.

Cannat, J. Escartin, G. Pouliquen, A. Rabain, J. Lin, C. Deplus, A. Briais, C. Rommevaux-Jestin, Formation du plateau volcanique Jussieu à l'axe de la dorsale Médio Atlantique (36°-39°N). Influence du point chaud des Açores, RST 2000, p. 99, Paris, France, April 2000.

G. Pouliquen, J. Escartin, M. Cannat, P. Patriat, C. Rommevaux, Contraintes sur la mise en place d'un Plateau océanique rifté le long de la dorsale Médio Atlantique à l'aide des anomalies magnétiques, RST 2000, p. 215, Paris, France, April 2000.

J Escartin, M. Cannat, G. Pouliquen and J. Lin, Migration of a Mantle Melt Anomaly Along the Mid Atlantic Ridge South of the Azores Hotspot, EGS Meeting, Nice, France, April 2000.

J Escartin, M. Cannat, G. Pouliquen and J. Lin, Structure crustale du Plateau volcanique Jussieu: evolution temporaire des apports magmatiques du point chaud des Açores le long de la dorsale Médio Atlantique, RST 2000, Paris, France.

J Escartin, M. Cannat, G. Pouliquen and J. Lin, Structure crustale du plateau volcanique Jussieu : Évolution temporaire des apports magmatiques du point chaud des Açores le long de la dorsale Médio-Atlantique, RST 2000, p. 126, Paris, France, April 2000.

J Escartin, M. Cannat, G. Pouliquen, J. Lin, G. Ito, Temporal variability in melt production of the Azores hotspot - Mid Atlantic Ridge system, Ridge Workshop on "Physical and Chemical Effects of Mantle Plume - Spreading Ridge Interaction, Troutdale, Oregon, June 2000.

J. Escartín, A. Rabain, M. Cannat, G. Pouliquen, J. Lin , C. Rommevaux & Sudaçores Sci. Party, Evolution of magmatism and growth of segment OH1 during the last ~10 Ma, Ridge 2000 Workshop, 2000.

Rabain, A., M. Cannat, J. Escartin, G. Pouliquen, Mid-Atlantic Ridge-Azores Hotspot Interaction: Evolution of Ridge Segmentation Controlled by Propagation of a Melting Anomaly, EOS, Trans. AGU, 81, December 2000 (AGU Fall'00, San Francisco, USA).

Briais, A., Cannat, M., and the SudAçores Scientific Party, 1999. Analysis of the volcanic plateau south of the Azores from reflectivity data. Results of the SudAçores cruise. EOS Trans AGU, vol.80, 46, 913.

Cannat, M., Escartin, J., Pouliquen, G., Lin, J., and C. Rommeveaux, 1999. Ridge-hot spot interactions: along axis migration of a mantle melting anomaly south of the Azores. (EGS Symposia, Den Haag).Geophys. Res. Abstracts , 1, 191.

Escartin, J., Cannat, M., Lin, J., and Pouliquen, G., 1999. Migration of a mantle melt anomaly along the Mid Atlantic Ridge south of the Azores hotspot. EOS Trans AGU, vol.80, 46, 957.

Escartin, J., Cannat, M., Muller, M., Pouliquen, G., and the SudAçores Scientific Party, 1999. Structure and evolution of a rifted volcanic plateau near the Azores hotspot (MAR 37°N). (EGS Symposia, Den Haag).Geophys. Res. Abstracts , 1, 191.

Rabain, A., Cannat, M., Deplus, C., Escartin, J. and Pouliquen G., 1999. Focused volcanism in the OH1 segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (35°N): A study of seamounts distribution and sizes in the off-axis bathymetric record. EOS Trans AGU, vol.80, 46, 913.

Cannat, M., Briais A., Deplus, C., Escartin, J., Georgen, J., Lin, J., Merkouriev, S., Meyzin, C., Muller, M., Pouliquen, G., Rabain, A., and P. da Silva, 1998. Mid-Atlantic Ridge-Azores hot spot interactions: A rifted volcanic plateau off-axis from the FAMOUS-Lucky Strike region. (abstract) Fall AGU, San Francisco, EOS, 79, 837.

Deplus, C., Escartin, J., Briais A., Cannat, M., Georgen, J., Lin, J., Merkouriev, S., Meyzin, C., Muller, M., Pouliquen, G., Rabain, A., and P. da Silva, 1998. Linking variations in magma supply and segment growth: Temporal evolution of segment OH-1 (MAR at 35°N) during the past 12 myrs. (abstract) Fall AGU, San Francisco, EOS, 79, 856.

Muller, M., Escartin, J., Cannat, M., Briais A., Deplus, C., Georgen, J., Lin, J., Merkouriev, S., Meyzin, C., Pouliquen, G., Rabain, A., and P. da Silva, 1998. Enhanced Mantle Melting Between 5.5 - 8 Ma Beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 37°N, Inferred From the Gravity Anomalies of two off-axis Volcanic Plateaus. (abstract) Fall AGU, San Francisco, EOS, 79, 856-857.

Pouliquen, G., Escartin, J., Cannat, M., Briais A., Deplus, C., Georgen, J., Lin, J., Merkouriev, S., Meyzin, C., Muller, M., Rabain, A., and P. da Silva, 1998. Reconstruction of a rifted volcanic plateau in the FAMOUS-Lucky Strike region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. (abstract) Fall AGU, San Francisco, EOS, 79, 856.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Aline Rabain, 1999. Morphologies volcaniques sur la dorsale Médio-Atlantique entre 34° et 38°N. DEA de Géophysique Interne de Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. Labo d?accueil : ESA 7058-UPMC. Dir. : M. Cannat.

Thesis using campaign data

Giutsi Marion (2019). Apport des données hydroacoustiques pour l'étude de la sismicité de la dorsale médio-Atlantique nord / Hydroacoustic data contribution for the long term seismicity study of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Le Gal Virginie (2017). Traçage thermique et géochimique des systèmes hydrothermaux : exemple d'un domaine océanique jeune et d'une marge continentale / Thermal and geochemical tracing of hydrothermal systems : example of a young oceanic domain and a continental margin. PhD Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.

Gaud Pouliquen. 2001. Thèse de l'Université de Paris VII commencée en octobre 97. Labo d?accueil : UMR de Géomagnétisme-IPGP. Dir. : Ph. Patriat. Cette thèse a utilisé les données magnétiques de la campagne SudAçores.