Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Rig Seismic
Ship owner Divers Prive
Dates 21/04/1998 - 24/05/1998
Chief scientist(s) SYMONDS Phil, MAUFFRET Alain


Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Drive,

Symonston ACT 2609

G.P.P. Box 378


61 2 62499292


Objective The objectives of this cruise are to collect seismic and geophysical data in order to: 1) understand the geodynamical framework and tectonic evolution of the area between the Australian margin and the New Hebrides arc, 2) determine the distribution and tectonic development of the sedimentary basins and ridges located on the Australian Plate between Australia and New Caledonia. The FAUST2 cruise, following that of FAUST1 aboard the Australian vessel RIG SEISMIC, was the second in the cooperation programme between Ifremer and AGSO, called FAUST (French-Australian Seismic Transect). See the agreement signed by IFREMER and AGSO on 21/10/98 and the special agreement signed on board on 14/12/99 by A. Mauffret, P. Symonds and J.M. Auzende (See Cruise report).



Pattier France, Etienne S., Collot J, Patriat MartinORCID, Tournadour Elsa, Roest WalterORCID, Rouillard P. (2019). Neogene-Quaternary architecture and sedimentary processes on an isolated carbonate-fed deep-water basin (Fairway Basin, Southwest Pacific). Marine Geology, 413, 27-47. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2019.04.003 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00488/60001/

Collot Julien, Geli LouisORCID, Lafoy Y, Vially R, Cluzel D, Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Nouze Herve (2008). Tectonic history of northern New Caledonia Basin from deep offshore seismic reflection: Relation to late Eocene obduction in New Caledonia, southwest Pacific. Tectonics, 27(TC6006), 1-20. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2008TC002263 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/4782/

Lafoy Y., Géli LouisORCID, Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Vially R., Sichler Bertrand, Nouzé Herve (2005). Discovery of continental stretching and oceanic spreading in the Tasman Sea. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 86(10), 101-108. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2005EO100001 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00210/32141/

Lafoy Y, Brodien I, Vially R, Exon Nf (2005). Structure of the basin and ridge system west of New Caledonia (Southwest Pacific): A synthesis. Marine Geophysical Researches, 26(1), 37-50. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11001-005-5184-5

References of Technical Reports

Coudun Charline (2021). Evolution tectono-stratigraphique du Fossé de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Mémoire de fin d'étude de l'ENSG, Service Géologique de Nouvelle-Calédonie / IFREMER.