Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Edwin Link
Dates 12/04/1996 - 16/05/1996
Chief scientist(s) GOURIOU Yves


IFREMER Centre de Bretagne

ZI Pointe du diable



+33 (0)2

Objective The ETAMBOT(study of Atlantic meridional transport in the west equatorial basin) project, which is the Hydrology/geochemical tracers strand of the international WOCE programme, studied the circulation in the western basin of the Equatorial Atlantic and taking account of large seasonal variations which are known at the surface and suspected in the deep. The main objectives were to: -study the circulation of water bodies by using the distribution of geochemical tracers, -assess meridional fluxes of mass and temperature in the western basin, -study local circulation and its interactions with large-scale thermohaline circulation. Particular emphasis was placed on studying the NBC/GC (North Brazil Current/Guiana current) current system and the NBC's retroflection. -study of CO2 absorption within the ocean.

Data managed by SISMER



Bonou Frederic Kpedonou, Noriega Carlos, Lefevre Nathalie, Araujo Moacyr (2016). Distribution of CO2 parameters in the Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean. Dynamics Of Atmospheres And Oceans, 73, 47-60.

Baklouti M., Devenon J. L., Bourret A., Froidefond J. M., Ternon J. F., Fuda J. L. (2007). New insights in the French Guiana continental shelf circulation and its relation to the North Brazil Current retroflection. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 112(C02023), 1-18.

Arhan Michel, Treguier Anne-Marie, Bourles B, Michel Sylvain (2006). Diagnosing the annual cycle of the equatorial undercurrent in the Atlantic Ocean from a general circulation model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36(8), 1502-1522.

Touratier Franck, Goyet C, Coatanoan ChristineORCID, Andrie C (2005). Assessments of anthropogenic CO2 distribution in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52(12), 2275-2284. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Andrie C, Gouriou Y, Bourles B, Ternon Jf, Braga Es, Morin P, Oudot C (2003). Variability of AABW properties in the equatorial channel at 35 degrees W. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(CLI5), 7.1-7.4.

Freudenthal Sébastien, Andrie Chantal (2002). The arrival of a "new" Labrador Sea Water signal in the tropical Atlantic in 1996. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(15), 31.1-31.4.

Andrie C, Rhein M, Freudenthal S, Plahn O (2002). CFC time series in the deep water masses of the western tropical Atlantic, 1990-1999. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 49(2), 281-304.

Ternon Jf, Oudot C, Gourlaouen V, Diverres D (2001). The determination of pH(T) in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean and its role in the sound absorption modeling in seawater. Journal Of Marine Systems, 30(1-2), 67-87.

Ternon Jean-Francois, Oudot C, Dessier A, Diverres Denis (2000). A seasonal tropical sink for atmospheric CO2 in the Atlantic ocean: the role of the Amazon River discharge. Marine Chemistry, 68(3), 183-201.

Gouriou Yves, Bourles Bernard, Mercier HerleORCID, Chuchla R (1999). Deep jets in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 104(C9), 21217-21226.

Andrie C, Ternon Jf, Bourles B, Gouriou Y, Oudot C (1999). Tracer distributions and deep circulation in the western tropical Atlantic during CITHER 1 and ETAMBOT cruises, 1993-1996. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 104(C9), 21195-21215.

Bourles B, Gouriou Y, Chuchla R (1999). On the circulation in the upper layer of the western equatorial Atlantic. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 104(C9), 21151-21170.

Arnault S, Bourles Bernard, Gouriou Yves, Chuchla R (1999). Intercomparison of the upper layer circulation of the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean: In situ and satellite data. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 104(C9), 21171-21194.

Pailler K, Bourles Bernard, Gouriou Yves (1999). The barrier layer in the western Tropical Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 26(14), 2069-2072.