Références des rapports techniques
Di Napoli C., Furnari M.M. and Vergara A. (2000). TomoVes Information System: Definition and design, TomoVes web site.
Montelli R. (2000). Seismic tomography and mode1 parametrization, final scientific report of the project contract ERBFMBICT972203.
Shipp R.M. and Singh S. C. Wide-aperture real seismic data: Application of traveltime analysis and full wavefield inversion, Expanded abstract, 62rzd EAGE meeting, 2000.
Tobro J. (2000). Seismic travel-time tomography in three-dimenisons: Synthetic experiments and results obtained using 3D JIVE, LITHOS Science Report, March 2000, 11-20, University of Cambridge.
Tong C.H. (2000). Mode1 parameterisation and assessment in travel time seismic tomography, LITHOS Science, Report March 2000, 10 1 - 108, University of Cambridge.
Zollo A., Gasparini P., Herrero A., De Matteis R., D'Auria L., Avallone A., Latorre D., Russo G., Virieux J. and the Tomoves Working Group. Imaging the mid crustal low velocity zone underneath Mt. Vesuvius by P-to-P and P-to-S converted phases. XXV EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2000.
DOCK PICK (1999). Criteria for identification and picking first P arrival time for Tomoves96 Data, TomoVes Group, Internal report.
Drevillon V. (1999). Travail sur l'ensemble des donnees gravimetriques compilees pour la zone Campanie-Vesuve, Rapport de projet de maitrise, Université de Strasbourg, France.
Tobro J. and Singh S.C. (1999). Joint interface and velocity estimation in threedimensions, LITHOS Science Report, April 1999, 11-20, University of Cambridge.
Turquety S. (1999). Development and calibration of an acoustic tomography experiment to identify the velocity and attenuation of rock samples, Scientijic Memorandum of the project CEE-ENV4-CT98-0698 / 509835.
Virieux J., Zollo A., Auger E., Frattini M., Gasparini P., Simini M., de Franco R., Caielli G., De Natale G., lannaccone G., Martini M. and Scarpa R. Crustal structure underneath Mt. Vesuvius from onland recordings of offshore shots (MareVes97): Data pre-processing and preliminary interpretation, Poster XXII ZUGG GeneralAssembly, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.
Zollo A., De Matteis R., D'Auria L. and Virieux J. Seismic ray-tracing and non-linear inversion using a spectral decomposed propagation media. TOMOVES 1st year- EU projetct Meeting: Looking inside Mount Vesuvius, Napoli, Italy, May 1999.
Caielli G. and Tondi R. (1998). Amplitude analyses along Tomoves 96 profiles, IRRS-CNR, Internal report, April 1998.
Shipp R.M., Singh S., and Barton P. The potential for imaging beneath basalts using 2d full wavefield inversion on sap surveys, New trends in crustal seismology Workshop, 60th EAG, 1998.
Shipp R.M., Di Nicola-Carena E., and Singh S.C. 2-0 full wavefield inversion of wide angle real marine seismic data, Expanded abstract, 69th tneering of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Achauer U., Capuano P., De Gori P. and Tomoves working group. Joint Inversion of Bouguer gravity and teleseismic delay time data for the Mt. Vesuvius/Campania region's deeper structure: Idea-strategy-first results, XXV EGS Geneml Assembly, Nice, France, April 2000.
Auger E., Zollo A., J. Virieux and P. Gasparini. Velocity discontinuity underneath Mt.Vesuvius volcano (Southern Italy), AGU fa11 meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2000.
Auger E., Zollo A., Latorre D., Virieux J., Gasparini P. and Tomoves Working Group. Imaging the mid crustal low velocity zone undemeath Mt. Vesuvius by P-to-P and P-to-S converted phases, XXV-EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2000.
De Natale G., Chiarabba C., Troise C., Piccinini D., Capuano P. and Kissling E. 3D structure at Somma-Vesuvius by joint inversion of shots and earthquake data, XXV EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2000.
Lomax A., Virieux J., Montelli R., Zollo A. and Capuano P. A study of easthquake location under Somma-Vesuvius volcano using different 3D models, AGUfall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2000.
Lomax A., Zollo A., Capuano P. and Virieux J. Tomoves results: A 3D velocity model for earthquake location under the Yesuvius volcano, XXV EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2000.
Montelli R., Virieux J., Nolet G., Lomax A. and Zollo A. Three-dimensional linearized seismic tomography of Mt. Vesuvius with irregular model parametrizations, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2000.
Saracco G., Ribodetti A., Turquety S. and Conil F. Ultrasonic seisrnic imaging of rock samples by viscoacoustic asymptotic waveforrn inversion: Calibratian and developments, IEEE- IMTC rneeting, Baltimore, USA, May 2000.
Saracco G., Ribodetti A., Virieux J., Conil F, 2.5,D viscoacoustic diffraction tomagraphy: Application to Vesuvius Rock Samples, AGU foll meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2000.
Saracco G., Turquety S., Ribodetti A. and Conil F. Estimation of rheological parameters of lava samples by viscoaoustic âsymptotic waveform inversion, XXV ECS Ceneral Assembly, Nice, France, April 2000.
de Franco R., Caielli G., Tondi R., Barzaghi R., Biella G. and TOMOVES Group. Deep structures in the Vesuvius area (Italy), XXV EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2000.
Achauer U., Berrino G., Capuano P., De Natale G., Deschamps A., Chiarabba C. And Gasparini P.. Joint interpretation of gravity and seismic tomography data for Mt. Vesuvius, XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.
Auger E. Preliminary analysis of MareVes data, TOMOVES 1st year EU project Meeting: Looking inside Mount Vesuvius, Napoli, Italy, May 1999.
Auger E., Virieux J. and Zollo A. Seismic tomography of Mt. Vesuvius volcano with Born's quantitative migration, XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.
De Gori P., Cimini G.B., Chiarabba C., De Natale G., Troise C. and Deschamps, A. Crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the Vesuvian volcanic area from teleseismic tomography, XXIV EGS General Assembly, The Hague, Netherland, April 1999.
De Natale G., Capuano P., Troise C., Rosa B., Harabaplia P., Bertrand E., Deschamps A., De Gori P., Chiarabba P.C. and Cimini G. Determination of the Moho depth in the Campanian area by P-SV converted phase of teleseisms: Preliminary results, XXIV EGS General Assembly, The Hague, Netherland, April 1999.
De Natale G., Chiarabba C., Deschamps A. and Kissling E. Earthquake data base for Somma-Vesuvius tomography, XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.
De Natale G., Troise C., Pingue F. and Capuano P. Seismicity and stress changes at volcanoes from interaction of magma sources, gravitational loading, structural features and regional stress: Examples from Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei (Italy), AGU fa11 meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 1999.
Frattini M., Zollo A. and Virieux J. 2D reflector geometry by non-linear inversion of P-to-P and P-to-S arrival times: Application to Mt. Vesuvius active seismic data (Tomoves96), Poster XXIV EGS General Assembly, The Hague, Netherland, April 1999.
Herrero A. and Zollo A. 2-D nonlinear joint inversion of the first arrival and reflected times: Application to Mt. Vesuvius, XXll IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.
Herrero A., Zollo A. and Virieux J. 2-D nonlinear first arrival time inversion applied to Mt. Vesuvius active seismic data (TomoVes96), XXIV EGS General Assembly, The Hague, Netherland, April 1999.
Lomax A., Gaffet S. and Virieux J. Waveform modeling for volcanic tomography: A cornparison of path-summation, boundary integral and finite-difference methods, XXIV EGS General Assenzbly, The Hague, Netherland, April 1999.
Lomax A., Volant P., Berge C. and Virieux J. An examination of linear and non-linear earthquake locations using synthetic travel times from a 3D model, XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.
Matteis R., D' Auria L., 20110 A. and Virieux J. 2-D seismic ray tracing and arrival time inversion using a spectral decomposed propagation medium, XXII IUGG General Assenzbly, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.
Matteis R., Latorre D., Zollo A. and Virieux J. 1-Dl2-D preliminary velocity models of Mt. Vesuvius region by non linear inversion of Tau-P curves, XXIV EGS General Assembly, The Hague, Netherland, April 1999.
Matteis R., Latorre D., Zollo A. and Virieux J. ID12D preliminary velocity models of Mt. Vesuvius region by non-linear inversion of tau-p curves, TOMOVES 1st year EU project Meeting: Looking inside Mount Vesuvius, Napoli, Italy, May 1999.
Montelli R., Nolet G, and Virieux J. Calculating the resolution and the covariance matrix without using singulx value decomposition, XXll IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.
Montelli R., Nolet G. and Virieux J. Delayed time tomography of Mt Vesuvius using an adaptative irregular model parametrization, ICXIV EGS General Assembty, The Hague, Netherland, April 1999.
Russo G. 2D finite differences elastic and viscoelastic models, TOMOVES 1st year EU project Meeting: Looking inside Mount Vesuvius, Napoli, Italy, May 1999.
Russo G., Ferlito A. and Capuano P. A preliminar reference mode1 of shaI1ow structure of Campanian Plain, TOMOVES 1st year EU project Meeting: Looking inside Mount Vesuvius, Napoli, Italy, May 1999.
Russo G., Zollo A., Mango Furnxi M. and Imparato A. Simulation of complete wavefield propagation in volcanic structures, XXII IUGG General Asselnbly, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.
Simini M. Wavefront tracing by array analysis, TOMOVES 1st year EU project Meeting: Looking inside Mount Vesuvius, Italy, May 1999.
de Franco R., Caielli G., Tondi R., Biella G. and Corsi A. 1-D and 2-D seismic modelling of TOMOVES 96 data, XXIV EGS General Assembly, The Hague, Netherland, April 1999.
de Franco R., Caielli G., Tondi R., Biella G., Barzaghi R. Shallow and deep structure from active seismic and gravity data in the Mt. Vesuvius area (Italy), XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.
de Franco R., Tondi R., Caielli G., Biella G. 2D seismo-gravity sequential integrated inversion along TOMOVES profiles, XXIV EGS General Assembly, The Hague, Netherland, April 1999.
Bertrand E., Deschamps A., Chiarabba C., De Natale G. and Virieux J. Lithospheric structure and anisotropy beneath the Vesuvius volcano inferred by broad-band analysis, AGU fa11 meeting, San Francisco, USA, Decrnber 1998.
Bertrand E., Deschamps A., Chiarabba C. and De Natale G. Imaging the upper mantle discontinuities and crustal structures beneath the Vesuvius volcano by stacking teleseismic receiver functions, 29'" IASPEI General Assembly, Thessalonique, Greece, 1997 .
J.C., Nowack R.L. and Virieux J. Inversion of seismic attributes from the 1996 3-D tomography experiment at Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, AGU fa11 meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2000.
J.C., Nowack R.L. and Virieux J. Preliminary seismic attenuation estimates from the 1996 seismic tomography experiment at Mt Vesuvius, Italy, AGU fa11 meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 1998.
Nicola-Carena E., Shipp R.M., Barton P. and Singh S.C. Semi-automated traveltime picking procedure : Application to the analysis of refracted arrivais, Expanded abstract, 62nd EAGE meeting.