Type Campagne océanographique
Navire Marion Dufresne
Propriétaire navire TAAF
Dates 27/09/1995 - 07/11/1995
Chef(s) de mission MAYZAUD Patrick


181 chemin du Lazaret

06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer

+33 (0)4 93 76 38 13

DOI 10.17600/95200100
Objectif Mêmes objectifs généraux (Southern Ocean JGOFS) que les précédentes exceptés : 1) la saison : échantillonner la zone d'étude en période printanière pour affiner l'aspect saisonnier de la modélisation des processus biogéochimiques ; localiser le bloom printanier dans le secteur indien de l'Océan Antarctique. 2) les processus étudiés : transfert CO2-carbone organique, différenciation des flux de carbone ; relations entre qualité de la matière organique, sa distribution spatiale et la dynamique des échelons trophiques supérieurs ; étude des rôles comparés du réseau microbien et du zooplancton ; compréhension des relations entre matière organique synthétisée en surface et sa transformation dans la colonne d'eau d'horizons d'accumulation de particules ; recherche, échantillonnage du panache de chlorophylle de Kerguelen, étude d'une possible "iron-island effect".

Données archivées au Sismer



Pasquer B., Metzl N., Goosse H., Lancelot C. (2015). What drives the seasonality of air–sea CO2 fluxes in the ice-free zone of the Southern Ocean: A 1D coupled physical–biogeochemical model approach. Marine Chemistry, 177, 554-565.

Jacquet Shm, Dehairs F., Lefevre D., Cavagna A. J., Planchon F., Christaki U., Monin L., Andre L., Closset I., Cardinal D. (2015). Early spring mesopelagic carbon remineralization and transfer efficiency in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area. Biogeosciences, 12(6), 1713-1731. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Blain S., Capparos J., Gueneugues A., Obernosterer I., Oriol L. (2015). Distributions and stoichiometry of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the iron-fertilized region near Kerguelen (Southern Ocean). Biogeosciences, 12(2), 623-635. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mayzaud Patrick, Pakhomov Evgeny A. (2014). The role of zooplankton communities in carbon recycling in the Ocean: the case of the Southern Ocean. Journal Of Plankton Research, 36(6), 1543-1556. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sushchevskaya N. M., Kamenetsky V. S., Belyatsky B. V., Artamonov A. V. (2013). Geochemical evolution of Indian Ocean basaltic magmatism. Geochemistry International, 51(8), 599-622.

Lourantou Anna, Metzl Nicolas (2011). Decadal evolution of carbon sink within a strong bloom area in the subantarctic zone. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, -. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Guidi Lionel, Stemmann Lars, Jackson George A., Ibanez Frederic, Claustre Herve, Legendre Louis, Picheral Marc, Gorsky Gabriel (2009). Effects of phytoplankton community on production, size and export of large aggregates: A world-ocean analysis. Limnology And Oceanography, 54(6), 1951-1963.

Carlotti Francois, Thibault-Botha Delphine, Nowaczyk Antoine, Lefevre Dominique (2008). Zooplankton community structure, biomass and role in carbon fluxes during the second half of a phytoplankton bloom in the eastern sector of the Kerguelen Shelf (January-February 2005). Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 55(5-7), 720-733.

Blain Stephane, Sarthou Geraldine, Laan Patrick (2008). Distribution of dissolved iron during the natural iron-fertilization experiment KEOPS (Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Ocean). Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 55(5-7), 594-605.

Sarthou G, Timmermans Kr, Blain S, Treguer P (2005). Growth physiology and fate of diatoms in the ocean: a review. Journal Of Sea Research, 53(1-2), 25-42.

Kopczynska Ee, Fiala M (2003). Surface phytoplankton composition and carbon biomass distribution in the Crozet Basin during austral summer of 1999: variability across frontal zones. Polar Biology, 27(1), 17-28.

Dubreuil Céline, Denis Michel, Conan Pascal, Roy Sylvie (2003). Spatial-temporal variability of ultraplankton vertical distribution in the Antarctic frontal zones within 60-66 degrees E, 43-46 degrees S. Polar Biology, 26(11), 734-745.

Fiala M, Delille B, Dubreuil C, Kopczynska E, Leblanc K, Morvan J, Queguiner B, Blain S, Cailliau C, Conan P, Corvaisier R, Denis M, Frankignoulle M, Oriol L, Roy S (2003). Mesoscale surface distribution of biogeochemical characteristics in the Crozet Basin frontal zones (South Indian Ocean). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 249, 1-14. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mayzaud P, Razouls S, Errhif A, Tirelli V, Labat Jp (2002). Feeding, respiration and egg production rates of copepods during austral spring in the Indian sector of the Antarctic Ocean: role of the zooplankton community in carbon transformation. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 49(6), 1027-1048.

Aumont Olivier, Belviso Sauveur, Monfray Patrick (2002). Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) sea surface distributions simulated from a global three-dimensional ocean carbon cycle model. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 107(C4), 1-19. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Dafher Ev, Wangersky Pj (2002). A brief overview of modern directions in marine DOC studies - Part II - Recent progress in marine DOC studies. Journal Of Environmental Monitoring, 4(1), 55-69.

Aristegui J, Denis M, Almunia J, Montero Mf (2002). Water-column remineralization in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during early spring. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 49(9-10), 1707-1720.

Fiala M, Machado Mc, Oriol L (2002). Phytoplankton distribution in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during spring. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 49(9-10), 1867-1880.

Mayzaud P, Tirelli V, Errhif A, Labat Jp, Razouls S, Perissinotto R (2002). Carbon intake by zooplankton. Importance and role of zooplankton grazing in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 49(16), 3169-3187.

Belviso S, Claustre H, Marty Jc (2001). Evaluation of the utility of chemotaxonomic pigments as a surrogate for particulate DMSP. Limnology And Oceanography, 46(4), 989-995.

Bucciarelli Eva, Blain Stéphane, Treguer Paul (2001). Iron and manganese in the wake of the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean). Marine Chemistry, 73(1), 21-36.

Blain Stephane, Treguer Paul, Belviso Sauveur, Bucciarelli Eva, Denis Michel, Desabre Stéphanie, Fiala Michel, Martin Jezequel Veronique, Le Fevre Jacques, Mayzaud Patrick, Marty Jean-Claude, Razouls Suzanne (2001). A biogeochemical study of the island mass effect in the context of the iron hypothesis: Kerguelen Islands, Southern Ocean. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 48(1), 163-187.

Fouilland E, Courties C, Descolas-Gros C (2000). Size-fractionated phytoplankton carboxylase activities in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Journal Of Plankton Research, 22(6), 1185-1201. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Becquevort S, Menon P, Lancelot C (2000). Differences of the protozoan biomass and grazing during Spring and Summer in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Polar Biology, 23(5), 309-320.

Pondaven Philippe, Ragueneau Olivier, Treguer Paul, Hauvespre Anne, Dezileau Laurent, Reyss Jean Louis (2000). Resolving the 'opal paradox' in the Southern Ocean. Nature, 405(6783), 168-172.

Dafner Evgeny V, Sempere Richard, Yoro Sc, Agatova A, Cauwet Gustave (1999). Application of the wet oxidation method for dissolved organic carbon analysis in the Southern Ocean. Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A-sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes, 329(5), 345-350.

Tirelli V, Mayzaud (1999). Gut evacuation rates of Antarctic copepods during austral spring. Polar Biology, 21(3), 197-200.

Fouilland E, Descolas-Gros C, Courties C, Pons V (1999). Autotrophic carbon assimilation and biomass from size-fractionated phytoplankton in the surface waters across the subtropical frontal zone (Indian Ocean). Polar Biology, 21(2), 90-96.

Pondaven P, Fravalo C, Ruiz-Pino D, Treguer P, Queguiner B, Jeandel C (1998). Modelling the silica pump in the Permanently Open Ocean Zone of the Southern Ocean. Journal Of Marine Systems, 17(1-4), 587-619.

Razouls S, Du Reau G, Guillot P, Maison J, Jeandel C (1998). Seasonal abundance of copepod assemblages and grazing pressure in the Kerguelen Island area (Southern Ocean). Journal Of Plankton Research, 20(8), 1599-1614. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :