References of International Seminar Communications
Jacob J., Dyment J., Yatheesh V. et Bhattacharya G.C., 2009 - Marine magnetic anomalies in the NE Indian Ocean: the Wharton and Central Indian basins revisited - EGU 2009, Vienna, 19-24 April 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11-6417.
Dyment J., 2008 - Oceanic lithosphere subducting beneath the Sunda Trench: the Wharton Basin revisited - AOGS, Busan, Korea, 16-20 June 2008.
Dyment J., Cande S. et Singh S., 2007 - Oceanic lithosphere subducting beneath the Sunda Trench: the Wharton Basin revisited - EGU 2007, Vienna, 15-20 April 2007.
Deplus C., Royer J.-Y., Goslin J., Patriat P., Widiwijayanti C., Bégot J., Bienassis G., Chang T., Cornen G. et Hinschberger F., 2001 - Further evidence for intraplate deformation in the Wharton Basin from a swath-bathymetry survey (MD118-Deflo cruise) - EGS XXVI, Nice, 25-30 March 2001.
Royer J.-Y., Deplus C., Goslin J., Patriat P. et Widiwijayanti C., 2001 - Intraplate Deformation in the Central and Eastern Indian Ocean: Results from a Swath-Bathymetry Survey (MD118-Deflo Cruise) - AGU 2001 Fall Meeting, San Franscisco, Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., F1095.
Beriozko A.E., Deplus C., Diament M. et Hébert H., 2000 - GIS-based Recognition of Linear Features in Geophysical Data Sets - 17th International CODATA Conference, Baveno, Italy, 15-19 October, 2000.
Berezko A., Diament M., Deplus C. et Hébert H., 1999 - Internet Based Geographic Information Systems and Pattern Recognition of Linear Structures for Geodynamics and Environmental Protection - Telematics Applications for Researsch and Environmental Protection, EU-UNESCO Workshop, Kiev-Chernobyl, UKRAINE, February 18-20, 1999.
Hébert H., Deplus C. et Diament M., 1999 - Crustal study of the Wharton fossil spreading center (N-E Indian Ocean) inferred from gravity data: implications for seafloor spreading processes - EGS 99 Meeting, The Hague, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 1, p.191.
Hébert H., Villemant B., Deplus C. et Diament M., 1999 - Contrasting geophysical and geochemical signatures of an axial volcano located at the Wharton fossil spreading center (N-E Indian Ocean): implications for its origin and the intraplate volcanism - EGS 99 Meeting, The Hague, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 1, p. 191.
Hébert H., Deplus C. et Diament M., 1998 - Characterization and modeling of the intraplate deformation in the Wharton Basin (N-E Indian Ocean) - EGS 98 Meeting, Nice, Annales Geophysicae, supp. I to vol. 16, C46.
Deplus C., Diament M., Dubois J., Hébert H., Patriat P., Sibilla J.-J., Bertrand G., Dominguez S., Malod J. et Pontoise B., 1996 - The Wharton Fossil Ridge: preliminary results of a 3D geophysical survey - AGU 96 Fall Meeting, EOS, 77, F690.
Hébert H., Deplus C., Diament M., Dubois J., Patriat P., Sibilla J.-J., Bertrand G., Dominguez S., Malod J. et Pontoise B., 1996 - Evidence for Active Intraplate Deformation in the Wharton Basin, Northeastern Indian Ocean - AGU 96 Fall Meeting, EOS, 77, F684.
DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data
Le Tavernier M., 1998 - Modélisation de la décroissance de la vitesse de la dorsale fossile du bassin de Wharton par l'étude des anomalies magnétiques - Rapport de stage de maîtrise, Paris VII, Juillet 1998.
Hinsberger F., 1997 - Etude de la déformation syn-sédimentaire à partir des profils de sismique réflexion de la campagne Samudra - Mémoire de DEA, UBO Brest, Juin 1997.
Ribes S., 1997 - Analyse des enregistrements du magnétomètre de référence et correction des variations diurnes sur les profils magnétiques (campagne Samudra) - Rapport de stage de maîtrise, Paris VII, juillet 1997.
Segalen L., 1997 - Etude micropaléontologique de roches carbonatées issues de la dorsale fossile du bassin de Wharton - Rapport de stage, IPG Paris, Septembre 1997.