Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Le Nadir
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 05/03/1995 - 26/03/1995
Chief scientist(s) DEVERCHERE Jacques ORCID, BESLIER Marie-Odile


Univ. Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, Univ. Bretagne Sud

Place Nicolas Copernic

29280 Plouzané

DOI 10.17600/95000010

MALIS: MArges LIgures-Sismique. Study of (a) semi-deep to deep structure of passive continental margin of Corse and Ligure; (b) transition with adjacent deep basin.



Nouibat A., Stehly L., Paul A., Schwartz S., Rolland Y., Dumont T., Crawford W. C., Brossier R. (2022). Ambient‐noise tomography of the Ligurian‐Provence Basin using the AlpArray onshore‐offshore network: Insights for the oceanic domain structure. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 127(8), e2022JB024228 (22p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sage F., Beslier M. -O., Thinon I., Larroque C., Dessa J-X, Migeon S., Angelier J., Guennoc P., Schreiber D., Michaud F., Stephan J. -F., Sonnette L. (2011). Structure and evolution of a passive margin in a compressive environment: Example of the south-western Alps-Ligurian basin junction during the Cenozoic. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 28(7), 1263-1282.

Rollet Nadege, Deverchere Jacques, Beslier Marie-Odile, Guennoc Pol, Rehault Jean Pierre, Sosson Marc, Truffert C (2002). Back arc extension, tectonic inheritance, and volcanism in the Ligurian Sea, Western Mediterranean. Tectonics, 21(3), 6.1-6.23.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Deverchere, J., Rollet, N, Beslier, M.-O., (2000). La mer Ligure; structure, évolution, déformation actuelle. Géologues, Union Française des Géologues, Paris, vol.125-126, pp.30-33, 2000.

References of Technical Reports

Nardin, M., Glangeaud, F., Vanpé, J.M., 1996. La campagne Malis-OBS (1ère partie): Présentation des données. Rapport n°25/96, CEPHAG-ENSIEG.

Nardin, M., Glangeaud, F., Vanpé, J.M., en préparation. La campagne Malis-OBS (2ème partie): Interprétation des données; traitement de données multi-composantes multi-capteurs. Rapport CEPHAG-ENSIEG.

References of International Seminar Communications

Deverchère, J., Beslier, M.O., Rollet, N., 2001. New insights on the ligurian sea structure and evolution, from a synthesis of geophysical data. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit., 36, 17-18.

Larroque, C., Bethoux, N., Calais, E., Courboulex, F., Deschamps, A., Deverchere, J., Stephan, J.-F., Ritz, J.-F., Gilli, E., 2000. Joint multidisciplinary studies of active faults and seismic hazard at the junction between southern French Alps and Ligurian Basin. Workshop on Evaluation of the potential for large earthquakes in regions of present day low seismic activity in Europe, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, March 13-17. Cahiers du Centre Europeen de Geodynamique et de Seismologie (ECGS), 18, pp.89-92, 2001.

Larroque, C., Bethoux, N., Calais, E., Courboulex, F., Deschamps, A., Deverchere, J., Stephan, J.F., Ritz, J.F., Gilli, E., 2000. Active and recent deformation at the Southern Alps-Ligurian Basin junction. Workshop on Evaluation of the potential for large earthquakes in regions of present day low seismic activity in Europe, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, March 13-17.

Sage, F., Operto, S., Bethoux, N., Ravaut, C., Schenini, L., Rollet, N., Anglade, A., Moreau, A., Farcy, P., Geli, L., 2000. Crustal structure of the northern Ligurian Basin from OBS and multichannel seismic data. EGS Assembly, Nice, Geophys. Res. Abstracts, 2, pp. 290.

Rollet, N., Bertotti, G., Deverchère, J., Beslier, M.O., 1999. Thermo-mechanical modelage of the opening of the Ligurian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea. EGS Assembly, Geophys. Res. Abstracts, 1, 1, 1999.

Rehault, J.-P., Guennoc, P., Deverchere, J., Mauffret, A., Bethoux, N., Beslier, M.-O., Contrucci, I.; Rollet, N.; Sosson, M., Chamot-Rooke, N., Truffert, C., 1998. Deep and shallow structure of the NW Mediterranean; new insights on the Ligurian Sea and margins. Annales Geophysicae (1988), vol.16, Suppl. 1, pp.90.

Rollet, N., Beslier, M.-O., Contrucci, I., Deverchere, J. 1998. Conjugate margins of the Ligurian Sea, northwestern Mediterranean deep structure and evolution. EGS Assembly, Nice, Geophys. Res. Abstracts, 2, 2000.

Nardin, M., Dietrich, M., Glangeaud, F., et Deverchère, J., 1997. Identification of a velocity gradient in a sedimentary layer from 3-component OBS measurements. EAGE (European Association of Geoscientist and Engineers) Meeting, Genève, 26-30 mai.

Rollet, N., Beslier, M.O., Deverchère, J. et Nardin, M., 1997. Deep structures and their significance in the Ligurian Basin. EUG IX Meeting. Strasbourg, 23-27 mars.

Deverchère, J., Bellon, H., Beslier, M.O., Béthoux, N., Contrucci, I., Deschamps, A., Eva, C., Ferrandini, J., Fontaine, C., Gaffet, S., Gueguen, E., Guennoc, P., Jakni, B., Lange, K., Morillon, A.C., Poupeau, G., Réhault, J.P., Rollet, N., Rossi, P. et Sosson, M., 1996. Geodynamics of the Ligurian Basin and margins. The Mediterranean Basins: Tertiary extension within the Alpine orogen. Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, 11-13 Dec.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Dambricourt, F., 1995. Marges conjuguées en domaine ligure: premiers apports de la sismique multitrace (Campagne MALIS, mars 1995). Rapport de DEA. 36pp. DEA "Géodynamique des marges océaniques et des chaînes de montagne", laboratoire d'accueil: Labo. Géodynamique Sous-Marine de Villefranche-sur-Mer - URA 718.

Thesis using campaign data

Canva Albane (2023). Structure and evolution of the Ligurian back-arc basin and its northern margin : contributions of deep geophysical imagery from the SEFASILS cruise. PhD Thesis, Unversité Cote d'azur.

Nouibat Ahmed (2022). Inversion Bayésienne et tomographie par équation d'onde utilisant des enregistrements de bruit ambiant provenant de réseaux sismologiques denses : Modèles lithosphériques 3-D des Alpes et de la mer Ligure / Bayesian inversion and wave-equation tomography using ambient noise records from dense seismological networks : 3-D lithospheric models of the Alps and the Ligurian sea. PhD Thesis, Université grenoble Alpes.

Bouyahiaoui Boualem (2014). Structure profonde et réactivation de la marge est-algérienne et du bassin adjacent (secteur d'Annaba), contraintes par sismique réflexion multitrace et grand-angle terre-mer / Deep structure and reactivation of the eastern-algerian margin and its adjacent basin (Annaba region), constraints by multichannel seismic reflection and wide-angle onshore-offshore. PhD Thesis, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Université Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen.

Rollet, N., 1999. Structures profondes et dynamique du bassin Ligure et de ses marges. Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Pierre & Marie Curie. Laboratoire d'accueil : Géosciences Azur (équipe Géomer) - UMR 6526.

Nardin, M., 1998. Ondes sismo-acoustiques guidées en milieu marin (de 2 à 200 Hz par petits fonds). Thèse de doctorat de l'Université de Grenoble. Laboratoire d'accueil : CEPHAG (Centre des Phénomènes Aléatoires et Géophysiques).