Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 22/01/2009 - 13/12/2009
Chief scientist(s) LEFEVRE Dominique


163 avenue de Luminy

Bâtiment Méditerranée

13288 Marseille Cedex 9

+33(0)4 86 09 05 00


DOI 10.17600/9450020

The objective of this project was to finance yearly monitoring of the biogeochemical properties in the water column on the ANTARES site over the year 2009 (3-day mission per month). During programmes which have either been completed or are underway, the requesting team obtained financing and collaboration for the technological development of a pressurized sampling bottle (IODA6000: In situ Oxygen Dynamic Autosampler), positioned equipment on existing mooring lines and acquired new instruments to deploy new mooring lines. During operations at sea, studying the speed of remineralization between major compartments (epi-, meso- and bathypelagic) in the water column, in relation with the hydrological regime and some key water column parameters like stocks, diversity and organic matter. - Fluxes of photosynthesis production in the mixing layer associated with remineralization fluxes providing the net community production flux, to quantify the intensity of the biological pump. - the speed of organic matter mineralization in intermediate and deep water; based on complementary methodology to measure oxygen dynamics (ETS activity, IODA6000) using different and complementary sampling methods (Niskin, in situ, PDS, pressurized water sampler, IODA6000) - Structural dynamics (biodiversity) of prokaryotic communities; - The originality of the project, along with the coupling to the water column, is the seasonal monitoring study of the speed of organic matter's remineraliztion. This falls under the OPERA project.

Data managed by SISMER



Tamburini Christian, Canals Miquel, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Houpert Loic, Lefevre Dominique, Martini Séverine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Robert Anne, Testor Pierre, Aguilar Juan Antonio, Al Samarai Imen, Albert Arnaud, Andre Michel, Anghinolfi Marco, Anton Gisela, Anvar Shebli, Ardid Miguel, Assis Jesus Ana Carolina, Astraatmadja Tri L., Aubert Jean-Jacques, Baret Bruny, Basa Stephane, Bertin Vincent, Biagi Simone, Bigi Armando, Bigongiari Ciro, Bogazzi Claudio, Bou-Cabo Manuel, Bouhou Boutayeb, Bouwhuis Mieke C., Brunner Jurgen, Busto Jose, Camarena Francisco, Capone Antonio, Carloganu Christina, Carminati Giada, Carr John, Cecchini Stefano, Charif Ziad, Charvis Philippe, Chiarusi Tommaso, Circella Marco, Coniglione Rosa, Costantini Heide, Coyle Paschal, Curtil Christian, Decowski Patrick, Dekeyser Ivan, Deschamps Anne, Donzaud Corinne, Dornic Damien, Dorosti Hasankiadeh Q., Drouhin Doriane, Eberl Thomas, Emanuele Umberto, Ernenwein Jean-Pierre, Escoffier Stephanie, Fermani Paolo, Ferri Marcelino, Flaminio Vincenzo, Folger Florian, Fritsch Ulf, Fuda Jean-Luc, Galata Salvatore, Gay Pascal, Giacomelli Giorgio, Giordano Valentina, Gomez-Gonzalez Juan-Pablo, Graf Kay, Guillard Goulven, Halladjian Garadeb, Hallewell Gregory, Van Haren Hans, Hartman Joris, Heijboer Aart J., Hello Yann, Hernandez-Rey Juan Jose, Herold Bjoern, Hossl Jurgen, Hsu Ching-Cheng, de Jong Marteen, Kadler Matthias, Kalekin Oleg, Kappes Alexander, Katz Uli, Kavatsyuk Oksana, Kooijman Paul, Kopper Claudio, Kouchner Antoine, Kreykenbohm Ingo, Kulikovskiy Vladimir, Lahmann Robert, Lamare Patrick, Larosa Giuseppina, Lattuada Dario, Lim Gordon, Lo Presti Domenico, Loehner Herbert, Loucatos Sotiris, Mangano Salvatore, Marcelin Michel, Margiotta Annarita, Martinez-Mora Juan Antonio, Meli Athina, Montaruli Teresa, Moscoso Luciano, Motz Holger, Neff Max, Nezri Emmanuel, Palioselitis Dimitris, Pavalas Gabriela E., Payet Kevin, Payre Patrice, Petrovic Jelena, Piattelli Paolo, Picot-Clemente Nicolas, Popa Vlad, Pradier Thierry, Presani Eleonora, Racca Chantal, Reed Corey, Riccobene Giorgio, Richardt Carsten, Richter Roland, Riviere Colas, Roensch Kathrin, Rostovtsev Andrei, Ruiz-Rivas Joaquin, Rujoiu Marius, Russo Valerio G., Salesa Francisco, Sanchez-Losa Augustin, Sapienza Piera, Schock Friederike, Schuller Jean-Pierre, Schussler Fabian, Shanidze Rezo, Simeone Francesco, Spies Andreas, Spurio Maurizio, Steijger Jos J. M., Stolarczyk Thierry, Taiuti Mauro G. F., Toscano Simona, Vallage Bertrand, Van Elewyck Veronique, Vannoni Giulia, Vecchi Manuela, Vernin Pascal, Wijnker Guus, Wilms Jorn, de Wolf Els, Yepes Harold, Zaborov Dmitry, Zornoza Juan De Dios, Zuniga Juan (2013). Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Blooms after Dense Water Formation at the Ocean Surface. Plos One, 8(7), 1-10. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0067523 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00241/35256/

Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Houpert L., Puig P., Sanchez-Vidal A., Testor Pierre, Bosse A., Estournel Claude, Somot S., Bourrin F., Bouin M. N., Beauverger M., Beguery L., Calafat A., Canals M., Cassou Christophe, Coppola Laurent, Dausse D., D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Font J., Heussner S., Kunesch S., Lefevre D., Le Goff H., Martin J., Mortier L., Palanques A., Raimbault Patrick (2013). Interaction of dense shelf water cascading and open-sea convection in the northwestern Mediterranean during winter 2012. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(7), 1379-1385. https://doi.org/10.1002/grl.50331

Schroeder K., Millot C., Bengara L., Ben Ismail Sana, Bensi Manuel, Borghini M., Budillon G., Cardin Vanessa, Coppola Laurent, Curtil Colin, Drago Aldo, El Moumni B., Font J., Fuda Jean-Luc, Garcia-Lafuente J., Gasparini G. P., Kontoyiannis H., Lefevre D., Puig P., Raimbault Patrick, Rougier Gilles, Salat J., Sammari Cherif, Sanchez Garrido J. C., Sanchez-Roman A., Sparnocchia Stefania, Tamburini C., Taupier-Letage IsabelleORCID, Theocharis A., Vargas-Yanez M., Vetrano Anna (2013). Long-term monitoring programme of the hydrological variability in the Mediterranean Sea: a first overview of the HYDROCHANGES network. Ocean Science, 9(2), 301-324. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.5194/os-9-301-2013 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00217/32783/

Van Haren H., Taupier-Letage I., Aguilar J. A., Albert A., Anghinolfi M., Anton G., Anvar S., Ardid M., Assis Jesus A. C., Astraatmadja T., Aubert J. -J., Auer R., Baret B., Basa S., Bazzotti M., Bertin V., Biagi S., Bigongiari C., Bou-Cabo M., Bouwhuis M. C., Brown A., Brunner J., Busto J., Camarena F., Capone A., Carminati G., Carr J., Castel D., Castorina E., Cavasinni V., Cecchini S., Charvis Ph., Chiarusi T., Circella M., Coniglione R., Costantini H., Cottini N., Coyle P., Curtil C., de Bonis G., Decowski M. P., Dekeyser I., Deschamps Anne, Distefano C., Donzaud C., Dornic D., Drouhin D., Eberl T., Emanuele U., Ernenwein J. -P., Escoffier S., Fehr F., Flaminio V., Fratini K., Fritsch U., Fuda J. -L., Giacomelli G., Gomez-Gonzalez J. P., Graf K., Guillard G., Halladjian G., Hallewell G., Heijboer A. J., Hello Y., Hernandez-Rey J. J., Hoessl J., de Jong M., Kalantar-Nayestanaki N., Kalekin O., Kappes A., Katz U., Kooijman P., Kopper C., Kouchner A., Kretschmer W., Lahmann R., Lamare P., Lambard G., Larosa G., Laschinsky H., Lefevre D., Lelaizant G., Lim G., Lo Presti D., Loehner H., Loucatos S., Lucarelli F., Lyons K., Mangano S., Marcelin M., Margiotta A., Martinez-Mora J. A., Maurin G., Mazure A., Melissas M., Montaruli T., Morganti M., Moscoso L., Motz H., Naumann C., Neff M., Ostasch R., Palioselitis G., Pavalas G. E., Payre P., Petrovic J., Piattelli P., Picot-Clemente N., Picq C., Pillet R., Popa V., Pradier T., Presani E., Racca C., Radu A., Reed C., Riccobene G., Richardt C., Rujoiu M., Russo G. V., Salesa F., Schoeck F., Schuller J. -P., Shanidze R., Simeone F., Spurio M., Steijger J. J. M., Stolarczyk Th., Tamburini C., Tasca L., Toscano S., Vallage B., Van Elewyck V., Vecchi M., Vernin P., Wijnker G., de Wolf E., Yepes H., Zaborov D., Zornoza J. D., Zuniga J. (2011). Acoustic and optical variations during rapid downward motion episodes in the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 58(8), 875-884. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2011.06.006 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00303/41412/

Van Haren Hans (2011). Meso- and small-scale vertical motions in the deep Western Mediterranean. Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment, 626(Suppl.), S84-S86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.054

Thesis using campaign data

Séverine Martini 2013. Bioluminescence a proxy of biological activity in the deep sea? Study in the laboratory and in situ of bioluminescence linked to the environmental variables. Aix Marseille University.

Anne Robert 2012. Minéralisation in situ de la matière organique le long de la colonne d?eau : application sur une station eulérienne. Aix-Marseille université, septembre 2012.