Type Campagne océanographique
Navire Belgica
Propriétaire navire Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models
Dates 28/06/1994 - 04/07/1994
Chef(s) de mission MARSSET Tania ORCID


Univ. Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, Univ. Bretagne Sud

Place Nicolas Copernic

29280 Plouzané


Étude de l'architecture d'un banc sableux de la Mer Celtique (structure interne et externe) dans le but de préciser l'origine et l'évolution des dépôts et de la dynamique de courants au cours de la dernière période de remontée du niveau marin depuis le dernier maximum glaciaire (-20 000 ans).

Données archivées au Sismer



Lericolais GillesORCID, Auffret Jp, Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID (2003). The Quaternary Channel River: seismic stratigraphy of its palaeo-valleys and deeps. Journal Of Quaternary Science, 18(3-4), 245-260.

Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID, Reynaud Jy, Baltzer Agness, Zaragosi S (2003). The 'Fleuve Manche': the submarine sedimentary features from the outer shelf to the deep-sea fans. Journal Of Quaternary Science, 18(3-4), 261-282.

Reynaud Jy, Tessier Bernadette, Auffret Jp, Berne Serge, de Batist M, Marsset TaniaORCID, Walker P (2003). The offshore Quaternary sediment bodies of the English Channel and its Western Approaches. Journal Of Quaternary Science, 18(3-4), 361-371.

Reynaud Jean-Yves, Tessier Bernadette, Berne Serge, Chamley Hervé, Debatist Marc (1999). Tide and wave dynamics on a sand bank from the deep shelf of the Western Channel approaches. Marine Geology, 161(2-4), 339-359.

Reynaud Jean, Tessier Bernadette, Proust Jn, Dalrymple R, Marsset TaniaORCID, de Batist M, Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID, Lericolais GillesORCID (1999). Eustatic and hydrodynamic controls on the architecture of a deep shelf sand bank (Celtic Sea). Sedimentology, 46(4), 703-721.

Reynaud Jean-Yves, Lauriat-Rage Agnès, Tessier Bernadette, Neraudeau Didier, Braccini Eric, Carriol René-Pierre, Clet-Pellerin Martine, Moullade Michel, Lericolais GillesORCID (1999). Importations et remaniements de thanatofaunes dans les sables de la plate-forme profonde des approches occidentales de la Manche. Oceanologica Acta, 22(4), 381-396. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Marsset TaniaORCID, Tessier Bernadette, Reynaud Jean-Yves, de Batist M, Plagnol Clara (1999). The Celtic Sea banks: an example of sand body analysis from very high-resolution seismic data. Marine Geology, 158(1-4), 89-109. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Reynaud J.-Y., Tessier B., Proust J.-N., Dalrymple R. W., Bourillet J.-F., De Batist M., Lericolais G., Berne S., Marsset T. (1999). Architecture and sequence stratigraphy of a late Neogene incised valley at the shelf margin, southern Celtic Sea. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 69(2), 351-364.

Berne S., Lericolais G., Marsset T., Bourillet J. F., De Batist M. (1998). Erosional offshore sand ridges and lowstand shorefaces; examples from tide- and wave-dominated environments of France. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 68(4), 540-555.

Références des rapports techniques

Ifremer (1994). BELGICA 94/17 - 29/06 au 04/07/94 - Banc du Kaiser - I - Hind (mer celtique). Cahier de quart (original) / BELGICA 94/17 - 29/06 au 04/07/94.

Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux

Bourillet J-F., Zaragosi S, Lericolais G., Droz L. and Le Roy P., 2004. Shallow to deep deposits of the « Manche » palaeoriver (NW Europe), IGCP449 Final plenary meeting, p14, 12-18 december 2004, Malaga, Spain.

Lericolais, G., Bourillet J.F. (1999). The Channel system. In "COMPLEX, Conference for Multi-Platform Exploration Ocean Drilling post-2003, 25-29 May 1999", pp. Abstract, 139-140., Vancouver

Bourillet J.F., Peyre S., Marsset T., Lericolais G., Berné S., Henriet J.P., Reynaud J.Y., Tessier B., 1998. Incised paleovalleys and canyons networks : the western approaches margin. SEPM- IAS Research Conference, Strata and Sequences on shelves and slopes, 15-19 sep. 1998, Sicile. Abstract, .

Reynaud J.Y., Tessier B., Bourillet J.F., Dalrymple R.W., Proust J.N., Lericolais G., Berné S., Marsset T., De Batist M., 1998. Late neogene compound incised valleys on the western European shelf (outer Celtic Sea). SEPM- IAS Research Conference, Strata and Sequences on shelves and slopes, 15-19 sep. 1998, Sicile. Abstract,

Tessier B., Reynaud J.Y., Marsset T., Proust J.N., Dalrymple R.W., 1998. Long term tidal signal induced by a sea level rise as recorded in a deep-shelf sand bank (Celtic Sea). SEPM- IAS Research Conference, Strata and Sequences on shelves and slopes, 15-19 sep. 1998, Sicile. Abstract, .

Marsset T., De Batist M., Tessier B., Plagnol C., Reynaud J. Y., 1997. New insight into the internal structures and buil-up processses of sand banks in the Celtic sea. AAPG Annual Convention 1997. Abstract.

Marsset T., Tessier B., Reynaud J.Y., De Batist M., Plagnol C., 1997. New insight into the internal structures and build-up processes of sand banks in the Celtic Sea. 18th IAS Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology, 2-4 September 1997 Heildeberg. Abstract, 227.

Reynaud J.Y., Tessier B., Proust J.N., Marsset T., Lericolais G., Berné S., Vanhauwaert P., De Batist M., 1994. High and very high resolution seismic stratigraphy of a Celtic sea sand bank. 2nd International Conference on the Geology of Siliciclastic Shelf Seas (Southern North Sea and other examples).24-28 May 1994,Gent.Abstract, 97-98.

Références des communications dans des colloques nationaux

Lericolais, G., Bourillet J.-F. (2000). "Why a drilling in the English Channel for 2003 ODP new program". In "European Ocean Drilling Forum, 10-11 april 2000. Abstract, PI-29.", LA Grande Motte.

Marsset T., Reynaud J.Y., Tessier B., De Batist M., 1998. Structure interne et processus de construction des bancs sableux de la Mer Celtique. 17ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 31 mars- 3 avril 1998, Brest. Résumé, p. 157.

Reynaud J.Y., Bourillet J.F., Tessier B., Proust J.N., Lericolais G., Berné S., Marsset T., 1998. Architecture des vallées incisées sur la plateforme profonde des Approches Occidentales de la Manche. 17ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 31 mars- 3 avril 1998, Brest. Résumé, p. 183.

Références des rapports de contrats (Union européenne, FAO, Convention, Collectivités ...)

Peyre, S. 1997. Interprétation de profils sismiques et cartographie de paléovallées au large de Brest. DRO/GM-97-13, IFREMER.

MARSSET T., REYNAUD J.-Y., DE BATIST M., MISSIAEN T., BERNE S., TESSIER B., LE DREZEN E., CHAMLEY H., 1994. Analysis of internal structures of sandbanks by geosonic recordings. In :Final Report MAST Project MAST-CT92-0029 (Starfish), 93-99.

MARSSET T., REYNAUD J.-Y., DE BATIST M., MISSIAEN T., BERNE S., TESSIER B., LE DREZEN E., CHAMLEY H., 1994. Side-scan sonar recordings on the Celtic Banks and on the bassure de Baas Bank. In : Annual Report of MAST project CT-92-0029, 74-92.

De Moor G, Lanckneus J., Heyse I., De Schaepmeester G., Terwindt HJ., Stolk A., Chamley H., Reynaud JY., Trentesaux A., Tessier B., Berné S., Marsset T., Bourillet JF., Vincent C., Houthuys R., Van Sieleghem J., De Putter B., Van Cauwenberghe C., Pollentier A., Backers J., De Batist M., Missiaen T., Pichot G. : Sediment transport and bedform mobility in a sandy shelf environment. Final Report MAST PROJECT MAS-CT92- 0029 (STARFISH) 93-99.

Thèses ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Tessier, B., 1997. Expressions sédimentaires de la dynamique tidale. Mémoire d?habilitation à diriger des recherches en Sciences Naturelles, University of Lille.

Reynaud, J.Y., 1996. Architecture et évolution d'un banc sableux de Mer Celtique méridionale. Unpublished thesis, University of Lille, 185 p.