Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set RESSGASC
Ship Gwen Drez
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 05/02/1993 - 20/02/1993
Chief scientist(s) FOREST André


Centre Ifremer de Nantes

Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu

BP 2105

44311 Nantes Cedex 3

+33 (0)2 40 37 41 67

DOI 10.17600/93000040
Objective This cruise was part of the programme for quarterly assessments of the quantities of various species (hake, sole, Nephrops prawn, etc.) discarded by fishing vessels (individuals under the legal landing size). These assessments, along with data collected from the demographic structure of landings (using samples from fish auctions), are critical for the evolution of commercial fish stocks. Other occasional operations included collection of biological material, monitoring of macro-waste marine litter pollution, etc.



Drouineau Hilaire, Mahevas StephanieORCID, Bertignac MichelORCID, Duplisea Daniel (2010). A length-structured spatially explicit model for estimating hake growth and migration rates. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 67(8), 1697-1709. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Galgani FrancoisORCID, Leaute Jean-Pierre, Moguedet Philippe, Souplet Arnauld, Verin Yves, Carpentier Andre, Goraguer Herle, Latrouite Daniel, Andral Bruno, Cadiou Yvon, Mahe Jean-Claude, Poulard Jean-Charles, Nerisson Patrick (2000). Litter on the sea floor along European coasts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40(6), 516-527.

References of Technical Reports

Tissiere Laurie (2013). Gouvernance et usages du golfe de Gascogne. Etude pour une approche intégrée de la pêcherie de sole commune.

Martin Jocelyne (2005). Les invertébrés du golfe de Gascogne. Manuel d'aide à l'identification. Version provisoire.

Herbland Alain (2002). Chantier Golfe de Gascogne. Rôle des forçages naturels et anthropiques sur les écosystemes et les principales ressources halieutiques du golfe de Gascogne. Rapport mi-parcours.

Paulmier Gerard (1997). Atlas des invertébrés du Golfe de Gascogne inventoriés dans les captures des chaluts. Campagnes RESSGASC 1992-1995 et EVHOE 1995. DRV/RH/RST/97-12.

Forest Andre (1993). Campagne RESSGASC 33 du N/O GWEN DREZ, 5 - 20 Février 1993.