Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set EUMELI
Ship L'Atalante
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 11/06/1992 - 29/06/1992
Chief scientist(s) BUAT-MENARD Patrick


Orme des Merisiers

Bâtiment 714

Chemin de Saint Aubin - RD 128

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

+33(0)1 69 08 77 11

DOI 10.17600/92000512
Objective The EUMELI operation aims to make an integrated study of fluxes of particles at each step of their voyage, from the time they are formed until they are finally buried in the sediment of the East Tropical Atlantic. Process studies combined satellite techniques and measurements at sea to: 1) link the chlorophyll pigments to fluxes of particulate carbon; 2) associate the particulate organic matter cycle with the cycle of other elements, from surface to sediment. Three sites (Eutrophic, Mesotrophic and Oligotrophic) were the framework for the exercise.

Data managed by SISMER



Zhang Xiaodong, Huot Yannick, Bricaud Annick, Sosik Heidi M. (2015). Inversion of spectral absorption coefficients to infer phytoplankton size classes, chlorophyll concentration, and detrital matter. Applied Optics, 54(18), 5805-5816.

Sauzede R., Claustre H., Jamet C., Uitz J., Ras J., Mignot A., D'Ortenzio F. (2015). Retrieving the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a concentration and phytoplankton community composition from in situ fluorescence profiles: A method based on a neural network with potential for global-scale applications. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 120(1), 451-470.

Mignot A., Claustre H., D'Ortenzio F., Xing X., Poteau A., Ras J. (2011). From the shape of the vertical profile of in vivo fluorescence to Chlorophyll-a concentration. Biogeosciences, 8(8), 2391-2406. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Robin E, Rabouille C, Martinez G, Lefevre I, Reyss Jl, Van Beek P, Jeandel C (2003). Direct barite determination using SEM/EDS-ACC system: implication for constraining barium carriers and barite preservation in marine sediments. Marine Chemistry, 82(3-4), 289-306.

Aumont Olivier, Belviso Sauveur, Monfray Patrick (2002). Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) sea surface distributions simulated from a global three-dimensional ocean carbon cycle model. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 107(C4), 1-19. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Belviso S, Claustre H, Marty Jc (2001). Evaluation of the utility of chemotaxonomic pigments as a surrogate for particulate DMSP. Limnology And Oceanography, 46(4), 989-995.

Tachikawa K, Jeandel C, Vangriesheim Annick, Dupre B (1999). Distribution of rare earth elements and neodymium isotopes in suspended particles of the tropical Atlantic Ocean (EUMELI site). Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 46(5), 733-755.

Bricaud A, Morel A, Babin M, Allali K, Claustre H (1998). Variations of light absorption by suspended particles with chlorophyll a concentration in oceanic (case 1) waters: Analysis and implications for bio-optical models. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 103(C13), 31033-31044.

Cosson-Sarradin Nathalie, Sibuet Myriam, Paterson Glj, Vangriesheim Annick (1998). Polychaete diversity at tropical Atlantic deep-sea sites: environmental effects. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 165, 173-185. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cosson Nathalie, Sibuet Myriam, Galeron Joelle (1997). Community structure and spatial heterogeneity of the deep-sea macrofauna at three contrasting stations in the tropical northeast Atlantic. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 44(2), 247-269.

Legeleux Françoise, Reyss Jean-Louis, Etcheber Henri, Khripounoff AlexisORCID (1996). Fluxes and balance of Pb-210 in the tropical northeast Atlantic. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 43(8), 1321-1341.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Macpherson Enrique (2007). Species of the genus Munidopsis Whiteaves, 1784 from the Indian and Pacific Oceans and reestablishment of the genus Galacantha A. Milne-Edwards, 1880 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Galatheidae). Zootaxa, (1417), 1-135.

Sibuet Myriam, Albert P, Charmasson Sabine, Deming J, Dinet A, Galeron Joelle, Guidi-Guivard Laurence, Mahaut Ml, Buat-Menard P, Cahet G, Crassous Philippe, Gaillard Jf, Geistdoerfer P, Jahnke R, Khripounoff AlexisORCID, Laureillard J, Mejanelle Laurence, Perron Roger, Pierre Charly, Relexans Jc, Rowe G, Segonzag M, Vangriesheim Annick (1993). The benthic ecosystem in the three EUMELI sites in the Northeast tropical Atlantic: general perspectives and initial results on biological abundance and activities. Annales de l'Institut Oceanographique, 69(1), 21-33.

Rabouille Christophe, Gaillard Jf, Sibuet Myriam, Beaucaire C, Bonte P, Crassous Philippe, Jahnke R, Khripounoff AlexisORCID, Legeleux F, Laureillard J, Mejanelle Laurence, Pierre Charly, Relexans Jc, Reyss Jl, Albert P, Buat-Menard P, Cahet G, Crozon Jacques, Galeron Joelle, Geistdoerfer P, Perron Roger, Rowe G, Segonzac Michel, Vangriesheim Annick (1993). Sediment geochemistry in the three Eumeli sites in the tropical North-East Atlantic: general presentation and first results. Annales de l'Institut Oceanographique, 69(1), 35-42.