References of International Seminar Communications
Govin A., Holzwarth U. Heslop, H., Ford Keeling L., Zabel M., Mulitza S. Collins J.C., Chiessi C.M., Tracing African and South American terrigenous input from the modern distribution of major elements in Atlantic surface sediments (35°N-50°S), EGU2011-7253, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.
Tisserand, A., L. Oppedal, T. Dokken, Abrupt changes in intermediate water circulation over the last 25,000 years, INQUA, Bern, July 2011.
Govin A., Holzwarth U. Heslop, H., Ford Keeling L., Zabel M., Mulitza S. Collins J.C., Chiessi C.M., Reconstructing modern African and South American precipitation regimes from major element ratios of Atlantic continental margin sediments, French Paleoceanographic Days 2011, Aix-en-Provence, France, November 2011.
Tisserand, A., J-M. Gherardi Scao, V. Scao and T. Dokken, Bottom water hydrology changes in North-Atlantic Ocean over the last deglaciation based on new Mg/Ca C. wuellerstorfi calibration, ICP10, San Diego, August 2010.
Scrivner, A.E., L. Skinner, D. Vance, C. Le Bras, M. Boyer, C. Colin, S. Pichat, C. Waelbroeck, Neodymium isotopes for palaeoceanographic research: good and bad news, ICP10, San Diego, August 2010.
Tisserand, A. T. Dokken, V. Scao, F. Jorissen, and C. Fontanier, New core-top Mg/Ca calibration of multiple benthic foraminiferal species: Thermometry of the thermocline water in Tropical western Atlantic, EGU2009-4056, EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, April 2009.
Tisserand, A., T. Dokken, V. Scao, F. Jorissen, C. Fontanier, J.-M. Gherardi, New Mg/Ca Calibration of Benthic Foraminiferal Species: Mapping of the Tropical Thermocline Dynamics, Goldschmidt Conference, 2009.
Dokken, T.; Mulitza, S.; Peeters, F.; Skinner, L.; Waelbroeck, C.; Arz, H.; Barbosa, C.F., Response of tropical Atlantic surface and intermediate waters to changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation - RETRO. EGU2008-A-12379/OS20, EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, April 2008.
Waelbroeck, C., E. Michel, J.-M. Gherardi, M. Meland, J.-C. Duplessy, L. Labeyrie, E. Cortijo, Unraveling North and South Atlantic benthic foraminifera isotopic time series over the last deglaciation, ESF EuroMARC conference, La Colle-sur-Loup, France, September 2008.
DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data
Freeman, Emma, Godwin Laboratory. Radiocarbon Evidence of Atlantic Ocean Circulation Change, Master thesis, University of Cambridge, 2012.
Le Bras, Claire, LSCE. Calibration de la composition isotopique du Nd dans les encroûtements ferromanganésiens des foraminifères comme proxy de l?eau de mer. MSc. Thesis, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin, France, 2010.
Seidenglanz, A., MARUM. Benthic isotope stratigraphy and bulk element distribution of sediment core MD09-3259 from the northeastern Brasilian Margin. MSc. Project, University of Bremen, Germany, 2010.
Oppedal, Lea T., BCCR. Temperature variability within the upper water masses of the western tropical Atlantic during rapid climate transitions. MSc. Thesis, Dept. of Earth Science, Univ. of Bergen, Norway, 2009-2010.
Thesis using campaign data
Gurjào Carlos Diego De Sousa (2022). Sistema de monçôes tropicais e mudanças de vegetaçào em periodos interglaciais passados. PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Costa Fernanda Pessanha Alvarenga (2018). Paleo-oxigenação do Atlântico Equatorial utilizando análise de poros em foraminíferos bentônicos nos últimos 30 mil anos. PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal Fluminense.
Maia Caroline Dos Santos Rocha (2016). Paleoprodutividade pelágica e geoquímica sedimentar da margem equatorial brasileira no Pleistoceno Tardio. PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal Fluminense.
Freeman, Emma, Godwin Laboratory. Estimating deep water ventilation rates from radiocarbon measurements, PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, started in 2012
Burckel, Pierre, LSCE. Reconstructing changes in Atlantic meridional overturning rate using marine sediment (231Pa/230Th), PhD thesis, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin, France, started in 2011.
Scussolini Paolo. Sensitivity of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean to shifts in Pleistocene climate, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, started in 2011.
Tisserand, Amandine, BCCR. Response of tropical Atlantic surface and intermediate waters to changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, PhD thesis, University of Bergen, Norway, started in 2007.