Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Le Nadir
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 30/09/1991 - 04/11/1991
Chief scientist(s) DESBRUYERES Daniel


Centre Ifremer Bretagne

ZI Pointe du Diable

CS 10070

29280 Plouzané

+33 (0)2


DOI 10.17600/91006011
Objective HERO91 is part of a cycle devoted to observing and describing the temporal co-variations in hydrothermal vent populations and the conditions of fluid emission at 13N/EPR. The cycle began in 1982, comprising the BIOCYATHERM (1982), BIOCYARISE (1984), HYDRONAUT (1987) and MMVT (1990) cruises. In April 1992, HERO91 will be followed by an American research cruise by the ALVIN submersible which will complete the ten-year cycle. The American research vessel Vickers performed a large part of the processing samples under simulated in-situ conditions during the HERO91 cruise. During the cruise, 27 dives were made by the submersible at 13N and on the new 950/EPR international study site. The SAMO stand-alone observation station was successfully deployed.

Sampling operations





Lallier François H. (2023). Roscoff dives down to the deep-sea hydrothermal vents: a 35-year story. Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 64(1), 65-75. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.21411/CBM.A.D1E7AC7A , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00875/98708/

Passerini DelphineORCID, Fecamp Florian, Marchand Laetitia, Kolypczuk LaetitiaORCID, Bonnetot Sandrine, Sinquin CorinneORCID, Verrez-Bagnis VeroniqueORCID, Hervio Heath DominiqueORCID, Colliec Jouault SylviaORCID, Delbarre Ladrat ChristineORCID (2019). Characterization of biofilm extracts from two marine bacteria. Applied Sciences-basel, 9(22), 4971 (20p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3390/app9224971 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00592/70381/

Delbarre-Ladrat ChristineORCID, Salas Marcia Leyva, Sinquin CorinneORCID, Zykwinska AgataORCID, Colliec-Jouault SylviaORCID (2017). Bioprospecting for Exopolysaccharides from Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Bacteria: Relationship between Bacterial Diversity and Chemical Diversity. Microorganisms, 5(3), 63 (13p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms5030063 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00399/51090/

Senni Karim, Gueniche Farida, Changotade Sylvie, Septier Dominique, Sinquin CorinneORCID, Ratiskol Jacqueline, Lutomski Didier, Godeau Gaston, Guezennec Jean, Colliec-Jouault SylviaORCID (2013). Unusual Glycosaminoglycans from a Deep Sea Hydrothermal Bacterium Improve Fibrillar Collagen Structuring and Fibroblast Activities in Engineered Connective Tissues. Marine Drugs, 11(4), 1351-1369. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3390/md11041351 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00138/24973/

Ivanenko Viatcheslav N., Defaye Danielle, Segonzac Michel, Khripounoff AlexisORCID, Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Ferrari Frank D. (2011). A new species of Exrima, synonymy of four species of Aphotopontius, Stygiopontius and Rhogobius, and record of first copepodid stage of Dirivultidae (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida) from deep-sea hydrothermal vents of the East Pacific Rise (13 degrees N). Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 91(7), 1547-1559. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315411000178

Burgaud Gaetan, Arzur Danielle, Durand Lucile, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID, Barbier Georges (2010). Marine culturable yeasts in deep-sea hydrothermal vents: species richness and association with fauna. Fems Microbiology Ecology, 73(1), 121-133. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1574-6941.2010.00881.x , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00006/11704/

Burgaud Gaetan, Le Calvez Thomas, Arzur Danielle, Vandenkoornhuyse Philippe, Barbier Georges (2009). Diversity of culturable marine filamentous fungi from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Environmental Microbiology, 11(6), 1588-1600. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.01886.x

Rougeaux Helene, Kervarec N, Pichon R, Guezennec Jean (1999). Structure of the exopolysaccharide of Vibrio diabolicus isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Carbohydrate Research, 322(1-2), 40-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0008-6215(99)00214-1

Gru Cecile, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Legoff Hélène, Narcon Sandrine, Caprais Jean-Claude, Lallier Francois (1998). Determination of reduced sulfur compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography in hydrothermal seawater and body fluids from Riftia pachyptila. Analyst, 123(6), 1289-1293. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1039/a800032h , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00186/29763/

Jollivet D, Dixon Lrj, Desbruyeres Daniel, Dixon Dr (1998). Ribosomal (rDNA) variation in a deep sea hydrothermal vent polychaete, Alvinella pompejana, from 13 degrees N on the East Pacific Rise. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 78(1), 113-130. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315400039989

Desbruyeres Daniel, Chevaldonne P, Alayse Anne-Marie, Jollivet D, Lallier Francois, Jouin-Toulmond C, Zal F, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Cosson R, Caprais Jean-Claude, Arndt C, O'Brien J, Guezennec Jean, Hourdez S, Riso Ricardo, Gaill F, Laubier Lucien, Toulmond A (1998). Biology and ecology of the "Pompeii worm" (Alvinella pompejana Desbruyeres and Laubier), a normal dweller of an extreme deep-sea environment: A synthesis of current knowledge and recent developments. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 45(1-3), 383-422. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0967-0645(97)00083-0

Tudge Cc, Jamieson Bgm, Segonzac Michel, Guinot D (1998). Spermatozoal ultrastructure in three species of hydrothermal vent crab, in the genera Bythograea, Austinograea and Segonzacia (Decapoda, Brachyura, Bythograeidae). Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 34(1), 13-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/07924259.1998.9652349

Raguenes Gerard, Christen Richard, Guezennec Jean, Pignet Patricia, Barbier Georges (1997). Vibrio diabolicus sp. nov., a new polysaccharide-secreting organism isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent polychaete annelid, Alvinella pompejana. International Journal Of Systematic Bacteriology, 47(4), 989-995. https://doi.org/10.1099/00207713-47-4-989

Chevaldonne Pierre, Godfroy AnneORCID (1997). Enumeration of microorganisms from deep-sea hydrothermal chimney samples. Fems Microbiology Letters, 146(2), 211-216. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-1097(96)00478-8

Chevaldonne Pierre, Jollivet Didier, Vangriesheim Annick, Desbruyeres Daniel (1997). Hydrothermal-vent alvinellid polychaete dispersal in the eastern Pacific .1. Influence of vent site distribution, bottom currents, and biological patterns. Limnology And Oceanography, 42(1), 67-80. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.4319/lo.1997.42.1.0067 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00337/44780/

Rougeaux H, Pichon R, Kervarec N, Raguenes Gerard, Guezennec Jean (1996). Novel bacterial exopolysaccharides from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Carbohydrate Polymers, 31(4), 237-242. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0144-8617(96)00079-3

Jean-Baptiste P, Fouquet Yves (1996). Abundance and isotopic composition of helium in hydrothermal sulfides from the East Pacific Rise at 13 degrees N. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 60(1), 87-93. https://doi.org/10.1016/0016-7037(95)00357-6

Zal F, Jollivet Didier, Chevaldonne P, Desbruyeres Daniel (1995). Reproductive biology and population structure of the deep-sea hydrothermal vent worm Paralvinella grasslei (Polychaeta: Alvinellidae) at 13°N on the East Pacific Rise. Marine Biology, 122(4), 637-648. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00350685

Shillito Bruce, Lechaire Jean-Pierre, Goffinet Gérard, Gaill Francoise (1995). Composition and morphogenesis of the tubes of vestimentiferan worms. Geological Society, London, Special Publications "Hydrothermal Vents and Processes", 87(1), 295-302. https://doi.org/10.1144/GSL.SP.1995.087.01.22

Stuart F. M., Harrop P. J., Knott R., Fallick A. E., Turner G., Fouquet Yves, Rickard D. (1995). Noble gas isotopes in 25 000 years of hydrothermal fluids from 13°N on the East Pacific Rise. Geological Society, London, Special Publications "Hydrothermal Vents and Processes", 87(1), 133-143. https://doi.org/10.1144/GSL.SP.1995.087.01.12

Toulmond André, Lallier Francois H, de Frescheville Jacques, Childress James J, Lee Raymond, Sanders Nancy K, Desbruyeres Daniel (1994). Unusual carbon dioxide-combining properties of body fluids in the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 41(10), 1447-1456. https://doi.org/10.1016/0967-0637(94)90054-X

Shillito Bruce, Lechaire Jp, Gaill F (1993). Microvilli-like Structures Secreting Chitin Crystallites. Journal Of Structural Biology, 111(1), 59-67. https://doi.org/10.1006/jsbi.1993.1036

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Collot Julien, Patriat MartinORCID, Rouillard Pierrick, Samadi Sarah, Gardes Lionel, Pelletier Bernard, Loubersac Lionel (2014). Géodiversité sous-marine de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. 2ème partie. Tai Kona, (10), 24-37. Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00209/32013/

Storh Sabine, Segonzac Michel (2006). Two New Genera and Species of Ophiuroid (Echinodermata) from Hydrothermal Vents in the East Pacific. Species Diversity, 11(1), 7-32. Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/6475/

Cornec Laurence, Robineau Jérôme, Rolland Jean-LucORCID, Dietrich Jacques, Barbier Georges (1998). Thermostable esterases screened on hyperthermophilic archaeal and bacterial strains isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal vents: Characterization of esterase activity of a hyperthermophilic archaeum, Pyrococcus abyssi. Journal Of Marine Biotechnology, 6(2), 104-110.

Child C Allan, Segonzac Michel (1996). Sericosura heteroscela and S-cyrtoma, new species, and other Pycnogonida from Atlantic and Pacific hydrothermal vents, with notes on habitat and environment. Proceedings Of The Biological Society Of Washington, 109(4), 664-676.

Gaill F, Hamraoui L, Sicot Fx, Timpl R (1994). Immunological properties and tissue localization of two different collagen types in annelid and vestimentifera species. European Journal Of Cell Biology, 65(2), 392-401.

References of Technical Reports

Dyment Jérôme, Lallier François, Le Bris Nadine, Rouxel OlivierORCID, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Lamare Sylvain, Coumert Coralie, Morineaux Marie, Tourolle JulieORCID (2014). Les impacts environnementaux de l’exploitation des ressources minérales marines profondes. Expertise scientifique collective. Rapport, CNRS – Ifremer, 937 p. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00872/98434/

Thesis using campaign data

Akoumany Katy (2019). Dérivés de l'exopolysaccharide d’Alteromonas infernus, mimétiques de glycosaminoglycanes, et développement d'une stratégie pour leur analyse structurale. PhD Thesis, Université de Nantes. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00605/71733/

Jain-Beuguel Caroline (2018). Potentiels des poly-hydroxyalcanoates (PHAs) bactériens pour l'encapsulation de molécules à visée thérapeutique / Potentials of bacterial Poly-HydroxyAlkanoates (PHA) for the encapsulation of therapeutic molecules. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00724/83595/