Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set KAIYO
Ship Kaiyo
Dates 13/12/1989 - 13/01/1990
Chief scientist(s) AUZENDE Jean-Marie


101 promenade Roger Laroque



(+687) 26 10 00



Objective Marine geological, geophysical, geochemical and biological surveys (KAIYO 89) were conducted in the North Fiji Basin and the Vanuatu back-arc areas. KAIYO 89 was the fifth leg in the STARMER program (1987-1992) for the study of the rift systems in the South Pacific back-arc basins, jointly cooperated by Japan, France and the South Pacific countries.

Data managed by SISMER

Sampling operations




Tanahashi M, Kisimoto K, Joshima M, Jarvis P, Iwabuchi Y, Ruellan Etienne, Auzende Jean-Marie (1994). 800-km-long N-S spreading system of the North Fiji Basin. Marine Geology, 116(1-2), 5-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/0025-3227(94)90165-1

Ruellan Etienne, Huchon Philippe, Auzende Jean-Marie, Gracia Eulalia (1994). Propagating rift and overlapping spreading center in the North Fiji Basin. Marine Geology, 116(1-2), 37-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/0025-3227(94)90167-8

Huchon Philippe, Gracia Eulalia, Ruellan Etienne, Joshima M, Auzende Jean-Marie (1994). Kinematics of active spreading in the central North Fiji Basin (Southwest Pacific). Marine Geology, 116(1-2), 69-87. https://doi.org/10.1016/0025-3227(94)90169-4

Kisimoto K, Tanahashi M, Auzende Jean-Marie (1994). Crustal structure variation along the central rift/ridge axis in the North Fiji Basin: Implications from seismic reflection and refraction data. Marine Geology, 116(1-2), 101-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/0025-3227(94)90171-6

Ishibashi J, Grimaud D, Nojiri Y, Auzende Jean-Marie, Urabe T (1994). Fluctuation of chemical compositions of the phase-separated hydrothermal fluid from the North Fiji Basin Ridge. Marine Geology, 116(1-2), 215-226. https://doi.org/10.1016/0025-3227(94)90177-5

Bendel V, Fouquet Yves, Auzende Jean-Marie, Lagabrielle Yves, Grimaud D, Urabe T (1993). The White Lady hydrothermal field, North Fiji back-arc basin, Southwest Pacific. Economic Geology And The Bulletin Of The Society Of Economic Geologists, 88(8), 2237-2249. https://doi.org/10.2113/gsecongeo.88.8.2237

Auzende Jean-Marie, Urabe T., Tanahashi M., Ruellen E., Bendel V., Fiala-Medioni A., Fujikura K., Geistdoerfer P., Gracia-Mont E., Grimaud D., Ihibashi J. I., Joshima M., Kisimoto K., Kojima S., Maillet P., Matsumoto T., Mitsuzawa K., Murai M., Naka J., Nargeolet P. H., Nojiri Y., Ohta S., Pranal V., Pratt C. (1992). Japanese submersible explores the north Fiji basin. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 73(11), 116-117. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/91EO00090 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00451/56267/

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Auzende Jean-Marie, Okuda Yoshihisa, Bendel Valérie, Ciabrini Jean-Pierre, Eissen Jean-Philippe, Gracia Mont Eulalia, Hirose Kei, Iwabuchi Yo, Joshima Masato, Kisimoto Kiyoyuki, Lafoy Yves, Lagabrielle Yves, Marumo Katsumi, Matsumoto Takeshi, Mitsuzawa Kyohiko, Momma Hiroyasu, Mukai Hitoshi, Naka Jiro, Nojiri Yukihiro, Ortega-Osorio Alejandro, Ruellan Etienne, Tanahashi Manabu, Tupua Eroni, Yamaguchi Kazuo (1991). Propagation « en échelon » de la dorsale du Bassin Nord-Fidjien entre 16°40 et 14°50'S (Yokosuka 90-Starmer). Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie II, 312(13), 1531-1538.

References of Technical Reports

(1990) STARMER CRUISE REPORT - Volume V. Kaiyo 89 cruise in the North Fiji Basin and Vanuatu Back-Arc Troughs - 14th december 1989 - 13 January 1990.