JADE 1 - MD 62

Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set JADE : JAVA - AUSTRALIE DYNAMIQUE EXPERIENCE
Ship Marion Dufresne
Ship owner IPEV
Dates 30/07/1989 - 09/09/1989
Chief scientist(s) FIEUX Michèle


Institut Pierre Simon Laplace

Boîte 100

4 place Jussieu

75005 Paris

+33 (1) 44 27 32 48


DOI 10.17600/89010311
Objective The scientific objectives of the JADE (Java - Australia dynamics experience) cruise were to: 1) Determine the characteristics of water masses where they enter the Indian Ocean using hydrological parameters and chemical and transient tracers (T, S, O2, nutrients, freons, carbon 14, tritium, helium); 2) Estimate the transport of mass and heat between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, during the season of maximal fluxes; 3) Determine its seasonal variations; 4)-Estimate the significance of this ocean region as a source of CO2 for the atmosphere.

Data managed by SISMER




Fieux M, Molcard R, Morrow R, Kartavtseff A, Ilahude Ag (2005). Variability of the throughflow at its exit in the Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 32(14/L14616), 1-4. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2005GL022836 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00232/34352/

Jean-Baptiste P, Jenkins Wj, Dutay Jc, Fourre E, Leboucher V, Fieux M (2004). Temporally integrated estimate of the Indonesian throughflow using tritium. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(L21301), 1-4. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2004GL020854 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00228/33914/

Wijffels S, Sprintall J, Fieux M, Bray N (2002). The JADE and WOCE I10/IR6 throughflow sections in the southeast Indian Ocean. Part 1: water mass distribution and variability. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 49(7-8), 1341-1362. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00155-2

Sprintall J, Wijffels S, Chereskin T, Bray N (2002). The JADE and WOCE I10/IR6 Throughflow sections in the southeast Indian Ocean. Part 2: velocity and transports. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 49(7-8), 1363-1389. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00163-1

Jeandel C, Thouron D, Fieux M (1998). Concentrations and isotopic compositions of neodymium in the eastern Indian Ocean and Indonesian straits. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 62(15), 2597-2607. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0016-7037(98)00169-0

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Leboucher V, Jean-Baptiste P, Fourre E, Arnold M, Fieux M (2004). Oceanic radiocarbon and tritium on a transect between Australia and Bali (eastern Indian Ocean). Radiocarbon, 46(2), 567-581. Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00228/33931/