-Testing of all launchers used at 2,000 m at the tip of the hydrology cable. -Deployment of 8 currentometry moorings (for 1 year). -Deployment of 3 tomography moorings (for 3 months). -Setting up a field of acoustic beacons and calibration near the T2 tomography mooring. -15 XBT casts between moorings T1/T2 and T2/T3.
5 courantomètres AANDERAA à 300, 700, 1000, 1500 et 3000 m
References of Technical Reports
Arhan Michel, Billant Andre, Colin De Verdiere Alain, Memery Laurent, Treguer Paul (1991). CTD-Ob2s and nutrients along the Eastern boundary of the North Atlantic ocean from 60° N to 20° N. BORD-EST. Data report - Volume 1. Campagnes Océanographiques Françaises n° 13 - 1991. ISSN 0761-3989. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00717/82879/
Arhan Michel, Billant Andre, Colin De Verdiere Alain, Daniault Nathalie, Prego Ricardo (1991). Hydrography and velocity measurements offshore from the Iberian Peninsula. BORD-EST. Data report - Volume 2. Campagnes Océanographiques Françaises n° 15 - 1991. ISSN 0761-3989. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00717/82877/
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