Type Campagne océanographique
Navire Jean Charcot
Propriétaire navire Ifremer
Dates 29/06/1986 - 29/07/1986
Chef(s) de mission PAUTOT Guy, BOURGOIS Jacques


ZI de la pointe du diable

CS 10070


+33 (0)2

DOI 10.17600/86003411
Objectif Etude des déformations tectoniques liées à la subduction au large du Pérou.

Données archivées au Sismer

Opérations de Prélèvements



Geersen Jacob (2019). Sediment-starved trenches and rough subducting plates are conducive to tsunami earthquakes. Tectonophysics, 762, 28-44. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bourgois Jacques (2013). A Review on Tectonic Record of Strain Buildup and Stress Release across the Andean Forearc along the Gulf of Guayaquil-Tumbes Basin (GGTB) near Ecuador-Peru Border. International Journal of Geosciences, 04(03), 618-635.

Bourgois Jacques, Bourles Didier, Braucher Regis (2011). Reply to comment by K. Pedoja et al. on "Tectonic record of strain buildup and abrupt coseismic stress release across the northwestern Peru coastal plain, shelf, and continental slope during the past 200 kyr". Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 116(B09402), 1-6.

Bourgois Jacques (2010). A comment on “Non-steady long-term uplift rates and Pleistocene marine terrace development along the Andean margin of Chile (31 °S) inferred from 10Be dating” by M. Saillard, S.R. Hall, L. Audin, D.L. Farber, G. Hérail, J. Martinod, V. Regard, R.C. Finkel. F. Bondoux [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 277 (2009) 50–63]. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 296(3-4), 502-505.

Bourgois Jacques, Bigot-Cormier Florence, Bourles Didier, Braucher Régis, Dauteuil Olivier, Witt César, Michaud François (2007). Tectonic record of strain buildup and abrupt coseismic stress release across the northwestern Peru coastal plain, shelf, and continental slope during the past 200 kyr. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 112(B4), 1-22.

Witt Cesar, Bourgois Jacques, Michaud Francois, Ordonez Martha, Jimenez Nelson, Sosson Marc (2006). Development of the Gulf of Guayaquil (Ecuador) during the Quaternary as an effect of the North Andean block tectonic escape. Tectonics, 25(3), TC3017 (1-22).

Aquilina L., Dia An, Boulègue J., Bourgois J., Fouillac A.M. (1997). Massive barite deposits in the convergent margin off Peru: Implications for fluid circulation within subduction zones. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 61(6), 1233-1245.

Duperret A, Bourgois J, Lagabrielle Y, Suess E (1995). Slope instabilities at an active continental margin: large-scale polyphase submarine slides along the northern Peruvian margin, between 5 °S and 6 °S. Marine Geology, 122(4), 303-328.

de Wever P, Bourgois J, Caulet Jp, Fourtanier E, Barron J, Dumitrica P (1994). Stratigraphic significance of siliceous microfossils collected during Nautiperc dives (off Peru, 5 °–6°S). Marine Micropaleontology, 24(3-4), 287-305.

Dia An, Aquilina L, Boulegue J, Bourgois J, Suess E, Torres M (1993). Origin of fluids and related barite deposits at vent sites along the Peru convergent margin. Geology, 21(12), 1099-1102.<1099:OOFARB>2.3.CO;2

Bourgois J, Lagabrielle Yves, de Wever P, Suess E (1993). Tectonic history of the northern Peru convergent margin during the past 400 ka. Geology, 21(6), 531-534.<0531:THOTNP>2.3.CO;2

von Huene Roland, Bourgois Jacques, Miller John, Pautot Guy (1989). A large tsunamogenic landslide and debris flow along the Peru Trench. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth And Planets, 94(B2), 1703-1714.

Bourgois J, Pautot Guy, Bandy W, Boinet T, Chotin P, Huchon P, Mercier De Lepinay B., Monge F, Monlau J, Pelletier B, Sosson M, von Huene R (1988). Seabeam and seismic reflection imaging of the tectonic regime of the Andean continental margin off Peru (4°S to 10°S). Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 87(1-2), 111-126.

Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline

Bourgeois J, Huchon P (1990). Nazca Plate fragmentation off Peru: The Mendana Fracture Zone. Oceanologica Acta, Special issue Open Access version :

Bourgeois J, Pautot G, Sosson M, Huchon P (1990). Campagne Seaperc: Etude de la deformation le long d'une marge convergente de type Andin. Oceanologica Acta, Special issue Open Access version :

Lallemand S, Collot J-Y, Pelletier B, Rangin C, Cadet J-P (1990). Impact of oceanic asperities on the tectogenesis of modern convergent margins. Oceanologica Acta, Special issue Open Access version :

Pautot Guy, Bourgois J, Bandy W, Boinet T, Chotin P, Huchon P, de Lepinay B. Mercier, Monge F, Monlau J, Pelletier B, Sosson M, von Huene R (1986). Fragmentation de la plaque Nazca à l'Ouest de la fosse du Pérou: résultats de la campagne SEAPERC du N.O. Jean-Charcot, juillet 1986. Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii, 303(18), 1651-1656.

Bourgois J, Pautot Guy, Bandy W, Boinet T, Chotin P, Huchon P, de Lepinay B. Mercier, Monge F, Monlau J, Pelletier B, Sosson M, von Huene R (1986). Régime tectonique de la marge andine convergente du Pérou (Campagne SEAPERC du N.O. Jean-Charcot, juillet 1986). Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii, 303(17), 1599-1604.

Références des rapports techniques

CNRS/INSU (1986). Compte-rendu de Campagne. Seaperc.