Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Robert D. Conrad
Ship owner Columbia University
Dates 04/04/1985 - 02/05/1985
Chief scientist(s) MAUFFRET Alain


Tour 46, 2e etage

4, Place Jussieu

Case 129

75252 PARIS CEDEX 05 (directeur)

Objective Study of the volcanism of the island arc of the Lesser Antilles. Study of a complex detachment zone (Anegada Passage). Study of the tectonic prism of Muertos. Study of the Beata wrinkle (future submersible diving site?). This cruise is part of a general programme of systematic study of the Caribbean basin; a programme common to various French organisations (IFREMER, IFP, BRGM, UNIVERSITIES). The cruise could not, take place as planned on board the N.O. Jean Charcot, for logistical reasons, but could be carried out on board the RV Conrad (Columbia University ship - LGDO). As one of the fixed objectives (study of the Ride d'Aves) could not be achieved, an additional mission is planned for 1987 (on board the N.O. Jean Charcot).

Data managed by SISMER



Leroy Sylvie, Ellouz-Zimmermann Nadine, Corbeau Jordane, Rolandone Frederique, Mercier De Lepinay Bernard, Meyer Bertrand, Momplaisir Roberte, Granja Bruna Jose-Luis, Battani Anne, Baurion Celine, Burov Evgueni, Clouard Valerie, Deschamps Remy, Gorini Christian, Hamon Youri, Lafosse Manfred, Leonel Jottin, Le Pourhiet Laetitia, Llanes Estrada Pilar, Loget Nicolas, Lucazeau Francis, Pillot Daniel, Poort Jeffrey, Tankoo Kevin R., Cuevas Jose-Luis, Alcaide Jose-Fernando, Poix Claude Jean, Munoz-Martin Alfonso, Mitton Serge, Rodriguez Yamil, Schmitz Julien, Seeber Leonardo, Carbo-Gorosabel Andres, Munoz Santiago (2015). Segmentation and kinematics of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary offshore Hispaniola. Terra Nova, 27(6), 467-478.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Mauffret A, Jany I (1990). Collision et tectonique d'expulsion le long de la frontiere Nord-Caraibe. Oceanologica Acta, Special issue Open Access version :

Jany Isabelle, Mauffret Alain, Bouysse Philippe, Mascle Alain, Delepinay Bernard Mercier, Renard Vincent, Stephan Jean-François (1987). Relevé bathymétrique Seabeam et tectonique en décrochements au sud des Iles Vierges (Nord-Est Caraïbes). Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie II, 304(10), 527-532.

Mauffret Alain, Jany I, de Lepinay B. Mercier, Bouysse P, Mascle A, Renard Vincent, Stephan Jf (1986). Relevé au sondeur multifaisceaux du bassin des îles Vierges (extrémité orientale des Grandes Antilles): rôle de l'extension et des décrochements. Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii, 303(10), 923-+.

References of Technical Reports

(1985) Campagne SEACARIB / Cruise report SEACARIB.

Thesis using campaign data

Laurencin Muriel (2017). Etude de la géométrie, de la nature et des déformations de la zone de subduction des Petites Antilles du Nord / Deep structure geometry, crust nature and tectonic deformation in the northern Lesser Antilles margin. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.