Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 29/06/2008 - 04/10/2008
Chief scientist(s) DESSA Jean-Olivier


Observatoire Oceanologique

La Darse

BP 48


+33 (0)4

DOI 10.17600/8450150

Recovering the ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) deployed during the GROSMARIN cruise conducted from 18 to 27 April 2008 aboard RV l'Atalante. These OBS were brought up in 2 phases, depending on their autonomy. The first six instruments were to be recovered at the end of June, i.e., 2 months after being deployed. The fifteen other instruments were dealt with in the second retrieval phase. This programme's objective were to record seismic shots triggered immediately following the launching, from aboard RV l'Atalante, as well as the natural seismicity during the entire period of deployment for the instruments (2 or 6 months depending on the type of stations). These logs will be used, respectively, to characterize the deep structure of the North-Ligurian margin using tomographic inversion of arrival times and to characterize the seismically active zones in the area. The cruise had two phases: Start date: 29 June (phase 1), 2 Sept. (phase 2) / End dates: 30 June (phase 1), 5 October (phase 2). This falls under the GROSMARIN project.



Sukhovich Alexey, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Simons Frederik J., Oge Anthony, Hello Yann, Deschamps Anne, Nolet Guust (2011). Automatic discrimination of underwater acoustic signals generated by teleseismic P-waves: A probabilistic approach. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(L18605), 1-5.

Dessa Jean-Xavier, Simon Soazig, Lelievre Marjorie, Beslier Marie-Odile, Deschamps Anne, Bethoux Nicole, Solarino Stefano, Sage Francoise, Eva Elena, Ferretti Gabriele, Bellier Olivier, Eva Claudio (2011). The GROSMarin experiment: three dimensional crustal structure of the North Ligurian margin from refraction tomography and preliminary analysis of microseismic measurements. Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, 182(4), 305-321. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Technical Reports

J.-X. Dessa, Campagne GROSMARIN : rapport de mission, 2009.

References of International Seminar Communications

S. Simon, J.-X. Dessa, M.-O. Beslier, A. Deschamps, N. Béthoux, S. Solarino, E. Eva, F. Sage, G. Ferretti, C. Eva M. Lelièvre, and the GROSMarin Team (2011), 3D crustal analysis of the North-Lugurian margin from refraction tomography and microseismic monitoring, communication au congrès de l'EGU, Vienne, Autriche.

J.-X Dessa, M. Lelièvre, S. Simon, A. Deschamps, N. Bethoux, S. Solarino, and the Grosmarin Team (2010), 3D Crustal Structure of the North-Ligurian Margin: First Results of the GROSMarin Experiment, communication au congrès de l'EGU, Vienne, Autriche.

S. Simon, J.-X. Dessa, M. Lelièvre, M.-O. Beslier, A. Deschamps, N. Béthoux, S. Solarino, and the GROSMarin Team (2010), The GROSMarin Experiment : 3D Crustal Structure of the North-Ligurian Margin, communication au congrès de l'ESC (European Seismological Commission), Montpellier, France.

S. Simon, J.-X. Dessa, M.-O. Beslier, A. Deschamps, N. Béthoux, S. Solarino, E. Eva, F. Sage, G. Ferretti, C. Eva M. Lelièvre, and the GROSMarin Team (2010), 3D crustal structure of the North-Lugurian margin from refraction tomography, communication au congrès de l'AGU, San Francisco, USA.

A. Deschamps, J.-X. Dessa, S. Solarino, C. Eva, N. Béthoux, O. Bellier, E. Eva, G. Ferretti, D. Spallarossa, D. Scafidi, M. Pavan, D. Cavanna, A. Moulins, F. Klingelhoefer, E. Flueh, Y. Hello, F. Courboulex, R. Pillet, A. Dano, D. Brunel, G. Nolet (2009), The GROSMARIN project : structure and seismic hazard of the Ligurian Sea, communication au congrès Provence¿2009, Aix-en-Provence.

References of National Seminar Communications

J.-X Dessa, S. Simon , M. Lelièvre, M.-O. Beslier, A. Deschamps, N. Béthoux, S. Solarino, F. Sage, E. Eva, G. Ferretti, O. Bellier, C. Eva (2010), The GROSMarin experiment: three dimensional crustal structure of the North Ligurian margin from refraction tomography and preliminary analysis of microseismic measurements, communication au congrès de la RST, Bordeaux.

J.-X. Dessa, A. Deschamps, N. Béthoux, M. Lelièvre, M. Perrot, S. Solarino, C. Eva, O. Bellier, E. Eva, G. Ferretti, D. Spallarossa, D. Scafidi, M. Pavan, D. Cavanna, F. Klingelhoefer, F. Courboulex (2009), Investigation profonde de la marge Nord-Ligure : Premiers résultats de la campagne GROSMARIN, communication au congrès de l 'ASF, Rennes.