References of International Seminar Communications
Kissel, C., Van Toer, A., Laj, C., Cortijo, E., Michel E., Variations in the Strength of the North Atlantic Bottom water during Holocene. EGU General Assembly 2013
Nave S., Bard E., Rostek, F., Figueiredo O., and Silva, T. Paleoproductivity variations off Morocco during Interglacial periods. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-7596,EGU General Assembly 2013
Rostek, F., Bard, E., and Nave, S. Terrigenous biomarker record off Morocco over the last five glacial cycles. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-7442, EGU General Assembly 2013
Kissel, C., Van Toer, A., Michel, E., Cortijo, E., Variations in the Strength of the North Atlantic Bottom water during, Holocene, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-13236, 2012, EGU General Assembly 2012.
Schwab, C., Kinkel, H., Weinelt, M., Repschläger, J., (2012). Late Quaternary changes in paleoproductivity and paleoceanography in the Azores region based on coccolithophore assemblages. Poster presentation at the AGU 2012 in San Francisco (USA).
Weinelt, M, Repschläger, J.; Balmer, S..; Sarnthein, M.; Andersen,, N. and Schwab, C. (2012) Subtropical freshwater event at the onset of younger Dryas. GV & Sediment Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, September 23-28, 2012. Poster presentation at the AGU 2012 in San Francisco (USA).
Alberto, A., Voelker, A.H.L., Nave, S. & Lebreiro, S. Sea surface temperature and oceanic productivity variations off the Iberian Margin during the last 20.000 years. Joint RCMNS - RCANS Interim Colloquium. Salamanca. September 21st to 23rd, 2011.
Kissel, C., Van Toer, A., Cortijo, E., Turon, J.-L., "Variations in the Holocene North Atlantic bottom current strength in the Charlie Gibbs fracture zone". American Geophysical union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2011.
Kissel, C., Van Toer, A., Nave, S., Cortijo, E., Laj, C., Voelker A., "Magnetic properties and sortable silt and isotopes in the sub-polar North Atlantic and the relation with the deep oceanic circulation". 3ème Conférence ESF-Euromarc, Cascais, Portugal, Février 2011.
Nave, S., Lebreiro, S., Cortijo, E., Kissel C., Michel E., Voelker A., Alberto A., Figueiredo M.O., "Paleoproductivity variations in the sub-tropical North Atlantic and the Nordic Seas and their relation to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)". 3ème Conférence ESF- Euromarc, Cascais, Portugal, Février 2011.
Repschläger, J.; Weinelt, M.; Kinkel. H.; Andersen,, N.; Blanz, T.; Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Schwab, C.;(2011) Differences in Atlantic Meridional overturning circulation over Holocene and MIS5 - indications from the subtropical North Atlantic. Final EUROMARC Conference, Cascais, Portgual, February 7-9, 2011; Talk
Schwab, C., Kinkel, H., Weinelt, M., Repschläger, J., (2011). Comparison of interglacial coccolithophore assemblages from the central subtropical North Atlantic and their relation to hydrographic and productivity changes. Poster presentation at the final EuroMARC conference (Portugal).
Guihou, A., S. Pichat, A. Govin, S. Nave, E. Michel, J.-C. Duplessy and L. Labeyrie. Enhanced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation supports the Last Glacial Inception. 10th International Conference on Paleoceanography, August 29- September 3rd, 2010. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego La Jolla, California, USA.
LebreiroS. M. and S. O. Nave. Deep-sea counterpart of Holocene Bond cycles. 10th International Conference on Paleoceanography, August 29- September 3rd, 2010. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego La Jolla, California, USA.
Nave, S., Lebreiro, S., Kissel, C., Guihou, A., Figueiredo, O., Michel, E., Cortijo, E., Labeyrie, L., and Voelker A., "Open oceanic productivity changes at mid-latitudes during interglacials and its relation to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation". Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010,2010, EGU General Assembly, 2010.
Nave, S., S. Lebreiro, C. Kissel, A. Guihou, M. O. Figueiredo, T. Silva, E. Michel, E. Cortijo, L. Labeyrie and A. Voelker. Oceanic biological productivity changes off Iberia during MIS 5 and its relation to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. 10th International Conference on Paleoceanography, August 29- September 3rd, 2010. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego La Jolla, California, USA.
Repschläger, J.; Weinelt, M.; Andersen,, N.; Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Blanz, T. (2010), Early Holocene Evolution of AMOC: a view from the Central subtropical North Atlantic. 10th International Conference on Paleoceanography, August 29 - September 3rd, 2010; Poster.
Schwab, C., Kinkel, H., Weinelt, M., Repschläger, J., (2010). Interglacial surface water variability in the subtropical North Atlantic as revealed by coccoliths. Poster presentation at ICP 10 in San Diego (USA).
Kissel, C. J. L. Turon, E. Cortijo, C. Laj, Long- and Short Term Holocene Variations in the Strength of the North Atlantic Deep Water at the Charlie-Gibbs fracture zone, EGU Assembly, Vienna, April 2009.
Laj C. and H. Leau, A teachers program during the AMOCINT cruise of the Marion Dufresne, EGU Assembly, Vienna, April 2009.
Repschläger, J.; Weinelt, M.; Andersen, N. and Garbe-Schönberg D. (2009), Monitoring multi-decadal to multi-centennial variability of AMOC strength in the subtropical Northeast Atlantic over Holocene and Eemian. EGU Assembly 2009, Vienna 19-24 April 2009; Talk.
Schwab, C., Kinkel, H., Weinelt, M., Repschläger, J., (2009). Holocene and deglacial changes in coccolithophore assemblages and their hydrographic implications south of the Azores Islands. Poster presentation at the 2nd EuroMARC conference (Presqu¿île de Giens, France).
Kissel C. and Van Toer, A., "Holocene Variations in the Strength of the North Atlantic Deep Water, at the Charlie-Gibbs fracture zone (first results from the AMOCINT cruise ", 2ème Conférence ESF- Euromarc, Presqu¿île de Giens, Septembre 2009.
Govin, A. Evidence for a lead of deep-water changes in the Southern Ocean over the deep North Atlantic during the last glacial inception, First Euromarc Conference, La Colle-sur-Loup, 14-17 Sept. 2008, France
Jansen E., Meridional overturning strength and climate forcing - conflicting ideas, First Euromarc Conference, La Colle-sur-Loup, 14-17 Sept. 2008, France
First Euromarc Conference, La Colle-sur-Loup, 14-17 Sept. 2008, France
Kleiven, H. F., New constraints on North Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation during the Holocene and the last interglacial, First Euromarc Conference, La Colle-sur-Loup, 14-17 Sept. 2008, France
Laj C. and H. Leau, A Teachers at Sea Program on Board the R-V Marion Dufresne (IPEV) in the Atlantic Ocean, AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, ED13C-0617, Dec. 2008.
Repschläger, J.; Weinelt, M.; Andersen,, N.; Garbe-Schönberg D.and G. Bartoli (2008), Comparison between interglacial AMOC strenght in the Denmark strait and south of the Azores. 1st EUROMARC Conference, September 15-17, 2008; Poster.
V. Marion Dufresne (IPEV), Las Palmas (15 June 2008) - Brest (10 July 2008) - 06-EuroMARC-FP-008 Project, First Euromarc Conference, La Colle-sur-Loup, 14-17 Sept. 2008, France
Weinelt, M., Monitoring interglacial variability of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in the subtropical North Atlantic (38° N), First Euromarc Conference, La Colle-sur-Loup, 14-17 Sept. 2008, France
A. Guihou, S. Pichat, S. Nave, A. Govin, E. Michel, C. Waelbroeck, and L. Labeyrie. Opposite export of North Atlantic Deep and Intermediate waters during the Last Glacial Inception; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 73, Issue 13; Pages A475-A475
Alberto, A., A.H.L. Voelker, S. Nave, S. Lebreiro, Sea surface temperature and oceanic productivity variations off the Iberian margin during the last 20.000 years. Final Euromarc Conference, 7-9 February, Cascais, Portugal.
Kissel C., Holocene Variations in the Strength of the North Atlantic Deep Water, a Magnetic Approach,
A. Guihou, S. Pichat, A. Govin, S. Nave, E. Michel, C. Waelbroeck, J-C Duplessy and L. Labeyrie. Evolution dynamique de la circulation méridienne Atlantique lors de la dernière entré en glaciation. Journées Paléocéanographiques ; Bordeaux, 25-27th Novembre
Kissel C., and the shipboard scientific party, MD168-AMOCINT - XVII IMAGES cruise on board the R.
Lebreiro, S., S. Nave, Deep-sea counterpart of Holocene Bond cycles, Final Euromarc Conference, 7- 9 February, Cascais, Portugal.
Nave, S., S. Lebreiro, C. Kissel, A. Guihou, L. Labeyrie, A. Voelker. High-resolution productivity changes during MIS 5 at mid-latitudes and its relation to Meridional Overturning Circulation; SECOND EUROMARC CONFERENCE, 14-16 September, Presqu¿île de Giens;
References of National Seminar Communications
Catherine Kissel, Aurélie Van Toer, Carlo Laj, Elsa Cortijo, Elisabeth Michel. Utilisation des propriétés magnétiques sédimentaires pour reconstruire la variabilité passée de la circulation profonde en Atlantique nord pendant l¿Holocène. Journée paléomagnétisme France, IPGP, 25-26 Mars, 2013.
Kissel, C., A. Van Toer, C. Laj, E. Cortijo, E. Michel. Variations de l¿intensité de l¿eau profonde Nord- Atlantique pendant l¿Holocène. Atelier Climat et Impacts, l¿Université de Paris XI, 19 et 20 Novembre 2012.
Repschläger, J.; Balmer, S.; Weinelt, M.; Sarnthein, M.; Andersen,, N. and Schwab, C. (2012) Subtropical freshwater event at the onset of younger Dryas. GV & Sediment Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, September 23-28, 2012; Talk.
Schwab, C., Kinkel, H., Weinelt, M., Repschläger, J., (2012). Productivity response to deglacial and Holocene freshwater perturbations in the midlatitude North Atlantic as revealed by coccolithophores. Poster presentation at the Geologische Vereinigung (GV) meeting in Hamburg (Germany).
Figueiredo, M. O., S. Nave, T. P. Silva, 2010. Sedimentos marinhos: caracterização química expedita por espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X. VIII Congresso Nacional de Geologia, Braga, 12- 14 Julho 2010.
Nave, S.; S. Lebreiro, C. Kissel, A. Guihou, M. O. Figueiredo, T. P. Silva, E. Michel, E. Cortijo, L. Labeyrie, A. Voelker, 2010. Variações da produtividade oceânica ao largo da Península Ibérica durante o MIS 5 e a sua relação com a Circulação Thermohalina. VIII Congresso Nacional de Geologia, Braga, 12-14 Julho 2010.
Catherine Kissel, Aurélie Van Toer, Carlo Laj, Jean-Louis Turon, Thomas Bouinot, Elsa Cortijo, Variations d¿intensité du courant profond Nord-Atlantique (composante ISOW) pendant l¿Holocène. Journées Paléocéanographie France, Bordeaux, Novembre 2009.
Catherine Kissel, Carlo Laj, Thierry Mulder, Camille Wandres, Michel Cremer, La fraction magnétique: un traceur de la circulation profonde en Atlantique nord pendant l¿Holocène. Journées Paléocéanographie France, Bordeaux, Novembre 2009.