Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Alis
Ship owner IRD
Dates 01/06/2008 - 25/06/2008
Chief scientist(s) DE GARIDEL-THORON Thibault ORCID


Technopôle environnement Arbois-Méditerranée

BP 80

13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 4

+33(0)4 42 97 15 00

DOI 10.17600/8100040

The Gyrafor-A-2008 cruise's objective was to determine the vertical distribution of carbonated microplankton along a transect between the SW Pacific oligotrophic gyre and the Equatorial Pacific. It aimed to identify both vertical distribution of cryptic and morphological foraminifera species which are the most widely used markers in paleoceanography, but whose ecology is poorly known. During the cruise, we sampled along a South-North transect along the 162°30'E meridian from 26°S to the equator. At each station, we performed a T, S, chlorophyll profile over the 400 metres on a depth ranging from 0 to 400 metres and took samples of carbonated microplankton (plankton foraminifera) by stratified net hauls (MultiNet, 100 µm mesh) which were either vertical or oblique, depending on the sea conditions. At each station, at least 9 depth intervals were sampled. The plankton net hauls were doubled at some stations in order to isolate plankton foraminifera cells under the stereo microscope on board and preserve them in a buffer for later genetic analysis. We also performed hydrographic T, S, dissolved oxygen profiles at the same stations (from 0 to 500 m), and took seawater samples at different depths corresponding to the plankton net samples. The seawater samples will be used to determine the seawater's d18O and the CID's d13C as well as characterizing the plankton nanoflora. Lastly, we took WP2 net hauls (63 µm mesh) at all stations in order to determine the diversity of the radiolaria zooplankton group. Surface salinity and temperature data were continously recorded by the TSG and hydrographic data complemented by the ADCP. This falls under the ANR young research scientists project PALEO-CTD.

Data managed by SISMER



Morard Raphael, Darling Kate F., Mahe Frederic, Audic Stephane, Ujiie Yurika, Weiner Agnes K. M., Andre Aurore, Seears Heidi A., Wade Christopher M., Quillevere Frederic, Douady Christophe J., Escarguel Gilles, de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Siccha Michael, Kucera Michal, de Vargas Colomban (2015). PFR2 : a curated database of planktonic foraminifera 18S ribosomal DNA as a resource for studies of plankton ecology, biogeography and evolution. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15(6), 1472-1485.

Cravatte Sophie, Kestenare Elodie, Eldin Gerard, Ganachaud Alexandre, Lefevre Jerome, Marin Frederic, Menkes Christophe, Aucan Jerome (2015). Regional circulation around New Caledonia from two decades of observations. Journal Of Marine Systems, 148, 249-271.

Andre Aurore, Quillevere Frederic, Morard Raphael, Ujiie Yurika, Escarguel Gilles, de Vargas Colomban, de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Douady Christophe J. (2014). SSU rDNA Divergence in Planktonic Foraminifera: Molecular Taxonomy and Biogeographic Implications. Plos One, 9(8), 1-19. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Andre Aurore, Weiner Agnes, Quillevere Frederic, Aurahs Ralf, Morard Raphael, Douady Christophe J., de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Escarguel Gilles, de Vargas Colomban, Kucera Michal (2013). The cryptic and the apparent reversed: lack of genetic differentiation within the morphologically diverse plexus of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer. Paleobiology, 39(1), 21-39.

Ujiie Yurika, Asami Takahiro, de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Liu Hui, Ishitani Yoshiyuki, de Vargas Colomban (2012). Longitudinal differentiation among pelagic populations in a planktic foraminifer. Ecology And Evolution, 2(7), 1725-1737. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ishitani Yoshiyuki, Ujiie Yurika, de Vargas Colomban, Not Fabrice, Takahashi Kozo (2012). Phylogenetic Relationships and Evolutionary Patterns of the Order Collodaria (Radiolaria). Plos One, 7(5), e35775. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ujiie Yurika, de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Watanabe Silvia, Wiebe Peter, de Vargas Colomban (2010). Coiling dimorphism within a genetic type of the planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia truncatulinoides. Marine Micropaleontology, 77(3-4), 145-153.

Morard Raphael, Quillevere Frederic, Escarguel Gilles, Ujiie Yurika, de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Norris Richard D., de Vargas Colomban (2009). Morphological recognition of cryptic species in the planktonic foraminifer Orbulina universa. Marine Micropaleontology, 71(3-4), 148-165.

References of Technical Reports

de Garidel-Thoron T., 2008 : Rapport de campagne à la mer de GYRAFOR-A à bord de l'Alis ¿IRD (35 p.).

References of Articles published in periodicals and magazines for the general public

de Garidel-Thoron T, et L. Beaufort : Reconstruire les ¿El Niño¿ du passé. Echos Sciences, sept. 2008. Disponible en ligne (

References of International Seminar Communications

Regoli F., de Garidel-Thoron T ., Tachikawa, K., Buchet, N., Jian, Z., Ye., L., Beaufort L. (2011) Glacial / Interglacial sea temperatures changes at the southern edge of the West Pacific Warm Pool over the last 800 ka. EGU spring meeting.

de Garidel-Thoron, T. (2011). PALEO-CTD : using cryptic diversity to reconstruct thermocline changes. Japan French Frontiers of Science Meeting, Tokyo, jan. 2011.

Regoli F., de Garidel-Thoron T ., Tachikawa, K., Buchet, N, Beaufort L. (2010). Past hydrological changes in the Western equatorial Pacific during the last 800 ky. International Congress of Paleoceanography, San Diego, CA. Poster

Ujiie, Y., de Garidel-Thoron, T., Liu, H., C. de Vargas. (2010). Cryptic speciation of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. International Congress of Paleoceanography, San Diego, CA. Poster

Ujiie, Y., de Garidel-Thoron, T., Watanabe, S., Wiebe, P. de Vargas, C. (2009). Ecophenotypic differentiation within a planktonic foraminiferal cryptic species: Globorotalia truncatulinoides Type II. Zurich, The Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups¿ of the Micropaleontological Society Meeting. Poster.

de Garidel-Thoron, T., Ujiie, Y., Buchet, N., Gally, Y., Licari, L., de Vargas, C. (2009) Morphological and geochemical signatures of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata cryptic species. Zurich, The Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups¿ of the Micropaleontological Society Meeting. Poster.

Mollier-Vogel, E., Noëlle Buchet, Corinne Sonzogni, Yves Gally, Laurence Vidal, Thibault de Garidel-Thoron Vertical distribution of living planktonic foraminifera in the tropical Indian Ocean (2008). AGU Fall Meeting.

Raphaël Morard, Frédéric Quillévéré, Gilles Escarguel, Yurika Ujiie, Thibault de Garidel Thoron, Christophe Lécuyer, Colomban de Vargas (2008) - Morphometric and stable isotope (?13C, ?18O) analyses of planktonic foraminiferal cryptic species: new perspectives for paleoceanographic reconstructions,. TMS Meeting, Tubingen.

Ujiie, T de Garidel-Thoron, C de Vargas (2008) - Ecophenotypic differences in the genetic type of Globorotalia truncatulinoides.. AGU Fall Meeting 2008.

References of National Seminar Communications

A. André et al., (2011) - Lack of genetic differentiation among members of the morphologically diverse plexus of the tropical planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer. journées de paléocéanographie IMAGES-France, Aix-en-Provence, 2011.

F. Régoli et al. (2011) - Changements hydrologiques à l'échelle Glaciaire /Interglaciaire à la bordure Sud de la West Pacific Warm Pool Durant les 800 000 dernières années. Journées de paléocéanographie IMAGES-France, Aix-en-Provence.

Ujiié, Thibault de Garidel-Thoron, Takahiro Asami, Colomban De Vargas. (2011) Longitudinal differentiation among planktic foraminiferal populations in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool, Journées de paléocéanographie IMAGES-France, Aix-en-Provence.

T. de Garidel-Thoron (2008). Paléo-CTD : Reconstruction de l¿hydrographie de subsurface grâce à la diversité cryptique des foraminifères., Giens, Congrès ANR Jeunes Chercheurs.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

André, A., 2010. L¿exception qui confirme la règle ? Diversité génétique chez le foraminifère planctonique Globigerinoides sacculifer (Brady). Mémoire de Master Sciences Technologies Santé mention Sciences de la Terre spécialité Paléontologie Sédimentologie Paléoenvironnements, Université Lyon 1.

Thesis using campaign data

André, Aurore. Biogéographie, morphologie, et composition isotopique des espèces cryptiques de foraminifères planctoniques : deux exceptions à la règle, Globigerinoides sacculifer (Brady) et Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (Ehrenberg). Soutenance prévue automne 2013.

Ishitani, Yoshiyuki ; SB Roscoff and University of Ryukus, Ecology and diversity of radiolarians. Thèse soutenue en 2011.

Morard, R., 2010. Pour une meilleure caractérisation du registre fossile pélagique : diversité morphologique, biogéographie et écologie des espèces cryptiques de foraminifères planctoniques. Thèse Université Lyon 1.

Regoli, F.,: Diversité cryptique du zooplancton carbonaté et réponse aux changements globaux du Pléistocène à l¿Anthropocène, Thèse en cours (2008-2012), Aix-Marseille Université.