Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set LANGOLF
Ship Gwen Drez
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 15/05/2008 - 06/06/2008
Chief scientist(s) SALAUN Michèle, DIMEET Joël


8 rue François Toullec

56100 Lorient

+33(0)2 97 87 38 00

DOI 10.17600/8050040
Objective Calculating a stock abundance index for Nephrop prawns in the Grande Vasière mudflat (Bay of Biscay), size and gender structure; spatial distribution of the population by sedimentary unit. Macroscopic observation of stages of sexual maturity in females. Abundance index estimations for related species. Calcified parts were removed to determine the age of species of commercial interest whose stock dynamics are being monitored. -Maturity stages in sole, angler and hake. Temperature, salinity and depth logs taken. The related programmeis SIH Campagnes (FIS cruises).

Data managed by SISMER


References of Technical Reports

Fifas SpyrosORCID, Woillez MathieuORCID, Salaun Michele, Toulhoat Lucile (2016). Bilan des campagnes expérimentales 2014-2015 d’évaluation du stock de langoustines du Golfe de Gascogne par vidéo sous-marine. Programme expérimental LANGOLF-TV.

Talidec CatherineORCID, Augris Claude, Rouyer Armelle, Brind'Amour AnikORCID, Pitel-Roudaut MathildeORCID, Tanguy Nina, Woillez MathieuORCID, Caill-Milly NathalieORCID, de Casamajor Marie-NoelleORCID, Simplet LaureORCID (2013). Observation des ressources halieutiques par les campagnes scientifiques françaises. Façades "Bretagne" et "Sud-Gascogne".

Salaun Michele (2013). Campagne LANGOLF. Manuel des protocoles de la campagne halieutique LANGOLF. RBE/STH/LBTH 2013.01.