CLASS 2008

Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Thalassa
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 29/05/2008 - 07/06/2008
Chief scientist(s) TRENKEL Verena ORCID


Centre Ifremer de Nantes

Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu

BP 2105

44311 Nantes Cedex 3

+33 (0)2 40 37 41 67

DOI 10.17600/8040050

Using the ME70 and ER60s to observe a large number of small pelagic fish schools, under a range of environmental conditions (continental slope, inshore zone, Gironde river plume). Characterizing the environment of small pelagic schools. The abiotic environment will be characterized with CTD profiles and the biotic environment of small pelagics (scattering layers made up of zooplankton and micronecton prey) will be characterized using acoustic data collected by the ME70 and ER60s as well as mesopelagic trawling. An acoustic zooplankton profiler (TAPS) will also be used during the CTD profiles. Automatically identifying the major taxonomic groups in the scattering layers based on multifrequency acoustic data will be tested. The discriminating power of the the ME70's frequency band will be compared to that of combining the single frequency ER60s. The related project was Ifremer ObsHal.

Data managed by SISMER



Elliott Sam, Deleys NoemieORCID, Rivot E, Acou A, Réveillac E, Beaulaton L (2021). Shedding light on the river and sea lamprey in western European marine waters. Endangered Species Research, 44, 409-419. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lefort Riwal, Fablet Ronan, Berger LaurentORCID, Boucher Jm (2012). Spatial Statistics of Objects in 3-D Sonar Images: Application to Fisheries Acoustics. Ieee Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters, 9(1), 56-59. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Trenkel VerenaORCID, Berger LaurentORCID, Bourguignon Sebastien, Doray MathieuORCID, Fablet Ronan, Masse Jacques, Mazauric Valerie, Poncelet CyrilleORCID, Quemener Gael, Scalabrin CarlaORCID, Villalobos Hector (2009). Overview of recent progress in fisheries acoustics made by Ifremer with examples from the Bay of Biscay. Aquatic Living Resources, 22(4), 433-445. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Berger LaurentORCID, Poncelet CyrilleORCID, Trenkel VerenaORCID (2009). A method for reducing uncertainty in estimates of fish-school frequency response using data from multifrequency and multibeam echosounders. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66(6), 1155-1161. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ona Egil, Mazauric Valerie, Andersen Lars Nonboe (2009). Calibration methods for two scientific multibeam systems. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 66(6), 1326-1334.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Lefort, R., Fablet, R., Berger, L., Boucher, J-M. 2012. Spatial statistcs of objects in 3D sonar images: Application to fisheries acoustics. Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters. Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters, 2012, 9(1), 56-59.

References of Technical Reports

Doray, M., Petitgas, P., Massé, J.,Trenkel, V. 2008. Rapport sur l'utilisation du sondeur multifaisceaux ME70 lors des campagnes Pelgas08 et Class08. Rapport interne DOP/DCN/EMH 08- 01, 16 pp.

Vacherot, J.-P., Jan, R. 2008. Campagne CLASS 08. Bilan des opérations vidéo. 9 pp.

References of International Seminar Communications

Trenkel, V.M., Berger, L. 2010. Diversity and food web indicators derived from acoustic data: Proposals and first tests. ICES WGFAST, San Diego, Etats Unis. présentation orale.

Berger,L., Scalabrin, C. 2009. Improving bottom detection by combining multibeam and multifrequency echosounder, impact on echo-integration close to the bottom. ICES WGFAST, Ancona, Italy. présentation orale.

Trenkel, V.M., Berger, L., Quemener, G., Doray, M. 2009 Exploring fish schools using 3D information from the ME70: A progress report. ICES WGFAST, Ancona, Italy. présentation orale.

Berger, L., Poncelet, C., Trenkel, V.M. 2008. Methods for identifying scenes observed simultaneously by different acoustic beams. ICES Symposium on the Ecosystem Approach with Fisheries Acoustics and Complementary Technologies, Bergen, Norvège. présentation orale.

Trenkel, V.M., Berger, L., Quemener, G., and Doray, M. 2008. Exploring the 3D structure of fish shoals using ME70 multibeam echosounder data. ICES Symposium on the Ecosystem Approach with Fisheries Acoustics and Complementary Technologies, Bergen, Norvège. présentation orale.

References of National Seminar Communications

Trenkel, V.M., Berger, L., Bourguignon, S., Doray, M., Fablet, R., Massé, J., Mazauric, V., Poncelet, C., Quemener, G., Scalabrin, C., and Villalobos, H. 2008. Recent methodological progress in fisheries acoustics for studying fish stocks and communities with examples from the Bay of Biscay. Colloque Approche systémique des pêches, Boulogne, France.

References of Contracts reports (European Union, FAO, Convention, Collectivities...)

Scalabrin, C., Berger, L., Josse, E., Perrot, Y., Fablet, R., Boucher J.M. 2009. ITIS - ACSYS : rapport d¿avancement 2008. Mars 2009 ¿ STH/LTH 09-21, 23 pp.

Thesis using campaign data

Lefort, Riwal, Ifremer Brest/Telecom Bretagne, thèse: Méthodes probabilistes et contextuelles de traitement basé banc des données acoustiques multifaisceau et multifréquence : application à l'analyse des abondances des espèces pélagiques du golfe de Gascogne, soutenu en Novembre 2010.