Type Campagne océanographique
Navire L'Atalante
Propriétaire navire Ifremer
Dates 09/08/2008 - 24/08/2008
Chef(s) de mission ESCARTIN Javier ORCID


24, rue L'homond

75231 PARIS CEDEX 05


DOI 10.17600/8010110

This project is part of the MoMAR effort to monitor the Lucky Strike site at long term. This cruise encompases 3 projects : RECO (PI P.-M. Sarradin), Graviluck (V. Ballu) and Bathyluck (J. Escartin). Specific objectives;
1. Recovery of TEMPO module, temperature sensors, and pressure gauges and microbiological colonizators,
2. Installation of pressure sensors, temperature sensors, colonizators,
3. Biological and microbiological sampling,
4. OTUS and MR VICTOR survey.

Projects concerned by the cruise : ANR Mothseim et MOMAR.

Données publiées

Cuvelier Daphné, Van Audenhaege Loic, Perrois Garance, Matabos Marjolaine, Sarrazin Jozee (2023). Vent assemblage and substratum of the Eiffel Tower hydrothermal edifice from 1994 to 2008.

Escartin Javier, Cannat Mathilde, Deschamps Anne (2021). Microbathymetry from AUV and ROV Surveys (MOMARETO'06, MOMAR'08-Leg1 and BATHYLUCK'09 cruises) along the Lucky Strike ridge segment (Mid Atlantic Ridge).

Escartin Javier, Barreyre Thibaut, Gracias Nuno, Garcia Rafel (2008). Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge at ~37.25°N) - seafloor photomosaic (MOMAR08-Leg 1 cruise): 1-cm resolution black-and-white geotiffs (UTM zone 25 projection).

Données archivées au Sismer

Opérations de Prélèvements




Gini C., Escartín J., Cannat M., Barreyre Thibaut (2021). Extrusive upper crust formation at slow-spreading ridges: Fault steering of lava flows. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 576, 117202 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

François David, Godfroy AnneORCID, Mathien Clémentine, Aubé JohanneORCID, Cathalot CecileORCID, Lesongeur Francoise, L'Haridon Stephane, Philippon Xavier, Roussel ErwanORCID (2021). Persephonella atlantica sp. nov.: How to adapt to physico-chemical gradients in high temperature hydrothermal habitats. Systematic And Applied Microbiology, 44(1), 126176 (10p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rommevaux Céline, Henri Pauline, Degboe Jefferson, Chavagnac Valérie, Lesongeur Francoise, Godfroy AnneORCID, Boulart Cedric, Destrigneville Christine, Castillo Alain (2019). Prokaryote Communities at Active Chimney and In‐Situ Colonization Devices after a Magmatic Degassing Event (37°N MAR, EMSO‐Azores Deep‐Sea Observatory). Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 20(6), 3065-3089. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Escartin J., Barreyre T., Cannat M., Garcia R., Gracias N., Deschamps A., Salocchi A., Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Ballu V. (2015). Hydrothermal activity along the slow-spreading Lucky Strike ridge segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): Distribution, heatflux, and geological controls. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 431, 173-185. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Durand Lucile, Roumagnac Marie, Cueff-Gauchard ValerieORCID, Jan Cyrielle, Guri Mathieu, Tessier Claire, Haond Marine, Crassous Philippe, Zbinden Magali, Arnaud-Haond SophieORCID, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID (2015). Biogeographical distribution of Rimicaris exoculata resident gut epibiont communities along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent sites. Fems Microbiology Ecology, 91(10), 1-15. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Konn Cecile, Magner Jörgen, Charlou Jean-Luc, Holm Nils G, Alsberg Tomas (2015). A Method for Detection of Trace Concentrations of Underivatized Amino Acid in Hydrothermal Fluids by Ion-Pairing Reversed-Phase UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 6, 313-324. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Szafranski Kamil M., Deschamps Philippe, Cunha Marina R., Gaudron Sylvie M., Duperron Sebastien (2015). Colonization of plant substrates at hydrothermal vents and cold seeps in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean and occurrence of symbiont-related bacteria. Frontiers In Microbiology, 6(162), 1-14. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Barreyre Thibaut, Escartin Javier, Sohn Robert, Cannat Mathilde (2014). Permeability of the Lucky Strike deep-sea hydrothermal system: Constraints from the poroelastic response to ocean tidal loading. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 408, 146-154.

Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Cuvelier Daphne, Peton Loic, Legendre P., Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID (2014). High-resolution dynamics of a deep-sea Hydrothermal mussel assemblage monitored by the EMSO-Açores MoMAR observatory. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 90, 62-75. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cuvelier Daphne, Beesau Julie, Ivanenko Viatcheslav, Zeppilli DanielaORCID, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2014). First insights into macro-and meiofaunal colonisation patterns on paired wood/slate substrata at Atlantic deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 87, 70-81. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Barreyre Thibaut, Escartin Javier, Sohn Robert A., Cannat Mathilde, Ballu Valerie, Crawford Wayne C. (2014). Temporal variability and tidal modulation of hydrothermal exit-fluid temperatures at the Lucky Strike deep-sea vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 119(4), 2543-2566.

Crawford Wayne C., Rai Abhishek, Singh Satich C., Cannat Mathilde, Escartin Javier, Wang Haiyang, Daniel Romuald, Combier Violaine (2013). Hydrothermal seismicity beneath the summit of Lucky Strike volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 373, 118-128.

Hamelin Cedric, Bezos Antoine, Dosso Laure, Escartin Javier, Cannat Mathilde, Mevel Catherine (2013). Atypically depleted upper mantle component revealed by Hf isotopes at Lucky Strike segment. Chemical Geology, 341, 128-139. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Prados Ricard, Garcia Rafael, Gracias Nuno, Escartin Javier, Neumann Laszlo (2012). A Novel Blending Technique for Underwater Gigamosaicing. Ieee Journal Of Oceanic Engineering, 37(4), 626-644.

Teixeira Sara, Serrao Ester A., Arnaud SophieORCID (2012). Panmixia in a Fragmented and Unstable Environment: The Hydrothermal Shrimp Rimicaris exoculata Disperses Extensively along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Plos One, 7(6), -. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mittelstaedt Eric, Escartin Javier, Gracias Nuno, Olive Jean-Arthur, Barreyre Thibaut, Davaille Anne, Cannat Mathilde, Garcia Rafael (2012). Quantifying diffuse and discrete venting at the Tour Eiffel vent site, Lucky Strike hydrothermal field. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 13, -.

Barreyre Thibaut, Escartin Javier, Garcia Rafael, Cannat Mathilde, Mittelstaedt Eric, Prados Ricard (2012). Structure, temporal evolution, and heat flux estimates from the Lucky Strike deep-sea hydrothermal field derived from seafloor image mosaics. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 13, -.

Cuvelier Daphne, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Colaco Ana, Copley Jon T., Desbruyeres Daniel, Glover Adrian G., Santos Ricardo Serrao, Tyler Paul A. (2011). Hydrothermal faunal assemblages and habitat characterisation at the Eiffel Tower edifice (Lucky Strike, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective, 32(2), 243-255. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Crepeau Valentin, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID, Lesongeur Francoise, Randrianalivelo Henintsoa, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Godfroy AnneORCID (2011). Diversity and function in microbial mats from the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field. Fems Microbiology Ecology, 76(3), 524-540.

Moreira Manuel, Escartin Javier, Gayer Eric, Hamelin Cedric, Bezos Antoine, Guillon Fabien, Cannat Mathilde (2011). Rare gas systematics on Lucky Strike basalts (37 degrees N, North Atlantic): Evidence for efficient homogenization in a long‐lived magma chamber system? Geophysical Research Letters, 38, -.

Mittelstaedt Eric, Davaille Anne, Van Keken Peter E., Gracias Nuno, Escartin Javier (2010). A noninvasive method for measuring the velocity of diffuse hydrothermal flow by tracking moving refractive index anomalies. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 11, -.

Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline

Prados, R., R. Garcia, J. Escartín, L. Neumann, "Challenges of Close-Range Underwater Optical Mapping," IEEE OCEANS Conference, pp. 1-10, Santander, Spain,. ISBN (print): 978-1-4577-0086-6.

Références des rapports techniques

Dyment Jérôme, Lallier François, Le Bris Nadine, Rouxel OlivierORCID, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Lamare Sylvain, Coumert Coralie, Morineaux Marie, Tourolle JulieORCID (2014). Les impacts environnementaux de l’exploitation des ressources minérales marines profondes. Expertise scientifique collective. Rapport, CNRS – Ifremer, 937 p.

Puillat IngridORCID, Lietard Cecile, Rolin Jean-Francois (2010). ESONET - European Seas Observatory NETwork. Network of Excellence (NoE). Periodic activity report : version #1 15 april 2010. Project contract n°036851.

Puillat IngridORCID, Lietard Cecile, Rolin Jean-Francois, Person Roland (2009). ESONET - European Seas Observatory NETwork. Network of Excellence (NoE). Periodic activity report : version #1 30 June 2009. Project contract n°036851.

Escartin Javier (2009). MoMAR’08 – Leg 1 (Lucky Strike). Cruise Report. 9-24 Aug 2008.N/O Atalante – Victor 6000.

Puillat IngridORCID, Rolin Jean-Francois, Person Roland (2008). ESONET - European Seas Observatory NETwork. Network of Excellence (NoE). Periodic activity report : revision #1. Project contract n°036851.

Thèses ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Francois David (2021). Dynamique spatiale et temporelle des communautés microbiennes dans les édifices hydrothermaux actifs / Spatial and temporal dynamics of microbial communities in active hydrothermal vents. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Crepeau, V., Diversité et fonctions dans les tapis microbiens du site hydrothermal de Lucky Strike, PhD Thesis, UBO, 264 pp., 2010.