Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Le Nadir
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 06/09/2000 - 19/10/2000
Chief scientist(s) COLLOT Jean-Yves


250 rue Albert Einstein

CS 10269

Campus Azur

06905 Sophia-Antipolis

+33 (0)4 92 94 26 02

DOI 10.17600/80050

The SISTEUR marine and land geophysics cruise took place in September-October 2000 on the active margin of Ecuador and Colombia. It was conducted by the UMR Géosciences Azur research unit (CNRS, IRD, University of Paris 6 and Nice Sophia-Antipolis) working with the national Navies of Ecuador (INOCAR) and Colombia (DIMAR), scientific institutes or national oil companies from both countries (Petroproduccion, Ingeominas, National polytechnic school of Quito) and the participation of German, Canadian, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Spanish, Monecasque and French research scientists and engineers. SISTEUR focused on studying major subduction earthquakes occurring under the Pacific margin of Ecuador and South Colombia. In this region the Nazca ocean plate is moving underneath the South American plate by 8 cm/year. This convergence has produced four devastating earthquakes of a magnitude from 7.8 to 8.8, since 1906. Although these big quakes mainly occur at the contact between the two lithospheric plates, along a megafault plunging underneath the continental margin, the reasons for the blocking of this fault, the deformation distribution in the margin and the disruption's mechanisms are poorly understood. So this cruise consisted in studying these processes using modern seismic reflection equipment to obtain acoustic images of the Earth's crust and using OBS (Ocean Bottom Seismometer) stations. Seismic stations were also deployed on land.

Data managed by SISMER



Bulois Cédric, Saillard Marianne, Espurt Nicolas, Benítez Pedro Reyes, Michaud François, Barba Diego, Peuzin Andréa, Hernández Salazar María José, Schenini Laure, Régnier Marc, Ratzov Gueorgui (2023). Structural evolution of the southern Ecuadorian forearc in the Santa Elena Peninsula region. Journal Of South American Earth Sciences, 130, 104503 (16p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Marcaillou Boris, Collot Jean-Yves, Ribodetti Alessandra, D'Acremont Elia, Mahamat Ammy-Adoum, Alvarado Alexandra (2016). Seamount subduction at the North-Ecuadorian convergent margin: Effects on structures, inter-seismic coupling and seismogenesis. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 433, 146-158.

Garcia Cano Lina Constanza, Galve Audrey, Charvis Philippe, Marcaillou Boris (2014). Three-dimensional velocity structure of the outer fore arc of the Colombia-Ecuador subduction zone and implications for the 1958 megathrust earthquake rupture zone. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 119(2), 1041-1060.

Ratzov Gueorgui, Sosson Marc, Collot Jean-Yves, Migeon Sebastien (2012). Late Quaternary geomorphologic evolution of submarine canyons as a marker of active deformation on convergent margins: The example of the South Colombian margin. Marine Geology, 315, 77-97.

Collot Jean-Yves, Ribodetti A., Agudelo W., Sage F. (2011). The South Ecuador subduction channel: Evidence for a dynamic mega-shear zone from 2D fine-scale seismic reflection imaging and implications for material transfer. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 116(B11102), 1-20. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ioualalen Mansour, Ratzov G., Collot Jean-Yves, Sanclemente E. (2011). The tsunami signature on a submerged promontory: the case study of the Atacames Promontory, Ecuador. Geophysical Journal International, 184(2), 680-688. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Agudelo W., Ribodetti A., Collot J. Y., Operto S. (2009). Joint inversion of multichannel seismic reflection and wide-angle seismic data: Improved imaging and refined velocity model of the crustal structure of the north Ecuador-south Colombia convergent margin. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 114(B02306), 1-27.

Collot J.Y., Agudelo W., Ribodetti A., Marcaillou B. (2008). Origin of a crustal splay fault and its relation to the seismogenic zone and underplating at the erosional north Ecuador-south Colombia oceanic margin. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 113(B12102), 1-19.

Marcaillou Boris, Collot Jean-Yves (2008). Chronostratigraphy and tectonic deformation of the North Ecuadorian-South Colombian offshore Manglares forearc basin. Marine Geology, 255(1-2), 30-44.

Marcaillou Boris, Spence George, Wang Kelin, Collot Jean-Yves, Ribodetti Alessandra (2008). Thermal segmentation along the N. Ecuador-S. Colombia margin (1-4°N): Prominent influence of sedimentation rate in the trench. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 272(1-2), 296-308.

Calahorrano B. Alcinoe, Sallares Valenti, Collot Jean-Yves, Sage Francoise, Ranero Cesar R. (2008). Nonlinear variations of the physical properties along the southern Ecuador subduction channel: Results from depth-migrated seismic data. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 267(3-4), 453-467.

Gailler Audrey, Charvis Philippe, Flueh Emst R. (2007). Segmentation of the Nazca and South American plates along the Ecuador subduction zone from wide angle seismic profiles. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 260(3-4), 444-464.

Sage F., Collot J. Y., Ranero C. R. (2006). Interplate patchiness and subduction-erosion mechanisms: Evidence from depth-migrated seismic images at the central Ecuador convergent margin. Geology, 34(12), 997-1000.

Marcaillou Boris, Spence George, Collot Jean-Yves, Wang Kelin (2006). Thermal regime from bottom simulating reflectors along the north Ecuador-south Colombia margin: Relation to margin segmentation and great subduction earthquakes. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 111(B12407), 1-16.

Marcaillou Boris, Charvis Philippe, Collot Jean-Yves (2006). Structure of the Malpelo Ridge (Colombia) from seismic and gravity modelling. Marine Geophysical Researches, 27(4), 289-300.

Sallares V, Charvis P, Flueh Er, Bialas J (2005). Seismic structure of the Carnegie ridge and the nature of the Galapagos hotspot. Geophysical Journal International, 161(3), 763-788.

Michaud F, Chabert A, Collot Jy, Sallares V, Flueh Er, Charvis P, Graindorge D, Gustcher Ma, Bialas J (2005). Fields of multi-kilometer scale sub-circular depressions in the Carnegie Ridge sedimentary blanket: Effect of underwater carbonate dissolution? Marine Geology, 216(4), 205-219.

Collot Julien, Migeon Sebastien, Spence G., Legonidec Y., Marcaillou B., Schneider J.-L., Michaud F., Alvarado A., Lebrun J.-F., Sosson M., Pazmino A. (2005). Seafloor margin map helps in understanding subduction earthquakes. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 86(46), 463-465. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Collot Jy, Marcaillou B, Sage F, Michaud F, Agudelo W, Charvis P, Graindorge D, Gutscher Ma, Spence G (2004). Are rupture zone limits of great subduction earthquakes controlled by upper plate structures? Evidence from multichannel seismic reflection data acquired across the northern Ecuador-southwest Colombia margin. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 109(B11103), 1-14.

Pontoise B, Monfret T (2004). Shallow seismogenic zone detected from an offshore-onshore temporary seismic network in the Esmeraldas area (northern Ecuador). Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 5(2), 1-22.

Graindorge D, Calahorrano A, Charvis P, Collot Jy, Bethoux N (2004). Deep structures of the Ecuador convergent margin and the Carnegie Ridge, possible consequence on great earthquakes recurrence interval. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(L04603), 1-5.

Sallares V, Charvis P, Flueh Er, Bialas J (2003). Seismic structure of Cocos and Malpelo Volcanic Ridges and implications for hot spot-ridge interaction. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 108(B12), 1-21.

Sallares V, Charvis P (2003). Crustal thickness constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the Galapagos Volcanic Province. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 214(3-4), 545-559.

Pontoise B, Hello Y. (2002). Monochromatic infra-sound waves recorded offshore Ecuador: possible evidence of methane release. Terra Nova, 14(6), 425-435.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Marcaillou B., G. Spence, J-Y Collot, K. Wang, A. Ribodetti, Segmentación térmica del margen del Norte del Ecuador y del Sur de Colombia (1-4°N): su relación con la ubicación de la zona sismogénica, in Geología y geofísica marina y terrestre del Ecuador desde la costa continental hasta las islas Galápagos, edited by Collot J-Y, V. Sallares, and A. Pazmiño, pp., CNDM-INOCAR-IRD, Guayaquil, in press, 2009

Collot J-Y, Charvis P. and the Sisteur Scientific party, Exploring the Ecuador-Colombia active margin and inter-plate seismogenic zone, American Geophysical Union, EOS, 83 (97), 185-190, 2002.

References of Technical Reports

Collot J-Y, P. Charvis et N. Bethoux et l?équipe SISTEUR, La campagne SISTEUR Sismique réflexion et sismique réfraction sur lamarge d?Équateur et de Colombie, Rapport interne, 245p., 2001.

References of Articles published in periodicals and magazines for the general public

Collot J-Y « Cap sur le Pacifique : campagne SISTEUR, de la genèse des grands séismes de subduction » , CNRS-info sept- 2000.

References of International Seminar Communications

Collot J. Y., Charvis, P. Taboada A., et al., Inter-plate structures at the Ecuador-Colombia Margin : Preliminary results of the Deep MCS SISTEUR cruise, EGS XXVI, Nice, Avril, 2001

Charvis P., Collot J. Y., Anglade et al., Wide Angle seismic profiling along the Ecuador and Colombia active margin : SISTEUR Experiment (Sept-Oct 2000), EGS XXVI, Nice, Avril, 2001

Sage F., B. Marcaillou , S. Operto, L. Schenini, and J.-Y. Collot , Conventional processing sequence applied to the IFREMER 360 channel-seismic data : exemple of the SISTEUR'2000 multichannel seismic data recorded offshore the Equatorian and Colombian margins. EGS XXVII, Nice, Avril, 2002

References of Atlases

Labagrielle Y., Lallemand S., Gente P., Leroy S., et Collot J.Y, Le Visage sous-marin de la Terre, Éléments de géodynamique océanique ; Commission de la Carte Géologique du Monde, CNRS, 49p., + 1CD, 2005.


Surugue B., La Visita, (Film de 32 mn) IRD audiovisuel (superviseurs scientifiques J-Y Collot, P. Charvis et B. Pontoise), 2004.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Gailler, A., "Structures de la zone de contact inter-plaques à partir de données sismiques de la campagne SISTEUR. Stage de DEA-UPMC « Dynamique de la Lithosphère, des Marges Océaniques aux Chaînes de Montagnes », juin, 2002 (tuteur P. Charvis)

Thesis using campaign data

Gonzalez Miguel (2018). Nature et origine des dépôts sédimentaires de la fosse de subduction d’Equateur : implications paléosismologiques / Nature and origin of sedimentary deposits in the Ecuador subduction trench : paleoseismological implications. PhD Thesis, Université de Rennes.

Alcinoe Calahorrano, « Structure crustale et déformation de la marge sud-équatorienne et du Golfe de Guayaquil dans un contexte d'ouverture en transtension », Thèse UPMC,10 Janvier 2005, (Directeurs J-Y Collot- F. Sage)

William Agudelo, « Imagerie sismique quantitative de la marge d ?Équateur-Colombie : Application des méthodes de tomographie aux données de sismique réflexion multitrace et réfraction-réflexion grand angle des campagnes SISTEUR et SALIERI », Thèse UPMC, Juillet 2005, (Directeurs A. Ribodetti et J-Y Collot)

Boris Marcaillou, « Régime tectoniques et thermiques de la marge Nord Andine-Sud Colombie, Implications sur la sismogenèse », Thèse UPMC,19 Déc 2003, (Directeurs J-Y Collot- P. Charvis)

David Graindorge., « Structure profonde des zones de subduction des Cascades et de l?Équateur : approche par les méthodes sismiques, exemple du Détroit de Juan de Fuca et de la partie centrale de la marge Équatorienne ». Thèse UPMC, juillet, 2002 (Directeurs P. Charvis et J-Y Collot).