Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set ZAIANGO
Ship Le Nadir
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 20/02/2000 - 14/03/2000
Chief scientist(s) SAVOYE Bruno


Univ. Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, Univ. Bretagne Sud

Place Nicolas Copernic

29280 Plouzané

DOI 10.17600/80010
Objective Sonar and seismic survey on the Congo-Gabon-Angola margin in the framework of collaboration between Elf and Ifremer. This falls under the ZAIANGO project. The area covered by the cruise is the Margin and related ocean basins offshore from Congo and Angola.



Biari Youssef, Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Franke Dieter, Funck Thomas, Loncke Lies, Sibuet Jean-Claude, Basile Christophe, Austin James A., Rigoti Caesar Augusto, Sahabi Mohamed, Benabdellouahed Massinissa, Roest WalterORCID (2021). Structure and evolution of the Atlantic passive margins: a review of existing rifting models from wide-angle seismic data and kinematic reconstruction. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 126, 104898 (43p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gay Aurelien, Lopez Michel, Potdevin Jean-Luc, Vida Valerie, Varas German, Favier Alexiane, Tribovillard Nicolas (2019). 3D morphology and timing of the giant fossil pockmark of Beauvoisin, SE Basin of France. Journal Of The Geological Society, 176(1), 61-77.

Dennielou BernardORCID, Droz Laurence, Babonneau Nathalie, Jacq Celine, Bonnel Cedric, Picot Marie, Le Saout Morgane, Saout Yohan, Bez Martine, Savoye Bruno, Olu KarineORCID, Rabouille Christophe (2017). Morphology, structure, composition and build-up processes of the active channel-mouth lobe complex of the Congo deep-sea fan with inputs from remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) multibeam and video surveys. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 142, 25-49. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Van Gaever Saskia, Galeron Joelle, Sibuet Myriam, Vanreusel Ann (2009). Deep-sea habitat heterogeneity influence on meiofaunal communities in the Gulf of Guinea. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 56(23), 2259-2269. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Savoye Bruno, Babonneau Nathalie, Dennielou BernardORCID, Bez Martine (2009). Geological overview of the Angola-Congo margin, the Congo deep-sea fan and its submarine valleys. Deep Sea Research Part Ii Topical Studies In Oceanography, 56(23), 2169-2182. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Technical Reports

Hubert Bernard (2014). Atelier de Réflexion Prospective (ARP) MERMED : Adaptation aux changements environnementaux en mer Méditerranée : quelles recherches et quels partenariats ? Synthèse des fiches prospectives : Le bassin méditerranéen à l’horizon 2030 : Quels défis à relever pour la mer Méditerranée ?

Thesis using campaign data

Biari Youssef (2015). Structure profonde de la marge Nord-Ouest Africaine. PhD Thesis, Université Européenne de Bretagne.

Bonnel Cedric (2005). Mise en place des lobes distaux dans les systèmes turbiditiques actuels: Analyse comparée des systèmes du Zaïre, Var et Rhône. / Settings of distal turbiditic lobes: comparison of Zaire (Congo), Var and Rhone systems. PhD Thesis, Université Bordeaux 1.