Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Rrs Discovery
Ship owner NERC
Dates 13/04/2007 - 14/05/2007
Chief scientist(s) HOBBS Richard


South Road

Durham DH1 3LE


0191 374 2520


Objective Cruise related to the FP6 EU program, project GO (Geophysical Oceanography). The objective of GO cruise is to esplore the potential odf seismic methods for the production of images of the internal structure of oceans. Sieismic data and hydrological data (CTD) have been collected simultaneously from the R/V Discovery, in the Bay of Biscaye, in April 2007. New seismic images of the vein of Mediterranean water have been obtained with two different sources, low and high resolution. The cruise was divided into 2 legs : - leg I, 13 to 23 April 2007 : High resolution seismic data, acquisition de données de sismique haute résolution, with a source of low volume - leg II, 26 April to 14 may 2007 : Lowresolution seismic data (20-30 Hz), with a classical source.

Data managed by SISMER



Piete Helene, Marie Louis, Marsset Bruno, Thomas Yannick, Gutscher Marc-Andre (2013). Seismic reflection imaging of shallow oceanographic structures. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 118(5), 2329-2344. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1002/jgrc.20156 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00141/25193/

Quentel Elise, Carton Xavier, Gutscher Marc-Andre, Hobbs Richard (2010). Detecting and characterizing mesoscale and submesoscale structures of Mediterranean water from joint seismic and hydrographic measurements in the Gulf of Cadiz. Geophysical Research Letters, 37(L06604), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1029/2010GL042766