Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Marion Dufresne
Ship owner IPEV
Dates 13/03/1976 - 22/04/1976
Chief scientist(s) GAMBERONI Lucien


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

43-45 rue Cuvier

75231 PARIS CEDEX 05

+33 (0)1 40.79.31 58

DOI 10.17600/76010111
Objective Isolated bottom temperature, isolated bottom salinity, conventional hydrological stations less than 500m and more than 500m, oxygen and silicate measurements.

Sampling operations




Coleman Charles Oliver, Krapp-Schickel Traudl, Häussermann Vreni (2022). Amphipod crustaceans from Chilean Patagonia. European Journal Of Taxonomy, 849, 1-57. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gaspard Daniele, Aldridge Anthony E., Boudouma Omar, Fialin Michel, Rividi Nicolas, Lecuyer Christophe (2018). Analysis of growth and form in Aerothyris kerguelenensis (rhynchonelliform brachiopod) - Shell spiral deviations, microstructure, trace element contents and stable isotope ratios. Chemical Geology, 483, 474-490.

Bitner Maria Aleksandra, Logan Alan (2016). Recent Brachiopoda from the Mozambique-Madagascar area, western Indian Ocean. Zoosystema, 38(1), 5-41.

Ahyong Shane T., Schnabel Kareen E., Baba Keiji (2015). Southern High Latitude Squat Lobsters: Galatheoidea and Chirostyloidea from Macquarie Ridge with Description of a New Species of Uroptychus. Records Of The Australian Museum, 67(4), 109-128. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mah Christopher, Neill Kate, Eleaume Marc, Foltz David (2014). New species and global revision of Hippasteria (Hippasterinae: Goniasteridae; Asteroidea; Echinodermata). Zoological Journal Of The Linnean Society, 171(2), 422-456.

Cabezas Patricia, Sanmartin Isabel, Paulay Gustav, Macpherson Enrique, Machordom Annie (2012). Deep under the sea : unraveling the evolutionary history of the deep-sea squat lobster paramunida (Decapoda, munididae). Evolution, 66(6), 1878-1896.

Koubbi Philippe, Moteki Masato, Duhamel Guy, Goarant Anne, Hulley Percy-Alexander, O'Driscoll Richard, Ishimaru Takashi, Pruvost Patrice, Tavernier Eric, Hosie Graham (2011). Ecoregionalization of myctophid fish in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean: Results from generalized dissimilarity models. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 58(1-2), 170-180.

Hughes J. A., Smith T., Chaillan F., Bett B. J., Billett D. S. M., Boorman B., Fisher E. H., Frenz M., Wolff G. A. (2007). Two abyssal sites in the Southern Ocean influenced by different organic matter inputs: Environmental characterization and preliminary observations on the benthic foraminifera. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 54(18-20), 2275-2290.

Macpherson E (2004). A new species and new records of lithodid crabs (Crustacea : Decapoda : Lithodidae) from the Crozet and Kerguelen Islands area (Subantarctica). Polar Biology, 27(7), 418-422.

Jaume D, Sorbe Jc (2001). A new bathyal amphipod from the Bay of Biscay: Carangolia barnardi sp nov (Gammaridea : Urothoidae). Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 81(1), 49-59.

Fryxell Greta A. (2000). Nitzschia bicapitata (Bacillariophyceae) and related taxa from oceanic aggregations. Diatom Research, 15(1), 43-73.

Stolarski J (2000). Origin and phylogeny of Guyniidae (Scleractinia) in the light of microstructural data. Lethaia, 33(1), 13-38.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Komai Tomoyuki, Komatsu Hironori (2016). Additional Records of Deep-water Shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda, Dendrobranchiata and Caridea) from off Northeastern Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology, 42(1), 23-48.

Gillet Patrick (2001). Flabelligena amoureuxi new genus, new species (Polychaeta : Acrocirridae) from Crozet Islands (Indian Ocean). Bulletin Of Marine Science, 68(1), 125-131.

Gillet Patrick (1991). Biogeography and Polychaete Assemblages from Sub-Antarctic Islands (Indian-Ocean) - Marion Dufresne MD/08 Benthos Expedition to Marion, Prince-Edward and Crozet-Islands. Bulletin of Marine Science, 48(2), 358-368.

D'Hondt Jean-Loup (1984). Nouvelle contribution à la connaissance des Bryozoaires marins des Terres Australes Françaises. Résultats de campagnes océanographiques du M.S. "Marion-Dufresne" et de prospection littorales de la Vedette Japonaise, (55), 95-116.

References of Technical Reports

Koubbi P, Mignard C, Causse R, Da Silva O, Baudena A, Bost C, Cotte C, D'Ovidio F, Della Penna A, Delord K, Fabri-Ruiz S, Ferrieux M, Guinet C, Lo Monaco C, Saucede T, Weimerskirch H (2016). Ecoregionalisation of the Kerguelen and Crozet islands oceanic zone. Part II: The Crozet oceanic zone. WG-EMM-16/54.