Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set GATE
Ship Perle
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 27/07/1974 - 25/08/1974
Chief scientist(s) HOUDART Michel


1625 route de Sainte-Anne

CS 10070


+33(0)2 98 22 40 40

DOI 10.17600/74201211
Objective The main objectives are as follows: to gain a better understanding of the movements of the atmosphere, evaluate how far into the future it is possible to forecast the evolution of weather systems, develop more efficient methods of using meteorological observation data, design an optimal composite weather observation system for large-scale forecasting of general circulation patterns.



Janicot S., Thorncroft C. D., Ali A., Asencio N., Berry G., Bock O., Bourles B., Caniaux G., Chauvin F., Deme A., Kergoat L., Lafore J.-P., Lavaysse C., Lebel T., Marticorena B., Mounier F., Nedelec P., Redelsperger J.-L., Ravegnani F., Reeves C. E., Roca R., de Rosnay P., Schlager H., Sultan B., Tomasini M., Ulanovsky A. (2008). Large-scale overview of the summer monsoon over West Africa during the AMMA field experiment in 2006. Annales Geophysicae, 26(9), 2569-2595. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Kouame Kanga Désiré, Kouassi Aka Marcel, Trokourey Albert, Toualy Elisée, N’guessan Benjamin K., Brehmer Patrice, Ostrowski Marek (2021). Spatial and Seasonal Variability of Mixed Layer Depth in the Tropical Atlantic at 10 °W using 40 Years of Observation Data. European Journal of Scientific Research / Revue Européenne de la recherche Scientifique, 158(3), 207-217. Open Access version :

Aman A., Testut L., Woodworth P., Aarup T., Dixon D. (2007). Seasonal sea level variability in the Gulf of Guinea from altimetry and tide gauge. Revue Ivoirienne des Sciences et Technologie, (09), 105-118.