Type Campagne océanographique
Navire Marion Dufresne
Propriétaire navire TAAF
Dates 06/02/2007 - 28/02/2007
Chef(s) de mission KISSEL Catherine


Orme des Merisiers

Bâtiment 714

Chemin de Saint Aubin - RD 128

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

+33(0)1 69 08 77 11

DOI 10.17600/7200010

Les objectifs de la campagne PACHIDERME (PAcifique-CHIli : Dynamique des Eaux intermédiaires) étaient de prélever des séries sédimentaires marines à haut taux de sédimentation pour étudier les changements passés des environnements, du climat et de l'océan au sud-est du pacifique, le long de la marge chilienne. Les 9° de latitude les plus sud du Chili, correspondant à la région des fjords, constituent la seule masse continentale interceptant les vents d'ouest et constituent donc une contrainte topographique très importante à tout le système océanographique influencés par ces vents. Le sud-Chili représente donc une zone stratégique pour étudier les relations entre les circulations atmosphériques et océaniques des moyennes et hautes latitudes et pour élucider leur rôle dans les changements climatiques régionaux et globaux.

Les taux de sédimentation très élevés reconnus dans ces régions offrent la rare opportunité de prélever des séries sédimentaires ayant enregistré les variations climatiques très court terme (de l'ordre de la dizaine d'années) au cours de l'Holocène et du dernier cycle climatique. De tels enregistrements sont importants pour contraindre l'amplitude, le mode et l'origine de la variabilité climatique dans le passé. Les études portent sur :
1) les changements du climat continental (précipitation/activité glaciaire) et la position latitudinale des vents d'ouest,
2) la variabilité des propriétés des masses d'eau nouvellement formées et leur couplage avec les conditions océaniques de surface et avec l'atmosphère,
3) la variabilité naturelle du climat à l'échelle de la dizaine d'années au cours de l'Holocène et du dernier maximum glaciaire,
4) l'impact biogéochimique de ces climats et les changements de circulation océanique.

Contexte scientifique et programmatique des campagnes

Résultats majeurs

Données archivées au Sismer



Coveney Saoirse M, Bell Rebecca E, Wils Katleen, Lastras Galderic, Whittaker Alexander C. The Early Evolution of a Young Normal Fault in the Aysén Fjord, Chile. ESS Open Archive . January 24, 2025. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.173775748.84415692/v1 IN PRESS.

Oliva Elisabeth Teca, Michel Elisabeth, Siani Giuseppe, Crosta Xavier, Lange Carina B., Fontaine Consuelo Martínez, Cárdenas Paola (2024). Paleoceanography of the Southeast Pacific since the late glacial from diatom and foraminiferal assemblages. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 655, 112515 (14p.).

Briones Dalila, Guerra Lucía, Soteres Rodrigo L., Moreno Patricio I. (2024). Vegetation and environmental responses from extreme glacial to extreme interglacial conditions in central Isla Grande de Chiloé (∼42°S), northwestern Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 344, 108927 (18p.).

Vervoort Morgan, Wils Katleen, Vanneste Kris, Urrutia Roberto, Pino Mario, Kissel Catherine, de Batist Marc, Van Daele Maarten (2024). Co- and postseismic subaquatic evidence for prehistoric fault activity near Coyhaique, Aysén Region, Chile. Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences, 24(10), 3401-3421. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sepúlveda-Zúñiga E.A., Villacís L.A., Maidana N.I., Sagredo E., Moreno P.I. (2024). Paleolimnology of Lago Pichilaguna over the past ∼12,600 years based on a fine-resolution diatom record, northwestern Patagonia (41°S). Quaternary Science Reviews, 339, 108835 (15p.).

Sproson Adam D., Yokoyama Yusuke, Miyairi Yosuke, Aze Takahiro, Clementi Vincent J., Riechelson Hailey, Bova Samantha C., Rosenthal Yair, Childress Laurel B., Aiello Ivano W., Avila Alejandro, Biggs William, Charles Christopher D., Cheung Anson H., Delong Kimberly, Dove Isabel A., Du Xiaojing, Estes Emily R., Fuentes Ursula, García-Lasanta Cristina, Goldstein Steven L., Golub Anna, Hagemann Julia Rieke, Hatfield Robert G., Haynes Laura L., Hess Anya V., Irvali Nil, Kiro Yael, Monteagudo Minda M., Lambert Jonathan E., Li Chen, Longo William M., McGrath Sarah, Robinson Rebecca S., Sarao John, Taylor Shawn, Wright James D., Yu Siyao M., The Expedition 379t Scientists (2024). Near-synchronous Northern Hemisphere and Patagonian Ice Sheet variation over the last glacial cycle. Nature Geoscience, 17(5), 450-457.

Álvarez-Barra Valentina, Maldonado Antonio, Eugenia De Porras María, Nuevo-Delaunay Amalia, Méndez César (2024). Postglacial landscape dynamics and fire regimes in west Central Patagonia, Chile (44°S, 72°W): Evidence from the Cisnes River Basin. Quaternary Science Reviews, 332, 108655 (14p.).

Hagemann Julia R., Lamy Frank, Arz Helge W., Lembke-Jene Lester, Auderset Alexandra, Harada Naomi, Ho Sze Ling, Iwasaki Shinya, Kaiser Jérôme, Lange Carina B., Murayama Masafumi, Nagashima Kana, Nowaczyk Norbert, Martínez-García Alfredo, Tiedemann Ralf (2024). A marine record of Patagonian ice sheet changes over the past 140,000 years. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 121(12), e2302983121 (10p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Moreno Patricio I., Lambert Fabrice, Hernández Loreto, Villa-Martínez Rodrigo P. (2023). Environmental evolution of western Tierra del Fuego (∼54°S) since ice-free conditions and its zonal/hemispheric implications. Quaternary Science Reviews, 322, 108387 (25p.).

Todd Victoria, Shanahan Timothy, Dinezio Pedro, Klavans Jeremy, Fawcett Peter, Anderson R. Scott, Jimenez-Moreno Gonzalo, Legrande Allegra, Pausata Francesco, Thompson Alex, Zhu Jiang. North Pacific response to hemispheric warming forces Holocene drought. Under Review at Nature Portfolio IN PRESS. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zhang Shuai, Li Tiegang, Yu Zhoufei, Chang Fengming, Gu Sifan, Xiong Zhifang, Liu Heng, Qian Fang, Zhang Junru, Cheng Xuhua, Li Baohua (2023). Abrupt warming of the equatorial intermediate Pacific during Heinrich Stadial 1. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 622, 111600 (9p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Leger Tancrède P.M., Hein Andrew S., Bingham Robert G., Rodés Ángel, Fabel Derek, Smedley Rachel K. (2021). Geomorphology and 10Be chronology of the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation in northeastern Patagonia, 43°S-71°W. Quaternary Science Reviews, 272, 107194 (26p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Wils Katleen, Wermersche Marlies, Van Rooij David, Lastras Galderic, Lamy Frank, Arz Helge W., Siani Giuseppe, Bertrand Sebastien, Van Daele Maarten (2021). Late Holocene current patterns in the northern Patagonian fjords recorded by sediment drifts in Aysén Fjord. Marine Geology, 441, 106604 (16p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Fontaine Consuelo Martínez, Siani Giuseppe, Delpech Guillaume, Michel Elisabeth, Villarosa Gustavo, Manssouri Fatima, Nouet Julius (2021). Post–glacial tephrochronology record off the Chilean continental margin (∼41° S). Quaternary Science Reviews, 261, 106928 (19p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Stott Lowell D, Shao Jun, Yu Jimin, Harazin Kathleen M (2021). Evaluating the glacial-deglacial carbon respiration and ventilation change hypothesis as a mechanism for changing atmospheric CO2. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(3), e2020GL091296 (9p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bard Edouard, Heaton Timothy J (2021). On the tuning of plateaus in atmospheric and oceanic 14C records to derive calendar chronologies of deep-sea cores and records of 14C marine reservoir age changes. Climate of the Past, 17(4), 1701-1725. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sarnthein Michael, Küssner Kevin, Grootes Pieter M., Ausin Blanca, Eglinton Timothy, Muglia Juan, Muscheler Raimund, Schlolaut Gordon (2020). Plateaus and jumps in the atmospheric radiocarbon record – potential origin and value as global age markers for glacial-to-deglacial paleoceanography, a synthesis. Climate Of The Past, 16(6), 2547-2571. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Villaseñor Tania, Tentori Daniel, Marsaglia Kathleen M., Pinto Luisa (2020). The changing Patagonian landscape: Erosion and westward sediment transfer paths in northern Patagonia during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. Basin Research, 32(5), 1045-1063. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Wils Katleen, Daele Maarten Van, Kissel Catherine, Moernaut Jasper, Schmidt Sabine, Siani Giuseppe, Lastras Galderic (2020). Seismo‐turbidites in Aysén Fjord (Southern Chile) Reveal a Complex Pattern of Rupture Modes Along the 1960 Megathrust Earthquake Segment. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 125(9), e2020JB019405 (23p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Villalobos Angelo, Vargas Easton Gabriel, Maksymowicz Andrei, Ruiz Sergio, Lastras Galderic, de Pascale Gregory P., Agurto‐detzel Hans (2020). Active faulting, submarine surface rupture and seismic migration along the Liquiñe‐Ofqui fault system, Patagonian Andes. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 125(9), e2020JB019946 (26p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Küssner Kevin, Sarnthein Michael, Lamy Frank, Michel Elisabeth, Mollenhauer Gesine, Ronge Thomas Alexander, Siani Giuseppe, Tiedemann Ralf (2020). Glacial to deglacial reservoir ages of surface waters in the southern South Pacific. ESS Open Archive, 54p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Orme Lise C, Crosta Xavier, Miettinen Arto, Divine Dmitry V, Husum Katrine, Isaksson Elisabeth, Wacker Lukas, Mohan Rahul, Ther Olivier, Ikehara Minoru (2020). Sea surface temperature in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean over the Late Glacial and Holocene. Climate Of The Past, 16(4), 1451-1467. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Haddam N. A., Michel E., Siani G., Licari L., Dewilde F. (2020). Ventilation and expansion of intermediate and deep waters in the Southeast Pacific during the last termination. Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology, 35(7), e2019PA003743 (16p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mendelová Monika, Hein Andrew S., Rodés Ángel, Smedley Rachel K., Xu Sheng (2020). Glacier expansion in central Patagonia during the Antarctic Cold Reversal followed by retreat and stabilisation during the Younger Dryas. Quaternary Science Reviews, 227, 106047 (19p.).

Martínez Fontaine Consuelo, de Pol‐holz Ricardo, Michel Elisabeth, Siani Giuseppe, Reyes‐macaya Dharma, Martínez‐méndez Gema, Devries Tim, Stott Lowell, Southon John, Mohtadi Mahyar, Hebbeln Dierk (2019). Ventilation of the deep–ocean carbon reservoir during the last deglaciation: results from the Southeast Pacific. Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology, 34(12), 2080-2097. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Shao Jun, Stott Lowell D., Gray William R., Greenop Rosanna, Pecher Ingo, Neil Helen L., Coffin Richard B., Davy Bryan, Rae James W.B. (2019). Atmosphere‐Ocean CO2 Exchange Across the Last Deglaciation from the Boron Isotope Proxy. Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology, 34(10), 1650-1670. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Luening Sebastian, Galka Mariusz, Bamonte Florencia Paula, Garcia Rodriguez Felipe, Vahrenholt Fritz (2019). The Medieval Climate Anomaly in South America. Quaternary International, 508, 70-87. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Collins James A., Lamy Frank, Kaiser Jérôme, Ruggieri Nicoletta, Henkel Susann, de Pol-Holz Ricardo, Garreaud Réne, Arz Helge W. (2019). Centennial-scale SE Pacific sea surface temperature variability over the past 2300 years. Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology, 34(3), 336-352. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Montade Vincent, Peyron Odile, Favier Charly, Francois Jean Pierre, Haberle Simon G. (2019). A pollen-climate calibration from western Patagonia for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. Journal Of Quaternary Science, 34(1), 76-86. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Piret Loic, Bertrand Sebastien, Kissel Catherine, de Pol-Holz Ricardo, Tamayo Hernando Alvaro, Van Daele Maarten (2018). First evidence of a mid-Holocene earthquake-triggered megaturbidite south of the Chile Triple Junction. Sedimentary Geology, 375, 120-133. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Haddam Naoufel Abdeldjalyl, Siani Giuseppe, Michel Elisabeth, Kaiser Jerome, Lamy Frank, Duchamp-Alphonse Stephanie, Hefter Jens, Braconnot Pascale, Dewilde Fabien, Isguder Giilay, Tisnerat-Laborde Nadine, Thil Francois, Durand Nicolas, Kissel Catherine (2018). Changes in latitudinal sea surface temperature gradients along the Southern Chilean margin since the last glacial. Quaternary Science Reviews, 194, 62-76.

Duchamp-Alphonse Stephanie, Siani Giuseppe, Michel Elisabeth, Beaufort Luc, Gally Yves, Jaccard Samuel L. (2018). Enhanced ocean-atmosphere carbon partitioning via the carbonate counter pump during the last deglacial. Nature Communications, 9(1), 2396 (10p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zhao Ning, Marchal Olivier, Keigwin Lloyd, Amrhein Daniel, Gebbie Geoffrey (2018). A Synthesis of Deglacial Deep-Sea Radiocarbon Records and Their (In)Consistency With Modern Ocean Ventilation. Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology, 33(2), 128-151. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Wils Katleen, Van Daele Maarten, Lastras Galderic, Kissel Catherine, Lamy Frank, Siani Giuseppe (2018). Holocene Event Record of Aysén Fjord (Chilean Patagonia): an Interplay of Volcanic Eruptions, Crustal and Megathrust Earthquakes. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 123(1), 324-343. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jouve Guillaume, Lise-Pronovost Agathe, Francus Pierre, de Coninck Arnaud S., Pasado Science Team (2017). Climatic influence of the latest Antarctic isotope maximum of the last glacial period (AIM4) on Southern Patagonia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 472, 33-50. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Fernandez Rodrigo, Gulick Sean, Rodrigo Cristian, Domack Eugene, Leventer Amy (2017). Seismic stratigraphy and glacial cycles in the inland passages of the Magallanes Region of Chile, southernmost South America. Marine Geology, 386, 19-31. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mendelova M., Hein A. S., McCulloch R., Davies B. (2017). The last glacial maximum ans deglaciation in central Patagonia, 44°S-49°S. Cuadernos De Investigacion Geografica, 43(2), 719-750. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Haddam N. A., Michel E., Siani G., Cortese G., Bostock H. C., Duprat J. M., Isguder G. (2016). Improving past sea surface temperature reconstructions from the Southern Hemisphere oceans using planktonic foraminiferal census data. Paleoceanography, 31(6), 822-837.

Villavicencio Natalia A., Lindsey Emily L., Martin Fabiana M., Borrero Luis A., Moreno Patricio I., Marshall Charles R., Barnosky Anthony D. (2016). Combination of humans, climate, and vegetation change triggered Late Quaternary megafauna extinction in the ultima Esperanza region, southern Patagonia, Chile. Ecography, 39(2), 125-140.

Mendez Cesar, de Porras Maria E., Maldonado Antonio, Reyes Omar, Nuevo Delaunay Amalia, Garcia Juan-Luis (2016). Human Effects in Holocene Fire Dynamics of Central Western Patagonia (~ to 44° S, Chile). Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution, 4(100), 19 p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Flantua S. G. A., Blaauw M., Hooghiemstra H. (2016). Geochronological database and classification system for age uncertainties in Neotropical pollen records. Climate Of The Past, 12(2), 387-414. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Kaiser Jerome, Schouten Stefan, Kilian Rolf, Arz Helge W., Lamy Frank, Damste Jaap S. Sinninghe (2015). Isoprenoid and branched GDGT-based proxies for surface sediments from marine, fjord and lake environments in Chile. Organic Geochemistry, 89-90, 117-127. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Weller D. J., Miranda C. G., Moreno P. I., Villa-Martinez R., Stern C. R. (2015). Tephrochronology of the southernmost Andean Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile. Bulletin Of Volcanology, 77(12), 107 (24p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lamy Frank, Arz Helge W., Kilianc Rolf, Lange Carina B., Lembke-Jene Lester, Wengler Marc, Kaiser Jerome, Baeza-Urrea Oscar, Hall Ian R., Harada Naomi, Tiedemann Ralf (2015). Glacial reduction and millennial-scale variations in Drake Passage throughflow. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 112(44), 13496-13501. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Aracena Claudia, Kilian Rolf, Lange Carina B., Bertrand Sebastien, Lamy Frank, Arz Helge W., de Pol-Holz Ricardo, Baeza Oscar, Pantoja Silvio, Kissel Catherine (2015). Holocene variations in productivity associated with changes in glacier activity and freshwater flux in the central basin of the Strait of Magellan. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 436, 112-122. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Van Der Putten Nathalie, Verbruggen Cyriel, Bjorck Svante, Michel Elisabeth, Disnar Jean-Robert, Chapron Emmanuel, Moine Bertrand N., de Beaulieu Jacques-Louis (2015). The Last Termination in the South Indian Ocean: A unique terrestrial record from Kerguelen Islands (49 ° S) situated within the Southern Hemisphere westerly belt. Quaternary Science Reviews, 122, 142-157. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Montade Vincent, Kageyama Masa, Combourieu-Nebout Nathalie, Ledru Marie-Pierre, Michel Elisabeth, Siani Giuseppe, Kissel Catherine (2015). Teleconnection between the Intertropical Convergence Zone and southern westerly winds throughout the last deglaciation. Geology, 43(8), 735-738.

de La Fuente Maria, Skinner Luke, Calvo Eva, Pelejero Carles, Cacho Isabel (2015). Increased reservoir ages and poorly ventilated deep waters inferred in the glacial Eastern Equatorial Pacific. Nature Communications, 6(7420), 1-11. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zhu J., Luecke A., Wissel H., Mayr C., Enters D., Kim K. Ja, Ohlendorf C., Schaebitz F., Zolitschka B. (2014). Climate history of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies belt during the last glacial-interglacial transition revealed from lake water oxygen isotope reconstruction of Laguna Potrok Aike (52 degrees S, Argentina). Climate Of The Past, 10(6), 2153-2169. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bertrand Sebastien, Hughen Konrad, Sepulveda Julio, Pantoja Silvio (2014). Late Holocene covariability of the southern westerlies and sea surface temperature in northern Chilean Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 105, 195-208. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sanchez Gloria E., Lange Carina B., Flores Jose-Abel, Caniupan Magaly, Lamy Frank (2014). Cocolitóforos en sedimentos marinos frente a la entrada occidental del Estrecho de Magallanes (53°S) revelan cambios en la productividad durante los últimos 30.000 años. Latin American Journal Of Aquatic Research, 42(5), 1035-1049. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Golledge N. R., Menviel L., Carter L., Fogwill C. J., England M. H., Cortese G., Levy R. H. (2014). Antarctic contribution to meltwater pulse 1A from reduced Southern Ocean overturning. Nature Communications, 5(5107), 10p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Caniupan Magaly, Lamy Frank, Lange Carina B., Kaiser Jerome, Kilian Rolf, Arz Helge W., Leon Tania, Mollenhauer Gesine, Sandoval Susana, de Pol-Holz Ricardo, Pantoja Silvio, Wellner Julia, Tiedemann Ralf (2014). Holocene sea-surface temperature variability in the Chilean fjord region. Quaternary Research, 82(2), 342-353. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

de Porras M. E., Maldonado A., Quintana F. A., Martel-Cea A., Reyes O., Mendez C. (2014). Environmental and climatic changes in central Chilean Patagonia since the Late Glacial (Mallin El Embudo, 44° S). Climate Of The Past, 10(3), 1063-1078. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Breuer Sonja, Kilian Rolf, Schoerner Dirk, Weinrebe Wilhelm, Behrmann Jan, Baeza Oscar (2013). Glacial and tectonic control on fjord morphology and sediment deposition in the Magellan region (53 degrees S), Chile. Marine Geology, 346, 31-46.

Siani Giuseppe, Michel Elisabeth, de Pol-Holz Ricardo, Devries Tim, Lamy Frank, Carel Melanie, Isguder Gulay, Dewilde Fabien, Lourantou Anna (2013). Carbon isotope records reveal precise timing of enhanced Southern Ocean upwelling during the last deglaciation. Nature Communications, 4(2758). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Harada Naomi, Ninnemann Ulysses, Lange Carina B., Marchant Margarita E., Sato Miyako, Ahagon Naokazu, Pantoja Silvio (2013). Deglacial-Holocene environmental changes at the Pacific entrance of the Strait of Magellan. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 375, 125-135. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Van Daele Maarten, Versteeg Willem, Pino Mario, Urrutia Roberto, de Batist Marc (2013). Widespread deformation of basin-plain sediments in Aysen fjord (Chile) due to impact by earthquake-triggered, onshore-generated mass movements. Marine Geology, 337, 67-79.

Montade Vincent, Nebout Nathalie Combourieu, Kissel Catherine, Haberle Simon G., Siani Giuseppe, Michel Elisabeth (2013). Vegetation and climate changes during the last 22,000 yr from a marine core near Taitao Peninsula, southern Chile. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 369, 335-348.

Glasser Neil F., Harrison Stephan, Schnabel Christoph, Fabel Derek, Jansson Krister N. (2012). Younger Dryas and early Holocene age glacier advances in Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 58, 7-17.

Ho Sze Ling, Mollenhauer Gesine, Lamy Frank, Martinez-Garcia Alfredo, Mohtadi Mahyar, Gersonde Rainer, Hebbeln Dierk, Nunez-Ricardo Samuel, Rosell-Mele Antoni, Tiedemann Ralf (2012). Sea surface temperature variability in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean over the past 700 kyr. Paleoceanography, 27(PA4202), 1-15. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Kilian Rolf, Lamy Frank (2012). A review of Glacial and Holocene paleoclimate records from southernmost Patagonia (49-55 degrees S). Quaternary Science Reviews, 53, 1-23.

Montade Vincent, Combourieu Nebout Nathalie, Chapron Emmanuel, Mulsow Sandor, Abarzua Ana M., Debret Maxime, Foucher Anthony, Desmet Marc, Winiarski Thierry, Kissel Catherine (2012). Regional vegetation and climate changes during the last 13 kyr from a marine pollen record in Seno Reloncavi, southern Chile. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 181, 11-21.

St-Onge Guillaume, Chapron Emmanuel, Mulsow Sandor, Salas Marcos, Viel Matias, Debret Maxime, Foucher Anthony, Mulder Thierry, Winiarski Thierry, Desmet Marc, Costa Pedro J. M., Ghaleb Bassam, Jaouen Alain, Locat Jacques (2012). Comparison of earthquake-triggered turbidites from the Saguenay (Eastern Canada) and Reloncavi (Chilean margin) Fjords: Implications for paleoseismicity and sedimentology. Sedimentary Geology, 243, 89-107.

Bertrand Sebastien, Hughen Konrad A., Sepulveda Julio, Pantoja Silvio (2012). Geochemistry of surface sediments from the fjords of Northern Chilean Patagonia (44-47 degrees S): Spatial variability and implications for paleoclimate reconstructions. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 76, 125-146. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bertrand S., Hughen K. A., Lamy F., Stuut J. -B. W., Torrejon F., Lange C. B. (2012). Precipitation as the main driver of Neoglacial fluctuations of Gualas glacier, Northern Patagonian Icefield. Climate Of The Past, 8(2), 519-534. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lange Carina B. (2012). International Colloquium Climate Change in Magellan and Antarctic regions: Evidence and challenges for the future session 3. Research highlights from the chilean fjords: Water column and sediments / Investigaciones destacadas de los fiordos chilenos: columna de agua y sedimentos. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, 40(1), 87-89.

Carel Melanie, Siani Giuseppe, Delpech Guillaume (2011). Tephrostratigraphy of a deep-sea sediment sequence off the south Chilean margin: New insight into the Hudson volcanic activity since the last glacial period. Journal Of Volcanology And Geothermal Research, 208(3-4), 99-111.

Debret M., Sebag D., Desmet M., Balsam W., Copard Y., Mourier B., Susperrigui A. -S., Arnaud F., Bentaleb I., Chapron E., Lallier-Verges E., Winiarski T. (2011). Spectrocolorimetric interpretation of sedimentary dynamics: The new "Q7/4 diagram". Earth-science Reviews, 109(1-2), 1-19.

Caniupan M., Lamy F., Lange C. B., Kaiser J., Arz H., Kilian R., Baeza Urrea O., Aracena C., Hebbeln D., Kissel C., Laj C., Mollenhauer G., Tiedemann R. (2011). Millennial-scale sea surface temperature and Patagonian Ice Sheet changes off southernmost Chile (53 degrees S) over the past similar to 60 kyr. Paleoceanography, 26(PA3221), 1-10. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Montade Vincent, Nebout Nathalie Combourieu, Kissel Catherine, Mulsow Sandor (2011). Pollen distribution in marine surface sediments from Chilean Patagonia. Marine Geology, 282(3-4), 161-168.

Pantoja Silvio, Iriarte Jose L., Daneri Giovanni (2011). Oceanography of the Chilean Patagonia. Continental Shelf Research, 31(3-4), 149-153.

Aracena Claudia, Lange Carina B., Iriarte Jose Luis, Rebolledo Lorena, Pantoja Silvio (2011). Latitudinal patterns of export production recorded in surface sediments of the Chilean Patagonian fjords (41-55 degrees S) as a response to water column productivity. Continental Shelf Research, 31(3-4), 340-355. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rebolledo Lorena, Gonzalez Humberto E., Munoz Praxedes, Iriarte Jose L., Lange Carina B., Pantoja Silvio, Salamanca Marco (2011). Siliceous productivity changes in Gulf of Ancud sediments (42 degrees S, 72 degrees W), southern Chile, over the last similar to 150 years. Continental Shelf Research, 31(3-4), 356-365. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Siani G., Colin C., Michel Elisabeth, Carel M., Richter T., Kissel C., Dewilde F. (2010). Late Glacial to Holocene terrigenous sediment record in the Northern Patagonian margin: Paleoclimate implications. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 297(1), 26-36.

McCulloch Robert D., Davies Sarah J. (2001). Late-glacial and Holocene palaeoenvironmental change in the central Strait of Magellan, southern Patagonia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 173(3-4), 143-173.

Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline

C. Kissel, Le sud-est pacifique, une région clé pur les études paléocéanographiques et paléoclimatiques, IPEV, Rapport d?activité, 2007.

Références des rapports techniques

Kissel, C. and shipboard Scientific Party, Les rapports de campagnes à la mer: MD159- PACHIDERME, IMAGES XV cruise report, 06 février-28 février 2007, Publications de l'Institut Polaire Français, OCE/2007/01.

Références des articles parus dans des revues ou des journaux à grand public

M. Hontarrede : Les sédiments marins : témoins du climat, entretien avec Catherine Kissel, METMAR, Météorologie Marine, Sept. 2007, n°216.

Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux

Lamy, F. Arz, H.W. Kilian, R. Baeza Urrea, O. Caniupan, M. Kissel, C. and Lange C. Millennial-scale ocean current intensity changes off southernmost Chile and implications for Drake Passage throughflow. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, EGU2012-7269, April 2012.

Montade, V. Combourieu Nebout, N. Kagayema, M. Kissel, C. Siani, G. and Michel E., Southern Westerly Wind belt and Carbon dioxide changes during the Antarctic Cold Reversal. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, EGU2012-8746, April 2012.

Lamy, F., (invited) Millennial-scale surface water changes in the Southeast Pacific over the past ~70 kyr, XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Suisse, July, 2011.

Montade, V., Combourieu Nebout, N., Siani, G., Michel, E., Kissel, C., Carel, M., Mulsow, S., Magellanic Moorland Expansion during the Antarctic Cold Reversal from Coastal Vegetation Changes in the Taitao Peninsula, Chile. XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Suisse, July, 2011.

Siani G., Michel, E., Carel M. "Climatic variability off the South Chilean margin since the late glacial: estimation of the sea-surface reservoir 14C ages". INQUA 2011Bern 21-27 july 2011.

Caniupán, M., F. Lamy, C. B. Lange, H. Arz, R. Kilian, C. Aracena, O., C. Kissel, U. Ninnemann, Sea surface water and marine productivity changes at Southern south America (53°S) over the past ~52 kyr BP. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-9241-1,2010, EGU General Assembly, 2010

Montade, V., Combourieu Nebout, N., Siani, G., Michel, E., Kissel, C., Carel, M., Mulsow, S., Vegetation and Climate Changes in Patagonia (46°S) during the Last 20 kyr cal. BP from South East Pacific MD 07 3088 Core. American Geophysical union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2010.

Siani G., Carel M., Delpech, G. "Tephrostratigraphy study in a deep-sea sediment sequence off the South Chilean Margin since the late glacial period". IAS 18th International Sedimentological Congress, Mendoza, Argentina 26th September - 1st October 2010.

Siani G., Michel, E., Carel M. "Climatic variability off the South Chilean margin since the late glacial: estimation of the sea-surface reservoir 14C ages". IAS 18th International Sedimentological Congress, Mendoza, Argentina 26th September - 1st October 2010.

Aracena, C., Rebolledo, L., Lange, C.B., Avila, A., Acuña, V., Sandoval, S., Ampuero, P., Pantoja, S., Patrones de zonación de la productividad silícea (SiOPAL) en el área de fiordos y canales patagónicos (41°-54°S): un ejemplo de la respuesta al régimen de precipitación, luz y cobertura glaciar. XXIX Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Talcahuano, Chile, Mayo 25 - 28, 2009.

Laj, C., C. Kissel, R. Leonhardt, K. Fabian, M. Winklhofer, A. Ferk, U. Ninnemann, Towards a global view of the Laschamp excursion, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-0, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009

Lamy, F., M. Caniupan, H.W. Arz, D. Hebbeln, J. Kaiser, R. Kilian, C. Kissel, C. Lange, G. Mollenhauer, and U. Ninnemann, Glacial ocean and continental climate variability off southernmost Chile during the past 60 kyr, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-5274, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009

Lange, C., Research highlights from the Chilean fjords: water column and sediments, International Colloquium Climate Change in Magellan and Antarctic Regions: Evidence and Challenges for the Future, Punta Arenas 27-31 October 2009.

Montade, V., N. Combourieu Nebout, S. Mulsow, C. Kissel, E. Michel, G. Siani, Pollen Distribution in Marine Surface Sediments From South-east Pacific and Paleoclimate Changes During the Last 20kyr From Core MD 07 3088 (46°S) off Patagonia, American Geophysical union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2009.

Rebolledo, L., González, H.E., Muñoz, P., Lange, C.B., Pantoja, S., Iriarte, J.L., Salamanca, M. Cambios en la productividad silícea marina durante los últimos ~150 años en sedimentos del Golfo de Ancud (42°S, Chile) a través de un enfoque multi-proxy. XXIX Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Talcahuano, Chile, Mayo 25 - 28, 2009.

Caniupan, M., F. Lamy, H.W. Arz, K. Fahl, D. Hebbeln, J. Kaiser, R. Kilian, C. Kissel, C. Lange, G. Mollenhauer, U. Ninnemann, Holocene and Glacial climate variability in the Chilean Fjord Region, 4th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference, Santiago de Chile, Chile, November 2008.

Caniupan, M., Lamy, F., H. W. Arz, K. Fahl, J. Kaiser, R. Kilian, C. Kissel, C. Lange, G. Mollenhauer, U. Ninnemann & R. Tiedemann, Holocene and glacial SST changes in a Chilean Fjord and on the adjacent continental margin, EU-EPICA-MIS meeting, Venice, November 2008.

Laj, C., Kissel, C., U. Ninnemann, A Possible Record of the Laschamp Excursion From High Sedimentation Rate Sediments in the Southern Hemisphere, AGU San Francisco, Dec. 2008.

Lamy, F. M. Caniupan, H.W. Arz, D. Hebbeln, J. Kaiser, R. Kilian, C. Kissel, C. Lange, U. Ninnemann, Holocene and late Glacial climate variability in the Chilean Fjord Region, EGU Vienna, Avril 2008 .

Rebolledo, L., H. E. González, C. Lange, S. Pantoja, Contenido de Sílice biogénico y litogénico en sedimentos del Seno Reloncaví (41º S, 72º W) y en la parte oceánica del Fiordo Comau (42º S, 72º W), sur de Chile, XVIII, Nacional Congreso of Marine Sciences, Viña del Mar, Chile, 26-30 May, 2008.

DEA ou MASTER 2 ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Serno, S. (2010) Late glacial and Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the southern Chilean fjord system: A multi-proxy study of high resolution marine sediment cores. University of Potsdam, Germany

Wölfl, A. (2010) Late Glacial and Holocene environmental history of the Comau Fjord area; southern Chile. Diploma thesis, University of Trier, Germany.

Carel, M., (2009) Étude tephrochronologique au large de la marge chilienne de Taitao depuis la dernière période glaciaire. Univ. Orsay

Montade, V. (2008) La végétation du Chili à travers les données polliniques des sommets de carottes marines récoltées selon un gradient Nord-Sud., Master SEP, 2ème année, Université Paris VI , 31p.

Montade, V., (2007) La végétation actuelle du Chili à travers la Palynologie, Master SEP (Systématique, Evolution, Paléotologie), Master SEP, 1ère année, Université Paris VI, 20p.

Thèses ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Teca Oliva Maria Elisabeth (2023). Reconstruction paléocéanographique à partir d'assemblages de diatomées et de foraminifères dans le Sud-Est Pacifique depuis la dernière période glaciaire / Paleoceanographic reconstruction from diatom and foraminiferal assemblages in the Southeast Pacific since the last glacial period. PhD Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay.

Maldonado Ugarte Javier Eduardo (2023). Reconstrucción paleoclimática del holoceno tardío en sedimentos del sistema de fiordos Baker-Martínez (48°S), Patagonia Central. PhD Thesis, Universidad Concepcion.

Villalobos Claramunt Angelo Alexander (2021). Complex active faulting along the Liquiñe-Ofqui fault system: the link between crustal earthquakes and postglacial geomorphological imprinting in the Patagonian Andes / Fallamiento activo complejo en el sistema de fallas Liquiñe-Ofqui: vinculo entre terremotos corticales y la impronta geomorfológica posglacial en los andes Patagónicos. PhD Thesis, Universidad de Chile.

Zhao Ning (2017). Reconstructing deglacial ocean ventilation using radiocarbon : data and inverse modeling. PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Abdeldjalyl Haddam Naoufel (2016). Rôle de l‘Océan Austral dans les Variations Climatiques Rapides de la Dernière Transition Glaciaire-Holocène : Approche Géochimique et Micropaléontologique. PhD Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay.

Martinez Fontaine Consuelo Del Pilar (2016). Cambios de la actividad radiocarbónica en masas de agua del Pacífico Suroriental durante los últimos 20.000 años. PhD Thesis, Universidad de Chile.

Wils Katleen (2016). Reconstruction of the seismic history of Aysén fjord (South Chile) by means of seismic stratigraphy and sediment-core analysis. PhD Thesis, Université de Ghent.

Piret Loïc (2016). Triggering mechanism and depositional processes of a late Holocene megaturbidite in Baker fjord, Chilean Patagonia. PhD Thesis, Universiteit Ghent.

de La Fuente Maria (2016). Marine Carbon Cycle Evolution in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the Last Deglaciation. PhD Thesis, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Purcell Conor (2014). Investigations of the warm and cold water route ocean gateways on glacial-interglacial and millennial timescales. PhD Thesis, University of Cardiff.

Carel Mélanie (2012). Restitution de la variabilité climatique le long de la marge sud chilienne depuis le Dernier Maximum Glaciaire : approche sédimentologique et nouvelles applications en téphrochronologie. PhD Thesis, Université Paris sud.

Mélanie Carel : Université Orsay, Soutenance prévue fin 2012. « Étude de la variabilité du climat au large de la marge chilienne de Taitao (Patagonie septentrionale) depuis la dernière période glaciaire »

Montade Vincent (2011). Végétation et climat de la Patagonie chilienne au cours des derniers 20 000 ans d’après les données polliniques marines. PhD Thesis, Université Paris Sud, Universidad austral de Chile.

Claudia Aracena: UDEC, soutenance August 2011 "Fluctuaciones de la productividad marina en la cuenca del Estrecho de Magallanes desde el Último Máximo Glacial al Presente".

Magaly Caniupan: AWI, Uni Bremen soutenue 20 juin 2011. "Paleoenvironmental history of the Chilean fjord region and the adjacent Southeast Pacific over the last 60 kyr BP: a multiproxy analysis on high resolution sediment cores".

Vincent Montade : LSCE, soutenance en Déc. 2011. « Végétation et climat dans l?hémisphère Sud au cours des derniers 30.000 ans : reconstitution qualitative et quantitative à partir des données polliniques marines selon un gradient nord-sud au large du Chili »