References of International Seminar Communications
Lamy, F. Arz, H.W. Kilian, R. Baeza Urrea, O. Caniupan, M. Kissel, C. and Lange C. Millennial-scale ocean current intensity changes off southernmost Chile and implications for Drake Passage throughflow. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, EGU2012-7269, April 2012.
Montade, V. Combourieu Nebout, N. Kagayema, M. Kissel, C. Siani, G. and Michel E., Southern Westerly Wind belt and Carbon dioxide changes during the Antarctic Cold Reversal. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, EGU2012-8746, April 2012.
Lamy, F., (invited) Millennial-scale surface water changes in the Southeast Pacific over the past ~70 kyr, XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Suisse, July, 2011.
Montade, V., Combourieu Nebout, N., Siani, G., Michel, E., Kissel, C., Carel, M., Mulsow, S., Magellanic Moorland Expansion during the Antarctic Cold Reversal from Coastal Vegetation Changes in the Taitao Peninsula, Chile. XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Suisse, July, 2011.
Siani G., Michel, E., Carel M. "Climatic variability off the South Chilean margin since the late glacial: estimation of the sea-surface reservoir 14C ages". INQUA 2011Bern 21-27 july 2011.
Caniupán, M., F. Lamy, C. B. Lange, H. Arz, R. Kilian, C. Aracena, O., C. Kissel, U. Ninnemann, Sea surface water and marine productivity changes at Southern south America (53°S) over the past ~52 kyr BP. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-9241-1,2010, EGU General Assembly, 2010
Montade, V., Combourieu Nebout, N., Siani, G., Michel, E., Kissel, C., Carel, M., Mulsow, S., Vegetation and Climate Changes in Patagonia (46°S) during the Last 20 kyr cal. BP from South East Pacific MD 07 3088 Core. American Geophysical union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2010.
Siani G., Carel M., Delpech, G. "Tephrostratigraphy study in a deep-sea sediment sequence off the South Chilean Margin since the late glacial period". IAS 18th International Sedimentological Congress, Mendoza, Argentina 26th September - 1st October 2010.
Siani G., Michel, E., Carel M. "Climatic variability off the South Chilean margin since the late glacial: estimation of the sea-surface reservoir 14C ages". IAS 18th International Sedimentological Congress, Mendoza, Argentina 26th September - 1st October 2010.
Aracena, C., Rebolledo, L., Lange, C.B., Avila, A., Acuña, V., Sandoval, S., Ampuero, P., Pantoja, S., Patrones de zonación de la productividad silícea (SiOPAL) en el
área de fiordos y canales patagónicos (41°-54°S): un ejemplo de la respuesta al régimen de precipitación, luz y cobertura glaciar. XXIX Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Talcahuano, Chile, Mayo 25 - 28, 2009.
Laj, C., C. Kissel, R. Leonhardt, K. Fabian, M. Winklhofer, A. Ferk, U. Ninnemann, Towards a global view of the Laschamp excursion, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-0, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009
Lamy, F., M. Caniupan, H.W. Arz, D. Hebbeln, J. Kaiser, R. Kilian, C. Kissel, C. Lange, G. Mollenhauer, and U. Ninnemann, Glacial ocean and continental climate variability off southernmost Chile during the past 60 kyr, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-5274, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009
Lange, C., Research highlights from the Chilean fjords: water column and sediments, International Colloquium Climate Change in Magellan and Antarctic Regions: Evidence and Challenges for the Future, Punta Arenas 27-31 October 2009.
Montade, V., N. Combourieu Nebout, S. Mulsow, C. Kissel, E. Michel, G. Siani, Pollen Distribution in Marine Surface Sediments From South-east Pacific and Paleoclimate Changes During the Last 20kyr From Core MD 07 3088 (46°S) off Patagonia, American Geophysical union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2009.
Rebolledo, L., González, H.E., Muñoz, P., Lange, C.B., Pantoja, S., Iriarte, J.L., Salamanca, M. Cambios en la productividad silícea marina durante los últimos ~150 años en sedimentos del Golfo de Ancud (42°S, Chile) a través de un enfoque multi-proxy. XXIX Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Talcahuano, Chile, Mayo 25 - 28, 2009.
Caniupan, M., F. Lamy, H.W. Arz, K. Fahl, D. Hebbeln, J. Kaiser, R. Kilian, C. Kissel, C. Lange, G. Mollenhauer, U. Ninnemann, Holocene and Glacial climate variability in the Chilean Fjord Region, 4th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference, Santiago de Chile, Chile, November 2008.
Caniupan, M., Lamy, F., H. W. Arz, K. Fahl, J. Kaiser, R. Kilian, C. Kissel, C. Lange, G. Mollenhauer, U. Ninnemann & R. Tiedemann, Holocene and glacial SST changes in a Chilean Fjord and on the adjacent continental margin, EU-EPICA-MIS meeting, Venice, November 2008.
Laj, C., Kissel, C., U. Ninnemann, A Possible Record of the Laschamp Excursion From High Sedimentation Rate Sediments in the Southern Hemisphere, AGU San Francisco, Dec. 2008.
Lamy, F. M. Caniupan, H.W. Arz, D. Hebbeln, J. Kaiser, R. Kilian, C. Kissel, C. Lange, U. Ninnemann, Holocene and late Glacial climate variability in the Chilean Fjord Region, EGU Vienna, Avril 2008 .
Rebolledo, L., H. E. González, C. Lange, S. Pantoja, Contenido de Sílice biogénico y litogénico en sedimentos del Seno Reloncaví (41º S, 72º W) y en la parte oceánica del Fiordo Comau (42º S, 72º W), sur de Chile, XVIII, Nacional Congreso of Marine Sciences, Viña del Mar, Chile, 26-30 May, 2008.