Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set PIRATA
Ship Antea
Ship owner IRD
Dates 19/05/2007 - 03/06/2007
Chief scientist(s) GRELET Jacques


IFREMER Centre de Bretagne

ZI Pointe du diable



+33 (0)2


DOI 10.17600/7110030
Objective This is part of the general international PIRATA programme. It was the 16th French cruise of the same type, which is why it is called FR16. The previous PIRATA cruise FR15 took place from May-July 2006, in association with the EGEE 3 cruise. During FR15, 4 buoys in the Gulf of Guinea were replaced and the South-East extension (6°S-8°E) buoy was deployed, along with validation work for EGEE and CORIOLIS (deploying drifting SVP buoys, PROVOR floats and XBT and XCTD probes, and logging of currents, temperature and surface salinity using VM-ADCP instruments and the shipboard TSG). The FR16 cruise will work on the buoys located at 23°W and 10°W along the equator. In fact the other ATLAS buoys from the PIRATA programme located in the Gulf of Guinea will be replaced during the EGEE 5 cruise (associated with PIRATA FR17) which is scheduled just after this PIRATA FR16 cruise. The related project is ORE PIRATA - AMMA EGEE.

Published data

Bourles Bernard, Cariou Thierry, Hillion Sandrine, Brouquier Armelle, Rousselot Pierre, Roubaud Fabrice, Pondaven Ildut, Diverres Denis, Bachelier Celine, Francois Grelet, Gouriou Yves, Chuchla Remy, Llido Jerome (2025). French PIRATA cruises: CHEMICAL ANALYSIS data. https://doi.org/10.17882/58141

Bourlès Bernard, Herbert Gaëlle, Rousselot Pierre, Grelet Jacques, Pondaven Ildut, Llido Jerome (2024). French PIRATA cruises: S-ADCP data. https://doi.org/10.17882/44635

Bourlès Bernard, Rousselot Pierre, Grelet Jacques, Roubaud Fabrice, Bachelier Celine, Chuchla Remy, Gouriou Yves, Pondaven Ildut, Llido Jerome (2024). French PIRATA cruises: CTD-O2 data. https://doi.org/10.17882/51534

Data managed by SISMER



Johns W. E., Brandt P., Bourles B., Tantet A., Papapostolou A., Houk A. (2014). Zonal structure and seasonal variability of the Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent. Climate Dynamics, 43(11), 3047-3069. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-014-2136-2

Da-Allada Casimir Yelognisse, Du Penhoat Yves, Jouanno Julien, Alory Gael, Hounkonnou Norbert Mahouton (2014). Modeled mixed-layer salinity balance in the Gulf of Guinea: seasonal and interannual variability. Ocean Dynamics, 64(12), 1783-1802. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-014-0775-9 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00242/35333/

Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Marin Frederic, Bourles Bernard, Gouriou Yves, Berger Henrick (2014). Seasonal variability of the equatorial undercurrent termination and associated salinity maximum in the Gulf of Guinea. Climate Dynamics, 43(11), 3025-3046. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-014-2107-7

Da-Allada Casimir Yelognisse, Alory G., Du Penhoat Y., Jouanno J., Hounkonnou M. N., Kestenare E. (2014). Causes for the recent increase in sea surface salinity in the north-eastern Gulf of Guinea. African Journal Of Marine Science, 36(2), 197-205. https://doi.org/10.2989/1814232X.2014.927398

Roehrig Romain, Bouniol Dominique, Guichard Francoise, Hourdin Frederic, Redelsperger Jean-Luc (2013). The Present and Future of the West African Monsoon: A Process-Oriented Assessment of CMIP5 Simulations along the AMMA Transect. Journal Of Climate, 26(17), 6471-6505. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00505.1

Prigent C., Aires F., Bernardo F., Orlhac J. C., Goutoule J. M., Roquet H., Donlon C. (2013). Analysis of the potential and limitations of microwave radiometry for the retrieval of sea surface temperature: Definition of MICROWAT, a new mission concept. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 118(6), 3074-3086. https://doi.org/10.1002/jgrc.20222

Praveen Kumar B., Vialard Jerome, Lengaigne M., Murty V. S. N., McPhaden M. J., Cronin Meghan, Pinsard F., Reddy K. Gopala (2013). TropFlux wind stresses over the tropical oceans: evaluation and comparison with other products. Climate Dynamics, 40(7-8), 2049-2071. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-012-1455-4

Hummels Rebecca, Dengler Marcus, Bourles Bernard (2013). Seasonal and regional variability of upper ocean diapycnal heat flux in the Atlantic cold tongue. Progress In Oceanography, 111, 52-74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2012.11.001

Jouanno Julien, Marin Frederic, Du Penhoat Yves, Molines Jean-Marc (2013). Intraseasonal Modulation of the Surface Cooling in the Gulf of Guinea. Journal Of Physical Oceanography, 43(2), 382-401. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-12-053.1

Da-Allada C. Y., Alory G., Du Penhoat Y., Kestenare E., Durand F., Hounkonnou N. M. (2013). Seasonal mixed-layer salinity balance in the tropical Atlantic Ocean: mean state and seasonal cycle. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 118(1), 332-345. https://doi.org/10.1029/2012JC008357

Lellouche J. -M., Le Galloudec O., Drevillon M., Regnier C., Greiner E., Garric G., Ferry N., Desportes C., Testut C. -E., Bricaud C., Bourdalle-Badie R., Tranchant B., Benkiran M., Drillet Y., Daudin A., de Nicola C. (2013). Evaluation of global monitoring and forecasting systems at Mercator Ocean. Ocean Science, 9(1), 57-81. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.5194/os-9-57-2013 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00141/25229/

Scott Robert, Ferry Nicolas, Drevillon Marie, Barron Charlie N., Jourdain Nicolas C., Lellouche Jean-Michel, Metzger Edward Joseph, Rio Marie-Helene, Smedstad Ole Martin (2012). Estimates of surface drifter trajectories in the equatorial Atlantic: a multi-model ensemble approach. Ocean Dynamics, 62(7), 1091-1109. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-012-0548-2

Lefevre Nathalie, Merlivat Liliane (2012). Carbon and oxygen net community production in the eastern tropical Atlantic estimated from a moored buoy. Global biogeochemical cycles, 26(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1029/2010GB004018

Terray Laurent, Corre Lola, Cravatte Sophie, Delcroix Thierry, Reverdin Gilles, Ribes Aurelien (2012). Near-Surface Salinity as Nature's Rain Gauge to Detect Human Influence on the Tropical Water Cycle. Journal Of Climate, 25(3), 958-977. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-10-05025.1

Jouanno Julien, Marin Frederic, Du Penhoat Yves, Sheinbaum Julio, Molines Jean-Marc (2011). Seasonal heat balance in the upper 100 m of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 116(C09003 1), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1029/2010JC006912

Wade Malick, Caniaux Guy, Du Penhoat Yves (2011). Variability of the mixed layer heat budget in the eastern equatorial Atlantic during 2005-2007 as inferred using Argo floats. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 116(C08006 1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1029/2010JC006683

Jouanno Julien, Marin Frederic, Du Penhoat Yves, Molines Jean Marc, Sheinbaum Julio (2011). Seasonal Modes of Surface Cooling in the Gulf of Guinea. Journal Of Physical Oceanography, 41(7), 1408-1416. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-11-031.1

Brandt Peter, Caniaux Guy, Bourles Bernard, Lazar Alban, Dengler Marcus, Funk Andreas, Hormann Verena, Giordani Herve, Marin Frederic (2011). Equatorial upper-ocean dynamics and their interaction with the West African monsoon. Atmospheric Science Letters, 12(1), 24-30. https://doi.org/10.1002/asl.287

Parard Gaelle, Lefevre Nathalie, Boutin Jacqueline (2010). Sea water fugacity of CO2 at the PIRATA mooring at 6 degrees S, 10 degrees W. Tellus Series B-chemical And Physical Meteorology, 62(5), 636-648. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0889.2010.00503.x

Koffi Urbain, Lefevre Nathalie, Kouadio Georges, Boutin Jacqueline (2010). Surface CO2 parameters and air-sea CO2 flux distribution in the eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Journal Of Marine Systems, 82(3), 135-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2010.04.010

Lebel T., Parker D. J., Flamant C., Bourles Bernard, Marticorena B., Mougin E., Peugeot C., Diedhiou A., Haywood J. M., Ngamini J. B., Polcher J., Redelsperger J.-L, Thorncroft C. D. (2010). The AMMA field campaigns: Multiscale and multidisciplinary observations in the West African region. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 136(s1), 8-33. https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.486

Rouault Mathieu, Servain J., Reason C. J. C., Bourles B., Rouault M. J., Fauchereau N. (2009). Extension of PIRATA in the tropical South-East Atlantic: an initial one-year experiment. African Journal Of Marine Science, 31(1), 63-71. https://doi.org/10.2989/AJMS.2009.

Bourles Bernard, Lumpkin Rick, McPhaden Michael J., Hernandez Fabrice, Nobre Paulo, Campos Edmo, Yu Lisan, Planton Serge, Busalacchi Antonio, Moura Antonio D., Servain Jacques, Trotte Janice (2008). The PIRATA program: History, accomplishments, and future directions. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 89(8), 1111-1125. https://doi.org/10.1175/2008BAMS2462.1

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Herbert Gaelle, Kermabon Catherine, Grelet Jacques, Bourles Bernard (2015). French PIRATA cruises S-ADCP data processing. Mercator Ocean - Quaterly Newsletter, (52), 22-26. Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00272/38320/

Nubi Oa, Bourles Bernard, Edokpayi Ca, Hounkonnou Norbert Mahouton (2014). Inter-annual variability on the influence of equatorial upwelling on biological productivity along 10oW in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic (EEA). Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), 4(1), 72-80.

Drevillon M., Bourdalle-Badie R., Derval C., Drillet Y., Lellouche J. M., Remy E., Tranchant B., Benkiran M., Greiner L., Guinehut S., Verbrugge N., Garric G., Testut C. E., Laborie M., Nouel L., Bahurel P., Bricaud C., Crosnier L., Dombrowsky E., Durand E., Ferry N., Hernandez F., Le Galloudec O., Messal F., Parent L. (2008). The GODAE/Mercator-Ocean global ocean forecasting system: results, applications and prospects. Journal Of Operational Oceanography, 1(1), 51-57.