Sea/Ocean |
Northeast Atlantic Ocean (40W) (ATLANTIQUE NORD EST) |
Ports |
Port of departure : Brest (France)
Port of return : Brest (France)
Scientific Authority |
COM / LAB. D'OCEANOG. PHYS. & BIOGEOCHIMIQ. (LOPB) - LUMINY UMR 6535 Campus de Luminy 13288 MARSEILLE CEDEX 9 +33(0)4 91 82 91 15 |
Participating bodie(s) |
Discipline(s) |
Code |
Label |
Quantity |
PI |
B01 |
Primary productivity |
109 stations |
MINAS Hans J. |
B02 |
Phytoplankton pigments (eg chloroph |
109 stations |
MINAS Hans J. |
B71 |
Particulate organic matter (inc POC |
109 |
MINAS Hans J. |
B72 |
Biochemical meas. (eg,lipids,amino |
109 |
MINAS Hans J. |
B90 |
Other biological/fisheries meas. |
109 |
MINAS Hans J. |
D90 |
Other physical oceanographic meas. Mesures de temperature et salinite au fond |
109 measurements |
MINAS Hans J. |
H09 |
Water bottle stations |
109 stations |
MINAS Hans J. |
H16 |
Transparency (eg transmissometer) |
109 stations |
MINAS Hans J. |
H21 |
Oxygen |
109 stations |
MINAS Hans J. |
H22 |
Phosphate |
109 stations |
MINAS Hans J. |
H24 |
Nitrate |
109 stations |
MINAS Hans J. |
H26 |
Silicate |
109 stations |
MINAS Hans J. |
H71 |
Surface measurements underway (T,S) temperature |
- |
MINAS Hans J. |
H76 |
Ammonia |
109 stations |
MINAS Hans J. |
Summary of measurements |
- -Temperature and salinity measurements.
-Measurements of oxygen, nutrients, transparency. -Incidental payback. -Morel A. et al. 1973 "Mesures d'éclairements sous-marins, Flux de photons et analyse spectrale" Centre de recherches océanographiques de Villefranche-sur-Mer, rapport n.11:210pp. -Currents. -Phytoplankton pigments.
Positionning system |
Geodetic system : VALEUR INDEFINIE
Positioning system : Sat Transit (WGS66 pblt)+ autre ?