Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Alis
Ship owner IRD
Dates 08/05/2007 - 27/05/2007
Chief scientist(s) PAYRI Claude


IRD Centre de Nouméa


98848 NOUMEA Cedex

DOI 10.17600/7100030

Biodiversity of the macrophytobenthos and main zoological groups(sponges, ascidians, echinoderms) in lagoon areas and slopes outside the coral systems in the northern and eastern regions of Vanua Levu island, and N'Gau and Kadavu islands in the Fiji archipelago. Pharmacochemistry: looking for active marine substances in sponges, ascidians and brown seaweed (fucoids). Related programmes are CRISP 'Biodiversity and natural substances' and Pharmacochemistry (IRD -UMR152) - Biodiversity of tropical marine fauna and flora (IRD-UMR 7138 "Systematics, Adaptation, Evolution"). Comments on the cruise's progression: Working in Fiji waters required obtaining authorizations beforehand from the Ministry of Fisheries and the Provinces visited. 5 MOU (Memoranda of Understanding) were signed by IRD, the Fisheries Service and the representative from each of the Provinces. These steps took over 15 months of procedures. In addition, before each site study, previous approval had to be obtained from the village chiefs near the study area. These steps undertaken with the heads of the villages (called goligoli) were done on site and before each dive by a Fijian Observer sent by the Suva fisheries service and who was onboard throughout the mission. The custom is called sevusevu, and consists in offering Kava roots to prepare a brew which everyone present will share. All of these steps represent two days in all, taken on the cruise time.



Lagourgue Laura, Rousseau Florence, Zubia Mayalen, Payri Claude E. (2023). Diversity of the genus Avrainvillea (Dichotomosiphonaceae, Chlorophyta): new insights and eight new species. European Journal Of Phycology, 58(4), 399-426. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lagourgue Laura, Leliaert Frederik, Payri Claude E. (2022). Historical biogeographical analysis of the Udoteaceae (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) elucidates origins of high species diversity in the Central Indo-Pacific, Western Indian Ocean and Greater Caribbean regions. Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution, 169, 107412 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lagourgue Laura, Payri Claude E. (2022). Large scale diversity reassessment, evolutionary history, and taxonomic revision of the green macroalgae family Udoteaceae (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta). Journal Of Systematics And Evolution, 60(1), 101-127. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lagourgue Laura, Payri Claude E. (2021). Diversity and taxonomic revision of tribes Rhipileae and Rhipiliopsideae (Halimedaceae, Chlorophyta) based on molecular and morphological data. Journal Of Phycology, 57(5), 1450-1471. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cravatte Sophie, Kestenare Elodie, Eldin Gerard, Ganachaud Alexandre, Lefevre Jerome, Marin Frederic, Menkes Christophe, Aucan Jerome (2015). Regional circulation around New Caledonia from two decades of observations. Journal Of Marine Systems, 148, 249-271.

Yang Chunyan, Li Qianrong, Li Yong (2014). Targeting Nuclear Receptors with Marine Natural Products. Marine Drugs, 12(2), 601-635. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Festa Carmen, D'Amore Claudio, Renga Barbara, Lauro Gianluigi, de Marino Simona, D'Auria Maria Valeria, Bifulco Giuseppe, Zampella Angela, Fiorucci Stefano (2013). Oxygenated Polyketides from Plakinastrella mamillaris as a New Chemotype of PXR Agonists. Marine Drugs, 11(7), 2314-2327. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Festa Carmen, de Marino Simona, D'Auria Maria Valeria, Taglialatela-Scafati Orazio, Deharo Eric, Petek Sylvain, Zampella Angela (2013). New antimalarial polyketide endoperoxides from the marine sponge Plakinastrella mamillaris collected at Fiji Islands. Tetrahedron, 69(18), 3706-3713.

Silberfeld Thomas, Bittner Lucie, Fernandez-Garcia Cindy, Cruaud Corinne, Rousseau Florence, de Reviers Bruno, Leliaert Frederik, Payri Claude E., de Clerck Olivier (2013). Species Diversity, Phylogeny and Large Scale Biogeographic Patterns of the Genus Padina (Phaeophyceae, Dictyotales). Journal Of Phycology, 49(1), 130-142. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Festa Carmen, Lauro Gianluigi, de Marino Simona, D'Auria Maria Valeria, Monti Maria Chiara, Casapullo Agostino, D'Amore Claudio, Renga Barbara, Mencarelli Andrea, Petek Sylvain, Bifulco Giuseppe, Fiorucci Stefano, Zampella Angela (2012). Plakilactones from the Marine Sponge Plakinastrella mamillaris. Discovery of a New Class of Marine Ligands of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma. Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry, 55(19), 8303-8317.

Mani Luke, Jullian Valerie, Mourkazel Beatrice, Valentin Alexis, Dubois Joelle, Cresteil Thierry, Folcher Eric, Hooper John N. A., Erpenbeck Dirk, Aalbersberg William, Debitus Cecile (2012). New Antiplasmodial Bromotyrosine Derivatives from Suberea ianthelliformis Lendenfeld, 1888. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 9(8), 1436-1451.

Erpenbeck Dirk, Hooper John N. A., Bonnard Isabelle, Sutcliffe Patricia, Chandra Mayuri, Perio Pierre, Wolff Carsten, Banaigs Bernard, Woerheide Gert, Debitus Cecile, Petek Sylvain (2012). Evolution, radiation and chemotaxonomy of Lamellodysidea, a demosponge genus with anti-plasmodial metabolites. Marine Biology, 159(5), 1119-1127.

Sorres Jonathan, Martin Marie-Therese, Petek Sylvain, Levaique Helene, Cresteil Thierry, Ramos Suzanne, Thoison Odile, Debitus Cecile, Al-Mourabit Ali (2012). Pipestelides A-C: Cyclodepsipeptides from the Pacific Marine Sponge Pipestela candelabra. Journal Of Natural Products, 75(4), 759-763.

Le Lann Klervi, Ferret Claire, Vanmee Elise, Spagnol Charlene, Lhuillery Marie, Payri Claude, Stiger-Pouvreau Valerie (2012). Total phenolic, size-fractionated phenolics and fucoxanthin content of tropical Sargassaceae (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) from the South Pacific Ocean: Spatial and specific variability. Phycological Research, 60(1), 37-50.

Bittner Lucie, Payri Claude E., Maneveldt Gavin W., Couloux Arnaud, Cruaud Corinne, de Reviers Bruno, Le Gall Line (2011). Evolutionary history of the Corallinales (Corallinophycidae, Rhodophyta) inferred from nuclear, plastidial and mitochonclrial genomes. Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution, 61(3), 697-713.

Festa Carmen, de Marino Simona, Sepe Valentina, Valeria D'Auria Maria, Bifulco Giuseppe, Andres Rosa, Carmen Terencio Maria, Paya Miguel, Debitus Cecile, Zampella Angela (2011). Perthamides C-F, potent human antipsoriatic cyclopeptides. Tetrahedron, 67(40), 7780-7786.

de Marino Simona, Festa Carmen, D'Auria Maria Valeria, Cresteil Thierry, Debitus Cecile, Zampella Angela (2011). Swinholide J, a Potent Cytotoxin from the Marine Sponge Theonella swinhoei. Marine Drugs, 9(6), 1133-1141. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Longeon Arlette, Copp Brent R., Quevrain Elodie, Roue Melanie, Kientz Betty, Cresteil Thierry, Petek Sylvain, Debitus Cecile, Bourguet-Kondracki Marie-Lise (2011). Bioactive Indole Derivatives from the South Pacific Marine Sponges Rhopaloeides odorabile and Hyrtios sp. Marine Drugs, 9(5), 879-888. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

de Marino Simona, Ummarino Raffaella, D'Auria Maria Valeria, Chini Maria Giovanna, Bifulco Giuseppe, Renga Barbara, D'Amore Claudio, Fiorucci Stefano, Debitus Cecile, Zampella Angela (2011). Theonellasterols and Conicasterols from Theonella swinhoei. Novel Marine Natural Ligands for Human Nuclear Receptors. Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry, 54(8), 3065-3075.

Festa Carmen, de Marino Simona, Sepe Valentina, D'Auria Maria Valeria, Bifulco Giuseppe, Debitus Cecile, Bucci Mariarosaria, Vellecco Valentina, Zampella Angela (2011). Solomonamides A and B, New Anti-inflammatory Peptides from Theonella swinhoei. Organic Letters, 13(6), 1532-1535.

Mattio Lydiane, Payri Claude E. (2011). 190 Years of Sargassum Taxonomy, Facing the Advent of DNA Phylogenies. Botanical Review, 77(1), 31-70.

Festa Carmen, de Marino Simona, D'Auria Maria Valeria, Bifulco Giuseppe, Renga Barbara, Fiorucci Stefano, Petek Sylvain, Zampella Angela (2011). Solomonsterols A and B from Theonella swinhoei. The First Example of C-24 and C-23 Sulfated Sterols from a Marine Source Endowed with a PXR Agonistic Activity. Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry, 54(1), 401-405.

Mani L., Petek Sylvain, Valentin A., Chevalley S., Folcher E., Aalbersberg W., Debitus Cecile (2011). The in vivo anti-plasmodial activity of haliclonacyclamine A, an alkaloid from the marine sponge, Haliclona sp. Natural Product Research, 25(20), 1923-1930.

de Marino Simona, Sepe Valentina, D'Auria Maria Valeria, Bifulco Giuseppe, Renga Barbara, Petek Sylvain, Fiorucci Stefano, Zampella Angela (2011). Towards new ligands of nuclear receptors. Discovery of malaitasterol A, an unique bis-secosterol from marine sponge Theonella swinhoei. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 9(13), 4856-4862.

Longeon Arlette, Copp Brent R., Roue Melanie, Dubois Joelle, Valentin Alexis, Petek Sylvain, Debitus Cecile, Bourguet-Kondracki Marie-Lise (2010). New bioactive halenaquinone derivatives from South Pacific marine sponges of the genus Xestospongia. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 18(16), 6006-6011.

Bittner Lucie, Halary Sebastien, Payri Claude, Cruaud Corinne, de Reviers Bruno, Lopez Philippe, Bapteste Eric (2010). Some considerations for analyzing biodiversity using integrative metagenomics and gene networks. Biology Direct, 5(47), 1-17. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rohfritsch Audrey, Payri Claude, Stiger Valerie, Bonhomme Francois (2010). Habitat-related allelic variation revealed by an anonymous DNA locus in reef-dwelling Turbinaria ornata (Fucales, Phaeophyceae). Botanica Marina, 53(2), 189-192.

Le Gall Line, Payri Claude E., Bittner Lucie, Saunders Gary W. (2010). Multigene phylogenetic analyses support recognition of the Sporolithales ord. nov. Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution, 54(1), 302-305.

Martin-Lescanne Julie, Rousseau Florence, de Reviers Bruno, Payri Claude, Couloux Arnaud, Cruaud Corinne, Le Gall Line (2010). Phylogenetic analyses of the Laurencia complex (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) support recognition of five genera: Chondrophycus, Laurencia, Osmundea, Palisada and Yuzurua stat. nov. European Journal Of Phycology, 45(1), 51-61. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Patel Kirti, Laville Remi, Martin Marie-Therese, Tilvi Supriya, Moriou Celine, Gallard Jean-Francois, Ermolenko Ludmila, Debitus Cecile, Al-Mourabit Ali (2010). Unprecedented Stylissazoles A-C from Stylissa carteri: Another Dimension for Marine Pyrrole-2-aminoimidazole Metabolite Diversity. Angewandte Chemie-international Edition, 49(28), 4775-4779.

Festa Carmen, de Marino Simona, Sepe Valentina, Monti Maria Chiara, Luciano Paolo, D'Auria Maria Valeria, Debitus Cecile, Bucci Mariarosaria, Vellecco Valentina, Zampella Angela (2009). Perthamides C and D, two new potent anti-inflammatory cyclopeptides from a Solomon Lithistid sponge Theonella swinhoei. Tetrahedron, 65(50), 10424-10429.

Appenzeller Jerome, Tilvi Supriya, Martin Marie-Therese, Gallard Jean-Francois, El-Bitar Hoda, Dau Elise Tran Huu, Debitus Cecile, Laurent Dominique, Moriou Celine, Al-Mourabit Ali (2009). Benzosceptrins A and B with a Unique Benzocyclobutane Skeleton and Nagelamide S and T from Pacific Sponges. Organic Letters, 11(21), 4874-4877.

Mattio Lydiane, Payri Claude E., Verlaque Marc (2009). Taxonomic revision and geographic distribution of the subgenus Sargassum (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) in the western and central Pacific islands based on morphological and molecular analyses. Journal Of Phycology, 45(5), 1213-1227.

de Marino Simona, Festa Carmen, D'Auria Maria Valeria, Bourguet-Kondracki Marie-Lise, Petek Sylvain, Debitus Cecile, Maria Andres Rosa, Carmen Terencio Maria, Paya Miguel, Zampella Angela (2009). Coscinolactams A and B: new nitrogen-containing sesterterpenoids from the marine sponge Coscinoderma mathewsi exerting anti-inflammatory properties. Tetrahedron, 65(15), 2905-2909.

Gabant Marion, Schmitz-Afonso Isabelle, Gallard Jean-Francois, Menou Jean-Louis, Laurent Dominique, Debitus Cecile, Al-Mourabit Ali (2009). Sulfated Steroids: Ptilosteroids A-C and Ptilosaponosides A and B from the Solomon Islands Marine Sponge Ptilocaulis spiculifer. Journal Of Natural Products, 72(4), 760-763.

Bittner L., Payri C. E., Couloux A., Cruaud C., de Reviers B., Rousseau F. (2008). Molecular phylogeny of the Dictyotales and their position within the Phaeophyceae, based on nuclear, plastid and mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution, 49(1), 211-226.

Appenzeller Jerome, Mihci Ghezala, Martin Marie-Therese, Gallard Jean-Francois, Menou Jean-Louis, Boury-Esnalllt Nicole, Hooper John, Petek Sylvain, Chevalley Severine, Valentin Alexis, Zaparucha Anne, Al-Mourabit Ali, Debitus Cecile (2008). Agelasines J, K, and L from the Solomon Islands marine sponge Agelas cf. mauritiana. Journal Of Natural Products, 71(8), 1451-1454.

N'Yeurt Antoine D. R., Payri Claude E. (2008). Sebdenia cerebriformis sp. nov. (Sebdeniaceae, Sebdeniales) from the south and western Pacific Ocean. Phycological Research, 56(1), 13-20.

Vergne Carine, Appenzeller Jerome, Ratinaud Celine, Martin Marie-Therese, Debitus Cecile, Zaparucha Anne, Al-Mourabit Ali (2008). Debromodispacamides B and D: Isolation from the marine sponge Agelas mauritiana and stereoselective synthesis using a biomimetic proline route. Organic Letters, 10(3), 493-496.

Le Lann K., Kervarec N., Payri C. E., Deslandes Eric, Stiger-Pouvreau Valerie (2008). Discrimination of allied species within the genus Turbinaria (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) using HRMAS NMR spectroscopy. Talanta, 74(4), 1079-1083.

N'Yeurt Antoine D. R., Payri Claude E. (2007). Grammephora peyssonnelioides gen. et sp nov (Rhodophyta, Rhodymeniaceae) from the Solomon Islands, South Pacific. Phycological Research, 55(4), 286-294.

N'Yeurt Antoine D. R., Payri Claude E., Gabrielson Paul W., Fredericq Suzanne (2006). Pinnatiphycus menouana gen. et sp nov (Rhodophyta : Dicranemataceae) from New Caledonia and Fiji (South Pacific): vegetative and reproductive morphology and molecular phylogeny. Phycologia, 45(4), 422-431.