Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Europe
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 11/03/2007 - 17/03/2007
Chief scientist(s) ARNAUD Mireille



BP 330


DOI 10.17600/7060030
Objective A measurement system was implemented in the autumn of 2006 to provide fine monitoring of the sedimentary system and forcing from currents and waves in order to characterize the way the system responds to flooding and storms. Our experimental system is based on continuous monitoring of key parameters (river inputs, currents, turbidity and sedimentary level) for a period of 6 months. The parameters were monitored in real time on this cruise and the instruments will be retrieved at the end of the period. In addition, core samples will be taken during survey in order to track input from land in the area by using natural(210Pb, 7Be, etc.) and artificial (137Cs, 239+240Pu, etc.) radionuclides as markers. These are used classically to quantify sedimentation processes and will also be used to study phenomena of translocated sediments carried by the Rhone River in the Gulf of Lion. This falls under the CARMA project.

Published data

Augris Claude, Agin Gregory, Berne Serge, Arnaud Mireille, Guizien Katell, Chatelain Mathieu, Labrune Céline, Carbonnel Philippe, Maillet Grégoire, Grenz Christian, Vella Claude, Nittrouer Charles Chuck, Bourrin François, Certain Raphaël, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Garlan Thierry, Dufois Francois, Jouet Gwenael, Dennielou Bernard, Simplet Laure (2013). Seabed substrate database from a compilation of sediment samples taken during oceanographic campaigns carried out in the Gulf of Lion by Ifremer, CEFREM, IRSN, CEREGE, FOB, MIO, LECOB, The Conseil Général de l'Hérault and Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse Water Agency. Results of grain size analysis performed on samples.

Data managed by SISMER



Wu Junwen, Rabouille Christophe, Charmasson Sabine, Reyss Jean Louis, Cagnat Xavier (2018). Constraining the origin of recently deposited particles using natural radionuclides 7 Be and 234 Th ex in deltaic sediments. Continental Shelf Research, 165, 106-119. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bouloubassi Ioanna, Roussiez Vincent, Azzoug Moufok, Lorre Anne (2012). Sources, dispersal pathways and mass budget of sedimentary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the NW Mediterranean margin, Gulf of Lions. Marine Chemistry, 142, 18-28.

Roussiez Vincent, Ludwig Wolfgang, Radakovitch Olivier, Probst Jean-Luc, Monaco Andre, Charriere Bruno, Buscail Roselyne (2011). Fate of metals in coastal sediments of a Mediterranean flood-dominated system: An approach based on total and labile fractions. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 92(3), 486-495.

Marion C., Dufois Francois, Arnaud Mireille, Vella C. (2010). In situ record of sedimentary processes near the Rhone River mouth during winter events (Gulf of Lions, Mediterranean Sea). Continental Shelf Research, 30(9), 1095-1107. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lansard Bruno, Rabouille Christophe, Denis Lionel, Grenz Christian (2008). In situ oxygen uptake rates by coastal sediments under the influence of the Rhone River (NW Mediterranean Sea). Continental Shelf Research, 28(12), 1501-1510.

Ollivier Patrick, Claude Christelle, Radakovitch Olivier, Hamelin Bruno (2008). TIMS measurements of Ra-226 and Ra-228 in the Gulf of Lion, an attempt to quantify submarine groundwater discharge. Marine Chemistry, 109(3-4), 337-354.

Radakovitch Olivier, Roussiez Vincent, Ollivier Patrick, Ludwig Wolfgang, Grenz Christian, Probst Jean-Luc (2008). Input of particulate heavy metals from rivers and associated sedimentary deposits on the Gulf of Lion continental shelf. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 77(2), 285-295.

Lansard Bruno, Charmasson Sabine, Gasco C., Anton M. P., Grenz Christian, Arnaud Mireille (2007). Spatial and temporal variations of plutonium isotopes (Pu-238 and Pu-239,Pu-240) in sediments off the Rhone River mouth (NW Mediterranean). Science Of The Total Environment, 376(1-3), 215-227.

Beaudouin Celia, Suc Jean-Pierre, Escarguel Gilles, Arnaud Mireille, Charmasson Sabine (2007). The significance of pollen signal in present-day marine terrigenous sediments: The example of the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean Sea). Geobios, 40(2), 159-172.

Miralles Jérôme, Arnaud M, Radakovitch O, Marion C, Cagnat X (2006). Radionuclide deposition in the Rhone River Prodelta (NW Mediterranean sea) in response to the December 2003 extreme flood. Marine Geology, 234(1-4), 179-189. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Maillet Grégoire M., Vella Claude, Berne Serge, Friend Patrick L., Amos Carl L., Fleury Thomas J., Normand Alain (2006). Morphological changes and sedimentary processes induced by the December 2003 flood event at the present mouth of the Grand Rhone River (southern France). Marine Geology, 234(1-4), 159-177. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lansard Bruno, Grenz Christian, Charmasson Sabine, Schaaff Estelle, Pinazo Christel (2006). Potential plutonium remobilisation linked to marine sediment resuspension: First estimates based on flume experiments. Journal Of Sea Research, 55(1), 74-85.

Roussiez V, Aloisi Jc, Monaco A, Ludwig W (2005). Early muddy deposits along the Gulf of Lions shoreline: A key for a better understanding of land-to-sea transfer of sediments and associated pollutant fluxes. Marine Geology, 222, 345-358.

Beaudouin C, Suc Jp, Acherki N, Courtois L, Rabineau M, Aliosi Jc, Sierro Fj, Oberlin C (2005). Palynology of the northwestern Mediterranean shelf (Gulf of Lions): First vegetational record for the last climatic cycle. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 22(6-7), 845-863.

Beaudouin C, Suc Jp, Cambon Gildas, Touzani A, Giresse P, Pont D, Aloisi Jc, Marsset TaniaORCID, Cochonat Pierre, Duzer D, Ferrier J (2005). Present-day rhythmic deposition in the grand Rhone prodelta (NW Mediterranean) according to high-resolution pollen analyses. Journal Of Coastal Research, 21(2), 292-306.

Schaaff Estelle, Grenz Christian, Pinazo Christel (2002). Erosion of particulate inorganic and organic matter in the Gulf of Lion. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 334(15), 1071-1077.

Thesis using campaign data

Marion Cedric (2010). Dynamique et bilans des transferts particulaires de radioéléments d’origine anthropique et naturelle dans le Golfe du Lion : cas particulier des apports rhodaniens. PhD Thesis, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia.