Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set GEODEVA
Ship Alis
Ship owner IRD
Dates 19/02/2006 - 05/03/2006
Chief scientist(s) BALLU Valérie


Institut du Littoral et de l'Environnement

2 rue Olympe de Gouges

17000 La Rochelle

+33 (0)5 46 45 82 74

DOI 10.17600/6100020
Objective The GEODEVA cruise was part of a land/sea geodesics project at Vanuatu, one of whose objectives is to characterize the crustal deformation associated with seismic cycles. The work carried out to study vertical underwater movements included: readings recovered from immersed tide gauges and markers set up were reoccupied, sea level measurements taken using GPS. Surveying to install a mast for GPS measurements the convergence between Sabine Bank (Australian plate) and Santo (Vanuatu). The related programs are: MOTEVAS, GEODEVA and ARC-VANUATU.



Ballu V., Bonnefond P., Calmant S., Bouin M. -N., Pelletier B., Laurain O., Crawford W. C., Baillard C., de Viron O. (2013). Using altimetry and seafloor pressure data to estimate vertical deformation offshore: Vanuatu case study. Advances In Space Research, 51(8), 1335-1351.

Simeoni Patricia, Ballu Valerie (2013). Le mythe des premiers réfugiés climatiques : mouvements de populations et changements environnementaux aux îles Torrès (Vanouatou, Mélanésie). Annales de Géographie, (685), 219-241.

Gorman Meaghan K., Quinn Terrence M., Taylor Frederick W., Partin Judson W., Cabioch Guy, Austin James A., Jr., Pelletier Bernard, Ballu Valerie, Maes Christophe, Saustrup Steffen (2012). A coral-based reconstruction of sea surface salinity at Sabine Bank, Vanuatu from 1842 to 2007 CE. Paleoceanography, 27(PA3226), 1-13. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ballu Valerie, Bouin Marie-Noelle, Simeoni Patricia, Crawford Wayne C., Calmant Stephane, Bore Jean-Michel, Kanas Tony, Pelletier Bernard (2011). Comparing the role of absolute sea-level rise and vertical tectonic motions in coastal flooding, Torres Islands (Vanuatu). Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 108(32), 13019-13022. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ballu Valerie, Bouin Marie-Noelle, Calmant Stephane, Folcher Eric, Bore Jean-Michel, Ammann Jerome, Pot Olivier, Diament Michel, Pelletier Bernard (2010). Absolute seafloor vertical positioning using combined pressure gauge and kinematic GPS data. Journal Of Geodesy, 84(1), 65-77.

Bouin Marie-Noelle, Ballu Valerie, Calmant Stephane, Bore Jean-Michel, Folcher Eric, Ammann Jerome (2009). A kinematic GPS methodology for sea surface mapping, Vanuatu. Journal Of Geodesy, 83(12), 1203-1217.

Bouin Marie-Noelle, Ballu Valerie, Calmant Stephane, Pelletier Bernard (2009). Improving resolution and accuracy of mean sea surface from kinematic GPS, Vanuatu subduction zone. Journal Of Geodesy, 83(11), 1017-1030.